Is the entrance to the Astral World closed or why do some people travel and others not? Astral: what is it?

Astral worlds

As you know, adherents of the occult sciences believe that, in addition to the physical, there are other worlds: in particular, the astral world, the mental world, nirvana, etc.

Moreover, these worlds are not separated from each other by rigid boundaries, like, for example, the water in a river from its banks. On the contrary, they penetrate one another to one degree or another.

But if a person sees and feels structures or objects of the physical world, then the rest of the worlds are not subject to his senses. And he can judge their existence only by certain subjective criteria. Moreover, even in this case, a person’s consciousness cannot come into contact with all worlds, but only with the astral and mental. It is no longer able to penetrate into other worlds.

According to the doctrine of the astral, if any creature or object leaves the physical world, that is, simply put, ceases to exist on Earth, then its reflection continues to live in the astral world, and in the form that was inherent in it at the time of disappearance .

Metaphorically speaking, this is essentially analogous to maintaining our image in the mirror after we have moved away from it.

The astral world is inhabited by various invisible entities that sometimes burst into our consciousness during unusual or nightmare dreams. In addition, souls, or energy analogues of deceased people, live in it. It is these phantoms that make themselves known during spiritualistic seances.

The astral world is usually divided into two levels: the highest and the lowest. The lowest level of the astral plane is inhabited by entities that carry negative energy and instill fear and horror in humans. They are popularly called evil spirits. And it is these representatives of the lower level that appear in people who are in a deep stage of alcohol or drug poisoning. Very often they appear to people suffering from certain mental disorders, such as phobias, schizophrenia, etc.

In turn, the highest level of the astral world is associated with angels and good spirits.

Physical and astral bodies connected by a silver cord

It has already been said above that the human physical body is in contact with other worlds, in particular with the astral. To interact with the astral, a person has a so-called astral body, which, being a copy of the physical body, nevertheless has a finer structure and is therefore invisible. In addition, the astral body has the ability to penetrate into other dimensions and exist there. It is often called the astral double, or soul.

In the astral body of a person there are analogues of all those organs that are also in the physical body. But since the subtle elements that make up the essence of the astral body are in constant motion, its ability to see, hear and feel does not correspond to any specific organ or nerve channel, like that of an earthly person. Thus, the functions of the sense organs are performed by the entire astral body.

Sometimes the astral body leaves its earthly shell - the physical body - and travels in the astral plane. This usually happens in a dream. It can also leave the human body during clinical death.

When a person's astral body travels in the astral world, it retains self-consciousness. And therefore, sometimes the “astral traveler” realizes that he is outside the physical body.

During these movements in the astral plane, sometimes a person sees his astral body, but each of the people perceives it in a special way, for example, enclosed in some kind of luminous case.

The connection between the astral and physical bodies is maintained using the so-called silver cord, which is a luminous thread-like formation.

Usually this cord connects the forehead area of ​​the physical body with the navel of the astral body. Its color can vary from a plain pale smoky to iridescent. It consists of a bundle of woven threads.

Silver cord has several synonyms: it is called rope, chain, channel, magnetic string, etc.

According to knowledgeable people, the silver cord has a high degree of elasticity and therefore can stretch to any length. Moreover, with the removal of the astral body from the physical, this ethereal channel gradually becomes thinner, sometimes turning into a barely noticeable thread.

However, not every person traveling in the astral manages to see the silver cord. And only those can notice it who for some time linger their gaze on the “shell” of the physical body from which the astral body emerged.

There are many facts indicating that a rupture of the etheric channel necessarily leads to the death of the physical body, that is, a person.

Occasionally, those who were present at the death of their loved ones were able to observe how the astral body left its earthly shell. This is how one of the eyewitnesses, who was next to his dying aunt, describes this phenomenon.

“At first, barely visible contours of some airy substance appeared. Gradually it became more and more distinct and contrasting, until, in the end, it took on the shape of the body of a dying woman. The double hung in a horizontal position, twenty to thirty centimeters above the body of the dying aunt... And suddenly I noticed a silvery cord connecting the physical body with its ethereal copy... I suddenly realized that the body and soul were connected to each other by a special thread-like substance, just like an umbilical cord connects mother and newborn. The cord had a diameter of about two and a half centimeters. A constantly flickering, gentle silvery light emanated from it. It seemed as if the cord was filled with the energy of life.”

One of the eyewitnesses of this phenomenon observed how a stream of pulsating light moved along a silver cord from the physical body to the astral one. Moreover, with each energy surge the cord became thinner and thinner. And this continued until the cord disappeared completely. That is, until the astral body finally broke the connection with the physical body...

