What is Alexey Goman doing now? Alexey Goman: biography and personal life

Alexey Goman, a young performer from Russia, has become an example for many girls and guys who, like him, were born in a family far from the world of show business, but at the same time have talent and want to become famous. He himself did not even expect that one day he would become famous and begin to earn his living from what he considered a pleasant hobby.

Childhood of Alexey Goman

The singer was born in Murmansk. His father was a simple mechanic and electrician, and his mother worked in a military unit. But at the same time, the singer’s mother graduated from a music school during her school years and had a diploma from the conservatory. It is not surprising that she was the one who noticed her son’s talent.

Alexey’s mother decided that her son should enjoy his childhood and carefree games with friends, and not spend hours in stuffy music school classes in order to acquire not only a musical education, but also an aversion to this form of art. Instead, she taught him on her own and, together with her eldest son, taught him to play the guitar.

Alexey Goman repeats in many interviews that he is very grateful to his parents. According to the singer, it was thanks to his father and mother that he not only grew up to be a good person, but also fell in love with music, and later became famous.

But, unfortunately, Alexey lost his parents very early. When the boy was only 15 years old, his father died. And three years later, the mother also died from a serious illness. The boy remained in the care of his older brother.

Education and first performances

Alexey Goman, whose biography is full of ups and downs, admitted that he graduated from 9th grade and after that went to get an education elsewhere, since schoolwork seemed unbearable to him. At the same time, he studied well. As Alexey himself said, he was a lazy but smart student.

Together with his friend, he received a profession. If the young man’s life had not changed so dramatically, he would have continued to repair trolleybuses in Murmansk. But it was while doing hard physical labor that Alexey realized that what he had was not enough for him. The future singer wanted to develop.

The young man took up self-education and soon entered the Pedagogical University, one of the most prestigious higher educational institutions. The university is not only a place where residents of the city and region receive education, but also one of the centers of local culture. It was here that the famous musical "Notre Dame de Paris" was born throughout Murmansk and even beyond its borders.

One of the creators of the musical was Alexei’s brother. This talented young man gave roles only to those actors he trusted. And among them was Alexey Goman. The singer's biography would be incomplete if it were not said about the role of the poet Gringoire, which brought the young performer his first rays of fame.

"National artist"

Alexey Goman became famous throughout the country after he took part in the show "People's Artist". As the singer himself says, he was vacationing in Sochi when he saw the casting announcement. And then the young man decided to take a risk. Instead of going home after rest, he went to Moscow.

Alexey, as he himself claims, did not hope to win. But still he moved further and further towards the coveted final three participants. The audience gladly cast their votes for the young and talented performer, who sang songs brightly and with soul. In the few weeks that the project was underway, Alexey became famous not only throughout Russia, but also in neighboring countries. He has a real army of fans.

Alexey won the show "People's Artist". After this, his career took off. He became a welcome guest at many concerts, talk shows and Even years after the end of the project, Alexey remains at the top of the musical Olympus.

The singer's personal life

Goman Alexey changed his life very much. The singer’s wife supports him in all his endeavors and is a real strong supporter. Alexey met his wife, the lead singer of the Assorted group Masha Zaitseva, thanks to the People's Artist project. The young people created not only a strong family, but also a creative tandem. Masha helps her husband compose songs, which later become Russian hits.

The relationship between Alexey Goman and his wife has lasted for more than five years. The young performer carefully tries to protect his personal life from public attention. With great inspiration, he talks about his creative plans, of which he has a great many.

Alexey Goman born in the fall of 1983 in Murmansk. He was a student at the Murmansk State Pedagogical University, department of “socio-cultural activities”. In Murmansk he performed in a trio, which enjoyed success in the city. In 2003 he transferred to the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts.

The creative path of Alexey Goman / Alexey Goman

In 2003, he took part in a television competition for performers. "National artist", where he won.

