Machismo. Male chauvinism: is the man always right? Chauvinism examples from history

In recent years, we have come across this concept more and more often. It appears with amazing consistency in the speeches of politicians, in topics of public discussion, in discussions about the problems of the country and people. Often chauvinism and nationalism are closely intertwined in our minds. Some people consider them synonymous. Chauvinism - what is it? Let's try to figure it out.

Interestingly, the term itself comes from the surname of a veteran of the Napoleonic wars, Nicolas Chauvin. Bonaparte dreamed of world glory for France. He sought to create a militarily strong empire, annexing more and more

Chauvinism - what is it in social terms?

Along with the manifestation of intolerance and aggression towards people of a different nationality, we have all encountered manifestations of chauvinism towards people of a different sex. Most often, men show it towards women. In addition, some people show it in relation to other categories. Often intolerance is accompanied by deliberate discrimination, which, as we know, can exist against people with disabilities, those under a certain age, and those who have certain political opinions.

Chauvinism - what is it in biology?

There is also so-called species discrimination, when one biological species infringes on the interests of another species, being convinced of its own species superiority and the priority of its interests. Simply put, this kind of chauvinism is definitely manifested by humans towards animals. Another interesting phenomenon is carbon chauvinism. What it is? There is no discrimination here. This type of chauvinism belongs to the field of science of cosmozoology and the search for extraterrestrial life. The fact is that all life forms on earth studied by modern scientists are based on carbon. Moreover, all biological organisms on our planet consist of the same substances that are most common in the Universe (hydrogen, oxygen, and so on). This determines the popularity among modern scientists of the idea that extraterrestrial life forms must also consist of these compounds. And assumptions about some other forms, based on silicon, for example, are categorically rejected by some scientists. Which led to the emergence of the concept of “carbon chauvinism”.


What is Chauvinism

Chauvinism is a term traditionally used to denote extreme bias towards a cause or belief, despite more reasonable or alternative points of view. Initially, the term was used to refer to political views or beliefs, but over time, it also began to be used in combination with other ideas.

What is CHAUVINISM - meaning, definition in simple words.

In simple words, chauvinism is some form of rejection or intolerance towards people who belong to a different group or share a different idea. In some way, chauvinism includes various forms and other forms of intolerance.

Etymology (origin) of the term.

The term comes from the French word "chauvinisme", which most likely comes from a man named Nicolas Chauvin. Chauvin is said to have been a loyal soldier in Napoleon Bonaparte's army and, even after suffering numerous injuries, remained fiercely loyal to Bonaparte even after his defeat. Although there is historical documentation to support the existence of the real man, he only became famous after being included in various songs and acting productions. Chauvin has been used as a figure to represent undying, illogical bigotry about his nation and beliefs.

Chauvinism - examples, types.

In most sources, it is customary to refer as an example to national chauvinism, that is, to the idea of ​​​​the superiority of one nation over others. But besides this, there are many other excellent examples. It could be:

  • Racial chauvinism– in this case, intolerance is aimed at certain races, the ideas that they promote, the policies they pursue, and so on;
  • Religious chauvinism– as is clear from the context, in this case, “aggression” is directed at people professing a different religion. Apart from this, their religion is not recognized as a religion at all. It is criticized and persecuted as a false religion or heresy;
  • Sexual (Gender) chauvinism– this point should include relations between men and women, namely the aspect of humiliation of one sex by representatives of the other. The most striking example is “male chauvinism”, widespread in some Arab countries. It is no secret that in these countries women are not considered equal to men and are forced to submit to various rules and restrictions.


The term "male chauvinism" became popular during the efforts of feminists and advocates for equal rights for men and women during the 20th century. Chauvinists are those men who believe that men are superior to women, be it mentally, physically or in any other way. The term has been used so often that many people have come to associate "chauvinism" as a synonym for "male chauvinism" and often mistakenly assume that any chauvinistic views are inherently sexist or misogynistic.

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fr. chauvinisme, in English. versions - jingoism) - the most odious form of nationalism, the proclamation of national exclusivity, the opposition of the interests of one ethnic group (or super-ethnic group) to the interests of all other ethnic groups, the spread of ideas of national superiority, national enmity and hatred. The term "Sh." appeared in France. In 1831, in the Cognard brothers' play "The Tricolor Cockade" one of the characters was the aggressively militant recruit Nicolas Chauvin; it is believed that the prototype of this character was a real person - a veteran of the Napoleonic wars, brought up in the spirit of admiration for the emperor. In the word "Sh." It is customary to designate various manifestations of nationalist extremism. (See also: Nationalism).