By the way, among Americans of eastern origin, researchers have noticed a mysterious phenomenon of death in their sleep, which usually overtakes men between the ages of 30 and 40.

Eyewitnesses claim that before death, the victim suddenly begins to thrash and groan, as if she was dreaming of something terrible, but could not wake up. That's how he dies. And this usually happens in the second half of the night. But scientists cannot say what happens at this time in the human body. It is only known that before death the work of the heart muscle is disrupted.

Specialists in anomalous phenomena tried to explain these strange cases. They suggest that in Asian countries men are deprived of their lives by some astral killers invisible to ordinary people. But perhaps the victim sees them in a dream, which is why he rushes about and groans.

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When a person is free from the physical shell, he can go anywhere and do almost anything he wants. For example, you can visit countries that you couldn’t even dream of visiting in normal life. Would you like to visit Mongolia? Nothing could be simpler. One has only to go out into the astral plane and wish. Not even a second will pass before your dream comes true.
The astral sphere is not limited to the scale of our planet. You can go to Mars, Venus or anywhere in the Universe. It goes without saying that you should start by traveling to familiar places that are not far from your home, although any distance limitation is very conditional.
You can travel in time - to the past or the future. Would you like to know more about the era of Henry VIII? Go back in time and study the life and customs of that time. Are you interested in the events of the next century? Ride your astral horse and it will take you to the future. In "Book Three" of Cornelius Agrippa's work, entitled "Three Books of Occult Philosophy", the author talks about a philosopher named Atheus, who visited the future and returned, "enriched with knowledge" (Henry Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesheim, Three Books of Occult Philosophy , translated by James Freake, edited and annotated by Donald Tyson (St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1993), 629.).

As I already said, almost everything is allowed in astral travel. When traveling through the astral worlds, you should remember that you are not dealing with the gross material world, but with its reflection. Accordingly, in the astral there are certain restrictions of both an objective and subjective nature. Scientific experiments have proven that on the astral plane people can penetrate almost any place, receive certain information and remember it upon returning from a trip. For example, on the eve of an exam, you can enter a locked classroom and read the exam papers. However, not everything is as simple as it seems. In the astral plane it is quite easy to read something written on a piece of paper, but it is almost impossible to open a book or leaf through its pages. So, if the exam papers are in a stack, you will only be able to read the top sheet.

A similar experience is described by Oliver Fox in his book Astral Projection. He only managed to remember two questions. The first question was of no practical interest, since it was very ordinary, but the second was something of a surprise, since for many years it had not been included in the examination list. According to Fox, he was unable to remember the remaining questions because he discovered that "the initially clear type began to blur" as soon as he began to read, "the letters began to fade, began to scatter, disappear or change their shape." Fox did not repeat such experiments, citing the fact that the first one made a painful impression on him.

As already mentioned, there are also subjective restrictions that are of a personal, moral and ethical nature. During astral travel, a person often finds himself in delicate, ambiguous situations when what he sees affects the intimate sphere of other people’s lives. In this case, everyone acts in accordance with their own ideas about honor and dignity.

Personally, I am convinced that selfish and overly curious astral voyagers sooner or later pay for their behavior. The base thoughts of an astral traveler attract infernal creatures, which abound in the astral world.

The infernal world gives birth to human consciousness, thoughts, desires. This is not always a manifestation of evil or negativity. Such a world is different from the world of living beings. Before people came to Earth, the planet saw many different life forms and civilizations. They were positive, not very good, and neutral. But the categories of good and evil are operated exclusively by human consciousness.

It is the concept that the bodily manifestation of man exists solely for the evolution of the soul that attracts the special interest of such worlds. And all because incorporeal beings are not endowed with development capabilities, they cannot improve their qualities, approach the Creator, then such creatures are looking for ways to evolution through people. In other words, they try to become part of the material world through human thinking, deeds, and actions. The infernal world poses a threat only if someone deliberately approaches these entities to fight with evil spirits or allows them to inhabit their own body for selfish purposes, hoping to become luckier, acquire superpowers, enjoy the undeserved sympathy of the opposite sex, etc. In such a “parallel” world there is its own special hierarchy, laws of interaction and even survival.

Thus, we touched upon another important issue that should be kept in mind when going on astral flight. Before you go on a trip, you need to set a specific goal.

The pursuit of a specific goal often causes spontaneous astral exits in sleep, and when this happens, unprepared people often experience serious shocks. This happens if a newcomer who has spontaneously entered the astral plane suddenly wakes up.

Thus, people who have good reasons for entering the astral plane have undoubted advantages over those who are idlely curious.

