Anatoly Dibrov biography. Dmitry Dibrov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

Dmitry Dibrov is a famous Russian TV presenter, director, singer and musician. Russians remembered this impressive young man as soon as he began hosting the show “Oh, Lucky!” With the help of the charismatic host, the guests of the program became richer until 2001. Then the program became known as “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, and Maxim Galkin began hosting it. Seven years later, everything returned to normal. During this time, Dibrov did not waste any time, he developed a number of new television projects, and became the founder of the Chimes radio. It must be said that the “talking box” attracted Dmitry’s attention from the age of six, the boy simply dreamed of putting things in order. Already at an early age, he understood that the words heard on the screen were radically at odds with people’s real lives.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Dibrov was born in Rostov-on-Don on November 14, 1959. His parents were intelligent people. Father, Alexander Afanasyevich, a front-line soldier, served as dean of Rostov State University, mother, Tatyana Vasilievna, ran the household and raised children. There were two boys in the family, Dima was the youngest. The blood of the Don Cossacks flows in him, while the boy’s aunt is half Jewish. The TV presenter himself does not identify himself with any specific nationality.

Dima was only four years old when his parents divorced. Very soon his stepfather Nikolai appeared, and he began raising the boy. The elder brother Vladimir was Dima’s real idol; he had a great influence on the worldview and choice of profession of the younger Dibrov. Vladimir worked as a correspondent for a local channel. The younger Dibrov tried in everything to be like his brother, whom he simply idolized at that period of his life.

An interesting fact from the biography of the famous journalist - his parents, some time after the divorce, realized the tragic mistake they had made and began to live together again. Moreover, they again formalized their relationship. After graduating from high school, Dmitry entered the Russian State University, the Faculty of Philology, where his father worked. In 1981, the young man graduated from university, receiving a diploma in journalism.

This young man was distinguished by his deep intelligence from an early age, and he perfectly understood how to act in order to make a good career. Rostov-on-Don is an ordinary province, and an ambitious young man decided to leave this city, where there were almost no prospects for him.

Working on television

Young Dibrov’s career was rapid; he began it in the Moscow region. The certified specialist did not try to hold on to his favorite place, he quickly changed one editorial office to another, and easily moved to more and more prestigious publications. After working in the Moscow region, the stages of his career included Moskovsky Komsomolets, the Russian news agency TASS.

Six years after his arrival in Moscow, the talented journalist was invited to work on television. Here he manages programs for youth, develops stories on musical themes for the “Vzglyad” program. In a year, Dibrov will make his debut, he will become the host and co-author of the program.

Together with his colleague and good friend, Andrei Stolyarov, the journalist developed a comedy program. It was the “Montage” program, which consisted of several funny stories presented to the viewer in a news format. The program became so popular that they even decided to extend it for several episodes. Viewers watched the last episode of Montage at the end of December 1993.

A real breakthrough in career growth for Dibrov came in 1998. This was the time of the creation of his new program “Anthropology”, which was broadcast on the Teleexpo channel at night, live. This show was innovative, at the same time the program was broadcast on the radio, on the wave of “Silver Rain”. Viewers and listeners had the opportunity to ask topical questions to the presenter using a pager or telephone call. Calls and messages came directly to the studio, the presenter managed to maintain a conversation with listeners and viewers. So Dmitry managed to create an exemplary talk show.

In 1999, this program began to be shown on NTV, which made Dmitry very happy. He was always attracted to private television, which was much more convenient to work on. NTV management did not demand to change the broadcast format; the pursuit of popularity and incredible ratings was also absent. Such comfortable working conditions suited the leader in all respects.

In the same year, Dmitry becomes the host of the “Oh, lucky guy!” program. It was this program that brought Dibrov all-Russian fame. The success of such projects largely depends on the leader. An impressive young man with incredible charisma and acting skills, he made the program popular. He skillfully held the attention of the audience in his hands and fueled the excitement of the audience. When the channel's management changed, Dibrov stopped working for NTV and left the program.

Everyone has ups and downs in their career, but not everyone knows how to overcome temporary troubles. Dibrov succeeded; the talented journalist was not left without attention. As soon as he left NTV, the entire Anthropology team and its creator were immediately invited to Channel One. This was done by the general director of the First.

Dibrov is appointed to manage the night broadcast, he becomes the head of the “Night Shift” program, which is later renamed “Apology”. But this show brings Dmitry nothing but disappointments; his role is reduced only to PR for the guests of the program. This does not suit the presenter, who is accustomed to a completely different broadcast format. It is very difficult to achieve high ratings with such a program. Dibrov leaves the project, leaves Channel One.

