Protein-carbohydrate alternation for quick weight loss. BUTCH diet (protein-carbohydrate alternation)

The idea of ​​effective fat burning is permanently relevant among athletes who need to maintain constant shape. Protein-carbohydrate alternation (abbreviated as butch) aims to combine mutually exclusive principles for the consumption of meat and carbohydrates.

Proponents of one theory argue that any menu without protein simply will not provide the necessary muscle growth. On the other hand, carbohydrates are no less necessary, and especially for brain function.

However, the concept of “carbohydrates” does not at all mean that we are talking about consuming sweets or baked goods. The body will receive them every week from cereals, fruits and vegetables. The same is true for those protein-carbohydrate days when you're leaning toward protein. Consume protein foods, but with little fat.

The main advantage that this diet has, unlike many others for weight loss, is that it does not require a complete rejection of any of the essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates. And the special principle on which your menu is built allows you to get rid of excess fat at the same time.

Other strengths of the 21 day butch nutrition system:

  • Metabolism does not slow down, as often happens if the diet is low-carbohydrate or without carbohydrates at all, while fat reserves are burned evenly;
  • the described diet allows you to maintain good vitality and mood, because it’s no secret that any strict diet causes a feeling of depression and unhappiness;
  • An excellent combination with sports activities, since both energy and carbohydrates are supplied.

The emergence of a separate alternating technique

The inventor of the BUTCH nutrition system for weight loss and health improvement is recognized as nutritionist from the USA Jason Hunter, who has long been known for his work in the field of sports nutrition. If you follow the necessary recommendations, weight loss can range from 7 kg or more.

At the same time, this diet is more useful even for those who have managed to gain significant body fat. In addition, protein-carbohydrate alternation should also be beneficial for people suffering from diabetes, subject to prior consultation with your doctor.

The basis of this nutritional method is the consumption of foods such as lean meats, vegetables and fruits rich in all kinds of nutrients, foods rich in carbohydrates and fiber, and large amounts of purified or still mineral water. If the human body restricts the intake of carbohydrates, then it will have to switch to storage and economical spending mode.

Weight loss stops due to a slowdown in metabolism. Any refusal of a diet leads to a depressive state of the patient, which is associated with a mode of saving carbohydrates and glucose. If the bias is made towards protein, then this leads to an imbalance in the functioning of the kidneys.

How does this happen?

The widespread use of fast food does not bring anything good, except for a rapid increase in fat and clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol. But you should still include certain fats in your menu every week, since not all of them are harmful.

The most important argument in favor of fats, primarily unsaturated fats, is that the body, which is yearning for them, subsequently regains the lost weight at record speed. According to the research and conclusions reached by Jason Hunter, it is carbohydrates that are involved in supplying energy to our body. It is necessary not only for physical activity, but also for everyday life.

And on those days of our 21-day diet when the consumption of protein is prescribed, the pancreatic hormone rids us of excess fat cells, preventing poor health or muscle weakness.

So, the BUTCH weight loss scheme can be represented as the following alternation of days:

  • carbohydrate day aimed at seriously activating metabolic processes;
  • low-carb day for protein processing;
  • protein day, only protein food with a small amount of vegetables (non-carbohydrate).

What foods can you eat?

Then the entire diet of protein-carbohydrate alternation for 21 days is repeated according to the same scheme. Mr. Hunter draws attention to the fact that on any day of your new diet, the condition of consuming 1.5-2 liters of clean water is mandatory. In order to lose weight intensively, eat proteins and carbohydrates in small portions 5 to 7 times during the day. This way, calories will be burned evenly, maintaining the optimal metabolic rate.

When choosing a carbohydrate menu, we will not talk about all sorts of sweets, but about products with a low glycemic index. They will ensure the slow absorption of starches and the slow release of glucose into the blood.

So, among a similar menu with carbohydrates for weight loss, we recommend:

  • cereal-type porridges (preferably pre-soaked);
  • vegetables containing starch;
  • whole grain bread;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • various fruits.

If we are talking about the day when the protein menu appears for 21 days, then focus on the following products:

  • low fat meat;
  • fish and seafood;
  • various nuts (almonds, pine);
  • chicken eggs;
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, cheeses).

You can supply your menu every week with leafy greens and fresh cucumbers. Even the leanest of foods have a low fat content, and this is not something to be afraid of, since our body needs fat, including muscles. Therefore, the 21-day diet is quite suitable for seasoning with vegetable oil to provide us with unsaturated fats.

We repeat the cycles correctly

Additionally, a positive attitude and faith in good results, as well as feasible physical activity during 21-day weight loss, will help you get rid of accumulated fat reserves. True, if you have not had long-term experience in sports, then dose the loads in the initial stages, since this will become a real stress for the cardio system.