My cousin corresponded regularly with her daughter, who lived in Turkey. Detailed, meaningful letters arrived from her every week. The cousin explained the unexpected delay of the next letter by the costs of the postal department, but the next week she did not receive news from her daughter. Very worried, she tried to call Turkey, but the local operator did not speak English. Every day the anxiety grew, and the cousin lost peace and sleep. By the end of the fourth week, she managed to fall into a kind of oblivion.

In a dream, a woman spontaneously entered the astral plane and saw her daughter and her companion traveling somewhere in the mountains. Returning to her physical body, the cousin slept for another twelve hours. The next morning I received a long-awaited call from my daughter.

The cousin at first thought that the night's experience was an ordinary dream, but the facts indicated otherwise: a clear picture of mountain roads and a call from her daughter convinced her that she had been in the astral plane. She was forced to do this by her persistent desire to find out about the fate of her daughter and make sure that everything was in order. While in a parallel world, she made sure that her daughter was not in danger, and only then did she fall into such a deep sleep that she did not hear the first bell.

A couple of days later, she received a letter in which her daughter asked not to worry and said that she was going on vacation. It so happened that this message was dropped into a mailbox in a distant mountainous area; that is why the post office delivered it so late.

Needless to say, it is important to know that your loved ones are in good health. About thirty years ago I lived in the same apartment with natives of London. Before going to bed, one of them constantly said out loud: “Good night, dad.” It turned out that his father went out into the astral plane every evening to find out about the health of his children, who were scattered by fate all over the world. This guy could always detect his father's presence in the bedroom.

Sometimes astral travelers can be seen with normal vision. I am not sure whether the Londoner saw his father with his own eyes, but the appearance of a visible image of her daughter’s cousin is beyond doubt.

I do not exclude the possibility that numerous reports of ghosts seen here and there actually indicate the appearance of astral clichés.

This term is used to refer to a frequently occurring phenomenon where the same “person” is simultaneously observed in two different places. This phenomenon is observed when the physical body of a person is in one place, and the astral double is observed in another. One recorded case occurred on September 21, 1744. On September 17, the famous Neapolitan merchant Alfonso di Ligvori was thrown into Arezzo prison. For five days he refused food and, staring at the ceiling of his cell, lay motionless on his prison bed. On the fifth day he stood up and told his jailers that he had visited the deathbed of Pope Clement XIV. His presence at the pontiff’s bed was confirmed and indicated that the Neapolitan was simultaneously in two cities, although the distance between them was four days’ journey.

One of the most surprising cases of bilocation involves the case of William MacDonald, who was accused of attempting to burglarize an apartment on Second Avenue in New York City. The case was heard on July 8, 1896; several people confirmed that they saw the accused trying to remove valuables. Attempts to detain him were unsuccessful, but witnesses unanimously stated that he was the robber.

A witness for the defense was Professor Vane, who stated that at the time of the alleged robbery, William MacDonald was on the stage of a cabaret five miles from the scene of the crime, and hundreds of people could testify to this. It was established that on that ill-fated night, MacDonald was a voluntary participant in a hypnotic session, which was attended by a witness. The professor explained to the jury that MacDonald "physically" did not leave the scene, but perhaps "the neighbors saw an intangible emanation of the defendant."

Despite biased cross-examination by the prosecutor, the jury found MacDonald not guilty.

An equally striking incident occurred in 1840 in Livonia with Mademoiselle Emily Saget. Despite her excellent professional qualities, the young teacher was fired at least nineteen times. This happened because her astral double constantly terrified the students. He usually copied her movements in class, although he could move around on his own. Sometimes he walked along the school corridors. As the visible outlines of the double became more distinct, the young woman's manners changed for the worse, and her physical health began to give rise to concern.

The chronicles of the Catholic Church also record many cases of bilocation. So, in 1226, Saint Anthony of Padua read a sermon in the church in the city of Limoges. During the service, he remembered that they were waiting for him at the monastery on the outskirts of the city. Anthony pulled up his hood and spent several minutes on his knees. The congregation waited patiently for the sermon to continue. At the same time, at the other end of the city, the monks saw Saint Anthony appear from behind the altar, read a prayer and suddenly disappeared.

Those who like to eavesdrop and spy should remember that the possibility of astral presence is available not only to them. I hope that awareness of this fact will allow some people to refrain from unseemly actions.

The “Wilmot Case,” documented in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, convinces us that sometimes the presence of an astral traveler can be observed by a complete stranger.

