Simple exercises for quick weight loss. Which set of exercises is right for you? Working out at home for weight loss

Home sports can be a great alternative to grueling trips to the gym. Visiting a sports complex is a rather expensive undertaking. In addition, you need to devote a sufficient amount of time to this hobby. Self-study, lasting only 20 minutes a day, is more effective than depleting diets or taking medications. Try a simple exercise routine regularly at home for weight loss, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

It is very important to stretch your muscles and joints. Only by preheating will you protect them from sprains and injuries. This process is recommended to be done from top to bottom, starting from the neck and ending with the feet.

After you have warmed up your palms, place them on the cervical-facial area, not forgetting to pay attention to the ears. Next, warm up your shoulders by moving forward and backward in circles. To activate your arms, you need to take a penguin pose, placing them parallel to the floor and making rotational movements with your elbows, and then with clenched hands. Then move on to “revitalizing” your body: turning the body in opposite directions with the lower part motionless, while the head looks forward. Try to do at least 20 repetitions. Next come circular movements of the body with fixed legs, 10 in each direction. To stimulate your feet, you need to move from toe to heel with rolling movements. Then the heel should be torn off the floor and spring up and down on the toes.

Losing weight with gymnastics

A set of simple tasks for whole body at home conditions includes exercises for losing weight on core muscles:

  • butt like a nut. You can start by shaping your buttocks beautifully. Place your lower limbs behind the shoulder line and bend your knees at a right angle. Hold this pose for as long as you can;
  • squats. It is necessary to perform at least 75 times, divided into 3 approaches. The knees should be under the feet;
  • scissors. Lying on your back, stretch your legs vertically to the floor and place your hands under your lower back. Imitating the movements of a cutting tool, cross your lower limbs at least 10 times;
  • jumping. While squatting, jump 20 times to the highest possible height for you;
  • demi-plie. In a standing position, place your feet slightly further than shoulder level, with your toes slightly turned in different directions, and begin to slowly squat at least 20 times. If you find this exercise difficult, break it into 2 sets;
  • slender legs. While on your knees, put your hands forward and squat on each buttock at least 30 times. To maintain balance, tilt your body in the required direction;
  • swing your legs. Lying on your side, bend your lower leg and lift your other limb upward. It is required to make at least 20 swings with each leg;
  • twisting. Take a position lying on your back and bend your knees, while bringing your hands to the back of your head. You need to move your elbow as close as possible to the opposite knee about 20 times;
  • slim stomach. Position your body horizontally to the floor and place your hands under the back of your head. Begin to pull your knees toward your chest while lifting your head and shoulders off the floor. Then return to the starting position and repeat this exercise 40 times;
  • press. Lying on your back, place your arms at your sides, palms down, bend your knees, and alternately place one foot on the knee of the other leg; Rise up by pulling your opposite elbow toward your opposite leg. Then change position. Desired number of repetitions: 12;
  • lower press Lying on your back, stretch your legs at an angle of 45 0 and hold in this position for the maximum time allowed for you. Do 10 approaches;
  • half-bridge While in a horizontal position, bend your knees and place them on the floor, and place your arms along your body. It is necessary to raise the pelvis 30 times;
  • swallow on the floor. Lying on your stomach, at the same time raise your limbs to the maximum height possible for you, while trying to stretch in opposite directions. Perform at least 30 times;
  • healthy back. Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs extended up. Lift your hips and chest off the floor 20 times, as if you were trying to reach the ceiling with them;
  • push ups. Standing in a plank position, lower your knees to the floor and perform push-ups at least 10 times;
  • reverse push-ups. You will need a chair: stand with your back to it, sit on the edge, and place your arms at your sides. Legs should be bent at right angles. From this position, you need to slowly raise your body up 15 times, leaving your elbows motionless;
  • Strong arms. In a standing position, place your hands horizontally to the floor and hold them in this state for as long as possible;

At the end of the complex, you need to stretch. Sitting on the floor, spread your lower limbs as far as possible and begin to slowly stretch your body to the left and right. Then lie down on the floor and try to stretch your limbs in different directions: left hand to right leg and vice versa.

