Bookmaker mirrors. Bookmaker mirrors always work! Mirror of current bookmakers for today

Technical difficulties and access problems are not uncommon for Russian bookmaker clients. Among the online betting operators who were blocked were the majority of bookmakers, including 1xbet. Mirror, working for today and allowing you to bypass restrictions is published on our website.

Reasons for blocking

Amendments to Federal Law No. 244, introduced in 2014, recognized online bookmakers licensed outside the Russian Federation as illegal. The bans did not affect land-based PPS; only access to the website of all bookmakers, including 1xBet, was subject to restrictions.

One of the conditions for legalization is the introduction of taxation on player winnings and many other additional fees and requirements. This is impractical both from the bookmaker and from the player’s position, so the official 1xbet website continues to function and is popular among bettors.

Bypassing blockages

The two most popular methods to bypass restrictions are an official working mirror and a VPN. If using the second requires installing third-party programs, then in the first case you only need to know the link to the current address.


The use of mirrors is as convenient as possible for quickly bypassing the blocking. Moreover, this approach always works - bookmakers regularly register new addresses in the event of another blocking, so that the player has access to the account at any time.

History of the bookmaker

The Leon betting brand has a long history. It was founded by a company with a Canadian license Leon Gaming Limited back in 1998. Then it was one of the largest bookmakers in the world, operating offline in Canada, the States and Europe. But then an interesting thing happened: the countries served, one after another, began to introduce bans on sports betting. The first of these was the United States, which brought down the shares of many companies, including Leon Gaming Limited.

In 2007, BC Leon moved offline under a new name Leonbets(I’m sure many readers remember it this way). She received another license to conduct online activities in Curacao and began to focus primarily on Eastern Europe and the CIS.

Until 2016, Leonbets operated illegally in Russia, and therefore users constantly encountered the problem of site blocking and other hassles associated with betting in offshore offices. But in October 2016, a new bookmaker, founded by Leon LLC, appeared in our country. As you know, it became the successor to another betting organization - Euromir LLC, holding a license from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 20 dated December 16, 2011. Leon received more than 300 teaching staff throughout Russia, as well as the right to obtain a license for online betting, which he did not fail to take advantage of. received a license to accept bets via the Internet only on October 16, 2016, at the same time becoming a member of the SRO “Association of Bookmakers” and an agent of the Center for Accounting Services (QIWI).

How to register on the website

After the legalization of bookmakers, becoming their clients has become a little more difficult than before. It’s just that several points were added between entering your login in the registration form and the first bet. I think not everyone fully understands how this happens, so I’ll look at this process in more detail:

  1. Registration on the website Everything is simple here and nothing new. Enter your login, password, phone number, and other information about yourself - and you are almost a client of BC Leon.
  2. Identification. There are 2 ways here. The first is identification through the QIWI payment service. If you have been verified in the Qiwi system, then simply use the same phone number when registering. The second way is more difficult. You need to show up in person at one of the identification points: Euroset salon, QIWI office or CONTACT system payment acceptance point. You can also call a courier home, but this service is paid additionally. Be sure to take with you your Russian passport and mobile phone, the number of which was indicated when registering at the Leon bookmaker office. On the spot, announce that you want to be identified for QIWI, show your passport and give your phone number. Then wait for the message on your mobile phone and enter the code in your personal account of the payment system. This pleasure costs 50 rubles.
  3. After identification, you can safely top up your account in any convenient way and place bets.

Now, for full access to Leon, you do not need to register with TsUPIS, but just need to receive a QIWI identification code.

Line to BC Leon

The pre-match line in is weak, to put it mildly. There are all the major sports here, but nothing more. If you like to bet on small markets, then there are not many of them, and some sports there are none at all. Not to mention the completely exotic ones - for example, hurling or something similar.

Football is presented modestly. There are not even many leagues that are valuable from the point of view of bookmakers. I will say more: basically you can only bet here on the second and third divisions. And they don't really attract players.

Tennis is no better. I didn't find Davis or Grand Slam in the line. There are only a couple of major ATP tournaments and the Fed Cup. In general, the prospects for fans of the game on the court are so-so.

The only line that is really cool in Leon is the hockey line. It has everything - and KHL, And NHL, And WHL, and even the Belarusian Extraleague. In general, if you like to bet on ice hockey, you will like it here.

There are no non-sports bets in Leon. If you want to bet on the results of various TV shows, series or political events, do it in another office or with work colleagues.