In October 1863, Mr. Wilmot was returning from a business trip to Liverpool to his home in Bridgeport, Connecticut. On the way, he was caught in a fierce storm that broke out on October 3 and raged for nine days. On the evening of the eighth day, Wilmot was sleeping and in a dream he saw his wife, dressed in a nightgown, appear at the door of the cabin. Seeing an unfamiliar man on the next bed, she did not dare to enter for some time, but then she went up to her husband, stroked his cheek, kissed him and went out.

Wilmot woke up to find his neighbor Richard Tate looking at him with a grin.”

“You’re a good guy, as far as I can see,” said the neighbor. “When it comes to the female gender, you are an expert.”

Mr. Wilmot demanded an explanation and became convinced that his cabin neighbor's story completely coincided with his dream. Richard himself was seriously puzzled by the sudden appearance of a half-naked woman. He suggested that the night stranger could be Wilmot's sister Eliza, who was also on board the ship. However, when she entered the cabin, he realized that he had never seen this woman before. The night stranger, after a moment's hesitation, stopped paying attention to the completely stranger and calmly kissed Wilmot. Richard expressed obvious bewilderment at the behavior of a woman so free for that time, who, in his opinion, did not care about her reputation.
Therefore, Wilmot's fantastic assumptions did not satisfy Richard. The next morning he tried to question the neighbor’s sister, but Eliza indignantly rejected the very possibility of such night vigils. Richard apologized and said he was "very confused."

The ship docked in Bridgeport, and the wife greeting the husband asked, “How did you enjoy my visit last week?”

That night, as the storm began to subside, Mrs. Wilmot lay in bed and mourned, having heard so many stories about shipwrecks. At about four o'clock in the morning, she decided to visit her husband and astrally entered the ship.

“Answer me,” she asked her husband, “do the upper shelves on a ship really protrude above the lower ones? It was on this top bunk that I saw an unfamiliar man and barely dared to enter the cabin. Then I plucked up courage, entered the cabin, hugged you, kissed you and immediately left.”

Wilmot's cabin was at the stern, and so the shelves were arranged exactly as his wife had described.

The astral plane and sleep are similar in one way; in the first and second cases, the soul leaves the body. Only in a dream a person does not always understand what is happening, but in the astral plane everything is controlled by the mind. But without the ability to control sleep, going to the astral plane is tantamount to suicide.

Also, the astral body can exist provided that the physical shell is dead. The information content of such a body remains unchanged, and therefore it becomes possible to communicate with deceased people. We recommend that you study the basic nuances that happen in most cases during a dive.

When going to bed, a person experiences strange sensations. It seems that he is falling through or losing consciousness. During a night's rest, a person is able to see terrible dreams and beautiful landscapes, people familiar from childhood or faceless images. Often actions in dreams occur against our will.

Sometimes events that happen in a dream take strange forms, a little fabulous. And it’s not entirely clear how you could find yourself in a place you’ve never been to. It's not on the map, it's not in real life.

Scientists say that dreams are nothing more than a game of a tired brain. Magicians and sorcerers openly say that by putting your body to sleep, the soul leaves it and goes in search of adventure or to fight evil. But both of them do not deny the interpretation of the elements seen in a dream. Thanks to them, you can find out a hint for the future and find out the answer to a question that has been haunting you for several years, days or weeks.

We can say that in a dream a person receives answers to questions and warnings from higher powers. Whether or not there is a soul in the body at this moment, scientists have proven. Using scales, the person was weighed before and during sleep. It turned out that the person was losing weight, although not significantly.

How to enter the astral plane for a beginner, what do you need to know?

In order for a beginner to enter the astral plane, he will have to try and learn the fundamental rules. Start your preparation by studying materials that will help you surprise the whole picture. The better prepared you are, the greater your chances for a favorable outcome. It’s hard to start, and in order to get into the astral plane the first time, you need to learn how to control your sleep. And this can only be done with the help of the mind.

The more you know, the safer your journey will be.

From the beginning, you need to learn to control your bedtime.

You can start training both at night and during the day. Take a comfortable position on the bed, close your eyes. You must learn to understand at what point you start to fall asleep. The transition to the astral world itself is partly similar to a dream, only at the same time there are feelings of security and peace. And during normal sleep, a standard failure occurs without sensations.

Before starting your first trip, you should prepare yourself mentally. For several days you need to engage in visualization, imagine how you are immersed in another world. In addition, you should be confident in your abilities. To do this, training is carried out both in front of a mirror and simply sitting in a comfortable chair. You should think about every step that takes place in the astral world.

To better enter a state of half-sleep, it is recommended to play calm music.

Methods (techniques) for immersion into the astral plane

Do you know how to go to the astral plane so that there are no consequences or problems? Then let's conduct an educational program on all methods, techniques and methods. Yes Yes. There are not two or three. Everyone will choose a suitable and convenient method for themselves. After studying the step-by-step instructions, getting into the astral plane will not be too difficult for a beginner. But experts do not recommend moving far from your body.