Five-minute fat burner

In just 300 seconds you can bring yourself back to normal, part with burdensome kilograms and prepare your figure for the long-awaited vacation! For weight loss You will need a jump rope, a small towel, a training mat, a good mood and a little diligence.

Let's start with the sequence of exercises:

Do these simple things exercises for Losing weight is recommended in the morning before breakfast. During execution, 10-second breaks are allowed. By following these simple regimens, you can always keep your muscles toned and stay energized throughout the day. The most important condition for achieving a slim figure at home- This is regular training.

There is no getting away from the fact - to lose weight safely and for a long time, you need to eat right and exercise.

Exercise burns calories and builds muscle so you can burn more calories and lose more weight.

Find your workout clothes, choose one of the nine best exercises for weight loss, and get on the path to a healthier, leaner you today.

In this article you will find the most effective exercises for weight loss that actually work and help burn excess fat. But if you expect to see here a complex of simple movements that can be easily performed at home, then you are mistaken.

Immediately watch the video with a set of exercises for losing weight at home.

Effective ways to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat are always physical activity and the greater the intensity of the training, the greater the results can be achieved. Yes, some of what is suggested can be done at home, especially if you have a lot of excess weight and it’s difficult to immediately start intense training. We are talking about exercise, that is, you will need to exercise, and I suggest you exercise in something that will really effectively help you lose weight. Proper nutrition will help you stop storing fat, and exercise will help you burn fat deposits faster.

If you don’t know what to cook for breakfast to lose weight more effectively, then be sure to watch this video:

1. Walking

Walking is a great exercise for weight loss: it doesn't require any equipment other than a decent pair of comfortable shoes, and you don't need a gym membership.

It's a low-impact exercise, which means you won't end up blowing out a knee or suffering an injury that could leave you on the bench for weeks or even months.

For those with health problems, including obesity and heart disease, walking is an effective, low-impact activity that will lead to improved overall health and mental well-being.

Depending on how much you weigh, walking 6 miles in 1 hour will burn 5 to 8 calories every minute, or 225 to 360 calories per 45-minute walk.

At this rate, walking 45 minutes a day almost every day, you can lose half a kilogram per week without changing your habits.

So, grab your walking shoes, turn on your Ipod, and go for an invigorating stroll around the neighborhood.

If you live close to your work and store, make walking your main mode of transport and you will notice how your calories are burned. When the weather is bad, take a walk along a local path or path, or run on a treadmill.

2. Kettlebell workouts for weight loss

Weights are cylindrical iron balls with one handle. Unlike traditional hand dumbbells, the weight of the kettlebell is not evenly distributed, which means your body will have to work to balance you with the weight of the kettlebell.

Kettlebell training not only burns up to 400 calories in 20 minutes, but also strengthens the heart, calms, corrects posture, affects all important muscle groups, and also stabilizes them.

Since exercises with weights involve the work of all the muscles of the body, such training will speed up the metabolism so that the body burns fat faster, “pump up” the heart, so that it will also be an aerobic workout. In fact, a 20-minute workout with weights is equal to a ten-kilometer run in terms of calories burned and impact on the cardiovascular system.

However, successful kettlebell training requires proper dexterity to avoid injury and get the most out of your workout. If you're just starting out with kettlebells, take a class that will give you tips on exercise technique and safety rules to follow when training with heavy weights.

Active swimming can burn between 400 and 700 calories per hour. When losing weight, all types of swimming are effective, starting with front crawl, breaststroke, and even doggy style swimming.

Swimming is a very effective and tonic method of losing weight. These are low-impact exercises for the legs that provide strength, tone and condition the entire body.

Swimming is especially beneficial for women in the third trimester of pregnancy and people suffering from arthritis, obesity and musculoskeletal diseases.

It is also an excellent choice for those who suffer from bronchial asthma because the moist air helps clear the airways.