Perhaps, in your case, the best solution would be aerobics or feasible fitness classes. If you still remain of the opinion that the diet should be combined with weightlifting, then try to carry out the most intense exercise on carbohydrate days.

It’s not for nothing that the 21-day protein-carbohydrate plan for losing weight and gaining muscle mass is so revered by athletes, because it makes it possible to eliminate fat and, on the other hand, receive the energy necessary for training. Therefore, those who have already successfully tried this system on themselves even take the path of developing their own individual exercise and nutrition plan, in which calories from proteins and carbohydrates are calculated in their own way, taking into account the load. Hunter's 4-day cycle diet, which is distinguished by increased protein consumption, has also become widespread.

In this case, the weight loss menu will alternate as follows:

  • days 1-2 – protein, from 3 to 4 g of protein per kilogram of body weight;
  • day 3, carbohydrates, an additional glass of milk in the morning and a protein-rich dinner in the evening;
  • day No. 4 is a joint day, in which 2 g of protein and 2 g of carbohydrates are taken for each kilogram of weight.

Such a BEAM cycle can be repeated no more than 12 times in a row. The priority products remain the same as for the 3-day course. Only vegetable oils, preferably olive, can be consumed as fats.

Fast diet

There is a protein-carbohydrate alternation for 21 days, scheduled for a week at once. At the same time, carbohydrates and proteins can even be part of the menu every day, but in strictly designated proportions. In these cases, the total number of calories consumed is limited. And the very first day involves absorbing 2500 kilocalories at once, which is necessary to start metabolism.

In the domestic space of dietetics, Elena Malysheva’s BEACH diet has become famous. It is believed that it gives the opportunity to lose weight by 5 kg in the first 10 days of a new diet. It is very convenient to prepare in this way for some important event or trip.

So, alternating days for proteins and carbohydrates occurs as follows:

  • on the first day we have breakfast with one boiled egg and a glass of water, during the day we eat a whole boiled chicken, which is cooked without salt and also separated from fat and skin;
  • the next day's dish is a special cleaning salad consisting of carrots, beets and cabbage, each of which we take about half a kilo;
  • You can season the salad with lemon juice;
  • Drink 2 liters of water every day on a diet for 21 days or less.

For a person who does not engage in sports, it will be enough to consume 1-1.5 g of protein every day. Mostly, it should be animal proteins. On carbohydrate-heavy days, you can consume as much as you want, but it is important that these carbohydrates are not classified as simple carbohydrates. This could be potatoes and other vegetables, cereals, pasta and bread. Forget about baked goods, sweets and fruits with a high sugar content. And do not consume such sweets with fatty foods.

Examples of dishes during a diet

Protein day:

  1. Breakfast.
    Omelet based on 2 eggs, a glass of tea;
  2. Lunch.
    Low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), tea;
  3. Dinner.
    100 g steamed fish, cucumber;
  4. Afternoon snack.
  5. Dinner.
    Chicken breast (200g), tea.

Vegetable day (carbohydrate):

  1. Breakfast.
    Salad of bell peppers with tomatoes, bread, a glass of tea with a spoon of honey;
  2. Lunch.
    Low-fat cottage cheese (100 g) with bananas or apples;
  3. Dinner.
    100 g boiled chicken breast, a portion of rice;
  4. Afternoon snack.
    Yogurt with nuts or dried fruits, tea;
  5. Dinner.
    Steamed fish, cabbage salad with tomatoes and herbs, tea.

Day on cereals (carbohydrate):

  1. Breakfast.
    3 tablespoons of oatmeal with a spoon of nuts and a glass of yogurt;
  2. Lunch.
    Rice boiled in milk (100 g), tea;
  3. Dinner.
    100 g of boiled chicken breasts, 200 grams of buckwheat;
  4. Afternoon snack.
    Homemade cocktail – 300 ml kefir, a spoonful of honey, 3 tbsp. oatmeal;
  5. Dinner.
    Oatmeal cooked in water (100g), kefir.

The functioning of the body at this time

Let us once again summarize how the body behaves during the alternation of protein and carbohydrate diets. During low carb days, glycogen stores are almost completely depleted.

To cover these energy costs, the body begins to release and consume accumulated fats. However, even in this case, you need to be able to stop in time, because in the event of too strong shocks, the body will stop wasting fat cells, and will switch to spending muscle tissue to maintain vital functions.

A day containing high carbohydrates in food is precisely what is provided for this in the 21-day diet. Carbohydrate consumption increases significantly on this day, but the number of calories is still limited. We will have to minimize the amount of protein and fat we consume. In this case, it continues to consume fat cells as vital energy, and accumulate other ingredients in reserve. On day 4, we continue to take carbohydrates, but in more moderate amounts, to build up glycogen stores again.

