The biggest jackpot to date. The biggest winnings in the world

Believe me, there are such huge winnings in the lottery that the numbers just don’t fit in your mind. Another question is whether the data on winnings is true, whether fake persons received them, whether they received them at all, etc.

Such stories are needed, at a minimum, so that people continue to buy lottery tickets, feeding the founders of the business.

Today we will talk about the biggest lottery winnings.

Just recently I heard on TV that a Russian family (mother and adult daughter) won 500 million rubles in the lottery, they were photographed for the media, smiling (we are talking about the November 2017 win, Voronezh). And evil commentators echoed - “they are stupid, they will be found and robbed, it’s obvious that they are from the village,” “the ex-husband will now find out about the situation that has befallen his head and will supposedly come to restore the family, new relatives will appear.”

But I had other thoughts: “well, a person can’t win 500 million rubles in our country... and he can’t win abroad either... especially a billion dollars. And if anyone got such a prize, then they were probably “dummy people,” but they look too simple to be dummies.”

Do you believe that a person on the street who buys a random lottery ticket can win huge sums of money, hit the jackpot, as they say?

We see many stories on TV where mere mortals have won lotteries; neighbors give interviews, confirming that these same “Petya and Vasya, Masha and Sasha” from the first floor, always unemployed and cheerful, won a couple of million rubles. And no one expected it, but it got lucky. Usually no one tells us, the viewers, where the newly-made millionaires spent their money, or they provide meager information... However, few details are known about several families, especially those that squandered great wealth into nowhere. For example, about the family of Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova.

But this is all on the screen, but have you personally had examples when your neighbors “hit the Jackpot”?? I have no. Except that I myself have won several thousand rubles in competitions a couple of times, but this is not a lottery. Among my friends, including those who actively buy lottery tickets, there is not a single one who has won. I don’t know whether it’s true or fiction that it’s possible to win, but a person, especially a Russian, will always hope for chance and luck more than anything else.

Let's talk about the largest lottery winnings among Russians.

Yuri Ivanov from Tolyatti won about 1 million rubles. As the hero says, he has been buying tickets regularly for 23 years, and he dreamed of the winning ticket numbers in a dream. Well, this story is quite capable of cheering up those who have spent several salaries on lottery tickets and half their lives waiting for a prize - wait, perhaps there is still more to come!

A resident of the village of Vargashi, Kurgan region, won 1 million rubles, and became the luckiest villager who hit the jackpot in lotteries, because before that, residents of the outback had not received more than 200 thousand rubles.

Alexander Osterenko from the Samara region won 2.5 million rubles in 2011.

A Russian Railways passenger once won 11 million rubles on a passenger ticket, they searched for him for two weeks. Yes, according to the media, this is possible - winning a multimillion-dollar sum just by buying a Russian Railways ticket. A little later, another lucky person from Russian Railways won 8 million rubles.

On December 30, 2001, Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova, with her husband and children, won 29 million rubles in the Bingo Show. At the same time, as sources say, the spouses bought two apartments and two cars with the winnings, but they spent a lot of money on booze and slot machines. The cars broke down after accidents, the apartment burned down in a fire, the wife died a few years later from a trophic ulcer, and the husband lives unsociable in the second apartment with his sons.

In 2009, Moscow resident Evgeny Sidorov won 35 million rubles in the Gosloto lottery. The man spent his winnings very wisely: he left with his family for his homeland, in the Lipetsk region, and organized his own farm and production for breeding carp.

100 million rubles went to Albert Begrakyan from St. Petersburg in 2009 (“Gosloto 6 out of 45”), Of these, the lucky one built a hotel for 16.5 million rubles, bought real estate, a car, and helped his relatives.

In 2015, a resident of Kaliningrad won 126.9 million rubles in the mobile phone lottery.

In 2014 (“Gosloto 6 out of 45”) Omsk resident Valery T won 184 million rubles. His lottery bet was 810 rubles.

In the same 2014, a certain Mikhail from N. Novgorod won 200 million rubles.