Many athletes use pool exercises as a side activity while recovering from injuries. When your body is immersed in water, your weight is 10% of your actual body weight. In addition, water is 12 times denser than air, which makes it ideal for strengthening and maintaining muscle tone.

Surely every person at least once in his life thought that it was time to get his figure in order. Many people are dissatisfied with their figure and want to get rid of puffiness and drooping sides. There are quite a few ways to lose weight. Today we will talk about a way to lose weight that does not require a lot of time and effort. This method is to lose weight at home with the help of special exercises. Go!

Causes of excess weight

Before solving any problem, it is necessary to understand the reasons for its occurrence. The main reasons for excess weight are:

  1. Smoking and alcohol.
  2. Your level of physical activity is low.
  3. Metabolic disease.
  4. Frequent consumption of fatty foods and baked goods.
  5. Consuming a lot of salt.
  6. Night meals.
  7. Binge eating.
  8. Genetic predisposition to obesity.

Most often there are several reasons, and they reinforce each other. For example, if a person eats a lot, but also plays sports, he cannot have problems with being overweight . A person may not eat enough, but at the same time smoke and sometimes drink alcohol. In this case, he is also unlikely to have problems with excess weight.

Most often, people have extra pounds due to poor lifestyle choices. Basically, this means five or even six days a week of sedentary work. Next, travel home while driving a car, again sitting. Access to the apartment by elevator. After a hard day at work, you can grab a bottle of beer and fatty snacks. Next, an evening spent watching TV. But when a person looks at something while eating, his attention is not focused on food. Because of this, a person eats 30 percent more. It is this 30 percent that is deposited on the stomach.

More than half of the men living in large cities lead just such a lifestyle, and therefore have decent bellies. That is, to lose weight, you will have to completely change your lifestyle. It will be necessary to give up some bad habits and acquire useful ones.

As for women, in most cases they gain weight after childbirth, as well as after marriage. Many women, when they get married, stop taking care of themselves. This is explained by the fact that she already has a permanent man who loves her, so she does not need to watch her figure. This policy is not correct, because it can ruin your marriage. If you realize this and decide to lose weight, great respect to you! Let's do this together!

Key point in losing weight

The main thing in losing weight is the difference between energy consumed and energy expended. Your gender doesn't matter here. The main thing is to eat the right foods and be physically active.

So, in order for you to lose excess weight, you need to expend more energy than you consume. Without this, your weight will not change downward. Let's look at three scenarios:

  1. A person's weight increases.
  2. A person's weight does not change.
  3. A person's weight decreases.

In the first case a person constantly eats fatty foods, drinks beer and lies on the couch. It consumes a decent amount of energy, but spends very little - to go to work or to the grocery store. The energy he doesn't expend is stored as fat on his belly.

In the second case, the difference between consumed and consumed energy is approximately zero. For example, a person practically does not exercise, but he prefers vegetable salads and boiled meat to fast food. He also drinks 2-3 liters of water every day. It spends little energy, but also consumes little. Thus, its weight is always at approximately the same level. The situation is the same if a person eats a lot and at the same time constantly trains.

In the latter case, a person gets rid of excess weight. Firstly, he eats low-calorie foods, so he simply does not have excess energy. This energy is enough for him to function as an ordinary person. Secondly, he performs special exercises to lose weight, which take a lot of energy from him. And it turns out that his balance of energy received during the day is negative. Accordingly, the body begins to draw energy from internal reserves, namely, from the fat on the stomach of this person.

We will not delve into the topic of nutrition in more detail, but we will take into account one very important point. When losing weight, you need to exercise 2 hours after eating. And when the workout is over, you need to wait another 2 hours before eating anything.

Eating a snack immediately before a workout will reduce its effectiveness. The quality of exercise will deteriorate and you will not be able to expend the required amount of energy.

Immediately after finishing a workout, the body begins a period when it urgently needs to restore the energy spent during the workout. This period lasts about two hours. Therefore, we need to wait for this time. Eating something within two hours of a workout will interfere with your weight loss process. After training food is absorbed by the body much better. We don't need this, because we are losing weight.