When is the best time to train?

During carbohydrate depletion, you can safely lose a kilogram of weight. Despite the return of lost kilograms on the 4-5th day of losing weight, everything that you compensated for is no longer fat cells, but only water. As soon as the body’s water retention stops, the results of the diet will be obvious. With the help of the BEAM system, you can easily promote metabolic processes in the body, without being tied to certain calorie indicators of the menu. At the same time, physical tone remains at a high level, thanks to which you can train intensively.

It is optimal to train with heavy loads on days rich in carbohydrates. However, if the body has previously been carbohydrate starved, expect glycogen depletion in the muscles. Therefore, you can hardly count on a big surge of energy and great impact in the gym.

Adding carbohydrates to your diet periodically will prevent your body from using muscle cells for fuel. The BUTCH diet actually works effectively, and you can adjust the selection of products, the frequency of their intake and calorie content taking into account your life needs.

For one day you will have to eat only protein foods, and for the next day only vegetables and fruits.
These days need to be alternated with each other. Thus, the atomic diet can be called a system of carbohydrate and protein alternation.
By alternating protein and carbohydrate days, you thereby allow your body to complete a kind of “metabolic circle.”
During protein days, glycogen reserves will be depleted and the body will begin to actively use fats in order to ensure its own vital functions.
While on carb days, your glycogen stores will be replenished, but your body will continue to burn fat because your calorie intake will be much less than your basal energy requirement.

During the carbohydrate day, the intestines will be cleansed, which will prevent constipation, which is typical for all protein weight loss programs. In addition, following a protein day increases your physical activity. During protein days, a person losing weight will feel a decrease in muscle tone, as well as a lack of desire or need for hard and long-term workouts. Fruits that you will eat during carbohydrate days will add energy and positivity.

Forget that you are on a diet, you just eat differently, you are different, and continue with a normal, rich life. Not on a diet, but in a different diet.

The rules of the diet are simple:

On a protein day, eat only meat, fish, sausages, low-fat sausages, cheese, milk, sour milk, cottage cheese, eggs, cream. butter... The unknown author of the diet does not advise limiting yourself in the types and quantities of food - you need to eat to your fill, preferably at least 3 times a day.
But breading, sauces and other potentially carbohydrate products should be left to the “enemy”.

In carbohydrate - any vegetables, sautes, stews, vegetable soups in vegetable broth, lean borscht, fruits (bananas and grapes are limited to 1 piece or 100-150 grams.)
On vegetable days, it is good to make raw salads, beet caviar, bean pate (green), a vinaigrette without potatoes with beans is very healthy and tasty, if the weight is very large, then instead of beans, boil celery root (not the stems, but the root)

On a vegetable day, you can drink tea, preferably with ginger - it greatly speeds up the metabolism, and on a protein day, coffee with milk is perfect.


morning – coffee with milk, 2 eggs, cheese (you can have sausage, sausages, cottage cheese)
day - chicken breast (without breading, or fish, or meat (fried or baked - it doesn’t matter)
evening - cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, fish (at night it is better without meat - it takes longer to digest)

Vegetable day:
morning – salad, good with olive oil, sautéed eggplant
day – lean borscht or cabbage soup (replace potatoes with beans – in moderation), salad, lecho, some saltiness (garlic, cucumbers, tomatoes)
evening - vinaigrette, sauté, lecho to taste between lunch and dinner - fruits, any, juices, but freshly squeezed, grapes, bananas - in moderation, other fruits are better.

Don’t starve yourself, otherwise your body will begin to form fat literally out of thin air, don’t eat in bowls, switch to plates...

There is a rule!!! Don't eat three hours before bedtime, that's all. And the second rule: exclude three products, that is, during the period of active weight loss, completely forget about them, and for those prone to obesity, forget them forever: sugar, bread and potatoes.

So girls, let's get started! We post our photos, write parameters, menu for the day and results once a week! Hide your scales for this time)))

Here is a website for recipes.

Everyone has long known about a diet that requires strict restriction of carbohydrates in the diet. But nutritionists have developed a more gentle, but at the same time more effective option - a 21-day diet of protein-carbohydrate alternation. Using this method of losing weight, you can not only get rid of extra pounds quickly, but also do it simply and maintain health.

How it works?

Protein-carbohydrate alternation means that you will eat only food rich in protein for 2 days, and food rich in protein and carbohydrates for the next 2 days. Thus, this is what the diet looks like - 2 days of protein - 2 days of carbohydrates.

If you want to lose weight quickly enough, then for protein days it is better to choose low-calorie foods. For example, cottage cheese no more than 3% fat, kefir 1%, eggs, chicken breast, yogurt, fish. As a result of such nutrition, a deficiency of fats and carbohydrates will arise, and the body will be forced to spend its reserves.

