Who did Rodriguez ride with in the Ice Age? Rodriguez and Denkova will no longer skate

Over the seven years of the existence of the Ice Age show, we have witnessed serious passions not only on the ice, but also in life. Almost every season was accompanied by love stories - both obvious and secret. This is understandable, because figure skating is a rather erotic sport...

Fatal Tanya
* Tatyana Navka - Marat Basharov
The “fashion” for novels on the project was introduced by Marat Basharov and Olympic champion Tatyana Navka - they, as they say, “let the genie of love out of the bottle.”

At the time of filming “Ice Age” in 2007, both were legally married: the actor had a wife, Lisa Krutsko, the casting director of Nikita Mikhalkov’s film studio, and the figure skater had a husband, coach Alexander Zhulin. However, this did not stop Marat and Tatyana. By the end of the project they began to live together. True, the relationship did not last long. What caused the couple's separation is unknown.

Then another participant in the project, Alexey Vorobyov, could not resist the charms of Tatyana Navka. After “Ice” 2010, the couple united and began to live together. But something didn’t work out here either, the young singer abandoned the figure skater.

Last year they talked about her affair with her project partner Artem Mikhalkov. In any case, it was during that period that the artist divorced his wife... But Navka’s heart truly calmed down only this year: in the summer she gave birth to her second daughter, and recently, according to rumors, she officially married her father, the president’s press secretary Russia Dmitry Peskov (“freshly divorced” from his legal wife).

Love triangle
Oksana Domnina - Vladimir Yaglych
Last year, a high-profile romance on ice happened between Oksana Domnina and her show partner, artist Vladimir Yaglych. The piquancy of the situation was that Oksana lived in a civil marriage with figure skater Roman Kostomarov, the couple raised a common daughter.

Oksana: “Volodya and I first met on the set and there, on the ice, we liked each other. Naturally, daily and nightly training brought us very close...” The couple began to live together literally right away, Vladimir proudly said that this romance was serious and for a long time - they plan to get married and have at least three children. But Oksana, apparently, had a different opinion: a year later she returned to her common-law husband Roman Kostomarov, and soon they got married.

Passion at first sight
Anastasia Zavorotnyuk - Petr Chernyshov
The actress and host of the show “Ice Age” Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and figure skater Pyotr Chernyshov had the notorious “love at first sight” - they met their eyes and realized that they were lost! Chernyshev skated with singer Yulia Kovalchuk that season, and Anastasia was the host of the project.

There were all kinds of rumors about Chernyshev among his colleagues! And that he is a womanizer, and that his girls don’t stay for more than one night. Zavorotnyuk also had a trail of romances behind her, one of the loudest being her relationship with Sergei Zhigunov. But you can’t control your feelings... Already during the project, the couple began an affair, and a year later they got married. And they are still happy together, which is very rare!

Everything secret becomes clear
Margarita Drobyazko — Alexander Dyachenko
In the first “Ice Age,” actor Alexander Dyachenko, star of the TV series “A Stranger” and the action movie “Brother-2,” and figure skater Margarita Drobyazko took 3rd place. There were rumors on the sidelines that it was not only their skill, but also their flared feelings that helped the couple advance so high. Margarita and Alexander were often seen together outside the skating rink. There seemed to be no official confirmation of the affair, but nevertheless, the relationship between Margarita and her common-law husband, figure skater Povilas Vanagas, began to crack - they separated for several months at that moment.

Now, fortunately, the beautiful couple Drobyazko and Vanagas are together again.

Balm for the soul
Irina Lobacheva - Dmitry Maryanov
In “Ice Age” 2007, Irina Lobacheva was going through a divorce from Ilya Averbukh, and her meeting with actor Dmitry Maryanov, her partner in the show, served as a “balm” for the figure skater’s broken heart. Ironically, the pair Lobachev and Maryanov were coached by Averbukh on the project. Irina was like a tense string - even the audience felt it. Dmitry delicately tried to avoid difficult moments.

