Mystical statuses. Statuses about life

We would care less about what people think of us if we knew how little they think of us.

Don't be afraid of losing someone. People destined by fate are not lost. The ones that get lost are for experience.

People don't care what's in your soul. But what is your salary, how much do you weigh and who do you sleep with... This is yeah... This is information...

People are not divided into nationalities, parties, factions and religions. People are divided into smart people and fools, but fools are divided into nationalities, parties, factions and religions.

There will always be a person who will do to you the same way you once did to someone else.

We learned to fly in the sky like birds. We learned to swim in the ocean like fish. Now all that remains is to learn to live on earth like people.

People may forget what you said. They may forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.

You cannot expect from a person what is unusual for him. You don't squeeze a lemon to get tomato juice.

We all walk the path of life in different ways, each with our own cross to bear. It doesn’t matter whether we are good or bad, do not forget your conscience and human honor!

The main thing is to believe in yourself. The opinions of others change daily.

When I'm having a hard time, I always remind myself that if I give up, it won't get better.

No matter what happens, no matter how hard it is, remember - no one gives a fuck.

With the onset of a crisis, losers and lazy people finally have an explanation for why everything is bad for them and who is to blame for it.

I try to avoid problems, but they seem to like me.

Sometimes a few minutes of communication with the right person is enough to make you want to move on with your life.

That's it, starting tomorrow I will stop putting things off until tomorrow!

On - sometimes funny, and sometimes with a claim to wisdom.

We often hear that time is a good teacher. But it ends up killing all of its students.

Time is a most amazing thing. There is so little of it when you are late and so much of it when you are waiting.

People think that time is passing. Time thinks that people pass...

Time cannot be wasted, everything serves something, everything leads to something and teaches something.

Having free time only means that you simply forgot about some things.

Sometimes you wish time would fly slower and crawl faster

Stop acting like you have 500 years to live!

Experience comes with years, but sometimes years come alone.

Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want...

A gram of your own experience is worth more than a ton of other people’s instructions.

Experience is something you don't have until you no longer have it.

Over the years we do less stupid things, but the quality of them increases

You look for happiness, but you gain experience. Sometimes you think - this is happiness! Fuck it, another experience.

Sometimes you don’t want to live, but you have to...
Take the old man's advice:
If you want to drink poison...
Drink some cognac first...

Life is a book... Some have a detective story, some have a novel, some have complete fantasy. I look around me... I think I have a comic book...

Don't shed tears in vain, everything has gone to hell... LIFE is beautiful!!!

Let them tell me, all the trains have left, and it’s too late to expect something from life, but I will answer - this is nonsense!!! There are still ships and planes!

Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted. Coco Chanel

I just know that at the last moment, when no one believes you, a passer-by at the bus stop will take you and cover you under his cloak

Mysterious person: white clothes, moos, growls, butts, crawls under the table, starts with “N”? – (Bride at the end of the feast)

Is there no way to approach the law through water? Although, is it possible to swim up? (Judge in the pool)

Without arms and legs, jump on a rural woman! (In the old days, a rocker)

Brunettes are prim and mysterious, enigmatic, strict and cheeky, arrogant and unpredictable. Although they are loyal, tactful and kind on the inside.

Best status:
Dog: “A person loves, feeds, cherishes and takes pity. The owner is God. Cat’s thoughts: “They adore me, feed me, pet me, take care of me. I am God to them."

The hard, elastic is inserted into the soft. Happiness appears and the balls dangle. What am I talking about? (Earrings)

It is foolish to remain faithful to those who underestimate your dignity. Hence the debauchery all around. From the despair of unappreciated opportunities and lack of faith.

Warmth for women in stockings, when strong men in warm trousers are cold. A man's heater should not be used in the cold. A woman's heating pad always highlights the body.

He always sits on the ceiling and chews on a glass light bulb. (The ceiling lamp-gnawer does terrible things when hungover and hangovered)

Red, long, 21? - (Tram)

A real man is not the one who gets a new girl every evening..... But the one who gets the same one every evening...!!!

I don't regret my actions. Let the one for whom they were made regret...

Cross-eyed, small, in a white fur coat and felt boots? (Chukchi Father Frost.)

There is a small yellow one under the bed, it starts with “Z”. – (Kopek. Why on “Z”? It rolled...)

The three letter word that every man is afraid of? - (More!)