In July 2006 Alexey Goman became one of the finalists of the international festival " Slavic Marketplace" Besides, Alexey Goman declared his talents in choreography, and took third place together with Lyudmila Chegrinets in the project "Dancing with the Stars". Two years later, the composition “Russian Waltz” was performed jointly Alexey Goman And Valentina Tolkunova.

When the contract with the production center “FBI Music” came to an end, Alexey Goman took up a solo career and began performing songs of his own composition.

Alexey Goman has received the “Young Talent of Russia - Charoite Star” and “Service to Art” orders, 1st degree.

In 2014 it became known that Alexey Goman will take part in the new season of the show "Glacial period" on Channel One. His partner was a figure skater Yana Khokhlova. The singer admitted that he skated for the first time to film this project.

On my blog Alexey Goman commented on his own performance:

- I don’t know how it will end. I threw my energy into making it beautiful. The rest burn with a bright flame.

Personal life of Alexey Goman / Alexey Goman

The musician is married. His chosen one - Maria Zaitseva, lead singer of the group “N.A.O.M.I.” They met on the set of the show “People’s Artist”, and have not parted since then. On December 28, 2012, their daughter Alexandrina was born.

Alexey Vladimirovich Goman is a Russian singer, songwriter, talented poet, composer and actor. This famous artist became the winner of the first edition of the music television show, which took place on the Rossiya channel in 2013, “People’s Artist”. It was from this time that the popularity of the young singer began. Millions of television viewers watched his success.

Now Alexey Goman's songs are very popular not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. Fans literally freeze when they hear the artist’s voice. Alexey Goman has a pleasant timbre, you want to listen to his songs. Admirers of his work are looking forward to the singer’s new works.

The biography and creative path of Alexey Goman is interesting and full of vivid facts.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexey Goman

Alexey Goman is a fairly young artist, but has already managed to win the recognition of the people. Many fans want to know literally everything about their idol, including his physical parameters, for example, what is his height, weight, age. How old is Alexey Goman today can be calculated by knowing the singer’s date of birth. Thus, Alexey Goman is now 34 years old.

The artist's height is 183 centimeters. He weighs about 77 kilograms.

The singer has a model appearance, for which he thanks his parents. He also plays sports to maintain his figure. “Alexey Goman – photos in his youth and now” is a fairly popular request on the Internet.

According to his zodiac sign, Alexey Goman belongs to the creative and romantic Virgo. According to the eastern calendar, the artist is a generous and cheerful Pig

Biography and personal life of Alexey Goman

The biography and personal life of Alexey Goman began in Murmansk. The future artist was born on September 12, 1983 into a musical family. But the main work of his parents had nothing to do with music. Thus, his father, Vladimir Goman, was a jack of all trades. He worked as a mechanic and electrician. And my mother worked in a military unit, but it is known that in her youth she graduated from music school. Alexey Goman is not the only child in the family; he has an older brother, Evgeny Goman. After the death of his parents, it was he who took upon himself the upbringing of his younger brother. Their father died when Alexey was 15 years old, and 2 years later, their mother also died.

Alexey Goman showed musical abilities from childhood. He loved to sing and easily learned to play the guitar. At the local cultural palace he became a member of a trio. The group took prizes in competitions.

After the 9th grade, he received the education of an electrician. Later he received a diploma from Murmansk Pedagogical University.

A turning point in the life of Alexey Goman was his participation in the television project of the Rossiya channel “People’s Artist” in 2013, where the young singer won.

Now the artist is quite popular not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. He works a lot - often tours and performs at concerts. Currently, the singer has released 3 albums, which are popular among music listeners. Alexey Goman also deservedly received several awards - “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone” and others.

The personal life of the young artist is not particularly diverse. Alexey Goman was married once. They had a daughter in 2012, but the couple divorced in 2014.

Family and children of Alexey Goman

Alexey Goman experienced several tragedies in his youth. So, at the age of 15, his father died. Two years later, the mother also died. She suffered from cancer. Then his older brother began raising the young artist. By the way, it was he who gave the name to Alexey Goman.