Excellent definition

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French, chauvinisme), an extreme form of nationalism, preaching nationalism. exclusivity, contrasting the interests of one nation with the interests of all other nations, the spread of national. swagger, inciting national enmity and hatred. The term "Shch." appeared in France [in 1831 in the comedy of the brothers I. and T. Cognard “The Three-Color Cockade” (“La cocarde tricolore”) one of the characters was the aggressively militant recruit Nicolas Chauvin; it is believed that the prototype of this character was a real person - a veteran of the Napoleonic wars N. Chauvin, brought up in the spirit of admiration for the emperor - the creator of the “greatness” of France]. The word "Sh." began to denote various manifestations of nationalism. extremism. In Great Britain, Sh. received from the con. 70s 19th century a special name is jingoism. Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

The concept of “male chauvinism” is commonly used in everyday life to refer to the unfair attitude of men towards women. Many representatives of the fairer sex claim that because of men, they cannot make a career or achieve a high level of earnings because of their abilities. Is this true or not? In order to answer this question, we will consider the concept of chauvinism, including male chauvinism, and try to figure out whether humiliation really takes place in modern society.

Chauvinism: the meaning of the word

According to dictionaries, chauvinism is defined as an ideology based on the assertion of the superiority of one nation over others in order to justify discrimination against other peoples.

The name of this phenomenon comes from the name of Napoleon Bonaparte's soldier - Nicolas Chauvin. According to legend, this soldier remained loyal to Napoleon even after his overthrow and was ready to fight with any people on the side of the emperor.

Gender chauvinism, also called sexism, is defined as a worldview that affirms unequal rights for men and women.

This is manifested in the fact that each gender is assigned rigid standards that men and women supposedly must comply with.

For example, there is a stereotype that a woman should be weak and a man should be strong. When dating and building relationships, a man is given an active role, and a woman should only wait to see how events will turn out. In addition, it is believed that women's wages are 10% less than men's wages under equal conditions and responsibilities.

Even the fact that punishments such as life imprisonment are not applied to women is sometimes considered a manifestation of sexism. Also, many fighters for gender equality are outraged by the fact that women retire earlier than men, despite a longer average life expectancy.

From such facts we can conclude that gender inequality is emphasized everywhere. Men can feel as violated in their rights as women.

Male chauvinism in modern society

The stereotypes mentioned above regarding male and female behavior are merely culturally embedded patterns. Traditions, worldviews and goals are changing, as well as ways to achieve them. If at the beginning of the last century strict standards entirely determined the behavior of representatives of both sexes, then in modern Russian society people have received much more freedom in their manifestations. No one is shocked anymore by a girl who, on a par with men (and sometimes more successfully than them), makes a career in the oil and gas or similar complex industry.

Many women give up in favor of scientific research or promoting new ideas. The fair sex does not always find itself in “second roles”, following the male leader.

Against this background, male chauvinism, or the attitude towards a woman as a “second-class creature,” is gradually receding into the background.

Of course, there are still men who claim that a lady cannot be a good leader, but such remarks can only cause a smile. There are many examples that a woman can make a brilliant career and become the head of a large enterprise. Thus, the CEO of one of the largest airlines in the country is a woman, and the majority of employees of this giant enterprise treat her with genuine respect.

In conditions of competition with women, men begin to feel deprived and disadvantaged. Many truly cannot find their place in society when faced with female superiority. Isn’t this the reason for so-called male chauvinism? In an effort to somehow establish themselves among active ladies holding high positions, some representatives of the stronger sex vent their souls with the help of impartial statements addressed to them. But is it worth paying attention to this?

An important problem is that both men and women dream of an easy and happy life, which is only possible if a person is in harmony with himself. Will full equality make people happier, will they become more successful because of it - this is the main question. And other conversations about who is more important: men or women, simply do not deserve attention.

People living in conditions of gender equality often strive to return to traditional values, when the woman is the keeper of the home, and the man is the protector and breadwinner. Is it correct? Everyone answers this question independently; fortunately in the modern world there is an opportunity for self-realization in any direction.

And I would like to advise women who are offended by “male chauvinism”, in other words, by unflattering statements made by men about them, to believe in themselves and their capabilities. And then other people's opinions will not prevent you from making a career, as well as achieving everything you dream of.