The letter X. is called, P. will see rises. (The trunk takes food.)

a spur on the exam - like soap on the zone, fell - fucked!

Pash, listen, your last name is Cherny, right? - Well, yes. - Name your son Cloak! Think about it, at school: “Black Cloak, to the blackboard!”

Two women at the fence: one is glued, the other is sewn... What should be done with them? – (Tear off the first one, flog the second one)

When is a person in a room without a head? – (When he sticks it out of the window onto the street)

A boy runs up to his mother on the street. - Mother! Can a boy have children from a boy? - Of course not. He runs away from his mother shouting: “Guys, let’s continue!”

The goose barked all over Rus'. - (Swan)

What is blue gold? – (My beloved wife got drunk)

What is it: there is a head, there is no head, there is a head, but there is no head? – (The lame man behind the fence)

Crawling down the hill, running up the hill. (Snot)

I feel that I will find someone with whom I will be happy for the rest of my life...!)))

I wonder if I’m the only one who draws various scribbles while talking on the phone)))

A hundred clothes and all without fasteners. - (Bum)

When the goat turns seven years old, what happens next? – (The eighth will go)

How many eggs can a woman hold in one hand? (Both.)

White, not sugar. Cold, not ice. (Dead body.)

What can't you eat for breakfast? (Lunch and dinner)

A dead man lies in the desert. There is a bag over my shoulders and a flask of water on my belt. For many kilometers around there is not a single living soul. What did the man die from and what was in his bag? – (The man died from hitting the ground, and in the bag there was a parachute that did not open)

I take it in two hands, put it between my legs, sweat for five minutes, and then go crazy. (Exercise bike.)

Pet, starts with “s”. – (There’s one cockroach)

It nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter, cheers in the spring, cools in the summer. (Vodka.)

What can you get off a naked secretary? (Naked boss.) When a woman raises her leg, what do you see? Five letters, starts with P and ends with A. (Heel.)

What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (From empty.)

One wheel with a thousand wings - what is it? Wheelbarrow with manure

What is it - green, press the button - red? (Frog in a mixer.)

They buried a prostitute and wrote on the tombstone: “Now they will always be together.” Who are they? - (Legs)

What is it: two bellies, four ears? (Cat wedding.)

Small, gray, looks like an elephant. (Baby elephant.)

Which social group has critical days twice a year? – (Students)

My mother once told me: “There are three occasions for tears, daughter: wedding, funeral and birth of a child, and the rest is all bullshit!

It will stand up and reach the sky. (Rainbow)

Small, gray, looks like an elephant. – (Baby Elephant)

Two rings, two ends... – (Very sophisticated New Russian)

The 12-story building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this building is pressed most often? – (Regardless of the distribution of residents by floor, button “1”)

What is it: blue, big, with a mustache and completely stuffed with bunnies? – (Trolleybus)

Why watch the 2012 film if you can live to see it and watch it in 3D format?)))

He is the best... How did I not notice this before? - It's amazing what clarity comes with jealousy!

Just remember it a little, it will be as hard as a potato. (Snowball.)

What is this: sitting on the window, speaking French? – (French)

Pet, starts with “d”. – (Two cockroaches)

How do day and night end? – (Soft sign)

There are three things that are scary to look at in the morning after drinking - your face, your wallet and the list of outgoing calls on your phone.

Just remember it a little, it will be as hard as a potato. – (Snowball)

Either hanging or standing or cold or hot. (Shower.)

The boy fell down 4 steps and broke his leg. How many legs will a boy break if he falls down 40 steps? (Only one, because his second one is already broken.)

The pear is hanging - you can’t eat it. Why? (Boxers can punch you in the face)

A man is getting ready to go to the pharmacy: his wife: buy 2 condoms and I need 2 pipettes.. the husband came to the pharmacy and says “Give me 2 condoms”... the saleswoman answers him: There are no condoms. The man has run out, thinking: well then 2 pipettes..

Where does the snow woman come from? – (From ZIMBABwe.)

How can you walk while sitting? – (In the toilet – on the toilet)

Hair, hair... and in the middle there is sausage. - (Corn)

With onions and eggs, but not a pie? - (Robin Hood)

The hairy head flies deftly behind the cheek. (Toothbrush.)

What word always sounds wrong? (The word “wrong.”)

Pet, starts with “t”. – (Cockroach)

Small, yellow, he opens the door. - (Bruce Lee)

What question will no one ever answer “yes” to? – (Sleeping person to the question: “Are you sleeping?”)