When the body understands that energy will not come from outside, it begins to take it from internal reserves - from your belly fat. After two hours, the body will stop looking for where to get this energy, because it will take it from fat. This is how the fat burning process occurs. When this period has passed, you can enjoy dinner and reward yourself for a good workout with a vegetable salad and a piece of boiled chicken.

Home exercises for weight loss

Let's move on to without which the process of losing weight will not make any sense. To lose weight, you don't have to do heavy bodybuilding exercises. It is enough to do some fitness exercises. The main thing is that a large amount of energy is spent when performing them.

So, the most effective fitness exercises for losing weight at home:

You should not watch TV while eating food. Firstly, you get distracted and eat much more, and this is unacceptable when losing weight. Secondly, you will have much more time for classes. Usually, if a person is eating and watching something, it takes him about 15 minutes to eat, and then he continues to watch the movie or program. Only after that does he go about his business.

If you're bored of working out at home, sign up for a fitness center near you. Perhaps, in addition to losing weight, you will find new acquaintances and friends.

Build your set of exercises for weight loss as follows:

  1. Jogging should be done daily. Run maximally 2 times a week. On other days, just run for fun for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Four fitness classes per week are enough. For the upper and lower body, 2 classes per week. For example, Monday and Thursday - we squat, jump, dance and pump up our abs. Tuesday and Friday - do push-ups, punch a punching bag and do planks.
  3. The training should last no more than an hour.

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Not liquid, but pure water. It is advisable to purchase water at the store. Make it a habit to keep several five-liter water bottles at home.

It is very good if you have some sports equipment, for example, a rubber band, or fitness balls. If possible Oh, find something else and create a fitness corner at home.

There are a lot of exercises for losing weight at home. Therefore, constantly change your training complex. After a month or two, the body may get used to monotonous loads, and it will be more difficult to achieve the desired result.

Eat less salt, as it retains fluid in the body. And this does not contribute to weight loss in any way, but it reduces the effectiveness of your exercise.


Now you know everything about how to lose weight at home. By putting into practice the recommendations from our article, you can get rid of extra pounds, and thereby transform your body. And, most importantly, your complex about excess weight will disappear, you will feel confident. How can a happy owner of a flat stomach feel any differently? I wish you success!

Losing weight quickly is all about proper nutrition and exercise. The presented methods often do not work together, because people have some “disagreements” with physical activity. Why? Not everyone who wants to lose weight has enough time to constantly visit the gym, but it is precisely such training that helps in losing excess weight. Some people complain about lack of time, some talk about financial issues, some simply don’t have enough willpower.

In such cases they will help exercises for quick weight loss at home, which will be discussed further. Training is allowed only after the recommendation of a doctor - it is important to exclude the presence of serious pathologies that can be aggravated by gymnastics or strength exercises. The optimal time for training is 20-30 minutes - you should not bother yourself with serious loads, especially initially. As soon as the girl feels that the previously performed complex passes without difficulty, the number of approaches should be increased. It’s better to reconsider the type of training and still go to the gym. To get started, the following exercises for losing weight and strengthening muscles at home are suitable.

Even effective exercises for losing weight at home should be performed in accordance with the recommendations and the basics of warming up. The importance of warming up is determined by minimizing injuries while performing the main set of exercises. Warming up allows you to warm up your muscles and improve joint mobility. It should be carried out taking into account the mandatory heating from top to bottom.

So, in order to lose weight with exercises at home, you need to do a preliminary warm-up in the following sequence:

  • First, rub your palms - you need to bring your palms to a state of characteristic redness.
  • These palms are used to warm up the face, ears and neck at the same pace.
  • Then you need to make several circular movements with your head - one way and the other.
  • Afterwards, you can begin to warm up the shoulder girdle. Simple circular movements of the shoulder joints from the “penguin” position will help in this matter - arms straight along the body, palms facing the floor.
  • Next, you need to twist your elbows and fists in the specified sequence.
  • In a standing position, it is necessary to rotate the torso so that the lower part remains motionless. Repeat this way at least 25 times in each direction.
  • Make circular movements with your body in the same starting position - at least 10 repetitions.
  • Finally, stretch the feet - placing the toe on the floor, make several circular movements with the heel.