For a long time, Irina and Dmitry were simply friends, and then their feelings grew into love. Maryanov found a common language with Irina’s son, and he, in turn, became friends with Maryanov’s son. “My personal life has improved. I responded to the feelings of a very good and worthy person, relaxed and finally allowed myself to be happy...” Irina said in an interview then. Unfortunately, after a short time the couple separated.

Sasha plus Lesha
Alexey Yagudin — Alexandra Savelyeva
The romance between Sasha Savelyeva and Alexei Yagudin in 2010 became one of the brightest love stories in the history of ice shows! Once after the performance, Alexey handed Sasha a bouquet with a love note in it. This was followed by a kiss on ice, a huge plush toy with balls at Sasha’s house and a stormy SMS correspondence.

Instantly the couple united under one roof. They were even awarded the Marriage Gossip of the Year Award! And when no one doubted the happy future of Yagudin and Savelyeva, they... broke up.

Soon Yagudin began to live in a civil marriage with figure skater Tatyana Totmyanina, now they are raising their daughter Lisa together, and Alexandra Savelyeva married actor Kirill Safonov.

Ksenia's nightmare
Egor Beroev — Ekaterina Gordeeva
The married couple Egor Beroev and Ksenia Alferova went through the ordeal of an office romance. Both participated in the project: Egor danced with figure skater Ekaterina Gordeeva, Ksenia with Povilas Vanagas. Egor and Katya had a serious romance. Allegedly, the couple was regularly seen outside the skating rink: in one of the Moscow hotels they not only regularly dined, but also retired to one of the rooms... They say that after learning about her husband’s affair with the Olympic champion, Alferova wanted to refuse to participate in the show, but she was persuaded to stay .

As a result, Ksenia still managed to return her husband to the family. She regularly consulted a psychologist, whom she asked how to get your husband back. Since then, she remembers the skating rink and that slippery period of her life as a bad dream.

Chronicle of scandals
* Throughout the entire show, Tatyana Navka was in a special position - she allowed herself liberties that other athletes could not even imagine. As the favorite of the project, the athlete repeatedly got into trouble with costumers and make-up artists. All her antics were tolerated. But when it came to the coach, the skater didn’t fare well.

When Navka was once late for the filming of the final New Year’s concert of “Ice Age” 2008, her coach Ilya Averbukh angrily excluded her performance from the holiday program.

* In 2008, in one of the episodes of the project, viewers were surprised to discover that Alexander Anatolyevich had left the project, and figure skater Tatyana Totmyanina had a new partner - TV presenter Leonid Zakoshansky.

Totmyanina stated that she could not come to an agreement with her previous partner - he allegedly refused to carry out her ice tasks. And Alexander Anatolyevich said that he and Tatyana had many conflicts, after which joint creativity became impossible.

* In 2009 - at that time the host of the project - Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, having learned that her former lover Sergei Zhigunov was preparing an act for the Gala show together with Anna Semenovich, threw a real hysteria and gave the show's producers an ultimatum: either she or he. The organizers decided not to argue with Nastya and sacrificed Zhigunov.

* In 2009, the coach of the Russian national figure skating team, Tatyana Tarasova, and TV presenter Yuri Nikolaev did not agree on the performance of the show participants. During the filming of one of the episodes, Tarasova expressed indignation when Yuri Nikolaev, who was invited to the jury, gave a 5.9 for the performance of the couple Alena Babenko - Alexey Tikhonov. “God is your judge,” she addressed the audience and Yuri Nikolaev. - This is terribly unfair. I can't influence your grades. It’s better for me to leave the project and let such people judge.”

Tarasova actually got up and headed for the exit, but she was persuaded to remain on the judges' presidium.

* In 2009, actor Marat Basharov, a participant in the project, got drunk with friends and did not come to the final shooting of the project, citing pain in his leg. His partner Tatyana Navka was eliminated from the fight for first place and was terribly upset. Ilya Averbukh did not comment on the unpleasant situation.

