Channel 1 and ok your stars. Channel One trusted viewers to choose the stars who will perform at the “New Year’s lights”

Odnoklassniki has started voting for the performers who will headline the New Year's broadcast of the country's main TV channel. Available in the official group of Channel One application“Your stars are on the First.” Using it, users can select from the proposed shortlist up to three favorite performers whom they want to see on television on the night from December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018. Each user can also enter the name of another artist who was not on the list. The application can be opened from any device: in the desktop and mobile versions of Odnoklassniki, as well as in the OK applications for iOS and Android.

The shortlist of performers is based on the popularity rating of the performers in Odnoklassniki. The “Top 60” includes singers and groups whose tracks are most often listened to by OK users. Among them there are both regular participants in New Year’s television broadcasts (, and Ani Lorak), and newcomers (“Mushrooms”, “Time and Glass”, Jan Khalib and Mot, IOWA, etc.)

Voting will last until October 30, and users will be able to track its intermediate results online. After summing up the final results, the leaders will be invited to film in the New Year's show on Channel One.

Initially, OK suggested choosing artists for the New Year's concert based on the results of user voting. The general director of Channel One said this in January of this year on the online show “OK on touch!”

“Voting for New Year’s Eve participants on Channel One is a tool for direct influence of viewers on the formation of television content,” says the chief producer of music and entertainment programs on Channel One. — It is the viewers who have been choosing the winners of “The Voice” live for 5 years now. It turns out well. Let's see how everything turns out in the New Year. Everyone has a stake in the success of the experiment.”

“The project with Channel One is interesting because it is not just the integration of television content into a social network, but also an opportunity for users to influence this content,” said the head of the Odnoklassniki social network. — Interactive formats are another point of intersection between television and social networks, where users can begin interacting with content even before it is published. We are glad that Channel One followed this trend and for the first time entrusted OK users with participation in the selection of artists for the New Year’s show.”

Channel One, on the initiative of its general director Konstantin Ernst, announced a nationwide selection of artists to participate in New Year’s Eve 2018. Voting takes place on the Odnoklassniki social network, in the Your Stars on First app.

Many times the main Russian channels have been blasted to smithereens for the fact that the same stars sing on their New Year’s “lights” year after year, whom they even began to call pop zombies. At the same time, similar show programs of Channel One and Russia 1 are gaining fantastic ratings.

Now discontent has reached its peak. One of the producers has already said that such television programs are “a descent into hell.”

Viewers can choose from the proposed list one to three favorite performers whom they want to see on television on the night of December 31 to January 1. And anyone can add the name of an artist who was not included in the shortlist.

On October 11, the Odnoklassniki social network started voting for the performers who will headline the New Year’s broadcast of the country’s main TV channel. The application “Your stars on Channel One” is available in the official group of Channel One. Using it, users can choose from the proposed shortlist up to three favorite performers whom they want to see on television on the night of December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018.

Each user can also enter the name of another artist who was not on the list. The application can be opened from any device: in the desktop and mobile versions of Odnoklassniki, as well as in the OK applications for iOS and Android.

The shortlist of performers is based on the popularity rating of the performers in Odnoklassniki. The “Top 60” includes singers and groups whose tracks are most often listened to by OK users. Among them there are both regular participants in New Year's television broadcasts (Polina Gagarina, Irina Dubtsova and Ani Lorak), and newcomers (Mushrooms, Time and Glass, Jan Khalib and Mot, IOWA and others).

Voting will last until October 30, and users will be able to track its intermediate results online. After summing up the final results, the leaders will be invited to film in the New Year's show on Channel One.

Initially, Konstantin Ernst suggested choosing the artists for the New Year's concert based on the results of a vote among OK users, the site reports. The general director of Channel One said this in January of this year on the online show “OK on touch!”

“Voting for the participants of New Year’s Eve on Channel One is a tool for the direct influence of viewers on the formation of television content,” says Yuri Aksyuta, chief producer of music and entertainment programs on Channel One. - It is the viewers who have been choosing the winners of “The Voice” live for 5 years now. It turns out well. Let's see how everything turns out in the New Year. Everyone has a stake in the success of the experiment.”

It is generally accepted that of all the popular social networks in Russia, mature people choose Odnoklassniki. They are the main audience of the country’s leading channels. So it may happen that, based on the voting results, exactly the same artists will be invited to record “lights” as usual. Let us remind you that, despite criticism, the New Year's show programs of Channel One and Rossiya 1 are gaining fantastic ratings.

Users of Odnoklassniki will be able to choose the headliners of New Year's Eve on Channel One. The playlist for Channel One's New Year's show will be made based on the results of a popular vote held in the Your Stars on First app.