Warm-up will last no more than 5 minutes - there is no need to perform strength exercises, just stretch your muscles and joints. The presented warm-up is best performed daily in the morning. In combination with a diet, such warming up of muscles will allow you to quickly eliminate excess fat.

Complex for quick weight loss

To begin with, you should use a program for rapid weight loss in general. The program will help you lose weight, as well as strengthen your muscles, so that in the future, bringing your body to perfection with the help of home exercises will go faster. So, a set of exercises for losing weight throughout the body includes several types of movements that should be performed at home during the first 2-3 weeks.

This includes:

  • Slimness of the buttocks. From a standing position, squat down so that your knees make a right angle. Stretch your arms forward and stand in this position as much as possible.
  • Squats. An exercise familiar from school helps girls quickly lose weight. For beginners, weight loss exercise will seem difficult, but gradually you should increase the number of repetitions. Initially, you should perform at least 20-35 repetitions and 2-3 sets.
  • Bouncing. The exercise is not easy, but it is effective for overall weight loss. From the squatting position, you need to stand up, raise your arms to the sides, close them above your head, clapping your palms - the entire lunge is accompanied by a jump. Repeat 20 times.
  • Scissors. This well-known exercise helps strengthen your abdominal muscles. While lying on the floor, you need to raise your legs and cross them. Next, spread your legs as wide as possible and repeat at least 10 times per workout.
  • Semi-plie. This exercise is quite interesting because it gives you a chance to burn fat cells in your lower torso. Spread your legs apart, point your toes out. In this position, do a slow squat, forming a right angle at the knees. They also rise slowly to the top. Repeat the exercise at least 20 times - can be divided into 2 approaches.
  • Swing your leg. Lie on your side on the floor, bend your lower leg slightly. Swing with the upper leg with maximum amplitude. The minimum number of repetitions is 20.
  • For a slim belly. While lying on the floor on your back, you must simultaneously raise your upper body with your hands clasped behind your head and legs, forming a right angle at the knee. Repeat 20 times in 2 sets.
  • Twisting. In the same starting position, bend your knees and hold there. Raise your body while reaching your elbow to the opposite knee. Thus, perform the exercise at least 20 times for each side.

The presented exercises should be performed only on an empty stomach - 1.5-2 hours after a heavy meal. It’s better to follow proper nutrition and regimen so that training becomes easier and excess weight goes away faster.

Complex for strengthening the press

The abdominal muscles must be constantly strengthened to prevent sagging of the abdomen and the formation of hernias. The following is a super set of exercises that will help cope with the problem. Among other things, these actions perfectly burn fat cells in the abdominal area, and also form an attractive abs - the treasured 6-pack.

The most effective movements include the following:

  • Lying on the floor on your back, raise your legs so as to make an angle of 45° from the surface. You should spend as much time as possible in this position - with your legs straight. Repeat at least 10 times.
  • Working out all the abdominal muscles is ensured by lifting straight legs from the previous starting position. So, lying on your back, your arms along your body rest on the floor. Raise your legs, keeping them straight, lower them also slowly. Then raise your legs again and lower them in any direction. Do the exercise with 12 repetitions on each side.
  • The half bridge exercise will also help in strengthening all the abdominal muscles. When lying on the floor, your legs rest against the surface, bending at the knees. Their hips must be raised in this position and maintained for as long as possible.

All exercises are actively performed in the fitness room with instructors, but you can resort to home workouts. All movements are offered with pictures, which will make their implementation easier.

Strengthening your back muscles

Physical exercise is impossible without strengthening the back muscles. There is a complex for this, which includes:

  • Swallow lying down. Lying on the floor on your stomach, arms extended forward, legs straight. At the same time, raise your arms and legs up to the permissible limits. Maintain in this position for as long as possible.
  • Push ups. Rest your knees and palms on the floor, lower yourself to the maximum possible position, trying to form a right angle with your elbows.
  • Reverse push-ups with a chair. You need to sit on the edge of the chair, rest your palms on the side edges of the furniture and lower yourself down, forming a right angle with your knees.