A talented journalist has his own idea, and he very soon brings it to life. In 2003, he became the founder of the Chimes radio station, a striking feature of which was a wide range of styles. Here you could hear literally everything - classic rock, modern hits, popular hits of the 60s. At this radio station, Dibrov works as the editor-in-chief, he creates the image and unique style of “Chimes”. A year later, the radio closed, its new owners had completely different ideas about the concept and repertoire of the station.

After this, Dibrov began working on the Rossiya TV channel. Viewers watched the TV presenter work in the programs “ProSvet” and “I’m ready for anything!” However, unlike previous projects, these programs were not very popular and were closed after some time. In 2006, the presenter stopped working on the Rossiya TV channel, and within two years viewers completely lost sight of him.

In 2008, Dibrov was again invited to work on First, he began hosting the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” As soon as the presenter returned to his usual place, the audience returned, and the program’s ratings began to grow.

The TVC channel, owned by the Moscow government, invited the journalist to work as the host of the “Temporarily Available” program. He has been working on this project for seven years. During this time, many outstanding personalities became guests of the program: actors, politicians, athletes, showmen. These bright personalities with an active life position do not focus only on their careers, they have their own view on any event, which arouses genuine interest in them.

During the program, the most pressing topics were discussed, often having nothing to do with the professional activities of the invitee. This program always arouses interest among viewers. In 2014, she was awarded the TEFI, while Dibrov himself has proudly held the title of “TV academician” since 2001.

On the Retro channel, owned by the STREAM company, the famous journalist hosted the program “XX Century with Dmitry Dibrov.” The guests of the program assessed the past century and talked about how they remember it. The last century was far from ambiguous; much of it I would like to leave there forever, but there was also a lot that should be preserved and passed on to the future generation. The bright, talented journalist even managed to work on the Spas TV channel. He was a co-host of the poetess Olesya Nikolaeva, with whom he told the audience about the foundations of Orthodox culture.

Dibrov never tires of surprising TV viewers with his talent and creativity. In 2016, he became the founder of a new program that airs on the Zvezda channel. This is the famous “Secret Folder”, dedicated to incredible, mysterious events, intricate, unsolved cases that had a great impact on the life of any average citizen. The journalist draws the audience's attention to various events; his field of view includes the biography of Osama Bin Laden, the assassination attempt on Comrade Stalin, and the incredible intrigues of top officials during the Cuban Missile Crisis. There are a lot of such secrets; the journalist cites archival data and uses eyewitness accounts to reveal them.

Currently, Dibrov is the permanent presenter of rating programs. On Channel One he hosts the project “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” On “Zvezda” the journalist can be seen in “Secret Folder”. Not long ago they tried to win a million: Igor Zolotovitsky. The famous Anna Shatilova, a star of Soviet television, acted as a co-host.

As for the "Secret Folder", this project is a transfer that is based solely on documentary evidence. Speculation and unconfirmed information have no place here. Since the transfer is supervised by the Ministry of Defense, journalists use only official documents, they have the opportunity to do so.

Not long ago, Dmitry was invited to participate in a new show on Channel One. The program is called “Main Role”, where media personalities, often completely far from cinema, need to act out scenes from films. Four judges evaluate the talent of these people.

Personal life

Quite a lot is known about the personal life of the screen star; Dibrov willingly dedicates viewers to the details of his numerous marriages. His first wife was the beautiful Elvira. If you look closely at the photo of the young couple, you will see that the spouses are very similar in appearance. The old people said that such a marriage should be long and happy. But for Dmitry, everything turned out the other way around; his wife turned out to be too impatient. The journalist worked a lot in those years; he needed to support his family, in which his son Denis was already growing up. Her husband was not at home all the time; Elvira did not count on such a family life. The woman left her husband.

After this, Dmitry became interested in Olga, the girl was much younger than Dibrov. After some time, Dmitry and Olga got married and had a daughter, Lada. Six years later, the couple divorced. Olga and her daughter left for France, and they never returned to their homeland. Having parted with his second wife, Dibrov was no longer in a hurry to go to the registry office, but he did not stop meeting beautiful women. He was often seen with Alexandra Markvo, who worked for the youth magazine Molotok. The media wrote a lot about this couple, and even predicted their imminent wedding, but after a while the woman married another man.