Also, do not forget to calculate the amount of protein for your body per day. For a person who is not involved in sports, 1-1.5 grams per kg of body weight of protein per day will be enough. This figure should consist of 70% animal proteins and 30% plant proteins. If you lead an active lifestyle, then 1-1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight should consist of only animal proteins. It is not necessary to count fats, you just need to make sure that there are few of them.

A protein-carbohydrate diet means that on carbohydrate days you will eat as many carbohydrates as you want, the main thing is that they are simple: cereals, vegetables, bread, pasta from durum cereals. It is worth putting aside sweets, pastries and sweet fruits. These foods have a high glycemic index, which means they contribute to a sharp and strong increase in blood sugar. Moreover, you should not eat such sweets with fatty foods.

If you want to lose weight really quickly and efficiently, then let your diet look like this - 2 days of protein - 2 days of vegetables or 2 days of protein - 2 days of cereals.

Now we will offer you a menu of both diet options.

2 days of protein - 2 days of vegetables:

Protein days:

  • Breakfast – 2 egg omelet, a cup of tea;
  • Second breakfast – 100 g of cottage cheese 3%, a cup of tea;
  • Lunch – 100 g steamed fish, one cucumber;
  • Afternoon snack – 200 g of yogurt;
  • Dinner – 200 g chicken breast, a cup of tea.

Vegetable days:

  • Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs, pepper salad and 2 tomatoes, a slice of bread, a cup of tea with a spoon of honey;
  • Second breakfast – 100 g of cottage cheese with banana and berries;
  • Lunch – 200 g of boiled rice and 100 g of chicken breast;
  • Afternoon snack – 200 g of yoghurt with nuts and dried fruits, a cup of tea;
  • Dinner – 100 g of steamed fish, salad of greens, tomato, Chinese cabbage and nuts.

2 days of protein – 2 days of cereals:

Protein days:

  • Breakfast – 200 g of yogurt and a cup of tea;
  • Second breakfast – 2 boiled eggs with a spoon of natural mayonnaise;
  • Lunch – 200 g steamed fish, a cup of coffee;
  • Afternoon snack – 100 g of cottage cheese with a spoon of sour cream;
  • Dinner – 200 ml of kefir.

Days on cereals:

  • Breakfast – 200 g of yogurt + 3 teaspoons of oatmeal and 1 spoon of nuts, a cup of tea;
  • Second breakfast – 100 g of rice with milk;
  • Lunch – 200 g buckwheat, 100 g boiled chicken breast;
  • Afternoon snack – a cocktail of 300 ml kefir, a spoonful of honey, 3 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • Dinner – 50 grams of oatmeal with water, a glass of kefir.

BUTCH diet – reviews:

“In my opinion, this is one of the best diets! Nothing superfluous, nothing harmful... I have been following this principle of nutrition for a year now and nothing bothers me, even my digestive problems have disappeared. To begin with, I tried to lose weight on it, limiting calories. The result is that I lost 5 kg in a month.”

“Very good and thoughtful nutrition principle. And most importantly - no sacrifices or torment. You can always eat like this and stay slim. Although I sometimes allow myself sweets on carbohydrate days.”

“After carbohydrate days, +1-2 kg appeared on the scales, as I was very flooded with water, I thought that the diet was not thought out, but it turned out that this was a problem in my hormonal system. I use BUCCH to dry myself out and it really works if combined with a mild fat burner and killer workouts.”

Carbohydrate cycling is a type of low-carb diet interspersed with periods of high/moderate carbohydrate intake; carried out to improve your own form. Many people believe that a low-carb diet is good for them, but this belief is false and not based on anything. The main problem with low-carb diets is that they are temporary, they deplete your strength and energy reserves, and are by no means the best method for losing fat and maintaining muscle. You can't eat this way forever. Your body needs carbohydrates to fuel its own functions.

There are also individuals who simply swear by high-carbohydrate diets. But while high-carb diets are good for increasing your metabolic rate, they won't help you burn fat or shed extra pounds.

The ideal is carbohydrate alternation. It takes all the good things from low- and high-carb diets and works in a zig-zag manner to both burn fat and preserve muscle.

How it works

Carb cycling provides enough fuel to keep your metabolism high while creating a calorie deficit for fat loss. Alternate between high-carb days, medium-carb days, low-carb days and no-carb days.

According to this diet, there are 3 diet options per day:

  • High carbohydrate diet
  • Low or medium carbohydrate diet
  • No-carb or low-carb diet

Typically, each diet is given for three days, but some people use other schemes.

Example: 4 low carb days and then a high carb day; 2 low-carb - no-carb - high-carb; 2 low carb - 1 medium carb - 1 high carb and so on. Your diet needs to be constantly adjusted to help you achieve your goals.