How fast must a dog run without hearing the clink of a frying pan tied to its tail? (The dog must stand. This task in the company is immediately identified by the physicist: the physicist answers that it needs to run at supersonic speed.)

What is the world's kindest ghost with a motor? – (Zaporozhets)

Either hanging or standing or cold or hot. - (Shower)

But very often among them there are very, very strange ones. What the people who post them think about remains a mystery to many!!

Although for the vast majority, statuses are still an opportunity to express themselves. Read the strangest statuses and think, laugh, choose!

All statuses are selected from real and live accounts on social networks.

1. You think that I am strange because I am not like YOU. Ah, I think that you are strange, because everyone is so the same...

2. Actually, I’m not Alice in Wonderland, but my world is also a little that...

3. “It’s worth it.” (this is a fairly popular and short status for some guys on VKontakte).

4. I lost my “roof”, please don’t disturb the finder.

5. I sit and work. It’s strange and interesting, but why does a 5-kopeck coin fit into the left nostril, but not into the right?!!

6. This is so strange... because before I couldn’t live a day without your smile.

7. You are happiness... Although a little strange and incomprehensible... leading to nervous breakdowns and a nightmarish fear of losing you...

8. Well, how can you stop drinking in a country where even milk is more expensive than beer?

9. I am a very strange girl: I hate lies, but I lie in the name of good, I hate alcohol, but I get drunk with my friends, and I also hate various idiots... but for some reason they are the ones I fall in love with... You are not one of them?

10. A man's tie does not always mean that the man is elegant. It can also be a signpost where you need to go!

The strangest statuses -

11. One looks into a puddle and sees dark water, and the other, stars reflected in it!

12. Well, that's why guys are so strange? Either he won’t even write a line on VKontakte, then suddenly he had an urge for my phone number))).

13. Remember, if your loved one is cheating on you, then there is no need to make trouble with your wife!

14. They say don’t sit on the corner, otherwise you won’t get married, make sure your legs don’t get dry, otherwise you won’t get married... You might think, who are we kidding??? Who needs this @banatka???))))).

15. If your mother said: “clean up the room, otherwise the boys will come to visit, see the mess and won’t want to marry you!” Conclude: “mom allowed you to bring boys home!!!”

16. Don’t put in so much effort, all the best things happen unexpectedly.

17. Oh, your friends too, when you are walking with them and your mother calls you, they shout: “come on, let’s pour it quickly” or “give me a cigarette”?

18. Strange country. You can get married at 16, and watch movies with sex scenes at 18.

19. Someone is added to the heart, but damn me anywhere, to ICQ, VKontakte, to a mobile phone!!!

20. I love you on the floor (a popular status among girls on VKontakte - probably the answer to status 3).

If it rains in your life, focus on the flowers that will bloom thanks to this rain...

Leave cloudy water alone and it will become clear and clear. (Ancient wisdom)

Life is like the movement of dogs in a sled: if you are not a leader, then the landscape in front of you will never change.

If you are delaying making a decision, it means that you have already decided to leave everything as before...

For some reason people suffer from the fact that they will not exist after death. But why don’t they suffer from the fact that they were not there before birth?
Stanislav Lem

Most problems can be solved surprisingly simply: you just have to take it and do it!

This is not who I am. You are the idiots. With uv. Life...

Life works out when you achieve something that everyone respects, but life is successful when you like it yourself.

When you were born, you cried, but the world smiled. Live so that when you die you smile, and the whole world cries!

The day comes, the hour comes, and you understand: everything is not forever. Life cruelly teaches us that time is fleeting. About the fact that we need to appreciate everything, take care of everything that is given to us. After all, life is like a thin thread, sometimes it suddenly breaks!

Today I have a crazy love affair with my own life. Every day I become convinced of how interesting life really is.

Some people spend their whole lives waiting for their ship, not realizing that they are at the airport.

No matter how much you think about someone else’s life, you have to live your own.

I live as best I can, I enjoy every day! I don’t hold anyone, and I don’t need anyone! The one who values ​​me will always be there! And those who don’t need it don’t need it

There will be a new dawn - there will be a sea of ​​victories and never believe that there is no way out.

Don’t rush to take off people’s masks; perhaps they are just muzzles.

Learning to speak means growing up. Having learned to remain silent means that you have become wiser.