After participating in the music TV show “People’s Artist,” Alexey lived in a civil marriage with Maria Zaitseva. This is how the family was formed. And the children of Alexei Goman, after eleven years of marriage, were born. The singer was very happy.

Now Alexey Goman is not married, but takes an active part in raising his daughter.

Daughter of Alexey Goman - Alexandrina

The daughter of Alexey Goman is Alexandrina, the only child of the young artist. The girl was born on December 28, 2012 and became a real New Year's gift for her parents. Alexey Goman and Maria Zaitseva had been married for 6 years by that time. Therefore, the girl was a long-awaited child in the family of Alexei Goman. At the request of the wife, the baby was registered under the name Alexandrina.

At home, Alexandrina is called Sandra. She shows good vocal abilities. The family loves to relax together, despite the fact that Alexey Goman and Maria Zaitseva broke up. Photos with their daughter often appear on social networks from Alexandrina’s parents.

Alexey Goman takes an active part in raising his daughter. And he still had friendly relations with Maria Zaitseva.

Ex-wife of Alexey Goman - Maria Zaitseva

Alexey Goman’s ex-wife, Maria Zaitseva, also participated in the “People’s Artist” project, where, in fact, the young people met. A few months later, the couple began to live together.

It was an ideal relationship, but it came to the wedding only after 6 years of marriage, the couple formalized their relationship. The wedding took place in 2009 quite modestly; they decided to wait until after the wedding for a magnificent celebration.

In 2012, Alexey Goman and Maria Zaitseva had a daughter, Alexandrina. After some time, discord began in their family. And in 2014, the couple officially divorced.

However, Alexey Goman and Maria Zaitseva still maintain friendly relations. It is known that together they purchased a small restaurant in the capital, which is popular.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexey Goman

Alexey Goman is a young modern man, so he is an active user of social networks.

Alexey Goman's Instagram and Wikipedia are very popular. Here you can get acquainted with the biography and creative life of the artist. Alexey Goman's Instagram is filled with photographs. Here the singer often communicates with his fans. Wikipedia Alexey Goman provides detailed information about the life and work of the young artist. Here you can familiarize yourself with his discography and creative plans.

Alexey Goman also has his own VKontakte account. He has a lot of subscribers here. Article found on alabanza.ru

Alexey Goman is a famous performer and composer who is still very young in his circles. His childhood was spent in distant Murmansk, where he was born on September 12, 1983. The parents were representatives of simple working professions; there was also an eldest son in the family. Her mother graduated from the conservatory, but her career did not work out. From her experience, she immediately realized that her son also has vocals, which in the future could help him arrange his life. The latest news in 2017 from the personal life of Alexey Goman is only positive. He continues to engage in creative work and delight listeners.

The mother taught her children to play the guitar, but never forced them to attend music school. They grew up in such a way that no one limited them in anything. But several tragic events happened in a row in the life of young Alexei. At the age of fifteen he lost his father, and a few years later he lost his mother.

He was unable to get a school education and already in the ninth grade he went to school. Accordingly, he worked part-time at a trolleybus depot. Of course, he more than once thought about what would await him ahead, and how life would develop in the future. He decides to enter the pedagogical university in his hometown, where he became famous. The singer's career did not always go smoothly. In fact, children and personal life for Alexey Goman are a different story. He is ready to talk about this for a long time without stopping.


The musical “Notre Damede Paris”, which Alexei’s brother wanted to stage, became the starting point. At the pedagogical institute, a selection was carried out for those wishing to take part, but they had to pass a special audition. As a result, Gringoire's game went to Homan. After his speech he was greeted with a standing ovation. Alexey had never been so joyful in his life. His professionalism and natural vocal abilities showed what he is capable of.

Later, while relaxing at a resort in Sochi, he came across a brochure for one of the competitions where he could show off his vocal abilities. The so-called “People’s Artist” is a competition in which Alexey was able to easily prove his talent. Easily overcoming the qualifying stage, reached the final and won.