I found only 7 sports in the live line. This is sad. And if you look at each of them separately, it becomes even sadder. At the time of writing this review, it was possible to place bets on only 10, and not the most interesting, football matches. The situation is approximately the same in other sports competitions. I don’t think it’s even worth adding that there are no broadcasts here either. Even text ones. In general, the live is a complete failure for Leon.


Do you want to be honest? Looking back at the above, I didn’t expect anything special from the painting. But I didn't think it was that bad. I couldn’t find more than 20 possible outcomes for central football matches, including the main ones. The only plus is that there are Asian handicaps here, which you rarely see in Russian offices. But they don’t correct the situation either.

In tennis, the painting is no better. For the central ATP match in London, the bookmaker offers only 17 additional options, and in less valuable events this figure is 2 or even 3 times less.

As with the pre-match line, hockey has much better coverage than football and tennis combined. Here the bookmaker offers to bet on full match statistics, ranges for totals by period, a bunch of additional handicaps with the possibility of step-by-step repurchase, and so on. In general, if you bet on hockey, then this is the only thing that the bookmaker can offer in full.

The situation with the painting aggravates the overall picture and forms my final opinion about the office. If you haven’t realized yet, there’s a big problem with betting in Leon, and only hockey can somehow sort the situation out.

Around the summer of 2018, the office was painted much expanded. However, according to this indicator, the company is still in the plinth area.


I rarely like the odds of domestic bookmakers. And this is objective, because they often try to earn more than they deserve. In the case of, the situation is ambiguous (but rather negative). And this ambiguity lies in the huge volatility of the margin, depending on the type of sport and the value of the match.

Leon offers the best conditions for football. The margin for the most popular leagues and matches is around 3-5%, which is very good, especially for a Russian establishment. But for other top championships, for games of the second echelon of popularity, as well as for handicaps and totals, this figure reaches 11-12%, which, in my opinion, is a little expensive.

Hockey turned out to be the most profitable for the bookmaker. The average margin here is 7-8%, and for handicaps, totals and other additional outcomes it reaches 12%.

Tennis is also not far behind hockey. On average, the bookmaker earns 7% on matches of the first value, and up to 12% on simpler games and additional outcomes.

Overall the picture is not very rosy. If betting on football is even more or less painless, then the office allows you to earn very little money on other sports.

Legal and offshore sites of BC Leon

As I already wrote, Leon did not always work legally in Russia. Before that, it was called Leonbets and had an offshore license in Curacao. Today there is, which legally accepts bets via the Internet.

Wherein It still works, although it is blocked in Russia (but there are mirrors for this). You may ask, why are they needed when you can bet legally and not worry? Yes, there are a lot of answers. Firstly, not all Leon players live in Russia. And only citizens of the Russian Federation living on its territory can register and, moreover, identify themselves on

Secondly, automatic tax deduction of 13% when withdrawing amounts over 15,000 rubles. And given the “draconian” odds, many players are unlikely to like this. But on the other hand, bets on the official website are protected by law, and you can always challenge any decision that you think is unfair in court. That's the beauty of legalization, and that's what you pay tax for.


BC Leon has been working in RuNet for a long time. Even if it’s unofficial, it’s still a fact. And I am sure that during this time he gained many fans. But I wouldn’t consider myself one of them. Of the legal companies in Russia, occupies one of the last places in my hit parade. There is only one reason - everything here is very weak: line, live, painting, odds. And I consider these to be the main metrics by which to judge a company. Therefore, in order not to feel remorse, I will not recommend

More details

This section provides the user with access to articles that describe in detail the current working links of bookmaker mirrors and options for possible bypasses of blocking using mirror sites of bookmakers.

Usually, the presence of a mirror site of a bookmaker office implies that it is illegal, but this is not always the case. It is worth considering that some bookmakers joined TsUPIS after they acquired exact copies of their resources and for certain reasons, bookmaker mirrors remained active.

In the bookmaker's mirror section there is a complete list of various options for bypassing blocking, which can be done both using active links and other methods that do not require much effort and financial investment.

How to use the BC mirror

We do not recommend all bookmakers that do not have the appropriate permission to operate on the territory of the Russian Federation, and we also advise, for your safety, to refrain from visiting resources that contradict the legislative framework of Russia. However, there are situations when bookmakers can unexpectedly block, but the user still has money left in his gaming account. In such cases, in order to visit the required resource, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the section “Mirrors of bookmakers”;
  • Select an article that meets your requirements;
  • Follow the instructions step by step.

