An actor with a tattoo on his neck. What do the tattoos of Pavel Priluchny, the main major of Russian cinema, mean?

Pavel Priluchny is a young actor who became famous thanks to his roles in the TV series “Closed School”, “Major”, as well as in the films “At the Game”. The latter even gave him a memorable tattoo, which the celebrity herself compares to a birthmark, emphasizing its importance in the actor’s life. Pavel Priluchny has several more tattoos, each of which has a specific meaning. Fans of the actor carefully monitor their favorite and make guesses as to the meaning of each sketch. The actor himself does not hide his tattoos and willingly shares his explanations. However, a sketch does not always have only one meaning.

Biography of the actor. Attempts to become an actor

Pavel Priluchny was born in November 1987 in Kazakhstan. Since childhood, the actor’s parents tried to develop the boy, so he attended several clubs. For example, musical and choreographic. The actor himself does not remember them particularly joyfully, since he was not interested in it. Another thing is boxing, which appealed to a rather hooligan teenager. According to Priluchny, he was always hot-tempered and preferred a fight to a constructive conversation.

At the age of 14, the future star of Russian cinema was left without a father. After this tragic event, Pavel went to Novosibirsk, where he entered the acting school. Thanks to a successful debut in one of the performances of the educational institution, the actor was taken to the local Globus Theater.

Priluchny decided to continue his studies in the capital. In Moscow, he entered the Moscow Art Theater School, and Konstantin Raikin became its director. However, due to his infatuation with celebrity Nikki Reed, who was doing an internship in Russia, the actor dropped out of school, deciding to move to the USA to be with his beloved. However, their relationship ended. Priluchny’s second attempt to master the acting profession led him to GITIS.

Currently, Priluchny is a famous actor. He played the lead role in the acclaimed series "Closed School", which brought him many fans of all ages. In addition, on the set he met his love, with whom he now has two children. Agata Muciniece supports her wife in everything; they have several joint works in films and TV series. Looking at her husband, the actress also got a tattoo.

Tattoo of Pavel Priluchny on the neck

Barcode tattoo. Values

The role in the film “At the Game” brought Pavel Priluchny a tattoo. The celebrity got a barcode on his neck with the inscription DOC. That was the name of the character played by the actor. These kinds of images can have many meanings. For example, a tattoo with a barcode emphasizes the owner’s desire to stand out and emphasize his originality. Also this means fighting the system, the consumer attitude.

Tattoos that represent a barcode can have many meanings, some of which even contradict each other. So, some, on the contrary, emphasize their love for a product with such an image. For example, It is popular among girls to display the barcode of their favorite perfume as a tribute to the brand. However, tastes can change, and removing a tattoo is not so easy.

In this case, the image was applied as part of the character's image. However, the fact that the celebrity decided to leave the tattoo also speaks volumes. For example, about the importance of film in the life of an actor. Or about the desire to remember any moments associated with the hero. You can also talk about the desire to remind others about yourself, your popularity.

Wrist tattoo. Amulet

On the right wrist of the celebrity there is a tattoo depicting a cross. According to the actor, this is a talisman that can protect him from the evil eye or evil thoughts. In fact, such an image can have several meanings:

  • Symbol of spiritual development. Such images are chosen by strong, self-confident individuals. For example, the owner of a tattoo may be planning to engage in self-improvement and learn something new;
  • Symbol of suffering. This designation is due to the fact that it was on the cross that Jesus Christ was crucified. Since then, this particular sign has been for many religious people not only a sign of faith, but also a reminder of the imperfection of life. This sign can also serve as a designation of attitude towards people.
  • Symbol of faith. In this case, everything is simple, a religious person applies this image, emphasizing his belonging to a particular religion. Although Christianity is wary of tattoos and does not welcome this phenomenon;
  • Commitment to growth. In Chinese mythology, the symbol of the cross was often compared to a ladder leading to heaven. Therefore, a tattoo can speak of a desire to rise above something.