In 2016, a resident of Novosibirsk hit the jackpot in the Gosloto lottery with as much as 358 million rubles, The lucky guy kept his name secret.

At the end of autumn 2017, a pensioner from Voronezh won 506 million rubles in the Stoloto lottery(although earlier they said it was a man). And this is the biggest lottery win in Russia. People comment on this event in different ways, and that now the grandmother will have to hide, otherwise, out of stupidity, she appeared on TV, that they will be persecuted, and others write:

“Don’t worry, no one will hide anywhere, because there was no woman from Voronezh who won 500 million rubles. This lottery is promoting itself so that fools1 buy tickets more actively. Do you really think that an ordinary person can win 500 million rubles?”

“They found a grandmother from a remote Siberian village, gave her 50 thousand or whatever she needed, called her by a different name and now, buy our tickets to NG, what kind of PR we did for ourselves throughout the country, how sales will increase2.

“Yes, there is no 500 million. And this grandmother was paid 20 thousand. For this number on TV. Now she sits in the village of Glukharevo and no one will find her....”

There were several well-known cases when large winnings (26 million rubles) were not given to Russians; for example, one person has been trying to get his winnings handed over for several years to no avail.

And now about the biggest lottery winnings in the world.

In 2000, the American received $363 million.

In 2002, a West Virginian ripped off D jackpot of $314.9 million.

Colombian Juan Rodriguez, who worked as a watchman, won $149 million in 2004.

In 2004, a US citizen won $209 million.

In 2005, the American won $340 million.

In 2006, the American won $230 million.

In 2006, again in America, the winnings were $365 million.

In 2008, an 84-year-old Missouri retiree won $254 million.

In 2007, Mega Millions gave away $390 million.

In 2013, three US residents won $488 million, the prize was divided among three.

In 2014, a California retiree hit a $425 million jackpot.

In 2012, two US residents won $587 million each, the prize was divided in half.

A Florda resident won $590 million in 2013. At that time, such a jackpot became a record.

In 2012, Mega Millions gave away as much as $640 million!! The prize was shared by two lucky winners.

Well, now this is an unrealistic amount!! And to be honest, I don’t believe that it went to ordinary people.

In 2016, the world's largest winnings occurred in the Powerball lottery - $1 billion 586 million, which went to three lucky ones, half a billion dollars each.

So far the records for the world and for Russia are as follows: in Russia the biggest win was 500 million, in the world 1.5 billion dollars for three.

In Russia, only 1% of the population plays lotteries, while for example in France, the USA, 65-70% of the population plays.

Is it true. That's how long I don't go to the post office - half the line is buying lottery tickets. I can’t imagine how things are going in France then, if there are 70 times more lottery fans there than here.

One of the problems with quick wins is that they are ephemeral. Gifts of fate, “freebies” disappear as quickly as they appear. And the millions that have fallen on our heads sometimes bring more troubles than joy. For example, a person who did not know the value of earning money does not know how to behave with it, he begins to spend everything chaotically or is afraid of it. Families break up, people become greedy and evil. But, of course, there are good examples. When people used their winnings in a profitable business, but for this it was necessary that the person initially had business experience and knew how to earn money. And everyone who lived by drinking and partying - they spent it all on them...

« A person has a material threshold: the amount of money that he is used to managing. It is installed subconsciously. As a rule, income increases gradually: the salary is increased - the psyche has adapted to the increase. And when a huge sum falls from the sky, it is too much work for the body. A person simply does not know how to manage that kind of money. Doesn't know what to do with them. It becomes a burden rather than a happiness.

Plus, distant relatives and old acquaintances begin to show up. This is additional stress. And here mechanisms that are not subject to consciousness come into play. You're just trying your best to get rid of money. That is why such winnings often simply go down the drain. Or even worse - they get drunk very quickly. This makes it easier. It is almost impossible to cope with such stress on your own. It’s better to seek help from professional psychologists.”

Of course, I would like to say - someone is lucky, I wish it were like that, at least a couple of million just like that!!! But as the sage said, it is better to teach a person to fish than to give it to him... Those who do not know how to fish will eat and be hungry again, and those who know how to catch will always be full.