Still, the unknown and unknown always conceals many secrets and dangers that can pose a threat to life. We must immediately warn you that in the unknown, it is quite natural to meet dead people. But you shouldn’t risk staying and talking with them longer than the allotted time.

Important! Smoking of any cigarettes, hookahs or drugs is strictly prohibited when using any method.

Vortex method

The technique of this way to find yourself in another dimension is not entirely common. It involves a strict fast or diet. It will be much easier to enter the astral plane if you do not eat food at all 3-4 hours before the start. As for the weekly fast, under no circumstances should you consume meat, nuts, or coffee.

During the entire preparatory period, you must eat in unlimited quantities:
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Carrot;
  • Fresh yolk;
  • Tea, especially herbal or green tea, is a must.

Adepts who have completed the young neophyte course claim that the mind itself will indicate its readiness. To enter another world, you must be in a cozy and dark place. During the process, you cannot cross body parts. Let's drink a glass of water and start.

Ophiel technique for a beginner

The simplest and most convenient method suitable for beginners. You need to go to one of the rooms of your house. Find 10 items that really mean something. Pay attention to what the room smells like and try to remember the smells. Try to remember and absorb the entire information flow that the room carries.

Associations, images - all this plays a big role in the quality of astral projection. After examining the room, leave it and go to another. If you have collected the information correctly, then by closing your eyes, you can mentally visit the room you have studied, along an already familiar route. In the future, you will learn to travel to a chair and observe your sleep, and then you will be able to make long leaps.

You must travel in your thoughts along the planned routes and visit the places you have appointed. These methods open up the ability to initiate the astral world.

Because the projection of such a world is what your imagination is capable of. Free author's book.

Hypnotic way

It is used when a beginner is not able to go on a trip on his own for a number of reasons.

For example, he is afraid or unsure of himself. You should only contact experienced hypnotists who have experience in such matters. It will not only take you to another world to communicate with ancestors or friends, but will also return you safely back. Knowing the body's reaction in case of danger will help you avoid trouble. This method is also convenient when two or more people decide to visit the other side of their mind and soul.

"Swing" method

The technique of entering the astral plane using swinging (naturally, imaginary) is suitable for everyone, without exception. Instructions for use are as follows:

  1. We take a comfortable position in a favorite place in our apartment. This could be a sofa or an armchair.
  2. We close our eyes and feel warm and comfortable, but at the same time bright rays are shining on you.
  3. Introducing swing rides. She speeds up the swing until she lifts you high into the sky.
  4. We break away from them and fly.
  5. Landing occurs close to the body in the first sessions. On subsequent ones, go where you need to go.

You can start your journey from your body and move throughout space. There is no time or distance here.

Through astral contact

The most impeccable technology. It provides for the presence of a mentor who will not only help you leave your physical shell without hindrance, but will also take complete control over your astral and material body. You should choose such a teacher carefully. There are also those who are capable of introducing another soul into your body. You will be left behind the threshold of reality. Therefore, a person must be verified. The student only needs to relax, the teacher will do the rest.

  • During the session, wear only things made of natural fabric;
  • Be calm and not excited;
  • Avoid consumption of invigorating drinks and soda.

Alice Bailey method

There are various ways to enter the astral plane. Classic methods are not always suitable. Therefore, before you start practicing, it is worth studying individual developments and preparation exercises. Alice Bailey strongly recommends starting with relaxation and control of your subconscious. It is best to exercise before going to bed, relaxing in a pleasant position.

The actual trek requires several months of training. Until the soul decides on its own that it is ready not only to leave, but also to return.

The entire method is based on breathing and visualizing your capabilities.

Method from Kate Harari

Choose any place in the apartment or in another room. The second location should be close to the first. At a distance of about 10-20 minutes walk. Now do relaxation exercises at the first point and go to the second point. We continue to relax with our eyes closed and move mentally to where we came from. Notice everything that happens around you.

Try to mentally walk several times at different distances. Walk to your pre-selected destination one last time. We return home and do exactly the same procedure, but indoors. You should walk along the route in the opposite direction.

Mathema Shinto (in pairs)

Technically, the method is designed for exiting in pairs. This method was used to transmit secret messages. Two people were supposed to meet in one place. To do this, you had to leave your shell and take 60 steps to the designated place, then knock on the door. Wait until it is opened, exchange information, and go back, counting sixty steps.

It is worth determining the meeting place and practicing in advance. The method is convenient because two people will help you start practicing lucid dreams. There is an opportunity to help a friend in difficult times.