Dibrov quickly consoled himself; actress Daria Charusha became his next chosen one. Their union lasted for six years, during which young Dasha graduated from GITIS and managed to study in Australia, England, France. Many condemned Daria for her commercialism; they said that she took advantage of a famous journalist and his connections to get a prestigious education and make a career. However, Dibrov himself still considers this woman a faithful friend, he has the best impressions of their life together. However, this marriage also broke up. Charusha quickly found herself a new life partner; she wrote music for the film “Hardcore” and married its creator, Ilya Naishuller.

At 49 years old, the famous journalist will get married again. This time his chosen one was his fellow countryman, Sasha Shevchenko. In the media she is called the granddaughter of Dibrov’s stepfather, Nikolai. The girl was not only young, but also dazzlingly beautiful, and Dmitry became very interested in her. Sasha was only 23 years old, she just didn’t want to be the star’s wife, she had big plans for the future. This became the cause of a protracted conflict that ended in divorce.

But Dmitry never suffered from loneliness; the journalist’s next chosen one was Polina Nagradova, a model. He met this beauty two years before his wedding to Shevchenko. The seventeen-year-old girl was not ready for a relationship with an adult man; then she had not yet thought about marriage. After the divorce, he found Polina, this time the girl agreed to Dibrov’s proposal. In March 2009, a wedding celebration took place. Currently, their family already has three sons - Sasha, Fedya, Ilya. Dmitry dreams of a daughter, he has already chosen her name - Lisa.

You can learn about the life of this family on the Instagram page run by Polina. Dmitry also has an account on social networks, but he posts photographs of a different kind, depicting work moments, friends, and colleagues. In 2016, the Dibrovs vacationed in Spain. They enjoyed the beauty of this country together, children and older relatives remained at home. Despite the birth of three children, Polina managed to restore the former beauty of her figure. Dmitry does not lag behind his wife, he also lost two dozen kilograms and now his weight is very close to the standard.

Dmitry is interested in music and plays the banjo. At the very beginning of this century, he, together with the Anthropology group, recorded the album “Rum and Pepsi-Cola”. It included 13 songs performed in the rock genre, Blues-Rock. Now the TV presenter has a new addiction. This is a lap steel guitar that does not have a Russian name. This is the instrument Gilmour from Pink Floyd played. The guitar stands on 3 legs, is equipped with 8 strings, and there is a large distance between its frets. The instrument produces an unusually beautiful, cosmic sound.

In 2019, Dmitry will have double joy: he will become a father and grandfather. His daughter Lada is expecting a child, she told her father about this when he and his family came to vacation in Monaco. The journalist's family life gives him pleasure, Dmitry is happy, and only with his first-born Denis the father fails to establish a relationship.


  • "Sight"
  • "Funny boys"
  • "Installation"
  • "Climb"
  • "Old songs about the main thing"
  • "Good morning"
  • "Diary of the Moscow International Film Festival"
  • "Stars vs Pirates"
  • "Night shift"
  • “New Year’s Eve on ORT / Channel One”
  • "The people are against"
  • "Apology"
  • "Dibrov-party"
  • "Go Russia!"
  • "Who want to be a millionaire?"
  • "Cruel Intentions"
  • "Marriage Games"
  • "I want to know"
  • “News.” Details"
  • "I'm ready for anything!"
  • "ProSVET"

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Dibrov is a famous TV presenter. Many people fell in love with the programs “Oh, Lucky Man”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” - precisely thanks to Dibrov, who was able to “fit” perfectly into the show with his excellent acting.

Dmitry Alexandrovich, before becoming a popular TV presenter, managed to try himself in various guises. He created the musical group “Anthropology”, recorded and released an album, which included 13 songs. He was the director of his own program “Sunday with Dmitry Dibrov”. In addition, he learned to play a musical instrument - banjo. This is how multifaceted and versatile Dmitry Dibrov turned out to be.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Dibrov

Height, weight, age, how old is Dmitry Dibrov - many people ask this question after they find out how many times the man was married, how many children he has and how many affairs he had in between family life. At 59 years old, the director weighs 72 kilograms, which, with his 1 meter 70 centimeters, makes him a stately, handsome man. If we add his charisma and bewitching voice, it immediately becomes clear why he is so popular with the opposite sex.

The actor’s nationality also adds to the mystery - he himself does not voice it, but, laughing, says that there are both Jews and Don Cossacks in his family.