As a rule, in order to visit a working mirror site, you just need to make small changes to the domain name (in accordance with the recommendations of the corresponding article in the section). In rare cases, the address is completely different, but the type of resource is identical.

  • Using VPN (change of IP address);
  • Using special programs and applications.

But it is best to avoid such situations and use the services of reliable bookmakers that will work for many years. We wish you good luck and success in choosing a bookmaker!

After the introduction of Russian licensing, all offices are required to obtain a permit to carry out sports betting. And if the bookmakers were duly informed about this, then for many bettors this news fell out of the blue. Moreover, the players also had to register with the Center for Information and Information Services.

Many people took these legislative changes with hostility. Obedient firms accepted the new rules and received the coveted license. But there were only a few of them. Their complete list can be counted with the help of your fingers.

Most companies, especially small ones, went over to the “shadow” side and continued to accept bets. Goskomnadzor decided to block their websites. In order to stay in the market, bookmakers began to create spare Internet resources, so-called mirrors of bookmakers. They remained operational for a short time, as they were also subject to blocking. In place of the banned mirrors of bookmaker sites, new ones came, then more and more...

BC Mirrors

Such a struggle to attrition prevented the arrival of new players. And old clients were tired of searching for current bookmaker mirrors almost every week.

Therefore, there is now a “three-fold” situation in the gambling market:

  1. Officially, there is a relatively small number left to work. These are large companies that can afford to fork out for a Russian license. The result is natural selection, the strongest survive, and they no longer need the mirrors of bookmakers to work.
  2. left our market, considering it not so profitable as to incur additional costs. The most important of these bookmakers have banned the creation of accounts from Russian territory. Others left things to chance; whoever breaks through the blockade will gain access to registration.
  3. Small domestic and foreign firms, focused on the Russian market and lacking funds or unwilling to share with the state, remained in the shadows or reoriented themselves to the clientele of neighboring countries - immigrants from the USSR. International licenses of such bookmakers (Curacao, Cyprus, Gibraltar) give such a right, but they cannot openly accept a Russian bettor without working mirrors of bookmakers.

Ordinary players have suffered the most from these changes in legislation. For some, the bookmaker “burst” with money in their personal account, for others, it migrated abroad and now they need to use workarounds (anonymizers, additional programs and browsers, VPN) or constantly look for existing mirrors of bookmaker sites.

But even those whose bookmaker received the coveted TsUPIS license were morally affected. This number of unlucky ones included fans of horse racing, greyhound racing, casinos, slots, financial betting, toto, and virtual competitions.

Without going into details, but only by stating the facts, we can conclude that the bookmaker license of the Russian Federation does not apply to such bets.

In any case, there is no need to be upset. No one has yet canceled special browsers, anonymizers and bookmaker mirrors. But learning to use all these add-ons is a breeze.

Beginners to betting often wonder whether they should trust the page of an online resource? If we turn to the official explanation, then a mirror site is a similar copy of a real Internet portal, located at a different URL. Previously, mirrors were used to distribute server load capacity; some companies still use this option if there are difficulties with the official website page.

Mirror of the bookmaker's website appeared for a completely different reason. Roskomnadzor, as you know, is the official body for monitoring the activities of all beeches in Russia, and therefore it is necessary to strictly control the entire market, as prescribed by the letter of the law. Naturally, offshore companies do not want to lose the Russian betting market, so they use and constantly generate links to working bookmaker sites.

The main reason for the appearance of mirrors is primarily related to the legislative framework, which provides for the mandatory payment of a tax of 13% from both the bettor and the bookmaker. Naturally, many organizations believe that they are and resort to tricks by creating illegal mirrors.

The second point of renouncing legal status is that all bookmakers must register with the Payment Center - TsUPIS and must be a member of the SRO (self-regulatory association of bookmakers). There are strict requirements for SROs; it is necessary that one association has at least 10 bookmakers, or 50% of officially registered companies.

The SRO compensation fund must be at least 300 million rubles (now this figure is approaching 450 million rubles), and this fund is formed annually. Thus, all legal companies must form a single compensation fund, which in the end turns out to be unaffordable for the beeches. Many companies refuse such conditions and prefer to work illegally, creating bookmaker mirrors.