* In 2009, ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, a participant in the project, caused a loud scandal: while performing the program, the Volochkova-Sikharulidze couple was unable to perform a complex lift. The jury gave very low scores, and the couple found themselves as outsiders. Later, the ballerina burst into tears in front of the cameras. “Am I really skating worse than Galustyan? I guess I better get off the ice!” It was with difficulty that she was persuaded to return to the project.

One of the most serious injuries on the projects was the injury of Oksana Domnina in 2013. Partner Vladimir Yaglych could not hold Oksana, and she fell from his shoulders with her head onto the ice. The blow was so strong that the audience gasped and froze... Luckily, Oksana quickly got up and even began skating further, and only after finishing the routine did she allow the doctors to examine her. The athlete was taken to the Pirogov hospital and received stitches. In the end, the couple won!

“Ice Age” is a real business conveyor belt, the work of which Averbukh thought through to the smallest detail. The rules of the TV show are specially designed so that each of the participants can be replaced at any time. While one touring crew travels around the country and neighboring countries, another earns points in front of television cameras. Then the lineups change, so no one is offended. The only one who literally has to split into two during this hot period is Ilya Averbukh himself. But he is not offended either. The former athlete's annual income, according to Forbes, is $2.3 million! This is almost twice the earnings of his closest competitor, Evgeni Plushenko.

* At the show, only skaters receive fees. And all non-professionals do this, according to Ilya Averbukh, “out of respect for the project” and because “they are simply interested in skating.”

* Season 2009 was the most glamorous on Russian TV! The costumes were made by Pierre Cardin's student Vladimir Vicu, who constantly consulted with his mentor in the process of preparing the outfits. The only person on the project who did not use the services of this designer was Anastasia Volochkova - the ballerina said that she trusted only her personal fashion designer.

The concept of the Ice Age show is simple: theater, film, television, sports, and pop stars skate in pairs with professional skaters, learning the basics of ice dancing. The project jury evaluates the submitted programs weekly using the “old judging system” with marks for “technique” and “artistry”. The two couples that score the fewest points are included in the “nomination”. Throughout the week, viewers vote for nominated couples by phone and SMS. The couple with the least number of audience votes leaves the project.

Timur Mikailovich Kerimov (Timur Rodriguez) is a popular Russian artist, actor and singer, a well-known participant in the television projects “Comedy Club”, KVN, “ShowaStgown”, “One to One” and “Southern Butovo”. He also became famous as the host of the shows “Dancing Without Rules”, “Crocodile”, “Crazy Geographic” and “Sexy Chart”.

The showman was born in October 1979 in the Russian city of Penza in the creative family of Azerbaijani Mikail Kerimov and Zlata Levina. The artist’s mother is Jewish. The boy's father was an actor and founder of a puppet theater, and his mother was a foreign language teacher.

Since childhood, the future Russian pop star had a passion for the stage. The boy had little interest in school sciences, especially exact sciences. He constantly skipped school, running to the theater, where he showed his talent in sketches and performances. In addition, Timur attended seven developmental clubs, including a sports section in athletics, dancing, choir and even knitting. The boy's day was planned by the hour.

After graduating from local high school No. 67, Rodriguez entered the Pedagogical University in his hometown, where he received a higher education as a teacher of French and English. During his student years, he met his future stage partner, who studied with him at the same university. The young men played in the KVN team “Valeon Dasson”, which they created at the university.

In his free time from studying and playing in KVN, Timur Rodriguez worked as a singer in local nightclubs, performing repertoire and.


The future celebrity’s television career began with the “Become a VJ” competition on the MTV Russia channel, in which Timur won and won a prestigious award. After the first triumph, the young man became the host of Muz-TV in two projects - the TV show “WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP” and “In-kind Exchange”.

At the same time, Timur Rodriguez developed his vocal talent. He participated in the popular “New Wave” competition in Jurmala, in which, together with Katya Shemyakina, he composed the duet “Mickey and Zlata”.

The creative biography of Timur Rodriguez developed rapidly. The artist not only worked for Muz-TV, he worked as a DJ for the popular radio station “Hit FM”, as a music editor for the TV channel “REN-TV”, and as a presenter for the television projects “Frenzy Geographic”, “Suitcase of Stories”, “Infomania” and “Dancing Without Rules” .