An excerpt of dialogue from an old Soviet film, when a Sportloto ticket cost 60 kopecks and the maximum win was 20 thousand rubles:

“Win or win, what difference does it make? Not in this case! And the fact is that for 60 kopecks I have hope of winning 10 or 20 thousand rubles!!!”

Many popular lotteries in our country, when compared with foreign analogues, have a number of disadvantages, the main one of which is a relatively small jackpot. This is because it takes time to accumulate a huge amount.

In addition, economic development and global market performance are directly dependent on the amount of lottery jackpots. Russians and Americans think completely differently when buying a lottery ticket. And if for a foreign player the lottery is a small investment, and winnings are a pleasant cash surprise, then for our citizens, purchasing a coveted ticket is a chance to change their life, change or quit their job after a big win.

EuroMillions ticket price $7.1.

EuroJackpot ticket price is $5.65.

The price of a ticket for the American lottery MegaMillions is $2.5.


Superlotto plus

New Jersey Pick-6

Advantages of foreign lotteries

Foreign lotteries are extremely popular, and all because their draws are held openly, the results are not falsified, and no one can even think that the results can be bought.

However, this does not mean at all that domestic lotteries are a complete lie and deception of players. It’s just that in foreign games there is not the slightest reason to think that this could happen. Moreover, this will contradict all moral and ethical criteria. And if such an incident occurred even in a small town, then the media and the public would not ignore such an incident. Therefore, organizers and representatives are forced to monitor compliance with all rules and the fairness of the draw.

Lottery organizers regularly pay taxes and comply with all prescribed laws, and citizens trust fair lotteries and the state. Special attention is paid to the fact that foreign lotteries strictly keep the names of the winners secret, and this, of course, is an indisputable advantage.

Some refuse to advertise their victory because they do not want to attract envious glances. Sometimes lottery organizers even offer winners to take a short psychological course that will teach them how to properly respond to people’s reactions and accept the situation.

Another important advantage that distinguishes world lotteries is currency. This is not surprising, since well-known lotteries must be backed by a stable currency that leads the world market. And it doesn’t matter in what currency the winner wants to receive his prize: dollars, euros, yen, pounds. This directly proves that the jackpot is not afraid of defaults and inflation, and players will not lose their funds. When participating in foreign lotteries, you can always count on a reliable win with a stable currency.

And probably the most important advantage is the size of the jackpot. Multi-million dollar currency prizes are always on the lookout for their winners. There is not a single lottery, neither in Russia, nor in Ukraine, nor in neighboring countries, that had at least half the amount in the prize fund, as in American or European lotteries. And it is unlikely that this will ever happen. Thus, in order to win a huge fortune, you need to take part in foreign lotteries.

It is worth noting one important point, which is that to participate in lotteries held in Europe, America and other countries, the main criterion is age; it should not be less than 18 years old.

Otherwise, anyone can take part in the exciting action, without breaking the law and getting a chance at a huge super prize that can change their whole life.

Many people love lotteries and play them regularly. The ability to invest a small amount and then hope to get a larger one is a great way to tickle your nerves without the slightest risk. In addition, it is always interesting to try your luck, to determine how much fortune favors you.

It is not surprising that lotteries exist in one form or another in almost all countries. In America, for example, they have even become a national pastime. They appeared in our country relatively recently, under Peter the Great, who brought them along with tobacco, shipbuilding and other useful things.

Since then, there have been not just a lot of them, but a lot of them, but everyone is interested in what is the most winning lottery in Russia. After all, by participating in something like this, you can hope that luck will be more likely.

But don’t forget that a lottery is a lottery, which means that just because one person is lucky doesn’t mean that you will be lucky too. But at least for fun, you can see where people win most often, exactly how much they win, and most importantly, how they then manage it.