Dmitry Dibrov's photo in his youth and now makes us understand that from childhood the boy already possessed those qualities that in adulthood helped him achieve his goals.

Biography of Dmitry Dibrov

The biography of Dmitry Dibrov begins in November 1959, in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Father - Alexander Afanasyevich Dibrov - worked as a dean, and mother - Tatyana Valentinovna Dibrova - was only involved in raising children. Dima’s choice of future profession was influenced not by his parents, but by his brother, Vladimir, who worked as a journalist. Having received a certificate of secondary education, in 1981 the future presenter of many popular programs graduated from Rostov University, department of journalism.

In one of the interviews, Dibrov admitted that he gets an incredible rush of adrenaline when he sees how the audience reacts to his appearance in the studio.

Personal life of Dmitry Dibrov

The personal life of Dmitry Dibrov did not always work out as the presenter wanted. He managed to get married several times before finally finding true family happiness. Dmitry does not regret anything - after all, he already has two very adult children from previous marriages.

Now he is happy with his young wife. They love spending time with their kids - there are three of them in the family. However, just recently the couple flew together on vacation to Italy. Who knows, maybe they will also bring a surprise from there - the daughter they dream about so much?

Family of Dmitry Dibrov

The family of Dmitry Dibrov - if you put all the wives and children together - it will turn out to be very impressive. The TV presenter managed to officially register his marriage four times in his life. All his wives, except the second, bore him children; as a result, he is a happy father of five children.

Now the showman with many children lives with his fourth wife, they are raising three sons together and dream that fate will also give them a girl.

Dmitry tirelessly repeats that, finally, after so many searches, he was able to find a girl who captivated his heart and created a family comfort where he feels truly at home.

Children of Dmitry Dibrov

Dmitry Dibrov’s children, and he has five of them, were born in different marriages. The famous TV presenter never abandoned his children. Even when another marriage broke up, he always helped his family and was aware of everything that was happening in the lives of his offspring.

It is not known for certain whether Dibrov’s children communicate with each other. However, the current wife is not at all opposed to the children from Dibrov’s previous marriages coming to them and finding contact with their brothers on their father’s side. Dmitry himself is very pleased that he has so many blood relatives.

Son of Dmitry Dibrov - Denis

The son of Dmitry Dibrov, Denis, is the first child born in the marriage of Dmitry and Elvira Dibrov in 1985. It is noteworthy that the couple registered their marriage only because in those days it was not customary to live together in a civil marriage.

Now Denis Dmitrievich is quite an adult young man. He tries to independently cope with life's difficulties, which sometimes stand in the way of every person. Be that as it may, if one day he needs the help of his famous father, he will always be able to turn to him and receive the proper support.

Son of Dmitry Dibrov - Alexander

The son of Dmitry Dibrov, Alexander, was born in 2010. For the actor it was the third child, and for his wife Polina it was the first-born. The couple rejoiced at the birth of their first child together, because they had a lot of love for each other.

Alexander is already in his eighth year. He is a precocious boy who loves to play with his little brothers. Helps mom manage the housework and do a man's work to the best of his ability. The TV presenter sometimes takes his son with him to filming so that Dibrov Jr. has an idea of ​​what his father does.

Son of Dmitry Dibrov - Fedor

The son of Dmitry Dibrov, Fedor, was born three years after his brother Alexander. The Dibrovs' second child was born a real hero - the child's weight was four kilograms. This is surprising, because Polina is such a fragile and graceful girl.

Fedor is just starting to chat and sometimes not all the words can be understood correctly. But even today, parents notice his desire for long retellings and poems and do not rule out the fact that their child will follow in his father’s footsteps and become a famous TV presenter or popular musician.

Son of Dmitry Dibrov - Ilya

Dmitry Dibrov’s son, Ilya, is the youngest child. He was born in May 2015. The parents themselves reported about such a joyful event, sharing with everyone photographs from the maternity hospital, which depicted a happy mother and baby.

It seems that Dmitry and Polina have achieved everything they dreamed of in life: interesting work, public recognition, a house - a full cup. Be that as it may, the happy spouses admitted in one of their interviews that they were not going to stop with the achieved results. They really want their friendly family to have a daughter, a little copy of Polina.

Dmitry Dibrov's daughter - Lada

Dmitry Dibrov’s daughter, Lada, is the musician’s only daughter so far. His second wife Olga gave birth to a girl in 1989. The child was lucky enough to live with his father for about seven years, after which Dmitry separated from his second wife.