This type of diet works best when you schedule a high-carb day on your heaviest training day, and a low-carb, no-carb day on your no-training day. This plan is based on a system of 6 meals a day. An acceptable alternative is 5 or 7 meals. Align your plan with your goals and training schedule. Keep your diet roughly the same no matter which plan you choose, eating a little more per meal for 5 meals a day and a little less for 7 meals a day.


Protein is the basis of a carbohydrate rotation diet. Considering that you eat approximately six times a day, protein should still be 1/5, 1/6, or 1/7 of your daily protein needs for each meal, regardless of the amount of carbohydrates.

Example: If you eat 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight, a 100 kg man should eat at least 33 g of protein in each of his meals. If the same man eats 5 times a day, he should eat at least 40 g of protein for each meal, and 28 g of protein if there are 7 meals. Of course, depending on your goals, the protein may be a little more or a little less. On a low-carb day, you can increase your protein intake to 3 or even 4 grams per 1 kg of body weight.


Raise the amount of fat in your diet on low-carb days and lower on high-carb days. Many people generally separate the sources of fats and carbohydrates in their diet completely.


Carbohydrates are, of course, the most important part of this diet. There are only three types of nutrition days in this diet, and they differ in the amount of carbohydrates. There is a low/medium carb day, a high carb day, and a no/low carb day.

Low carb day

To achieve greater results, it is necessary to calculate the ratio of carbohydrates to fats and proteins. In the low-carbohydrate phase, the amount of protein taken should be higher. Women need to multiply their weight in kilograms by 2.4, men by 3. This number reflects the number of grams of protein required per day; multiply that number by 4 to get the number of calories you'll get from protein. To calculate the number of grams of fat, a woman needs to multiply her weight by 1, and a man - by 1.6. Multiply the result by 9 and get the number of calories that you will take from fat. Find out the number of carbohydrates in grams by multiplying your weight in kilograms by 1.2 (women) and 1.8 (men). The resulting number, multiplied by 4, will show the number of calories that you will “get” from carbohydrates. Add all three numbers to get your total calories for that day.

High carb day

The diet on a high-carbohydrate day follows the same principle, but in this case, increase the amount of protein and carbohydrates and accordingly reduce the amount of fat. To calculate the amount of protein and carbohydrates, a woman needs to multiply her weight by 2.8, and a man - by 3.4. The amount of fat is found by multiplying by 0.6 for women and 1.2 for men. Using the scheme “1 g of protein - 4 calories, 1 g of carbohydrates - 4 calories, 1 g of fat - 9 calories,” determine the total number of calories for this day. The largest amount of calories on this day should be received before and after training. Distribute the “remaining” daily calories approximately the same as on a low-carb day.

No carb day

A day without carbohydrates is simple, but quite expensive physically and mentally. Everything is as it is called - carbohydrates are canceled. You will get some carbohydrates from green vegetables, but they will be very small.

Remember that you will achieve results if you can overcome yourself and spend carbohydrate-free days without breaking down. Some people have an easier time with no-carb days, while others have a harder time. Only through experience can you find out at what minimum amount of carbohydrates you can function normally and even exist.


The recommendations below are standard and can be adjusted to suit your goals. Multiply your weight in kilograms by the numbers below or your own number to find out how many grams of protein, fat and carbohydrates you'll eat per day. To determine the number of calories, multiply proteins and carbohydrates by 4, and fats by 9.



Example of a menu using protein-carbohydrate alternation

  • 6:30 - Meal 1: 250g chicken/turkey or 12 egg whites without yolks, or about a cup of oatmeal
  • 9:00 - Meal 2: 250 g turkey, 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter, 1 cup spinach
  • 11:30 - 12 - Meal 3: 250 g turkey, 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter, 1 cup spinach
  • 1:30 - 2:00 - Workout/immediately after - 1 scoop of protein isolate
  • 2:30 - 3:00 - Meal 4: 200 g tilapia, 3 slices of bread
  • 5:30 - 6:00 - Meal 5: 200 g tilapia, 1 cup broccoli
  • 8:00 - 8:30 - Meal 6: 250 g chicken, 1 cup broccoli
  • 10:30 - 11:00 - Meal 7: 40 grams of protein, 2 tbsp. spoons of peanut butter

Vary this diet according to the previous scheme.

Examples of alternation by day:

  • Monday = no carb
  • Tuesday = low carb
  • Wednesday = high carb
  • Thursday = low carb
  • Friday = low carb
  • Saturday = high carb
  • Sunday = low carb
  • Monday = low carb
  • Tuesday = no carb
  • Wednesday = low carb
  • Thursday = high carb
  • Friday = no carb
  • Saturday = high carb
  • Sunday = low carb

In recent years, a healthy protein-carbohydrate diet for weight loss has become very popular - a method of getting rid of extra pounds by alternating foods with a high content of proteins and carbohydrates.