Timur Rodriguez at the Comedy Club

The comedy show “Comedy Club” brought the greatest popularity to the showman. Timur Rodriguez captivated television viewers with original and incomparable musical performances, into which he invested energy, humor and enthusiasm. For the current young generation, this bright showman is a real “Wikipedia” of progressive thoughts. The artist has a unique ability to “present” smart thoughts in popular youth language.

In 2008, the TV presenter participated in the show “Ice Age”, and also won 1 million rubles in the intellectual show “Intuition”.

In 2013, in the top-rated TV show “One to One”, Timur Rodriguez won victories in several episodes of the project. He became the third winner of the final of the competition, gaining about 150 thousand spectator votes. The artist considers participation in the competition to be a very important period in his life, since as part of the project he received enormous lessons and the necessary experience in the musical and theatrical field.

Fans of the show “One to One” highly appreciated the performance of Timur Rodriguez, who brilliantly transformed into, singing the song “Do you want?” in her voice. Another successful number is her transformation into a singer.

In the fall of 2015, the artist was entrusted with hosting the TV show “Wild Games” on the STS channel.

In December 2016, Timur Rodriguez appeared in the program “Where is the logic?” . Paired with him, he fought with popular show business stars and actors from the series and.

Timur made his debut as a singer on the big stage in 2010. The vocalist’s first songs were “Sick of You” and “About You.” In addition to solo compositions, Timur Rodriguez and a duet recorded the hit “Hobbies”.

Timur Rodriguez's videos are always included in the rotation of popular Russian music TV channels. In addition, the singer practices shooting videos in explicit and obscene formats, which become hits on the Internet.

In 2013, Timur’s vocal creativity was appreciated outside of Russia. The singer gained international fame with the single “Welcome To The Night”, which was recognized as the best foreign hit on the Latvian music television channel OE.

Another composition by Timur in English that is popular is “Out in space.”

The talented and hardworking performer releases several new hits every year. In 2015, the video “Fragments of Memory” was released with the participation of the popular actress. The video work was presented in black and white. The plot of the clip is based on the young man’s memories of the most vivid moments of his life with his ex-lover.

In the same year, Timur Rodriguez became the first pop artist to receive the right to hold a show concert within the historical walls of the famous Maria Yermolova Theater. The artist's concert was sold out. Among the large crowd of guests one could recognize the head of the theater and a Russian cinema star.

As part of this concert, the showman presented his first directorial work - a short film called “New World”. The main roles in it were played by and.

Timur is also connected with Kostya by his work in the charity play “Mowgli”, the proceeds from which went to the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation. Then Timur Rodriguez, together with Alexander Igudin, shot a video for the song “Stop”.

The showman's acting career is quite bright. Timur Rodriguez has talentedly performed many successful roles in Russian films and theatrical productions.

The actor constantly works at the theater named after. The young man's theatrical performance can be seen in several productions. “The Groom from the Other World” and “The Servant of Two Masters” are considered especially striking projects by Rodriguez.

Timur Rodriguez in the play "The Groom from the Other World"

Timur Rodriguez also made his mark in Russian cinema. The actor played prominent roles in many popular feature films and TV series. He appeared in the films “The Golden Mother-in-Law”, “Office Romance. Our Time", "Spare Instinct", "Muscovites", "Little Red Riding Hood", "The New Adventures of Aladdin".

He also works as a voice artist. The voice of Timur Rodriguez can be heard in the animated films “Move Your Flippers!”, “Union of Animals”, “Gnomeo and Juliet”, “Keepers of Dreams” and “Turbo”.

Personal life

Showman Timur Rodriguez, whose personal life was no less successful than his career, is married to businesswoman Anna Devochkina. He met his future wife in a nightclub in the capital. At that time, Rodriguez had already become popular in society and believed that he was able to make every representative of the opposite sex happy with his attention.