The actor says that such a tattoo simply serves as protection and decoration for him. However, in many respects it suits the actor, emphasizing his character. Moreover, this image is used by people of creative professions.

Tattoos of Pavel Priluchny on his body

Lettering tattoo. Fighting aggression

At one time, the actor confused his fans by declaring that he was going to get a tattoo in an intimate place, hidden from others. What options were not offered on forums and social networks! Eventually a celebrity got another tattoo in the area just below the navel, closer to the thigh.

The inscription in Latin, which means “keep calm,” should prevent the actor from rash actions. Three words that are above each other, in the opinion of Priluchny himself, already help him in life. As mentioned above, the actor always preferred a fight. However Now he's trying to keep himself together

On Pavel Priluchny’s neck you can see a tattoo in the form of three letters DOC, which is an abbreviation. American prisoners wear robes with these letters written on the back. Now Pavel admits that he got a tattoo a long time ago, but now he considers it idiotic. He says that it suddenly popped into his head, so he did it.

Pavel studied at three institutes. First he graduated from theater school in Novosibirsk. Then he studied at the Moscow Art Theater School for three years, then transferred to the directing department at GITIS and also studied there for only three years. Pavel admits that he himself does not know how he managed to become an artist.

Pavel says that his last four girls were non-Russian. One is from Estonia, another from Latvia, the third from America, and his wife Agata is also from Latvia. He wondered why this happened to him, since he did not specifically choose such people. Finally, Pavel realized that it is more difficult with Russian girls, they are insanely jealous. And he also said that they were “kind of loud.” Pavel admits that he himself has an explosive character, he is very hot-tempered. Therefore, Pavel needed a calm girl who could extinguish his temper. This did not work with Russian girls.

On March 1, his wife Agatha celebrated her birthday, and Pavel went to the store for groceries. Coming out of the apartment, he saw that the entire entrance from the ninth to the first floor was decorated, on each step there were inscriptions: beautiful, smart, and the like. There was a poem written on every flight of stairs and confetti was scattered everywhere. Pavel says that their entire entrance was simply “crashed,” but at the same time he believes that this is good.

Pavel thinks that his wife Agatha is not jealous, at least there has not yet been evidence to the contrary.
Regarding his role in “Major,” Pavel says that he once worked with producer Alexander Tsekalo and liked him. Tsekalo then jokingly swore that he would make a film with Pavel, because he was capable of much. And then a year and a half later, Alexander Tsekalo called and said that he had found an interesting script. Tsekalo sent Priluchny a script written by a Russian author. Pavel admits that when he read it, he felt real interest, it was all so intricately twisted. Pavel called Tsekalo and said that he would like to act, but Tsekalo initially refused. A week later, however, he called and invited me to a reading. There were many applicants at the auditions, but Pavel Priluchny was approved.

They shot the film for six months, Pavel worked without any days off. Pavel admits that this was one of the most dangerous films in which he took part. In the scene with the fire, the house was really on fire, everything was collapsing, and burning debris was falling; the actors were smeared with a special ointment so that they would not get burned. The fire was either extinguished, then rekindled, then extinguished again, and so on several times.

In the final scene of the fire, Pavel had to run out of the burning house, and it would completely burst into flames. The camera was installed opposite the door. The pyrotechnicians set fire to the house and overdid it so much that the actor could not run out. Pavel shouted to stop with the fire because he couldn’t run out. And behind Pavel, burning debris was already beginning to fall. The actor had to kick down the door. Pavel almost lost his life.

Pavel Priluchny admits that he does not dream of any special roles. He just wants to be in constant demand for films. He hates downtime. He wants to have any regular job and he will try to make it interesting. Pavel says that a man should not be without work at all, this is a very difficult condition.