It is also effective to perform exercises to strengthen your arm muscles. Here you need to sit on the floor, spread your legs and stretch your hands towards the foot of one leg. Repeat the movement returning to the starting position at least 20 times.

We all know that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. On the one hand, this means that the owner of a healthy body is always in a cheerful, positive mood, and on the other hand, only a healthy approach can lead to physical health. Today we will talk about losing weight as a way to improve your physical condition and improve your appearance. This simple but important process should be approached quite intelligently. Some people strive headlong to lose weight before the beach season or an important event, while others lose weight for the long term without harming their health, but on the contrary, increasing it. The second approach is more correct. In addition to regular physical activity, it requires eating exclusively healthy foods. But we’ll leave the second aspect to nutritionists, because the subject of today’s conversation is the best exercises for losing weight.

Why physical activity is important

As you know, movement is life, and that says it all. Only an active person can feel healthy. Our ancestors led a more active lifestyle, so they did not have a question about losing weight and additional stress. We are greatly spoiled by the benefits of civilization and spend too much time in a sitting position, so in order to regulate our condition we are forced to burden ourselves separately. People often resort to losing weight not only to become beautiful, but also to become healthier.

Physical activity burns calories and develops muscles. It also increases your metabolic rate, which not only stimulates fat burning but also improves your overall health.

So, it's time to figure out which exercises are best for losing weight.


So, let's start looking at the best exercises for weight loss with the most famous. It's no secret that running is the first exercise that helps you lose weight. In addition, it strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as bones and connective tissues. During running, about 600 kilocalories are burned.

The uniqueness of this exercise lies in the fact that it is completely natural for humans, and therefore has no side effects (if you do it wisely and feel your body). To run, you do not need special equipment or any specific conditions, and this is another advantage of this exercise.

To burn calories intensely, it is recommended to use high-speed interval training. They involve periodic short (0.5-2 min) explosive accelerations during the main jogging cycle. This type of running promotes more efficient and rapid burning of calories, develops leg muscles well and speeds up metabolic processes.

Before you start the exercise, you need to do a short warm-up or walk for a few minutes, gradually increasing the pace. Stretching before running is not recommended. Since this exercise puts stress on the joints, it is advisable to choose comfortable and high-quality shoes for it.

When considering the best ones for weight loss, you should definitely pay attention to running. Many people underestimate aerobic exercise, believing that only muscle development will allow them to lose weight, but this is not true. Muscles grow under a layer of fat and burn it to a small extent, while physical activity fights fat much faster.


This exercise has the same benefits as running, but it puts less stress on your joints. Therefore, walking is suitable for those who have health problems (of course, those that do not prohibit walking). It has a beneficial effect on the condition of people suffering from obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Exercise comprehensively heals the body and has a positive effect on the mental state.

A 30-minute walk at a speed of 6-7 km/h can burn up to 250 calories. If you do it every day, you can lose half a kilogram in just a week. You can practice walking anywhere. If you don't have much free time, just walk to work.


Regardless of the type, swimming is excellent for weight loss. By performing the exercise intensively, you can burn up to 700 kilocalories in an hour. In addition to losing weight, swimming helps strengthen muscles, tone them and form the correct proportions of the body. It is great for people suffering from obesity, asthma, arthritis and musculoskeletal problems.

By swimming, a person strengthens all major muscle groups: the abs, back, legs, arms, buttocks. It can be used in combination with other activities or as a stand-alone exercise. Of course, swimming is one of the best exercises for losing weight.

A ride on the bicycle

The next item on the list of “Best Exercises for Weight Loss” is cycling. This is quite a good way to lose weight, which in terms of the number of loads is of the average type.