After a loud scandal last year, when a petition was drawn up on the Internet against the same faces and names flashing in the New Year's lights of federal television channels, it seems that changes are coming on Russian TV. As it became known, Channel One was the first to decide on the experiment.

There, users will be able to choose from the proposed shortlist up to three favorite performers whom they want to see on television on the night from December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018. As it became known, “fresh blood” burst into the already outlined “Top 60” - for example, the groups “Mushrooms”, “Time and Glass”, performer Jah Khalib and many others.

As representatives of the channel reported, voting will last until October 30 and users will be able to track its intermediate results online. After summing up the final results, the leaders will be invited to film in the New Year's show on Channel One.

The experiment was initially the idea of ​​the channel’s general director, Konstantin Ernst, which he shared earlier this year, answering questions from viewers about the dominance of “the same people” on the screens on the live broadcast of Odnoklassniki.

The list of proposed performers was compiled based on the popularity rating of the artists in Odnoklassniki. Among them are regular participants in Channel One’s New Year’s projects (Polina Gagarina, Irina Dubtsova and Ani Lorak), but also performers who have never performed on New Year’s air (“Mushrooms”, “Time and Glass”, Jan Khalib and Mot, IOWA and others ).

As of October 16, the leaders of the voting are Grigory Leps, Nargiz, the Leningrad group, Polina Gagarina and the singer “Alexeev”.

Russian music producer Maxim Fadeev criticized the idea of ​​Channel One to hold a vote on the Odnoklassniki social network for artists who will take part in the New Year's Light. He believes that this is either an attempt to imitate the popular vote, or simply a bad idea.

“Who compiled the list of these particular artists? So different from each other. Like, for example, Yulianna Karaulova and “Caspian Cargo”? Or Miyagi & Endgame and Yura Shatunov. Don’t Aksyuta and, of course, the bronzed Ernst understand that neither Miyagi nor “Mushrooms” will ever come on the air of “New Year’s Light” to be wrapped in rain or put on a Cheburashka or panda costume and forced to dance in a duet with Yura Shatunov , singing the song Happy New Year or “Closing the Circle” in the company of Mityaev,” Fadeev wrote on Instagram.

He noted that the list of artists compiled for voting also included his wards - the group “Silver” and Nargiz. The music producer, who was born in Kurgan, was surprised by this fact, since earlier the general director of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst, allegedly ordered a ban on the broadcast of his performers, so he concluded that the vote was “an attempt to attract attention.” Fadeev asked his fans not to vote for these artists, so as not to make them look like clowns.

“I consider my artists to be in the category of people who also deserve respect and we, of course, even if we get to the top of the vote, will not participate in the filming. We respect and appreciate your attention and love for the artist. But I want to ask each of you to support us and not vote, so as not to make your favorite artist look like a clown.”

Internet users have already appreciated the experiment of Channel One, reports Rosregistr. Some expressed the idea that they wouldn’t mind seeing aspiring performer Olga Buzova on New Year’s Eve.

There were also those who proposed rape victim Diana Shurygina, who became famous thanks to several episodes of the talk show “Let Them Talk,” as the host of the New Year’s light.

1.3 million people from Russia, as well as countries near and far abroad, took part in the voting. The project covered a variety of audience segments, including young users: for example, 10% of the votes for their favorite artists were given by people under 18 years of age, while about 50% of the users who voted were under 35 years of age. The most active region in terms of the number of votes was Moscow: 15% of the votes were cast by residents of the capital. Also, the artists received the greatest support from Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk.

Voting started on October 11 in the Channel One group on the social network. Users could choose their three favorite artists from a shortlist based on the musical preferences of the OK audience, as well as suggest one more artist from those who were not included in the top 60. After two weeks of voting, the top 10 artists most frequently suggested by users were included in the main list.

Yuri Aksyuta

Chief producer of music and entertainment programs on Channel One

For us, this was an interesting and unexpected experiment, born impromptu: Odnoklassniki, live on their show, proposed holding such a vote and we accepted this proposal. This is a good opportunity to “synchronize watches”, to understand how much we feel and understand the audience’s request. We were also prepared for completely unexpected results - the list that was initially proposed for voting was not compiled by Channel One. These are the artists whose music is most often listened to by Odnoklassniki users. As it turned out, the audience and I understand each other quite well. The leader of the voting, Grigory Leps, regularly takes part in the broadcasts of Channel One and was the mentor of “The Voice” for two seasons, as was Polina Gagarina, who took fourth place. Nargiz was completely discovered by “The Voice”. In a sense, this project introduced Basta to a wide audience far from rap culture. Alla Pugacheva, around whose name spears were broken according to the results of the last New Year's project, entered the top 10 most popular stars - we take off our hats, we hope, along with those who doubted it. In a word, we coincided in many ways, and somewhere we received interesting tips and will be happy to invite artists who have not previously been involved in our broadcast to participate in our New Year’s project. Invitations to participate in the New Year's show will be received by 30 performers - the leaders of the audience vote. Thank you for your participation and attention to our project. Let's meet on the evening of December 31st on Channel One!