Pavel recently purchased a plot of land thirty kilometers from Moscow, where the nature is gorgeous and fantastic. Nearby there is a lake and a forest. And Paul builds a house there. This turned out to be no easy task. Builders are raising prices. Pavel goes to construction sites with an iPad to control prices and understand where he is being cheated. He searches the Internet for information about building houses, tries to learn it, and when he arrives, he starts checking. In general, Pavel drives the workers properly.

October 29, 2018

Actor Pavel Priluchny recently got another tattoo.

photo: globallook

Pavel Priluchny and his wife Agata Muceniece are one of the most beautiful couples in domestic show business. The artists admit that passions are still running high in their family, and not so long ago the lovers were on the verge of divorce and did not even live together for several days, but were soon able to reconcile and improve their relationship. Note that Pavel and Agatha are raising two children.

more on the topic

“Daddy’s Princess”: Muceniece shared a tender photo of Priluchny with his growing daughterToday the actress decided to please her fans with an autumn photo. The frame shows Pavel Priluchny with his heir Mia. Fans were delighted with the touching photo.

Not long ago, Pavel became a guest on the “Evening Urgant” show and told the host that he got a new tattoo in the form of a cardiogram. As it turned out, some time ago Priluchny had serious health problems, which the actor preferred not to talk about.

Pavel admitted that he had heart problems, but now the artist feels much better. Now the new tattoo has a special meaning for the actor. “It's right on the heart. I didn't tell anyone when I made it. More precisely, I wanted to do one thing, but this turned out to be the case. Even Agatha found out about this after the fact. The doctors are very happy when they see her. “Oh, so good! And he said that my heart hurts!” - They say. But seriously, I had a difficult period, I was sick, I had heart problems, but nothing…” Priluchny shared.

At Harvard University.

In 1932, a trade automation project was developed there. Flint was enrolled in a higher school of economics and became interested in creating a model of an ideal supermarket.

The young man came up with the idea of ​​small images from which it would be possible to extract large amounts of data.

Wallace called the circuit a punch card. It had to be assigned to each product in . But it was the Great American Depression. The student's research was put on the table.

For the first time, goods passed under the scanner beam only in 1976. The debutant was the packaging of Juicy Fruit chewing gum.

Today there are barcodes on everything and... even on people. What information do citizens want to be told?

Meaning of barcode tattoo

Barcode tattoo– a phenomenon even younger than the barcode itself. An ambiguous decoding is associated with this.

For each person it can have an individual meaning. A variant of protest against consumer society is common.

The linear cipher from and with a ruler at the bottom is on everything - matches, refrigerators, cutlets.

The person himself gradually becomes a commodity. Thinking about this, sociologists are building a model of the future in which every person will be implanted with a microchip, establishing total control over people.

This is the consumer society and, in order not to become part of it, they inflict individual barcode tattoo.

Knowledge of encryption codes allows you to order a picture with any information, and not the generally accepted standard.

Those who are not going to protest, on the contrary, emphasize their belonging to modern society with tattoos.

The classic bar contains data about the date and place of production of the product, indicates its basic parameters, for example, size.

By analogy, they are also made barcode tattoo on hand, and not only. A person writes down his date of birth, can indicate his father and,.

If desired, a and or expiration date is assigned. Masters are able to create tattoos that not only imitate chips, but are actually read by lasers.

However, without meticulous decoding, it is difficult to understand what does a barcode tattoo mean?. This is what attracts the population.

The lack of an obvious interpretation made the new type of body patterns one of the most popular.

A series of stripes is ordered along with such bestsellers as tattoos, plots.

Meaning of barcode tattoo can be professional. The drawing is filled by traders, those whose lives are connected with business.

Sometimes, a code from a favorite, especially expensive product is applied to the body. , for example, began to mark the barcodes of their perfumes on the skin.

If there is a favorite scent, why not keep a particle of it with you even when the ether wears off?

They transfer marks from their favorite video games to their bodies. The trend is akin to using famous companies as logos.