Lada has long been an adult and has been living in France for a long time with her mother. It is known that the daughter followed in the professional footsteps of her father and works in cyber journalism.

Not long ago, Dmitry Alexandrovich flew to visit his daughter, and at the same time met Lada’s husband - she recently got married.

Dmitry Dibrov's ex-wife - Elvira Dibrova

Dmitry Dibrov's ex-wife, Elvira Dibrova, married Dmitry when he just turned twenty-three. They were young, fell in love with each other, as it seemed to them - for the rest of their lives.

Their marriage lasted only three years, during which time they had their first child, a boy, Denis. Having a child did not stop them from filing for divorce. The reason for the breakup of the family was Dmitry’s development as a TV presenter and his constant delays at work. Elvira could not stand her husband’s frequent absences; it was difficult for her to cope with the child alone; she initiated their divorce.

Dmitry Dibrov's ex-wife - Olga Dibrova

Dmitry Dibrov's ex-wife, Olga Dibrova, also tried her hand at acting. In this marriage, Dmitry had a beautiful daughter, Lada. They lived in marriage for seven years, it would seem that they managed to overcome the crisis of family life - which psychologists are so fond of mentioning - and to understand each other. And yet they diverge.

After the divorce, Olga and her daughter went abroad, where they live to this day. As soon as Lada was able to travel without her mother, she began to often come to visit her father, and they managed to maintain a warm relationship.

Dmitry Dibrov's ex-wife - Alexandra Dibrov

The ex-wife of Dmitry Dibrov, Alexandra Dibrova, is the showman’s third and youngest chosen one. She is born in the same year as Dmitry’s eldest son, Denis.

Dibrov’s relatives did not approve of this marriage not only because of such a large age difference, but also for the reason that Sasha is the granddaughter of Dibrov’s stepfather.

Perhaps this was the shortest marriage of the loving actor, as after nine months the couple separated. The reason for the divorce was the desire of the young wife to achieve some heights in this life, to gain independence and the ability to be an independent person. Dmitry, on the contrary, saw his wife as a housewife supporting the family hearth.

Dmitry Dibrov's wife - Polina Dibrova

Dmitry Dibrov's wife, Polina Dibrova, is thirty years younger than her husband. This fact does not at all prevent the couple from enjoying each other’s company for a decade now and raising three sons together.

Their acquaintance occurred at a beauty contest, where Polina participated as a model, and Dmitry sat on the jury. Seeing the seventeen-year-old beauty, the presenter realized that this was his destiny. He began to beautifully court the girl: armfuls of flowers, restaurants for two, walks around the city at night.

However, Polina agreed to his proposal to marry only the second time. After the wedding, the wife gave up all attempts to continue her career and devoted herself entirely to her family.

Dmitry Dibrov and his wife and children recently took part in the “Ideal Renovation” show, they were helped to put in order the site on which the dacha is located in the Moscow region.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Dibrov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Dibrov contain basic facts about the professional and personal life of the TV presenter. However, he does not often post any new information or interesting photos.

But his wife Polina is happy to share details from their life together with her subscribers. For example, last year she took part in a beauty contest and, despite the fact that she is already a mother of three children, won the title “Mrs. Russia 2017” in the final. She was able to become a finalist thanks to her beloved husband, who surrounded her with warmth and care. Article found on

Many TV viewers know Dmitry Dibrov only as an impressive TV presenter. However, he is also the founder of several television programs and the Chimes radio, a musician, and an actor. Dima was born into an intelligent Rostov family. His father’s position—Alexander Dibrov served as dean of one of the faculties at a local university—allowed his mother to take care of the house and raise children.

Journalism as a calling of the soul

Happiness, however, did not last too long - when Dima was four years old, his parents divorced. After some time, the boy’s mother remarried, and Dmitry’s stepfather took up raising him.

True, more enormous The future life of the future actor and TV presenter was influenced by his older brother Vladimir, who trained as a journalist and worked on Rostov television. Dima admired his brother’s successes and tried in many ways to be like him.

After graduating from school, the young man took the documents to the philological faculty of Rostov University, where his father worked. Got it right the first time and in 1981 received a diploma of higher education. Since then, he speaks four languages ​​fluently, although he regrets that he is far from his father - Alexander Dibrov has learned fourteen foreign languages.

Even then, Dmitry realized that fame and success could only be achieved in Moscow, where there were much more opportunities to break through. White Stone met another of her conquerors more than harshly– at first I had to eat stale bread and salty Korean cabbage kimchi. But then she changed her anger to mercy.