It satisfies the daily needs of the human body for all necessary substances, and the feeling of hunger does not occur. The weight is lost very well, albeit slowly, and then does not return. But how do such miracles become possible?

Effect on the body

A fairly balanced and very well-thought-out diet of protein-carbohydrate alternation directs the body to burn its own fat deposits without any starvation, much less exhaustion. This is how she does it.

  1. Only fat is burned, but not muscle mass. Thanks to this, stretch marks do not form, the skin remains elastic, and the body acquires beautiful reliefs.
  2. During protein days, the body spends fat reserves, thereby promoting weight loss.
  3. On a carbohydrate day, he receives the necessary energy, so the diet does not cause depression and does not contribute to a decrease in performance.
  4. Vitamins and minerals are absorbed by the body in full. So the condition of hair, nails and health in general does not deteriorate.
  5. Metabolism improves.
  6. The stomach does not get used to any specific daily food, as there is an alternation of carbohydrates and proteins and their mixing.

There are a lot of positive aspects, among which the main one is that the body does not experience stress and does not suffer from a lack of nutrients. So the process of losing weight within the framework of a protein-carbohydrate diet occurs with minimal harm to health. But in order to achieve the desired results, you need to know about contraindications, in the presence of which this technique cannot be used.

Through the pages of history. At first, the protein-carbohydrate diet developed by the American doctor James Hunter caused bewilderment among his colleagues. How can you lose weight by eating carbohydrate-containing foods that contain so many calories? And only years later his program was recognized as effective.


People who have serious health problems of the following nature should not go on a protein-carbohydrate diet:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system;
  • gallstones;
  • allergies to foods that form the basis of a protein-carbohydrate diet.

Moments of separate nutrition, when the diet involves separate consumption of proteins and carbohydrates, require increased work from the body. All systems have to participate in it, and if they are in a state of illness, this can lead to deterioration of health and subsequent treatment, rather than weight loss. So be extremely careful not to end up in a hospital bed.


For a protein-carbohydrate diet, there are two lists that will help you create a menu and lose weight with maximum results. These are permitted and prohibited products.

Authorized products:


  • Low-fat dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt without dyes, milk, yogurt, hard cheeses;
  • lean fish: pink salmon, flounder, pollock, tuna;
  • seafood: shrimp, squid, crabs;
  • beef, rabbit;
  • chicken, turkey without skin;
  • legumes: lentils, beans, chickpeas;
  • egg white;
  • nuts.


  • Bread, confectionery, baked goods;
  • sweets: chocolate, halva, candy, refined sugar, honey, jam, jam;
  • peas, beans;
  • dried fruits: dates, raisins;
  • pasta;
  • all cereals: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, pearl barley, millet;
  • fruits;
  • potato;
  • pasta.

Prohibited products:

  • high fat dairy products;
  • vegetable oils;
  • pork, lamb;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • margarine, butter;
  • fatty fish: halibut, mackerel, herring, burbot, sturgeon, etc.;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • cream cakes, pastries;
  • pizza, chips, french fries, fast food.

When creating a menu for a carbohydrate-protein diet, always keep these lists in front of you so that you don’t inadvertently eat a piece of cake on a carbohydrate day, considering it for regular baking, whereas these are fats that are prohibited. You also need to know the scheme - how exactly the days of separate and mixed nutrition alternate.

This is interesting! The protein-carbohydrate diet has gained particular popularity among athletes, for whom it is so important to keep their muscles toned.

Basic principles

The basic principle of this diet is the alternation of protein and carbohydrate days, i.e., it resembles the principle of separate nutrition, if there were not 1 mixed day. In addition to this point, there are several more nuances in this weight loss method, knowledge of which will allow you to achieve better results.

  1. Nutrition plan: 1st day mixed (proteins + carbohydrates), 2nd and 3rd days protein, 4th day pure carbohydrates.
  2. Engage in any kind of sports, as carbohydrates will give the body the energy it needs. Physical exercise will speed up the metabolic process and help the body quickly digest the huge amount of protein that comes to it.
  3. Portions: for breakfast - 150 g, for lunch and dinner - 200 g. Drinks - glass (250 ml).
  4. On carbohydrate days, it is advisable to eat all meals with bread.
  5. There should be no sugar in the protein diet.
  6. You can add salt to dishes, but only lightly.
  7. You cannot fry foods: vegetables, meat, fish, stew, bake, boil or steam.
  8. Drink plenty of clean water.
  9. Take more walks in the fresh air.
  10. Eat at the same time every day.
  11. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.