The TV presenter’s burning interest was aroused by the girl’s genuine indifference to the man’s star persona. It turned out that Anna had never watched the Comedy Club show and was not a “fan” of Timur. This fact intrigued the young man. Rodriguez soon realized that he was truly in love.

For almost a year, Timur Rodriguez courted his chosen one. But he dared to open only in 2007. He made an original marriage proposal to his beloved on the top of Mount Etna.

Soon Rodriguez and Devochkina had a modest wedding and are still happily married to this day. Timur's wife gave her husband two sons. The first-born Miguel was born in 2009, and the second son Daniel appeared in 2012.

Timur Rodriguez and Anna Devochkina love their children madly and do not exclude the possibility that they will soon give their sons a little sister. But so far this has not happened.

Timur’s life and work are watched by an army of fans on the social network “ Instagram" Mostly, the artist shares work photos with subscribers, but sometimes he makes an exception. So, in February 2018, he showed his followers. In the caption to the frame, Rodriguez said that he was left alone with the children while his wife left, and until his beloved returns, he needs to keep the house intact.

The showman often faces criticism on social networks. Timur is attacked with accusations that after “Comedy” he went into music and imagined himself as a singer. The artist always responds harshly to commentators and refutes rumors that he performs to a soundtrack at concerts.

Another question that interests the musician’s fans is how tall the artist was and how much he weighed. It is known for sure that the showman’s weight is 65 kg. But with the second parameter there is a mystery. Timur himself mentioned that his height is 172 cm, but Internet users suggest that in fact Rodriguez’s “height” is no more than 165 cm.

Timur Rodriguez now

In 2017, the singer released three video clips for the compositions “Crazy” and “Behind You”.

On May 24, 2017, a charity performance of the play “People and Birds” by the Galchonok Foundation took place. Timur Rodriguez worked with, and others. This event became an important event in the artist’s work.

In July of the same year, an episode of the show “Money or Shame” was released on the TNT4 channel with the participation of Timur.

In November 2017, Rodriguez became the host of the music competition for children “At the top of his voice”, which started on the MIR TV channel. According to the artist, it is harder for a child to say “no” than for an adult, so it will be difficult for the guys.

In the same month, viewers saw Timur in the 14th episode of the “SOYUZ Studio” program, where Pavel Volya acted as the showman’s opponent. As a result, Rodriguez beat the Comedy resident with a score of 4:2. Shortly before this, together with Volya, Timur participated in the “Improvisation” program.

In March 2018, the musician presented another musical track called “Gone to the Hood.” In May of the same year, the showman became the new host of the television program "". Together with the artist, he went to show Krasnodar to the audience. One of the places Rodriguez visited was the Krasnodar stadium. And although excursions there have not yet begun, an exception was made for the actor and musician.


  • 2004-2008 – “Comedy Club”
  • 2006 – “Golden Mother-in-Law”
  • 2011 – “The New Adventures of Aladdin”
  • 2012 – “Little Red Riding Hood”
  • 2013 – “One to One!”
  • 2013 – “Run before midnight”
  • 2014 – “Moms 3”
  • 2015 – “New World”
  • 2017 – “Money and Shame”
  • 2017 – “Improvisation”
  • 2017 – “Studio SOYUZ”
  • 2017 – “At the top of my voice”
  • 2018 – “Heads and Tails”

Democracy reigns on ice projects. Not only were there no ratings given for the show “Star Ice” the day before, but the nomination for “Ice Age” was also cancelled. Moreover, as many as seven couples received the highest scores - all sixes! But we still lost some participants.

I fell hard during training and suffered a torn meniscus. The guys were preparing a dance to the song Muslim Magomayev “The best city on earth”, and this rehearsal ended for Denkova very sad. “We provided support,” says Albena. - And I fell. I have a torn ligament. The meniscus was damaged and a splint was placed on the leg. This will last for a long time now.” Timur Rodriguez I was terribly upset, because it was his fault. Tatiana Tarasova added fuel to the fire by saying that Albena became a world champion without ever injuring her legs so badly. Herself Denkova she almost cried too - she felt sorry Timur, one of the most prominent participants in the show. Tatyana Anatolyevna added that without the guys the project would become boring, since not a single couple entertained her as much as Rodriguez With Denkova. On the set of the show Albena finally appeared, but was no longer able to perform. The figure skater even walks with great difficulty. She walked along the corridor, limping heavily. But she couldn’t get down the stairs on her own. They carried her out in their arms. Doctors forbade the skater to go on the ice, and also “rejoiced” her that it would take her at least six months to recover from such an injury, reports celebsonice.com.