Life flies by instantly... And we live as if we were writing a draft... Not understanding in the scandalous bustle that our life is just a moment.

The wind of life is sometimes fierce... In general, life, however, is good... And it’s not scary when the bread is black... It’s scary when the soul is black.

Yes. I make a lot of mistakes. Life, unfortunately, is without instructions.

The point is not to have more days in life, but to have more life in the days.

Law of life: “If you don’t get used to it, you’ll die; if you don’t die, you’ll get used to it.”

Everything in life is temporary. If everything goes well, enjoy it, it won't last forever. Well, if everything is lousy, don’t be sour, it won’t last forever either.

You can start life with a clean slate, but it’s difficult to change your handwriting.

When everything in life seems to be falling apart, start thinking about what you will build in the vacant space.

I wish I could take my life like a hard drive from a computer. Remove all debris. Restore everything lost. And save all the most valuable things...

We look for answers to the most complex questions, as if we had already found the answers to the simplest ones.

A person can come to terms with any hardships and injustice, provided that all this does not happen to him.

Humanity will be destroyed not by artificial intelligence, but by natural stupidity.

What we judge most about others is what we cannot allow ourselves to do.

Loyalty, unlike treason, is unprovable.

The Lord answers all prayers, but to some prayers he answers “No.”

It’s amazing to notice how nothing changes every day, but after a while, looking back, you realize that everything is different now.

Two negatives make an affirmative. Therefore, if they are trying to confuse you with a g@vnom, just don’t @ shit about it.

Recipe for happiness: wishful thinking.

After statuses about life with meaning, you will be interested in:

Those who supported me when I fell, now hold on, we are taking off! 157

Life is like a game of poker: you always have to be prepared for someone else's bluff and have an ace up your sleeve. 51

Life is like a piano: the key is black, the key is white, the lid... 275

The best way to keep your promise is to not make it. 99

The best road is the one that leads home. 156

Look forward with hope, backward with gratitude, upward with faith, and around with love. 139

When it’s bad, you need to remember: if you give up, it won’t get better! 102

If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny. 48

There are no cowardly men. Either a man or a coward. 75

Weak people believe in luck, strong people believe in cause and effect. 58

Getting up at 7 am for work is torture, pain and tears. Getting up at 5 am to travel abroad is easy! 104

Everyone has their own hell: there is not necessarily fire and tar... Our hell is a wasted life! 42

Life is like hot tea. Burning, but ok with sweets! 92

Life is always fair, it just tests your strength sometimes... 84

If no one criticizes you, it means you have not yet achieved success. 68

Everyone must pay for their own stupidity, otherwise they will never grow wiser. 55

The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly. 107

When they really wait for us, we return even from the other world. 89

Don't try to fix the past. Better make every effort not to ruin the future. 110

The more difficult the chosen path, the fewer fellow travelers. 54

Life is short! Break the rules! Goodbye quickly! Kiss slowly! Love sincerely! Laugh uncontrollably! 127

You have to live in such a way that everyone at the top goes nuts and says, stop, repeat it again! 30

You need to live in such a way that others experience depression! 67

Stupid things happen by accident, and then become the best moments in life. 45

Fate sometimes grabs you by the throat so much that you involuntarily stick your tongue out at it. 17

To see a rainbow, you have to survive the rain... 66

Don't envy someone who is strong and rich.
Sunset always follows dawn.
With this short life, equal to a sigh,
Treat it as if it was given to you for hire.
Omar Khayyam, however. 67

The Internet is like life - there is nothing to do, but you don’t want to leave... 65

The secret is to be friends with those who are better. Train with those who are stronger, love those who are not allowed. Don't give up where others give up. 53

Only children and dogs love you just like that. Just because you exist! 45

Life is given to learn, life is given to love. But you need to know what you are learning and you need to know who to love. 60

Lessons of wisdom are given to us for free, but they are very expensive. 44

Remember: all people fall into your destiny for a reason. Some bring happiness, while others bring experience. 70

There are people whom you can know all your life and forget in 1 day, and there are those whom you can know for 1 day and remember all your life. 91

After 40° life is just beginning! 32

Fate is a book... Some have a detective story, some have a novel, some have complete fantasy. I think I have a comic :) 59

Be in the present, not in the past. After all, the past cannot be returned, but the present can be turned around as you wish. 35

You can have a secondary education, but your upbringing must be higher! 79