In order for protein-carbohydrate alternation as part of such a unique diet to contribute not only to weight loss, but also to improved health and overall well-being, you must follow these useful tips. The results will also depend on how correctly you can get out of it.

Secret writing. A protein-carbohydrate diet in many sources is listed as BUC, which stands for protein-carbohydrate alternation.

Quitting the diet

After a diet of protein-carbohydrate alternation allows you to get to the cherished number on the scales, you don’t need to immediately rush to fried pork kebab or cream cake. This way you can seriously harm your stomach, which will not be ready for such a collapse of fat, and in a couple of days you can more than return your tummy, sides, and cellulite.

To prevent this from happening, the exit must be careful and gradual. Follow the recommendations of nutritionists:

  1. On the first day after the protein-carbohydrate diet, eat 100 grams of fatty fried fish for lunch.
  2. On the second day, increase this portion to 150 g; for dinner, season the salad with olive oil.
  3. On the third day, include pork dumplings in the menu.
  4. On the fourth and fifth days, cook meat - pork, lamb or mackerel.
  5. On the sixth drink wine.
  6. After a week, return to your normal diet.

But even after returning to your usual diet, make sure it is balanced. Products should be in moderation and complement each other. This is the only way to maintain a beautiful figure for a long time. And, of course, a lot will depend on the duration of the protein-carbohydrate diet you choose.


Since the carbohydrate-protein diet involves excluding from the menu only fats that will be replenished by the body from its own reserves, it can be quite long-lasting. But for long-term fasting, you need excellent health and a thorough knowledge of all the nuances of this weight loss technique.

  • A diet for just 4 days is good for emergency loss of 1-2 kg.
  • A hunger strike for a week is the best option.
  • Protein-carbohydrate alternation for 10 days will ultimately give good results.
  • The 14-day diet allows you to season salads with oil on mixed days.
  • If you decide to fast for 21 days or longer, occasionally, but include fats in your menu: drink coffee with cream, dress salads with butter.

The protein-carbohydrate diet is so well-structured and nutritionally balanced that people stay on it for 2 months. True, nutritionists do not recommend longer: after such a long fast, you definitely need to take a break for 1-2 months.

Sample menu

We offer a protein-carbohydrate menu for every day, designed for 2 cycles of alternation. If you plan to lose weight longer, you can simply duplicate them later.

First day (mixed)

  • In the morning: cottage cheese with added dried fruits, coffee with cream.
  • Second breakfast: apple, green or yellow.
  • Lunch: lentil-chicken soup.
  • Afternoon snack: tea with jam.
  • For dinner: curry.

Second day (protein)

  • In the morning: protein omelet, unsweetened herbal tea.
  • Second breakfast: orange.
  • Lunch: spinach soup.
  • Afternoon snack: kefir.
  • For dinner: chicken nuggets.

Third day (protein)

  • In the morning: cottage cheese casserole, unsweetened coffee with milk.
  • Second breakfast: 2 kiwis.
  • For lunch: salmon in milk.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt.
  • For dinner: egg salad.

Day four (pure carbohydrate)

  • In the morning: oatmeal with pieces of fruit and honey. Sweet herbal tea.
  • Second breakfast: pomegranate.
  • Lunch: potato and sour cream soup.
  • For afternoon snack: a handful of dates.
  • For dinner: buckwheat, honey-cabbage salad.

Fifth day (mixed)

  • In the morning: cottage cheese casserole with honey, tea with jam.
  • Second breakfast: banana.
  • Lunch: fish and shrimp soup.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt.
  • For dinner: protein-carbohydrate salad.

Sixth day (protein)

  • In the morning: 2 boiled proteins, unsweetened herbal tea.
  • Second breakfast: 2 tangerines.
  • Lunch: oriental egg soup with pink salmon.
  • For afternoon snack: yogurt.
  • For dinner: skewers of turkey and vegetables.

Seventh day (protein)

  • In the morning: shrimp, unsweetened coffee with milk.
  • Second breakfast: pomelo.
  • For lunch: protein okroshka.
  • For afternoon snack: fermented baked milk.
  • For dinner: salad with asparagus.

Eighth day (carbohydrate)

  • In the morning: rice porridge, sweet coffee with cookies.
  • Second breakfast: banana.
  • Lunch: Italian vegetable soup (minestrone).
  • For an afternoon snack: any pastries.
  • For dinner: potato and cabbage dumplings.

Now it will be easy for you to independently develop a menu for a week or even a month, duplicating and repeating cycles. The following table will help in compiling, clearly showing how to fill protein and carbohydrate days as part of such a diet.

This is just a sample menu of a protein-carbohydrate diet that you can use as a guide when creating your own diet for weight loss.


Special recipes for salads, first and second courses will help you fill the menu of a protein-carbohydrate diet.