In an hour of such training, you can burn 400-1100 kilocalories, depending on the intensity of movement and body weight. The degree of load also depends on the landscape.

Unlike previous sports, cycling does not put stress on your joints. Even someone who is not particularly prepared can easily cover several kilometers on it.

Of course, it is much more interesting and useful to train outside, since uneven terrain creates additional stress, landscapes allow you to be distracted, and fresh air gives tone to the body. In addition, street “riding” is much more beneficial for the cardiovascular system than exercising on an exercise bike. Nevertheless, the exercise machine is a good way to lose weight and improve your condition. In any case, cycling is one of the best exercises for losing weight on the thighs, because it is the leg extensors that receive the main load.

One option for optimizing your training time is cycling to work. This is a great way to charge yourself with positive energy in the morning and stimulate the acceleration of metabolism, which will allow the body to burn more calories throughout the day. Well, returning from work on a two-wheeled friend, you can consolidate the success of your morning workout and have a great rest. After your evening classes, you will have a sound, healthy sleep. Of course, this method is relevant in areas where there are bicycle paths or car traffic allows you to safely ride on simple roads. Otherwise, it is better not to take risks, because such a ride will only give negative impressions.

The best exercise routine for losing weight at home may include exercise on an exercise bike. Of course, this is not as effective, but it is also very useful. The advantage of this type of training is the ability to develop greater speed without worrying about control and the prospect of falling. An exercise bike will cost more than a bicycle. And in order not to buy it, you can go to the gym, where it is possible to include something else useful in the training program.

Elliptical trainer

Exercises on this simulator can also be included in the “Best exercises for losing weight at home” complex. This type of training allows you to develop your body and cardiovascular system without putting stress on your joints. Thanks to the movable handles, you can load both the upper and lower body. By adjusting the lift and incline, as well as the reverse movement, you can select the most suitable intensity level.

An average-sized person training on an elliptical machine can burn about 600 kilocalories in an hour. Despite the fact that the machine imitates running and skiing movements (by the way, skiing is also a great way to burn calories), it does not put stress on the joints. Thanks to this property, it is more accessible to people with arthritis, obesity and musculoskeletal diseases.

To burn more calories, it is recommended to hold hands while exercising. This will allow you to additionally load your arms and shoulder girdle. Try not to think about the calories burned. It is much more useful to track your heart rate. It should be about 85% of your body’s capabilities. By selecting the load in such a way that this frequency is maintained, you can achieve the most effective result.

This can be considered one of the best home exercises for weight loss, but the machine costs relatively a lot and takes up quite a lot of space. Therefore, many will prefer to exercise on it in the gym.


The “best exercises for weight loss” complex continues with such a famous game as tennis. It allows you to burn about 600 kilocalories.

This type of physical activity is suitable for those who like to train in a company. It will also appeal to those who don't like sports but like the feeling of winning. The competitive aspect can stimulate even the laziest people.

Playing tennis allows you to develop flexibility, coordination, correct posture, as well as throw out negative emotions and increase stress resistance.

When playing tennis, the muscles of the arms, legs and abs are involved in the work. In addition to the body, the head is also trained, because here you cannot do without the ability to plan your actions and make a quick decision. Such exercises increase brain functionality and improve memory. And scientists from the National Institutes of Health say that tennis helps increase bone tissue.

High Intensity Interval Training

We continue the best set of exercises for losing weight at home with this interesting technique. It is suitable for those who are solely concerned with weight loss. This workout requires only 20 minutes of time at least three times a week. At the same time, it allows you to effectively burn calories and speed up your metabolism.

Combines well with other types of training. They consist of short, explosive sets alternating with less intense activities or complete rest.

For those who have not previously engaged in sports in this way, you need a couple of months of preparation. This could be as simple as cycling, running, swimming or even walking. The main condition is the alternation of active and passive intervals.

You should start with a five-minute warm-up. The sixth minute represents performing the exercise with maximum impact and intensity. Then a minute of rest and so on in a circle, not taking into account the warm-up, of course. After five rounds, you should rest for three minutes. This is just one variation of interval training. By the way, the best exercises for losing belly fat become much more effective when using this method of exercise.