The actress also distinguished herself on the project Alena Babenko. For the press, she is a strict, closed and unapproachable girl. For those close to her, she is different: smiling and friendly. Particularly friendly Alyona with your partner "Ice Age" Roman Kostomarov. Backstage at the show, they always walk holding hands, whispering something in each other's ears, laughing, beaming. There seems to be nothing suspicious about this, but the other day the paparazzi filmed their long and tender kiss and, according to KP, it did not look like a friendly one. "Who are you? Who gave permission to take photographs? - got into a fight Babenko. A Novel quickly walked into the dressing room. True, he managed to whisper to his friend: “I’ll call you!”, kp.ru reports.

"Glacial period"- a weekly television show broadcast on Channel One. The program was attended by sports, theater, film, pop and television stars.

History of the show Ice Age

Predecessor " Ice Age“On Channel One there was a show “Stars on Ice” (2006) - a licensed product created according to the patterns of the English program of the BBC company.

The show “Ice Age 2” was hosted by actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and actor Marat Basharov.

Hosts of the show Ice Age 3" - figure skater Irina Slutskaya and actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Participants in the show Ice Age - Season 1

Winners of the show Ice Age – Season 1

On December 31, 2007, in the super final of the Ice Age show, the winners of the project were determined:
1st place: Chulpan Khamatova – Roman Kostomarov (coach Averbukh)
2nd place: Tatiana Navka - Willi Haapasalo (coach Zhulin)
3rd place: Alisa Grebenshchikova - Alexey Tikhonov (coach Averbukh), but Alexey gave his bronze medal to Mikhail Galustyan

Participants in the show Ice Age - Season 2

Winners of the show Ice Age – Season 2

1st place: Ekaterina Gordeeva - actor Egor Beroev
2nd place: Tatyana Navka - actor Vadim Kolganov
3rd place: actress Valeria Lanskaya - Alexey Yagudin

The most stylish couple of the show “Ice Age 2”: actress Ksenia Alferova - Povilas Vanagas.

The most romantic couple of the show “Ice Age 2”: actress Tatyana Arntgolts - Maxim Stavisky.

Participants in the show Ice Age - Season 3

Tatyana Navka - actor Marat Basharov / actor Egor Beroev
Anna Semenovich - actor Vadim Kolganov
Margarita Drobyazko - actor Pyotr Krasilov
Elena Berezhnaya - showman Mikhail Galustyan
actress Valeria Lanskaya - Alexey Yagudin
actress Alisa Grebenshchikova - Maxim Stavisky
ballerina Anastasia Volochkova – Maxim Marinin
actress Alena Babenko - Alexey Tikhonov
Anzhelika Krylova - actor Vyacheslav Razbegaev
actress Anna Bolshova – Povilas Vanagas
singer Yulia Kovalchuk – Roman Kostomarov
Albena Denkova – jazzman Igor Butman
actress Ksenia Alferova - Pyotr Chernyshev
Irina Lobacheva - actor Dmitry Maryanov

Winners of the show Ice Age – Season 3

1. Singer Yulia Kovalchuk - Roman Kostomarov
2. Actress Valeria Lanskaya - Alexey Yagudin
3. Actress Alena Babenko - Alexey Tikhonov, actress Anna Bolshova - Povilas Vanagas

Interesting facts about the show Ice Age

Show " glacial period"was parodied twice in the TV show" A big difference».

During childbirth Irina Slutskaya the actress replaced the host of the first season of the show Ice Age Ingeborga Dapkunaite.

In the second season of the Ice Age show, all five jury members became permanent.