Fight to attrition for the bettor's heart

Almost all bookmakers find themselves in such a double, and even triple, situation. Old bettors, who for some reason trusted mirrors, got tired of looking for current versions of mirrors and as a result they were forced to switch to working only with legal bookmakers.

Now the market has such a situation with betting.

  1. were forced to agree to the requirements of the law, so they forked out money for the SRO and agreed to register through the Center for Information and Registration. The selection turned out to be very tough, and if before there were several hundred bookmakers, now there are barely 2 dozen of them. Some SROs have legal BC organizations that do not manifest themselves anywhere or in any way. It is expected that these organizations will be put up for sale or start their work in the near future.
  2. Most foreign companies left the Russian market, not agreeing with the requirements of the law. After 2014, since the law came into force, foreigners tried to return to the market. So BC Olympus came from Kazakhstan and began its legal activities in the country. Some actions are being taken to expand its work on Winline's part.
  3. Some bookmakers who did not comply with the financial part of the law quickly switched their activities to the countries of the former USSR and Eastern Europe, where local laws are “more loyal.” However, many began to register their companies offshore for reinsurance - Curacao, Cyprus, Gibraltar. It is noteworthy that such companies with offshore registration will be able to operate in Russia, but only working and legal websites are needed, and compliance with organizational issues.

Ordinary bettors have suffered from changes in legislation. So, for some bettors, the bettor’s account “exploded”, since the office cannot operate in Russia. Other bettors seem to have access to the site, and even have money in their account, but they need to carefully “migrate”, bypassing all kinds of blocking, using anonymizers, special programs, browsers and, of course, VPN. Even if a bettor believes that his company is “very reliable,” he constantly has to look for valid bookmaker mirrors.

In addition, there is a certain “moral depression” among bettors who previously bet on greyhound racing, slots, sweepstakes, online casinos, and financial bets. Bettors also suffered, as these categories came under severe pressure. Separate licenses for these bets are not required, but these areas cannot exist independently.

How offshore companies operate

Before the ban on anonymizers, in Russia and the CIS countries, offshore companies constantly advertised their mirrors, and for these purposes they used:

  • Working bots in the Telegram channel, with the placement of relevant links;
  • Individual working links were created;
  • Special clients and software were offered for download;
  • Special browser extensions;
  • Promotion through private virtual networks;
  • All anonymizers.

Unfortunately, soon this access channel will also be blocked, since part of the blocking functions will go not only to Rospotrebnadzor, but also to the FSB, which suspects that illegal bookmakers are laundering dirty money.

Should you trust the BC mirror?

Betting is always a risk and all responsibility for working with a bookmaker lies with you. The mirrors have exactly the same structure as the official website. Some bookmakers are difficult to distinguish, and to check the validity of the site, you should always check the browser bar address. When working with a mirror, you assume all risks and responsibility for financial transactions. Working with, despite the complex requirements of the organizer, you are protected financially by the state payment center. Through this channel you pay the 13% tax, deposit and withdraw funds in a way convenient for you. Some bookmakers include a 13% tax in the cost of the bet; in any case, you can get a detailed report on how your finances are distributed in your personal account.

Is it possible to bypass the blocking?

If you still want to take a risk, then to use the site mirror you must use one of the following methods:

  1. Install any available program to bypass blocks, such as Hotspot Shield. The software is available for both mobile devices and PCs.
  2. Many browsers have a “Turbo” function, you can try to access the site using this option.
  3. Install one of the working browser plugins, such as ZenMate. This is the simplest option, but it doesn't always work.
  4. We set up a proxy server based on your regional location. For example, Russian citizens can choose a proxy for England and Spain. If we can’t log in, we select another country.

These are the easiest ways to bypass the blocking. To clarify the availability of a legal mirror, we recommend that you contact the bookmaker’s website for information.

You can find out more detailed information about the availability of mirrors on the official website of the sports forecasting organizer.


About 4 years have passed since beeches were given legal status. Over the years, Roskomnadzor has blocked several tens of thousands of mirrors of illegal sites. Even during the period of existence of the legal status of the organizer, several Internet resources had to be blocked, since the organizer posted prohibited links to go to mirrors. According to the law, the bookmaker must have a domain zone in Russia. If you still want to use mirrors for work, then remember that you assume all risks in full.

We recommend using only the official websites of bookmakers for work, as there is a certain scheme for protecting the interests of bettors, in particular, all payments are made through the Central Accounting Service, which excludes fraud on the part of the bookmaker organizer. You can see a list of registered official betting companies on our website in the rating category.