This method of losing weight is also notable for the fact that it develops endurance to a greater extent than others. After two weeks of training using the interval training method, you can increase your endurance to the level that is achieved after two months of simple running.


This is suitable for those who regularly play sports. This is evidenced by the fact that CrossFit was originally intended to train special forces.

The training includes weightlifting, endurance development, jumping/explosive exercises (plyometrics), speed training, and finally strength development.

Doing CrossFit is never boring, because unlike any other program, it does not consist of repeating the same actions over and over again, but of many types of physical activity that create one big fat-burning workout.

This program is based on the accumulation of the main components of physical fitness: flexibility, endurance, speed, strength and coordination.

Each new training day you need to perform actions that were not done in the last lesson. Alternatively, a daily program could include 20 pull-ups, 30 push-ups, 40 abdominal crunches and 50 squats. There is a three-minute break between actions. The duration of one lesson, when performed correctly, does not exceed 20 minutes. To get the most benefit from this technique, you need to train at least 3 times a week.

CrossFit is very effective at burning fat and helping to improve both fitness and metabolism. Naturally, this technique is not suitable for people with weak hearts and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Step aerobics

Those who are looking for the best exercises for losing weight on their legs should pay attention to this section. Everyone knows that simply walking up the stairs has an extremely positive effect on the health of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and also allows you to burn extra calories. The same principle became the basis of such a type of fitness as step aerobics.

In one session, up to 500 kilocalories are burned. Usually it lasts about 50 minutes, but you can start with 20. There are not many best exercises for losing weight, but step aerobics is definitely included in their list. The essence of this system is the use of a special platform on which you need to climb. Depending on the athlete’s level of training and his goals, the height of the step platform may vary.

During the training process, the main load falls on the lower body, but almost all muscle groups are optionally involved. The technique comprehensively develops the body and improves its flexibility. To increase efficiency or reduce training time, you can use additional weights. Any stable object about 10 cm high on which you can place two legs can be suitable as a platform. Thus, step aerobics is one of the best exercises for losing weight on your legs at home.

This technique is often used for rapid recovery from injuries.

Burpee exercise

This is a very simple exercise to perform and organize, which can burn a large number of calories, comprehensively develop the body and endurance, and also strengthen the cardiovascular system. It proves that your own body weight is enough for a good workout.

So, the basic exercise consists of the following steps:

  • squat and place your palms on the floor in front of you;
  • straightening the legs and adopting the “lying down” position;
  • return to squat position;
  • arching up as high as possible: at the same time, the arms are pulled up and the whole body is straightened.

That's all. There are also weighted versions of burpees:

  1. With push-ups. That is, after taking the lying position, a bench press is done, and then a return to the squat position.
  2. Weightening the jump. Hands, before swinging up, take some kind of load.

For beginners who find it difficult to jump out of a squat, you can simply stand up instead of jumping.

The round consists of alternating 30 seconds of burpees and 30 seconds of rest and lasts 2-3 minutes. In the passive phase, it is recommended to perform so-called shadowboxing - energetic strikes at an imaginary target, which increases the effectiveness of the training.

Beginners do up to four rounds with a minute break in between. And advanced athletes reach 6 rounds with a 30-second break.

Anyone who is interested in the best for weight loss should definitely pay attention to this simple and effective technique. You can do burpees 3-5 times a week, either alone or as a warm-up before strength training.

When is the best time to do exercises to lose weight?

You can train at any time of the day, the main thing is that there is a gap of a couple of hours between classes and sleep, as well as meals. You shouldn’t overload yourself in the morning before your body has time to wake up. Just before bedtime, there is no point in exerting yourself either. Ideally, if possible, you should exercise during the day.


So we looked at the best exercises for losing weight. Everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves, the main thing is that the exercises are meaningful and do not harm their health. You should not allow overtraining, because this will lead to much more unpleasant consequences than a couple of extra pounds. Remember that health is much more important than beauty!