At first, he didn’t stay anywhere for long in the capital. in one place, moving from one editorial office to another, but each time for promotion: author of the newspaper “Prizyv”, correspondent of “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, employee of the TASS news agency, journalist of Central Television.

In 1987, Dibrov came to the “Vzglyad” program. At first, I filmed stories on musical themes, and since 1988 he became a co-host of the popular program. At the same time, together with Andrei Stolyarov, he came up with the humorous program “Montage”, which was published until December 1993 in the format of funny news stories.

The Anthropology program brought Dmitry Dibrov to a higher level of popularity, which has become one of the best talk shows on domestic television. Then Dibrov was the host of the popular programs “Oh, Lucky Man,” “Night Shift,” “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

In 2003, Dibrov created the Chimes radio station, which differed from other similar projects in its wide range of musical compositions. It is worth noting that I myself Dmitry mastered the technique of playing such a difficult instrument as the banjo, and in 2001, together with the group “Anthropology”, recorded the album “Rum and Pepsi-Cola”.

The love saga of Dmitry Dibrov

The personal life of Dmitry Dibrov is a plot for a multi-part film. He said “Yes” five times in the registry office and swore allegiance to different women. Five wives of Dmitry:

  • Dmitry's first wife was a girl named Elmira. In this marriage, the showman had a son, Denis, in 1985. The young father at that time worked hard to provide his family with everything they needed, and almost never appeared at home. Elvira could not stand this lifestyle and filed for divorce.
  • Dmitry's second wife was a girl named Olga, who gave Dibrov a daughter, Lada. Six years later, this marriage broke up - Olga and her daughter left for France, where they still live. After the second divorce, the presenter appeared in public with one or another beauty, until the press started talking about his new romance with journalist Alexandra Markvo. True, Sasha soon married another man, but Dibrov was not left without female affection.
Interesting notes:
  • Dmitry's third wife was actress Daria. Evil tongues said that she used the alliance with the popular presenter only to achieve advancement in acting circles and travel around the world at someone else’s expense. During the six years of her life together with Dmitry, Dasha graduated from GITIS, visited France, England and Australia, and then waved goodbye to Dibrov.
  • Dmitry Dibrov became a groom at a wedding for the fourth time in 2008. This time his chosen one was Alexandra Shevchenko, almost thirty years younger. By entering into this marriage, the presenter hoped that he would find a calm family haven, but Sasha had other plans. She dreamed of a career and the role of a TV star’s wife did not suit her. Soon this marriage also broke up.
  • Dibrov's fifth wife was model Polina Nagradova. Dmitry was not embarrassed by the age difference (his wife is thirty years younger than her husband) and he invited the beauty to become his wife immediately after they met. The girl initially refused, but a year and a half after the first meeting, she accepted the offer. Their wedding took place in March 2009. A year later, the first-born Alexander was born into the family, in 2013 - Fedor, and the youngest Dibrov - Ilya - was born in May 2015. The friendly family lives outside the city, and a sign on the facade informs that they live not just in the house, but in “Villa Paulina” , named after his wife.

Actor of one role

As a famous, popular and recognizable personality Dmitry Dibrov is occasionally invited to feature films. As himself, he starred in the melodrama “Provincials,” which tells the story of a young couple who came to Moscow for career growth. Katya (Ksenia Kuznetsova) dreams of becoming an actress, and Pavel (Anatoly Pashinin) dreams of achieving success in the ring. But the capital “broken off” not such people...

In the crime drama "Games of Moths" Dibrov appears in one of the episodes of the story about the talented singer Kostya (Aleksey Chadov), who, by chance, became the culprit of a murder, and not the winner of a music competition.

“The Diary of Doctor Zaitseva,” which also starred Dmitry Dibrov, is a comedy melodrama about the life of doctors and a love triangle, one of the peaks of which is Sasha Zaitseva (Yana Krainova).

In the tragicomedy "Faster than Rabbits" Dibrov takes place in one of the episodes of memories of three friends who, after a stormy party, cannot understand where they are and what is happening around.

In the short film “Peterbald,” Dmitry Dibrov played his only leading role so far.

Embodied in the image of the popular actor Anton Eduardovich. This film is a story about the destinies of a father and son who have never met before. What happens when they come face to face?