Meditation for ejecting the astral body from the shell

One of the ways to get into the astral plane is meditation. It is better to use this method while sitting, in a position comfortable for you. Complete relaxation of the whole body follows:
Meditation is the most important point for preparing for a safe exit and return.

  • Limbs;
  • Muscle tissue throughout the body;
  • Front part. Eyes closed;
  • The body turns into a soft and cottony state.

To make it easier to enter the astral plane, your mind, which you have already tuned to the required frequencies for several days, will help you do this. Brain activity must be suspended. In other words, you need to stop thinking.

What can you see when entering the astral plane?

You should see some kind of tunnel that twists and turns in different directions. It may look like a pipe. The color scheme does not affect your flight. There may be complete darkness and a brightly colored tunnel. Or, on the contrary, there are only multi-colored spots among which you fly.

In the astral world, everything is exactly the same as in the real world, the same people, places and shapes of objects. Once there, you can communicate with those who have already died and those who are now living. This world has everything except fairy-tale heroes.

What can you feel when entering the astral plane?

Now let's talk about sensations. Namely, how you should see and present yourself. Since your material shell remains in place, and the astral body leaves it and goes on a journey, it must be felt and seen. Everyone sees themselves differently:

  • In the form of a ball;
  • In the form of a transparent figure;
  • It looks like a stain.

You must choose your image yourself, but it should be noted that most often, with the right approach to entering the astral plane, a person first sees himself as a ball and already for the third or fifth time he feels and sees himself as a person. If everything works out for you, then you shouldn’t go far from your body. Walk around the house, look out the window. The first exit should not take more than 2-5 minutes. And if you did everything correctly, the sensations will be like this:

  • Lightness throughout the body;
  • Reluctance to move;
  • The emergence of a feeling of flight;
  • Complete peace of mind.

Terrible dangers lurk in the astral plane

If you have repeatedly managed to leave your body and walk around the house, then you can safely begin more difficult hikes. For example, on the street. But this is where the first danger may lie in wait. Since the astral world belongs only to spirits, they dominate there. Therefore, if you are planning a long walk, then you need to take into account the fact that you will meet on the way, either a good or an evil spirit.

When meeting with a representative of dark energy, it is better to return to the physical shell as quickly as possible. In an astral dream, this will take literally a few seconds. If you do not manage this, then there is a possibility that you may become possessed (in the world they say possessed).

Rules that will save you from death in the astral plane

To prevent dark spirits from taking over your body, it is recommended to protect not only your soul, but also your body. In your absence, any of the spirits of darkness can take possession of it. After your return, you will already be a guest, and only a strong magician can drive out the demon. Speaking about protection in this case, we mean the cross and prayers.

Second danger- meeting with departed relatives and loved ones. Deceased relatives do not always want to keep you for a long time. In most cases, on the contrary, they even make sure that you leave the astral world as quickly as possible. If there is a threat to your body or your soul has begun to become attached to a calm and measured existence. But there are also cases when, having met their beloved and only person, souls are reunited and no longer want to leave each other.

Therefore, you must understand where you are and what you are doing. That your loved one, unfortunately, will no longer be able to return to this world, but meetings in the astral plane can take place in your life.

Third danger. Quite often, beginners move too far from their physical shell and get lost in the vast world of the astral plane. This also includes staying in the world of spirits for more than the allotted time, and the soul simply does not want to return.

This often happens during clinical death and if relatives who have become spirits cannot return, the person dies. More precisely, the body dies, but the soul is in the astral plane.

Seven times measure cut once

If you decide to experience truly complete peace and feel light and real, then be sure to follow all the rules for entering the astral plane. Remember that the world of spirits can be very dangerous and has a lot of interesting, but also dangerous, things in store for beginners.

Nowadays, there are many opinions about the so-called “Astral, mental, etheric, etc. entities." Many of those who are familiar with subtle and astral worlds planet Earth and humans, at least once encountered information about all sorts of strange creatures that are not visible to the human eye, with ordinary vision, but actively interacting with humans. Fairy tales, legends of the peoples of the world, manuscripts, treatises of an esoteric nature have preserved legends about demons, genies, spirits, brownies, creatures of “evil spirits,” elves, gnomes, devils, etc. creatures.

Many, to some extent, have had the opportunity to touch the secrets of the subtle worlds and, at least once, encounter astral beings. Some purposefully seek contact with representatives of invisible spaces, while others direct all their aspirations to gain strength and power over such creatures, not knowing or suspecting what is actually hidden behind the veil of secrecy. But, one way or another, every person sooner or later encounters something still unknown to him and not yet explained.