“Slavic Bazaar” is the next stage in Goman’s musical career. Having taken an honorable third place, I also became convinced that I was truly talented and could show myself from a variety of sides. In 2009, he organized his own musical group and organized various tours and performances throughout the Russian Federation. At that time, his personal life had already developed; photos of Alexey Goman with children appeared, but he did not have his own yet. In general, the artist developed not only in terms of career, but also in terms of family life.

Already in 2004, he released his first album, “Russian Guy,” and then several more appeared. One of these music collections, “May,” became the most sold. The young guy’s works were highly appreciated not only by listeners, but also by critics. Goman had an incredibly beautiful and piercing voice. At various festivals and concerts you can hear Alexey’s voice. At the moment, many professional producers invite the singer to collaborate, but he is only interested in a solo career and works only on musical areas that interest him.

In 2014, he received the most important award for him - “For Services to the Fatherland.”

In addition to all this, he also has several different awards and orders. The talented Alexey Goman continues to delight his fans with new songs and excellent creativity. In 2017, there was very little news about the personal life of Alexey Goman and his biography, as he is engaged in an active career. The recording of new songs and works does not stop.

A television

Popularity came immediately after participating in the “People’s Artist” project. The young guy began to be invited to various television shows. Many saw him in “Dancing with the Stars,” where, together with Lyudmila Chegrinets, they achieved third place. This experience helped him quite a lot, as he learned to perform in front of audiences and dance. Many fans were once again convinced of the skill of their favorite singer.

Alexey Goman did not intend to become a famous actor, he just decided to try himself in a role, and he succeeded. Maybe in the near future we will be able to see him in various leading roles. After he took part in his brother's musical, which was a turning point, the guy realized how much he could not live without the stage.

He could also be seen in episodes of some films. Already in 2014, Alexey Goman became a participant in the Ice Age show. According to Alexey, this was the most difficult test in his life, which he overcame. Together with Yana Khokhlova, they performed, but could not win. In the future, if offers come in, he will under no circumstances refuse to participate in new shows.

Alexey Goman: biography, personal life

He first met his love on the same project “People’s Artist”. Throughout the entire competition, he did not show his sympathies in any way, but after its completion, he began to invite his beloved Maria Zaitseva on dates. In general, after a few months they were already living together. They lived in a civil marriage for about six years and only after that they got married.

In 2012, daughter Alexandrina was born, this event was supposed to unite the family, but everything happened completely the opposite. In 2013, Alexey moved to another apartment. Despite all the differences, they continue to communicate and maintain a common relationship. For 2017, there is some break in the personal life of Alexey Goman. As it became known, they still have not officially dissolved their marriage. In his interviews, Alexey has repeatedly said that he is not going to date anyone yet and is still focusing on his career.

Alexey Goman is a famous artist who has been interested in music since early childhood. She was instilled with love by her mother, who immediately noticed her son’s talent. She did not insist on studying at a music school, but managed to appreciate music.

The young man was ambitious from a young age. Having seen an announcement about a casting for the new television project “People’s Artist,” he decided to try his hand, although he himself was not sure of success. But within a few weeks the young man gained incredible popularity. Literally the whole country watched his success. After some time, Alexey Goman reached the final of the show, and then won it.

The young artist's songs are popular. A large number of people not only in our country, but also in neighboring countries are ready to listen and listen to them, literally freezing at the sound of Alexey’s voice.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexey Goman

Popular artist Alexey Goman has been incredibly popular for more than 10 years. His day is scheduled literally minute by minute. Many people know everything about the artist. In 2015, the TNT channel aired a program in which the popular singer himself spoke about his life and creative activities. He said that he thanks his parents for his model appearance, as well as sports.

The singer said that many people think of him as a very tall man with model appearance, but in fact he has normal height, weight, and age. How old Alexey Goman was was also told on the program. His weight is 77 kg with a height of 183 cm. The popular singer celebrated his 33rd birthday last year. He says that this date has a sacramental meaning for him. Even as a child, he wished that it was at this age that he would become famous. Everything came true much earlier. But for Alexey this milestone became magical.