The biggest winnings were noted in Gosloto. And in this case, the main thing is not only quality, but also quantity: quite a lot of people hit the jackpot here. Here are the most impressive examples:

  1. 100 million rubles is the largest lottery win in Russian history. Albert Begrakyan, resident of St. Petersburg, 2009. He played the lottery quite often, he was mentally prepared to win, so he managed to use it correctly: he invested a third in the construction of a hotel, bought several apartments: for himself, his sister and two as an investment, cars for himself and his parents, and spent some on charity and travel in Europe. In general, he used his money wisely.
  2. 35 million rubles. Evgeny Sviridov, resident of a Moscow suburb. The resulting winnings were almost completely invested in the improvement of his native village: he built a road, a water supply system and was going to organize a livestock farm that would create new jobs for the village residents. A good investment of money: promising, reasonable and socially useful.
  3. 4.5 million rubles. A married couple, Oleg and Natalya from Samara. They play lotto regularly, and apparently immediately knew what to spend the money on. The entire amount was donated to a charity fund for the construction of a church in his native land.

Different amounts of winnings, different winners, different ways of investing them. But all three winners with the largest jackpots managed to manage them wisely and calmly. But not everyone does this.


This lottery is also often marked by winnings, which can vary from symbolic amounts that only partially cover the cost of the ticket, to quite impressive amounts.

And here is the most striking example - more than 29 million rubles. Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova, an unemployed resident of Ufa, received a very large win, but her family was unable to properly manage it. The luxury apartment we bought burned down, two cars were destroyed in serious accidents, the children abandoned their studies, guests and relatives frequented the apartment, attracted by free drinks and snacks. The darling of fortune herself died a few years after the win - her middle-aged body could not stand it.

Fortunately, the other lottery winners didn't win as much money, meaning they didn't take as big of a hit. But still, this allowed Bingo to get into the most winning lotteries.

Russian lotto

This company has one of the largest prize pools, which ensures its place in this ranking. And although no one here received a sum of one hundred million rubles, many of the winnings can also be quite impressive. For example, 29.5 million, which, as fate would have it, went to an unknown resident of the Yaroslavl region. Unfortunately, apart from this information, nothing more is known about the lucky winner; it is difficult to say what this money was used for. Let's hope that he was able to find useful and worthy use for them.

Lottery company Russian Railways

This specific lottery can also be quite profitable, with a certain amount of luck, of course. Its big advantage is that you don't need to do anything special. You simply buy your train ticket, along with a lottery sticker, and cross your fingers.

Apparently, an unknown businessman from Stavropol crossed them in some particularly cunning way, since he managed to win 11.5 million rubles. True, the reward searched for the hero for more than two weeks, but eventually found him. Their further fate is unknown.

Another win in this lottery was also not bad - 8 million went to a pensioner in the Kemerovo region. The search for her took even longer - two months. The woman did not say how she would spend the unexpected joy.

Now you know which lotteries are the most winning. Of course, if you buy a ticket from one of them, this does not guarantee you a win. But, on the other hand, if you don’t buy it, then there will definitely be no chance of winning. Therefore, you should not be like the Jews from the famous joke: give fate a chance. But what if?..

Most people dream of getting rich. They want to get a large fortune just like that, without spending much effort. And for some people, these dreams come true - they win big in the lottery. There are few such people, but their winnings are often amazing. Now you can try your luck in international and foreign lotteries by purchasing a lotto ticket online. The largest the lottery can have a “crazy” prize fund, and the amounts won amount to hundreds of millions of dollars. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our rating top 5 "biggest lotteries in the world."

5th place - Transnational lottery "Eurojackpot" - Total prize fund - 90 million €, largest win - 90 million €

Eurojackpot is the most dynamically developing and young game in Europe. The lottery was founded in 2012, it instantly became transnational, where the main players were players from Europe.

Over a dozen EU countries participate in the Eurojackpot lottery, including

  • Denmark,
  • Finland,
  • Estonia,
  • Hungary,
  • Germany,
  • Italy,
  • Iceland
  • Lithuania,
  • Latvia,
  • Spain,
  • Sweden,
  • Slovenia,
  • Norway,
  • Netherlands,
  • Croatia
  • and the Czech Republic.