In 2016, Dibrov came up with the television show “Secret Folder” for the Zvezda channel., which received high ratings and was renewed for a second season. In 2018, the comedy “” was released, in which Dmitry Dibrov again appears in the role of himself.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Dibrov is a famous TV presenter. Many people fell in love with the programs “Oh, Lucky Man”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” - precisely thanks to Dibrov, who was able to “fit” perfectly into the show with his excellent acting.

Dmitry Alexandrovich, before becoming a popular TV presenter, managed to try himself in various guises. He created the musical group “Anthropology”, recorded and released an album, which included 13 songs. He was the director of his own program “Sunday with Dmitry Dibrov”. In addition, he learned to play a musical instrument - banjo. This is how multifaceted and versatile Dmitry Dibrov turned out to be.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Dibrov

Height, weight, age, how old is Dmitry Dibrov - many people ask this question after they find out how many times the man was married, how many children he has and how many affairs he had in between family life. At 59 years old, the director weighs 72 kilograms, which, with his 1 meter 70 centimeters, makes him a stately, handsome man. If we add his charisma and bewitching voice, it immediately becomes clear why he is so popular with the opposite sex.

The actor’s nationality also adds to the mystery - he himself does not voice it, but, laughing, says that there are both Jews and Don Cossacks in his family.

Dmitry Dibrov's photo in his youth and now makes us understand that from childhood the boy already possessed those qualities that in adulthood helped him achieve his goals.

Biography of Dmitry Dibrov

The biography of Dmitry Dibrov begins in November 1959, in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Father - Alexander Afanasyevich Dibrov - worked as a dean, and mother - Tatyana Valentinovna Dibrova - was only involved in raising children. Dima’s choice of future profession was influenced not by his parents, but by his brother, Vladimir, who worked as a journalist. Having received a certificate of secondary education, in 1981 the future presenter of many popular programs graduated from Rostov University, department of journalism.

In one of the interviews, Dibrov admitted that he gets an incredible rush of adrenaline when he sees how the audience reacts to his appearance in the studio.

Personal life of Dmitry Dibrov

The personal life of Dmitry Dibrov did not always work out as the presenter wanted. He managed to get married several times before finally finding true family happiness. Dmitry does not regret anything - after all, he already has two very adult children from previous marriages.

Now he is happy with his young wife. They love spending time with their kids - there are three of them in the family. However, just recently the couple flew together on vacation to Italy. Who knows, maybe they will also bring a surprise from there - the daughter they dream about so much?

Family of Dmitry Dibrov

The family of Dmitry Dibrov - if you put all the wives and children together - it will turn out to be very impressive. The TV presenter managed to officially register his marriage four times in his life. All his wives, except the second, bore him children; as a result, he is a happy father of five children.

Now the showman with many children lives with his fourth wife, they are raising three sons together and dream that fate will also give them a girl.

Dmitry tirelessly repeats that, finally, after so many searches, he was able to find a girl who captivated his heart and created a family comfort where he feels truly at home.

Children of Dmitry Dibrov

Dmitry Dibrov’s children, and he has five of them, were born in different marriages. The famous TV presenter never abandoned his children. Even when another marriage broke up, he always helped his family and was aware of everything that was happening in the lives of his offspring.

It is not known for certain whether Dibrov’s children communicate with each other. However, the current wife is not at all opposed to the children from Dibrov’s previous marriages coming to them and finding contact with their brothers on their father’s side. Dmitry himself is very pleased that he has so many blood relatives.

Son of Dmitry Dibrov - Denis

The son of Dmitry Dibrov, Denis, is the first child born in the marriage of Dmitry and Elvira Dibrov in 1985. It is noteworthy that the couple registered their marriage only because in those days it was not customary to live together in a civil marriage.

Now Denis Dmitrievich is quite an adult young man. He tries to independently cope with life's difficulties, which sometimes stand in the way of every person. Be that as it may, if one day he needs the help of his famous father, he will always be able to turn to him and receive the proper support.

Son of Dmitry Dibrov - Alexander

The son of Dmitry Dibrov, Alexander, was born in 2010. For the actor it was the third child, and for his wife Polina it was the first-born. The couple rejoiced at the birth of their first child together, because they had a lot of love for each other.

Alexander is already in his eighth year. He is a precocious boy who loves to play with his little brothers. Helps mom manage the housework and do a man's work to the best of his ability. The TV presenter sometimes takes his son with him to filming so that Dibrov Jr. has an idea of ​​what his father does.