Recipe No. 1. Protein egg salad


  • bulb;
  • breast 200 gr;
  • squid 200 gr;
  • eggs 4 pcs;
  • powder mustard 10 gr.


  1. Boil the eggs soft-boiled.
  2. Boil the breast. Cut into strips.
  3. Boil the squid. Cut into strips.
  4. Mix onion, eggs, mustard in a blender.
  5. Dress the salad.
  6. Mix everything.

Recipe No. 2. Carbohydrate honey-cabbage salad


  • fresh cabbage 300 gr;
  • sugar 10 g;
  • lemon juice 15 ml;
  • rhubarb juice 40 ml;
  • honey to taste.


  1. Shred the cabbage.
  2. Grind it until the juice comes out.
  3. Add all other components.

Recipe No. 3. Protein-carbohydrate salad


  • squid 150 gr;
  • cucumber;
  • chicken breast 100 g;
  • lettuce 2 leaves;
  • dill sprig.


  1. Boil squid and chicken breast until cooked.
  2. Chop them with chopsticks.
  3. Cut the cucumber in the same way and add to them. Mix.
  4. Place lettuce leaves on a plate.
  5. Decorate the salad beautifully.
  6. On top - chopped dill.

First courses (soups)

Recipe No. 1. Protein soup with spinach


  • turkey 400 gr;
  • spinach 100 gr;
  • garlic 2 cloves;
  • milk 100 ml;
  • seasonings to taste.


  1. Boil the meat, remove from the water, cool, remove the bones, chop, return to the broth.
  2. Chop the spinach and cook with the meat for 10 minutes.
  3. Puree the mixture using a blender, adding milk in small portions.
  4. Sprinkle with spices.
  5. Serve hot.

Recipe No. 2. Carbohydrate potato and sour cream soup


  • green onions, dill;
  • potatoes 400 gr;
  • carrot;
  • petiole celery 1 stalk;
  • celery root 100 gr;
  • vegetable broth 3 l;
  • sour cream 250 gr;
  • lemon juice 50 ml;
  • seasonings


  1. Peel the vegetables, chop and boil.
  2. Add sour cream.
  3. Cook until creamy consistency.
  4. Season with juice, chopped herbs, and seasonings.
  5. Serve hot.

Recipe No. 3. For a mixed day. Lentil and chicken soup.


  • lentils 250 gr;
  • bulb;
  • water 5 l;
  • chicken fillet 400 gr;
  • celery root 100 gr;
  • carrot.


  1. Boil the fillet.
  2. Add lentils to the broth.
  3. After 10 minutes, add chopped vegetables.
  4. After 20 minutes - chicken, cut into strips.

Second courses

Recipe No. 1. Protein chicken nuggets.


  • oat flour 25 gr;
  • chicken fillet 500 gr;
  • eggs 2 pcs;
  • seasoning to taste.


  1. Make nuggets from the fillet. Hit it with a hammer.
  2. Beat eggs, mix with flour and seasonings.
  3. Roll the nuggets in breading.
  4. Bake in the oven until done.

Recipe No. 2. Carbohydrate nutrition. Vareniki.


  • potatoes 500 gr;
  • cabbage 200 gr;
  • bulb;
  • flour 250 gr.


  1. Knead the dough.
  2. Finely chop the cabbage.
  3. Put it out.
  4. Fry chopped onion.
  5. Boil mashed potatoes.
  6. Mix cabbage, mashed potatoes, onions.
  7. Make, fill, boil dumplings.

Recipe No. 3. Mixed nutrition. Curry.


  • brown rice 250 gr;
  • chickpeas 100 gr;
  • beef 400 gr;
  • curry to taste;
  • carrot.


  1. Soak the chickpeas for 12 hours.
  2. Boil rice and chickpeas separately from each other.
  3. Cut the beef into strips.
  4. Grate the carrots.
  5. Stew carrots and beef until half cooked.
  6. Add everything else to them. To fill with water. Stew.

With such recipes, a protein-carbohydrate diet will not be like a hunger strike and will help you get through the weight loss period easily and tasty.


A protein-carbohydrate diet for weight loss gives good results, but only if it is designed for a short period of time - 1 or 2 weeks. If it is extended over 21 days or a month, the effectiveness will gradually decrease.

  • 4 days - minus 1 kg;
  • 1 week - 4 kg;
  • 10 days - 6 kg;
  • 2 weeks - 8 kg;
  • 3 weeks - 10 kg;
  • 1 month - 11-12 kg;
  • 2 months - the weight will remain at the same level.

Are you afraid of diets because they deplete your body and harm your health? Protein-carbohydrate alternations do not have such a flaw if everything is done correctly. On the contrary: they will help you lose weight, normalize stomach function, and make your body sculpted and beautiful. Be sure to try this technique for at least 4 days to make sure that it really works.