There are a total of twelve prize levels in the lottery.

The minimum jackpot is €10 million, and its maximum growth can reach up to €90 million.

Compared to other games, EuroJackpot is designed in such a way that the main prize finds its winner much more often. As a result, the lottery jackpot does not accumulate to the same level as EuroMillions, because it is won more often. The largest Eurojackpot jackpot was won on May 15, 2015, with the winner from the Czech Republic receiving €90 million. In September 2014, the winner from Finland managed to win €61,170,752.

4th place - Lottery in Italy “SuperEnaloto” - Total prize fund - 177.8 million €, largest win - 177.8 million €

SuperEnaloto is the main national lottery in Italy. The game has been around since December 1997. Draws are held on Saturdays, Thursdays and Tuesdays at 20:00, and the jackpots of this lottery are among the largest in the world. SuperEnalotto also holds the record for the longest period of growth in the prize pool, it lasted 8 months.

The SuperEnalotto prize pool can easily increase to infinity

during an unlimited number of draws, allowing it to accumulate huge sums and players to win millions of euros. The game is also very attractive for players, because winnings are not taxed, and winners have the right to claim their winnings in annual payments or in a lump sum.

At one of the Venice festivals, SuperEnaloto tickets were purchased by Madonna and George Clooney, the former even won 120 thousand €. And the largest lottery jackpot in October 2010 reached 177.8 million €, which is equal to 247 million dollars. It became the second largest jackpot in Europe.

3rd place - Transnational lottery "EuroMillions" - Total prize fund - 190 million €, largest win - 190 million €

The EuroMillions game was launched in 2004. She quickly gained popularity. Today it is biggest game in Europe. The large jackpot prize fund, which is growing due to the transfer of the prize fund, as well as the simplicity of the game, made it possible to expand the number of participating countries to nine from 3 in 2004. EuroMillions was originally held in Spain, the UK and France, and has now been joined by Austria, Ireland, Andorra, Belgium, Monaco, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Portugal.

Winning EuroMillions could buy you everything - a piece of diamond-studded jewelry.

The minimum lottery jackpot is €15 million, but quite often it increases to over €100 million. EuroMillions has 13 prize categories, which allows players to count on a higher probability of receiving a prize. The biggest prize won so far is the €190 million jackpot. It has been won twice: in 2014 in Portugal and in 2012 in the UK. Colin and Chris Weir won €185 million in the UK in 2011.

2nd place - Lottery in the USA "Powerball" - Total prize fund - $600 million, largest win - $600 million

The American game Powerball is the strongest and main competitor to Mega Millions. The Powerball game was founded in 1988 and today it is the most important player in this market. The initial Powerball jackpot is $40 million. It has one of the largest jackpots in the world.

This amount has reached more than $500 million several times.

The lottery has a “Power play” function for an additional fee, which allows you to increase your winnings several times if you win. Tickets can be purchased in 45 US states, while Powerball can be played by players from all over the world through a special service. Powerball drawing, as well as the presentation of prizes to lottery participants in nine prize categories, is carried out in Florida every Saturday and Wednesday at 23:00.

In May 2013, the Powerball game held a $600 million drawing, which became the second-largest jackpot on record. Its sole owner was an 84-year-old retiree living in Florida.

1st place - US Lottery "Mega Millions" - Total prize fund - $1.5 billion, largest winnings - $656 million

Mega Millions is one of the largest lotteries in the United States, founded in 1996. Today, the number of departments and states in which tickets are distributed is 45, giving Mega Millions almost universal coverage in the United States. The initial jackpots for this lottery are $15 million.

They even reached one and a half billion dollars several times.

The final win in this game, thanks to the presence of an additional win multiplier called Megaplier, can be increased up to five times.

Mega Millions players are offered to win in nine different categories, with drawings taking place every week on Fridays and Tuesdays at 11:00 p.m. This game has gone down in history forever, changing the idea of ​​jackpots, because in March 2012 the amount of the main winnings reached $656 million. This jackpot became the largest in the history of lotteries!

Video: How winning the lottery can change your life