Anton Fedchin

It was important for us to give different people the opportunity to choose their favorite artists. The short list included musicians popular with various segments of the audience: very young stars and already well-known participants in New Year's shows, rappers, rock musicians, and pop singers. Thanks to this, all active groups of the Odnoklassniki audience took part in the voting: children, teenagers, young people under 35, and older users. As a result, the top 30 turned out to meet the interests of different people: it will now be much more interesting for OK users to watch the New Year’s broadcast.

New Year's Eve is approaching, and with it the Blue Light. Channel One, at the request of viewers, launched a vote for the artists that viewers would like to see.

Viewers, and especially young people, protested against Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov on the federal channel on New Year's Eve. However, Konstantin Ernst left the artists.

At the moment, the rating is headed by Sergey Shnurov, followed by Grigory Leps, Basta, Akekseev, IOWA, Nargiz. Pugacheva and Kirkorov are also on the lists; they occupy the middle. Therefore, even based on the vote, they can remain on the air of Blue Light.

There, users will be able to choose from the proposed shortlist up to three favorite performers whom they want to see on television on the night from December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018. As it became known, “fresh blood” burst into the already outlined “Top 60” - for example, the groups “Mushrooms”, “Time and Glass”, performer Jah Khalib and many others.

After summing up the final results, the leaders will be invited to film in the New Year's show on Channel One.

The original “Top 60” of performers was compiled based on the popularity rating in Odnoklassniki. It included both regular participants of New Year's television broadcasts (Polina Gagarina, Irina Dubtsova and Ani Lorak) and newcomers.

It is generally accepted that of all the popular social networks in Russia, mature people choose Odnoklassniki. They are the main audience of the country’s leading channels. So it may happen that, based on the voting results, exactly the same artists will be invited to record “lights” as usual.

the event extremely outraged the famous producer Maxim Fadeev, who expressed his position - directly and bluntly, in his personal blog.

“So, in turn, I want to immediately cut off the enthusiastic hysteria and explain how they “listened.” Questions immediately arise: 1) Who compiled the list of these particular artists, so different from each other? Like, for example, Yulianna Karaulova and “Caspian Cargo”? Or Miyagi&Endgame and Yura Shatunov, writes Rosregistr. Don’t Aksyuta and, of course, the bronzed Ernst understand that neither Miyagi nor Mushrooms will ever come to the New Year’s Light broadcast to be wrapped in rain or put on a Cheburashka or panda costume. Or they forced me to dance in a duet with Yura Shatunov, singing the song “Happy New Year” or “Closing the Circle” in the company of Mityaev. Does this list provide an objective picture of popular music over the past year? Or did they just decide to deceive us by adding a little underground to the traditional “Ogonyok” pool? 2) How many artists from this list will actually get airplay? I would like to immediately say about two of my artists presented on this list - SEREBRO and Nargiz. How (if they got into this vote) will my music be heard on Channel One if it was banned by Mr. Ernst’s personal decision? I consider my artists to be in that category of people who also deserve respect. and of course, even if we get to the top of the vote, we will not participate in the filming. Because we will again be dressed up as clowns and forced to sing a duet with the host of “Test Purchase”. Already now, watching the first voting results, I see that Nargiz is in the top three. We respect and appreciate your attention and love for the artist. But I want to ask each of you to support us and not vote, so as not to make your favorite artist look like a clown.”

Meanwhile, Yuri Aksyuta, chief producer of all music and entertainment programs on Channel One, is more optimistic.

“Voting for New Year’s Eve participants on First is a tool for viewers’ direct influence on the formation of television content,” he says. - It is the audience who have been choosing the winners of “The Voice” live for five years now. It turns out well. Let's see how everything turns out in the New Year. Everyone is interested in the success of the experiment!”

The host of the reality show “Dom-2” and the rape victim, who became famous thanks to the program “Let Them Talk,” may appear on Channel One on New Year’s Day.

Netizens suggested that rising star Olga Buzova, recently recognized as the “queen of Instagram,” be included in the voting. It was noted on the Internet that the host of the reality show “Dom-2” has become so popular that literally all the stars of domestic show business speak out about her work.

Rape victim Diana Shurygina, who recently married a Channel One cameraman, is also being predicted for the New Year. The 18-year-old native of Ulyanovsk, who became famous thanks to her participation in the talk show “Let Them Talk,” also has a wave of fans, so she even deserves to become the host of a holiday show, some users believe.