Thus, the Gucci fashion house appeared on DeAndre Cortez Way. The singer's stage name is Soulja Boy.

He became famous under it in 2007. In 2010, he got a tattoo, saying that he loved him so much that he wanted to leave a memory of him on his body.

Where to get a barcode tattoo

Most often done barcode tattoo on wrist. The explanation is simple: - by analogy with a product, the code should be located where it is easy to read.

If we consider that the drawing contains important, personal information, a second explanation appears. The person's pulse is listened to.

This is a symbol of his vital energy. Where else to place the basic data of your existence, if not at the heartbeat points?

The third motivation is size. A barcode is a small image. It is lost over vast areas. A picture is harmonious where it occupies a significant area.

In addition to tattoos, it is in demand barcode tattoo on neck. Pavel Priluchny did this.

The actor is known for his role in the domestic film “At the Game.” It was directed by Pavel Sanaev. He asked the artist to find the “zest” in the appearance of his hero.

Pavel went and ordered a tattoo. The code for Priluchny is supplemented with “DOC”. The actor says that there are a lot of decodings of the abbreviation, but does not disclose any of them.

Pavel adds that the pattern has become “his birthmark,” which he has no plans to get rid of.

There is a rational grain in Paul's phrase. became the actor’s calling card. He is comfortable when the inscription is visible to everyone.

Therefore, the celebrity chose his neck for tattoos. The zone where the picture will not only look organic, but also be perceived as such by the wearer - this is the right place for placement barcode tattoo. Photo Priluchny's tattoos, by the way, are available online.

The young artist applied the pattern to the side of the neck. This is a non-standard solution. Most clients do the code at the back, at the hairline.

Popular barcode tattoo designs

As a sign of mystery, a torn barcode is gaining momentum. The image is missing some stripes or numbers.

This is how tattoo wearers emphasize that finding out the truth about them is not so easy. The drawing is also ordered by those who consider themselves spoiled, inferior, and reproach themselves for something.. And, as the French philosopher Denis Diderot said: “The task is to excite.”

Today, the youth series “Closed School” is showing success on the screens of the country. After the loud start of the first part of the series, fans literally inundated the creators with letters asking them to definitely film a continuation of the mystical story about the students of an elite closed school.

It is difficult to imagine the series without the bright and talented leading actor - Pavel Priluchny, who not only became a kind of “calling card” of the series, his popularity without any doubt became part of the success of the series. Pavel Decent became known to viewers after the film “At the Game”. Today, the actor is in demand in film and television projects, and posters with his image decorate the rooms of most teenagers.

The actor carefully monitors his appearance, and even Priluchny’s new tattoo was done only after much thought. It is worth noting that Pavel Priluchny’s first tattoo was inked specifically for filming the film “At the Game” and is a barcode with the inscription “DOC”. According to the actor, the tattoo has long become part of his image and he has no plans to get rid of it. Pavel’s tattoo is of great interest to all connoisseurs of tattoo culture, it is his distinctive sign, which reminds the actor of the role that brought him popularity.

Relatively recently, the number of tattoos of Pavel Priluchny has changed. The actor intrigued his fans and announced in one of his interviews his desire to get a tattoo in an intimate place, closed from prying eyes. The minds of fans literally “exploded” in search of an answer – what new tattoo to decorate the body of their favorite actor. In fact, everything turned out to be much more prosaic - as a place for a new tattoos by Pavel Priluchny selected the outer part of the right thigh, will place three words there, the general meaning of which is “to maintain balance”.

Tattoo culture is becoming more and more in demand every year, and among those who want to get a body tattoo are not only the powerful, but also the fair sex, who choose intricate ornaments or floral patterns as designs. When giving preference to one tattoo or another, it is worth remembering that any design, even a seemingly simple one, has its own meaning. Among other things, when deciding to get a tattoo, we give preference only to professional artists who can guarantee the quality and safety of the tattooing process.