Today we invite you to learn about not exactly “higher” entities of the invisible astral worlds (many people call all the invisible and subtle planes and astral worlds by mistake and/or ignorance “higher worlds”), but about the entities that live in the subtle planes of the planet and humans, who are also “invisible” to physical vision, the inhabitants of these worlds are very happy to make contact with humans.

The first sensation of something “otherworldly” appears at the moment when a person first experiences an altered state of consciousness, going beyond the boundaries and framework of ordinary everyday consciousness.
How and in what way such a state can be achieved is another story (see: and), now the story is about what or who is “there”, beyond the boundaries of our physical perception.

So. First Contacts with “invisible” beings and entities occur, as a rule, when a person is in a certain mental and emotional state.

Hearing voices inside your head, seeing strange creatures, paralysis of the physical body, energetic sensation of “someone’s” invisible touches or obvious rough grabbing of the arms, legs, neck and other parts of the body, numbness and the feeling that something or someone “enters” inside the physical body, “walks” in it, a sharp change in mood, form and manner of behavior, manifestations in the world, a sharp loss of energy, drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia, previously uncharacteristic thoughts and thought forms, etc. This condition is not for the faint of heart. But, nevertheless, such examples exist. Refined psyche, various energy practices, tuning to the corresponding vibrations of brain activity, the development of a person’s consciousness and subconscious, the energies that are present in a person’s energy structure, and even: actions committed not according to conscience, incorrect choices and incorrectly made decisions, aggression, cruelty, violence committed and maintained in oneself and against others - all this contributes to such contacts.

Entities of the first type include a number of varieties and are the most common. They “suck” from behind to one of their chakras, less often to two, and are located at a distance of several meters from the victim. They suction energy through a channel that penetrates the aura and enters one of the chakras. The constant energy deficit that arises in it is the cause of most chronic diseases and mental imbalances that cannot be treated with conventional treatment without eliminating the cause.

Types of astral entities of the first type:
natural fine material transformation: maflock
artificially created mental images: incubus, succubus

Let's take a closer look at these types of astral entities and how they are dangerous for humans.


These are the simplest energy beings that have only a hint of intelligence.

According to one version, after the death of the physical body, heavily contaminated human shells of the astral subtle body fall to the lowest astral levels, where the storage devices and converters of coarse astral energies are located. Such “fallen souls” quickly degrade, turning into maflocks, and the intelligent energy of the remnants of consciousness, once human personalities, gradually disintegrates in these transformers, undergoing involution. But in the Universe, the processes of involution and evolution occur simultaneously, therefore lower astral entities can evolve, turning into more highly developed entities.

In the material world, their favorite places to live are garbage dumps, landfills, basements, holes, caves, slums, etc. They have completely lost all connection with the aspect of the soul and cannot process energy themselves for their food. Therefore, without external energy supply from anyone, the duration of their existence ranges from 30 to 50 days. To survive for a longer period of time, they need external sources of energy.

In other words, maflock feeds on a person’s negative energy and affects his consciousness.
Under the control of a maflock, a person does not completely control his thoughts and statements, and commits actions that will result in his own negative emotions. As a result, such a person can choose the shortest path to degradation - he commits negative, sometimes irreversible actions and deeds.

Maflocks can be transmitted from an infected person to other people through the so-called “evil eye” - a negative energy-informational influence.

Man under Maflock control:
noticing negative traits and qualities in other people, he does not try to understand these people, but condemns and accuses, often argues with others and tries to impose his point of view on other people (even realizing that he is wrong), which causes negative emotions in him, emotions are food for maflock
When shopping in stores, you will most often purchase low-quality goods - spoiled, expired or containing substances harmful to your health. In the best case, a person will notice, but will not consume low-quality products, so to speak, he will feed the mother with short-term negative emotions of disappointment and condemnation. The worst case scenario is that the person does not notice anything suspicious in the products and consumes them. This will immediately or gradually (not noticeable to the person himself) lead to malfunctions in the functioning of organs or the entire body - causing pain. A person will either understand or find the cause of his illnesses and ailments, or, not knowing the cause, he will eliminate the consequence - treatment of the disease, which leads to an unconscious transfer of the disease into a chronic disease. It turns out to be a vicious circle
easily addicted to smoking, alcohol, drugs and many pharmaceuticals, the result will be the same - self-destruction

If you have difficulty observing or controlling your thoughts, then most likely you are under the influence of lower maflocks.

This also applies to choosing dark thoughts or negative behaviors and focusing on them (for example, watching horror films, programs about criminal activities, etc.).
In any case, don't despair! Know that you are halfway to defeating these lower - dark entities if you know about their existence and possible influence on you!