Men's preaching of sexual exclusivity and superiority is based on certain psychological stereotypes. Male chauvinism is based on the social inequality of women and men. Many people are familiar with the formula: “All women are fools and their place is in the kitchen.” Time sets accents and priorities, dictates new rules of the “game”. Is a man always right and is it a woman who echoes him in response?

What is chauvinism?

Chauvinism (French chauvinisme) got its name from the semi-mythical soldier of the Napoleonic army, Nicolas Chauvin. During the Bourbon Restoration (1814-1830), Chauvin was an ardent supporter of Bonapartism, despite the unpopularity of this party at that time. The soldier wore a violet flower in his lapel as a sign of devotion to the deposed emperor. According to legend, Nikola remained loyal to Napoleon despite persecution, poverty and insults. Chauvin propagated that all the best and good things in the world are associated with the name of Bonaparte and France.

The term “chauvinism” began to be used as a common noun in 1843, after a satirical treatment of the Chauvin myth in the comedy “The Tricolor Cockade” by Theodore and Hippolyte Cognard (1831). Chauvinism in its modern meaning is the ideology and policy of aggressive nationalism, the preaching of national exclusivity and superiority.

Features of male chauvinism

Male chauvinism is based on the following postulates:

A man is always right based on the fact of birth;
A man is more important, more necessary and smarter than a woman, since male logic is built on reason, and not on feelings;
What is proper for a man is prohibited for a woman;
A man's word is a woman's law.

The origins of this phenomenon can be traced to religious teachings. The Bible records the legend of the creation of the world: God first created Adam, and then from his rib - Eve. A woman was born for the pleasure of a man, so that he would not be bored. And it was not Adam who committed the “original sin,” but Eve, who plucked the apple from the tree of knowledge.

Logically, gender differences between men and women exist: nature prescribes a certain role for women in bearing and giving birth to offspring, which men are deprived of. Objective biological differences lead to men occupying a higher position in many areas of life. The sporting achievements of men and women are strikingly different; there are much more men than women in high political and clergy positions; men's achievements in science, literature and art are more significant than women's.

As a rule, chauvinism arises as a result of serious psychological trauma received at an early age. In many cases, chauvinism is naturally formed on the basis of a man's homosexual orientation or is brought up in the family.

From a young age, a girl is prepared for the social role of a wife and mother, a boy for the role of a protector, breadwinner, and head of the family. Male chauvinism is especially widespread in Eastern countries, where women do not have equal rights with men.

Women's response

Women in modern times are fighting back against male chauvinism, advocating for gender equality. Feminism- the women's movement for equal rights and opportunities, arose during the “high Middle Ages”. The word “feminism” first began to be used with the light hand of the utopian socialist Charles Fourier at the end of the 18th century, who believed that “the social status of women is a measure of social progress.”

However, the female response to male chauvinism is not fundamentally disdainful of members of a different gender, race or nationality. Feminists advocate for equality, without seeking to deprive men of any privileges, humiliate or offend the stronger half of humanity.

The meaning of a woman’s life has long been not reduced to the formula “children - kitchen - church”, but gender equality in the mass consciousness still does not exist, even in the civilized world.

Interesting Facts

Throughout Asia, there are currently many more men than women: in India and China, two of the world's largest population centers, there is an acute shortage of the female part of society. This gender imbalance is the result of the traditional preference for male children and the selective abortion of girls, which became possible in the early 1980s with the advent of ultrasound. Male chauvinism is so rooted in the East that a family is not considered complete if it does not have an heir.

The shortage of women is particularly severe in India, China, South Korea, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, where there are at least one hundred and eight boys for every one hundred girls. Asian countries are taking urgent action to provide social assistance to families with girls, but time is running out: by 2030, China and India will be missing more than twenty million women aged 20 to 50.

Male chauvinism has turned against the strong half of humanity.

In the United States, the term “glass ceiling” was coined in the 1980s, metaphorically denoting an invisible barrier limiting women’s career advancement. Women face this obstacle, regardless of professional qualifications, only as representatives of a social group. 95% of top managers of large companies are men, while the majority of employees are women.

If a woman had not given birth to a man, breastfed him, raised him, and given him an education, who would he be today? If the modern world becomes dominated by the absolute masculine principle, which is not in harmony with the feminine, where will such a society come from?

Finding a common language, understanding and accepting each other as people were born, without comparing or contrasting, is the key to true love and a sign of high development of the individual and society.