Biography and personal life of Alexey Goman

Alexey Goman was born in Murmansk. From a young age the boy loved to sing. But he absolutely did not like studying at school, although the future popular artist had only good grades in his diary. Therefore, he left school after 9 years of study and went to get a profession at the school, after which he received a diploma from Murmansk Pedagogical University. Having received his diploma, the young man decided to go on a trip.

While vacationing in Sochi, the young man saw an advertisement for a casting for the show project “People’s Artist”. Therefore, instead of returning home, Alexey Gomon went to Moscow, where he was appreciated by television viewers and the jury, having won, although he himself did not believe in it. This is how the popular artist’s creative biography began. And Alexey Goman’s personal life also began when he participated in a television project. Here he met Maria Zaitseva, who became his soul mate.

Now Alexey Goman is incredibly popular. He tours not only throughout Russia, but also in neighboring countries. And everywhere the young artist is greeted as the most welcome guest, admiring his creativity and vocal abilities. Alexey Goman received several awards, including music festival awards - “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone” and others.

Among other things, our hero took part in a number of television shows. His participation in “Ice Age” became successful for him.

Family and children of Alexey Goman

The boy became the second son in the family. His older brother named him. Father, according to Alexei himself, was a jack of all trades. He was an excellent mechanic and repairer of electricity, helping everyone who needed it. There was always not enough money, so my mother went to work in a military unit. The boy's talent was passed on from her. It was from her that Alexey learned to play the guitar and learned to love music. At the age of 15, the young man’s father died unexpectedly for everyone. Soon my mother fell ill with cancer and died 2 years later. His brother took care of the young man and became a real family for him.

After “People’s Artist,” Alexey began to live in a civil marriage with Maria Zaitseva. After some time, a small family grew up. And the children of Alexei Goman were born, which the artist was incredibly happy about.

Although after some time the artist separated from his wife, he is involved in the life of his daughter. He also managed to maintain friendly relations with his ex-wife.

Daughter of Alexey Goman - Alexandrina Goman

Alexey and Maria lived together for 11 years before they had a child. Maria gave birth just before the New Year. The girl became a real New Year's gift for her parents. At the request of his wife, Alesey registered his daughter, giving her the name Alexandrina.

In the family, the parents call the girl Sandra. Alexey Goman and Maria Zaitseva constantly post photos with their daughter on their pages on social networks.

After some time, the couple separated. They began to live separately, but the artist participated in his daughter’s life. In 2014, the couple officially divorced, but friendly relations remained between the spouses.

The daughter of Alexey Goman, Alexandrina Goman, at 4.5 years old, according to her father, shows good vocal abilities. She can count up to 20 and has also started learning to read.

Ex-wife of Alexey Goman - Maria Zaitseva

The young people met at the People's Artist project. He was a member and she was part of a group working with emerging artists. Soon Alexey and Maria began to live together. Maria began singing in the group “Assorted”. At the same time, she began to write songs that Alexey performed. In 2009, Maria became the official wife of the artist.

In 2012, she gave her husband a daughter, whom they decided to name Alexandrina. In 2014, the couple officially divorced. But Alexey Goman’s ex-wife, Maria Zaitseva, communicates with Alexey, maintaining friendly relations with him. She and her ex-husband purchased a small restaurant in the center of the capital, which is now popular.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexey Goman

Alexey Goman is a modern young man, so he is registered on many social networks. Alexey Goman’s Instagram and Wikipedia pages provide the most complete information about the popular artist. More than 400 thousand people are registered here, listening to the singer’s songs and viewing his photographs from the country’s concert venues. Subscribers also like pictures of her daughter Alexandrina, of which there are many, from the first days of her life to recent times. Alexey Goman's songs are incredibly in demand, they are downloaded many times.