Son of Dmitry Dibrov - Fedor

The son of Dmitry Dibrov, Fedor, was born three years after his brother Alexander. The Dibrovs' second child was born a real hero - the child's weight was four kilograms. This is surprising, because Polina is such a fragile and graceful girl.

Fedor is just starting to chat and sometimes not all the words can be understood correctly. But even today, parents notice his desire for long retellings and poems and do not rule out the fact that their child will follow in his father’s footsteps and become a famous TV presenter or popular musician.

Son of Dmitry Dibrov - Ilya

Dmitry Dibrov’s son, Ilya, is the youngest child. He was born in May 2015. The parents themselves reported about such a joyful event, sharing with everyone photographs from the maternity hospital, which depicted a happy mother and baby.

It seems that Dmitry and Polina have achieved everything they dreamed of in life: interesting work, public recognition, a house - a full cup. Be that as it may, the happy spouses admitted in one of their interviews that they were not going to stop with the achieved results. They really want their friendly family to have a daughter, a little copy of Polina.

Dmitry Dibrov's daughter - Lada

Dmitry Dibrov’s daughter, Lada, is the musician’s only daughter so far. His second wife Olga gave birth to a girl in 1989. The child was lucky enough to live with his father for about seven years, after which Dmitry separated from his second wife.

Lada has long been an adult and has been living in France for a long time with her mother. It is known that the daughter followed in the professional footsteps of her father and works in cyber journalism.

Not long ago, Dmitry Alexandrovich flew to visit his daughter, and at the same time met Lada’s husband - she recently got married.

Dmitry Dibrov's ex-wife - Elvira Dibrova

Dmitry Dibrov's ex-wife, Elvira Dibrova, married Dmitry when he just turned twenty-three. They were young, fell in love with each other, as it seemed to them - for the rest of their lives.

Their marriage lasted only three years, during which time they had their first child, a boy, Denis. Having a child did not stop them from filing for divorce. The reason for the breakup of the family was Dmitry’s development as a TV presenter and his constant delays at work. Elvira could not stand her husband’s frequent absences; it was difficult for her to cope with the child alone; she initiated their divorce.

Dmitry Dibrov's ex-wife - Olga Dibrova

Dmitry Dibrov's ex-wife, Olga Dibrova, also tried her hand at acting. In this marriage, Dmitry had a beautiful daughter, Lada. They lived in marriage for seven years, it would seem that they managed to overcome the crisis of family life - which psychologists are so fond of mentioning - and to understand each other. And yet they diverge.

After the divorce, Olga and her daughter went abroad, where they live to this day. As soon as Lada was able to travel without her mother, she began to often come to visit her father, and they managed to maintain a warm relationship.

Dmitry Dibrov's ex-wife - Alexandra Dibrov

The ex-wife of Dmitry Dibrov, Alexandra Dibrova, is the showman’s third and youngest chosen one. She is born in the same year as Dmitry’s eldest son, Denis.

Dibrov’s relatives did not approve of this marriage not only because of such a large age difference, but also for the reason that Sasha is the granddaughter of Dibrov’s stepfather.

Perhaps this was the shortest marriage of the loving actor, as after nine months the couple separated. The reason for the divorce was the desire of the young wife to achieve some heights in this life, to gain independence and the ability to be an independent person. Dmitry, on the contrary, saw his wife as a housewife supporting the family hearth.

Dmitry Dibrov's wife - Polina Dibrova

Dmitry Dibrov's wife, Polina Dibrova, is thirty years younger than her husband. This fact does not at all prevent the couple from enjoying each other’s company for a decade now and raising three sons together.

Their acquaintance occurred at a beauty contest, where Polina participated as a model, and Dmitry sat on the jury. Seeing the seventeen-year-old beauty, the presenter realized that this was his destiny. He began to beautifully court the girl: armfuls of flowers, restaurants for two, walks around the city at night.

However, Polina agreed to his proposal to marry only the second time. After the wedding, the wife gave up all attempts to continue her career and devoted herself entirely to her family.

Dmitry Dibrov and his wife and children recently took part in the “Ideal Renovation” show, they were helped to put in order the site on which the dacha is located in the Moscow region.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Dibrov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Dibrov contain basic facts about the professional and personal life of the TV presenter. However, he does not often post any new information or interesting photos.

But his wife Polina is happy to share details from their life together with her subscribers. For example, last year she took part in a beauty contest and, despite the fact that she is already a mother of three children, won the title “Mrs. Russia 2017” in the final. She was able to become a finalist thanks to her beloved husband, who surrounded her with warmth and care.