You can overcome the remaining half of the path if you begin to monitor your thoughts and try to control them - having noticed negative feelings in yourself (our feelings are an indicator that signals danger) - immediately try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Thus, you will leave the Maflock without food for existence and he will be forced to leave you.

You can test your astral body for the presence of maflock, and if there is such contact, close it permanently, you can do it yourself at

Succubi and Incubi.

Currently, the astral world of the planet is inhabited by entities that have freed themselves (or survived) their creators and become independent representatives of the dark lower astral worlds.

But modern man himself can easily “create” such an astral being without resorting to esoteric techniques.
Incubi appear as a result of the creation of persistent thoughts, unsatisfied sexual dreams and fantasies by female persons, succubi (Succubuss from Latin - prostitute) - seductive beauties from men's virtual mental sexual experiences, incl. under the influence of various erotic literature, videos with scenes of sexual acts, etc.

The more often a person fantasizes about sexual pleasures, the stronger the unrequited love and suffering from “unsuccessful searches for a real man” or “that very woman,” the more he attracts these entities into his astral world.
As a rule, these entities appear at night, when a person is in a borderline state of half-asleep and is not able to resist the influence of an astral entity physically and to distinguish an astral being from an innocent thought image (in fact, it is far from harmless, since it is they who feed and strengthen these entities ). In this state, the victim is unable to form thoughts or words that end contact, and may even experience paralysis of the vocal cords and body muscles.

Directly during virtual/astral sexual intercourse, the victim experiences the highest degree of pleasure, which does not at all reduce the fear and feeling of confusion from what is happening.
It happens that incubi (relatively “men”) simply suppress their victims, appearing before them in terrifying images and, nevertheless, bring the victim to a violent sexual “release.” After an attack, a person’s sexual energy is reduced to a minimum; the most accurate description would be a squeezed lemon. Why? During natural intimacy, people exchange sexual energy with each other, filled with the energy of love, filling and complementing each other; it is not without reason that some esotericists consider the energy of love to be the strongest and purest. In the case of sexual fantasy and contact with the astral essence, a person only gives away his power without receiving anything in return.

Giving his energy to astral entities, a person is deprived of spiritual strength, and in the thirst for more and more sexual contacts, a person becomes a voluntary donor slave for astral entities.

A succubus can come to men who are afraid/avoid real communication, etc., and therefore do not have sex with real women, but are content with virtual erotic fantasies, films, games, etc. A succubus (a formed stable thought form) appears as an experienced lover who fulfills all the most secret fantasies of a man, so the victim may enjoy her astral visits. Despite the mixed feelings and sensations when visiting a succubus, a man again and again waits for a seductress so that she can satisfy all his carnal desires. The arrival of a succubus is accompanied by noticeable pressure on the chest, first and after copulation. Sometimes you can see an entity, but not clearly as a person, but as a translucent substance with very beautiful forms. If the astral entity has taken on human form, it will definitely be a beautiful woman who meets fantasies.

An incubus - the male version of a succubus - also belongs to the category of entities of the astral plane, but is still somewhat different from its “sister”. If a person goes into intercourse with a succubus voluntarily and even joyfully, then the incubus can simply use its victim. However, it happens that, experiencing fear and disgust, a girl still longs for repeated meetings with her tormentor. This is explained by the fact that the incubus is able to penetrate the consciousness of the victim and extract from there hidden unsatisfied desires, which the girl is afraid to admit even to herself. By embodying these desires, the incubus generates new ones, which only he can satisfy. An incubus does not necessarily have to have a sexually attractive appearance. He plays on the deeper strings of the human soul than a succubus.

The food for incubus and sucubus is not only sexual energy. They also feed on the moral suffering experienced by the victim during sinful and often perverted sexual intercourse.
Such astral entities are capable of influencing the life of the victim in such a way that situations will be created where relationships with a real partner will be postponed or terminated without any particular apparent reason.

You can test your astral body for the presence of a connection with an incubus or succubus, and if there is such contact, close it permanently, you can do it yourself at

They look like a large black tick that has sucked on its entire body. Directing their negative energies into a person, they arouse negative emotional reactions in him and feed on their energies. This can go on for many years. A “bright” representative of entities of the second type are larvae.


About the presence of the larva indicates the presence of at least some of the following signs, especially if at least one of the first four is present:
- you have any addiction or bad habit. Especially if it doesn’t bring you pleasure, but you can’t live without it.
- you have any psycho-emotional problems. For example, depression, irritability, anger, fears, etc.
- you have debilitating dreams, whether scary, disturbing or erotic
- in the morning you get out of bed tired and lethargic, so you have to drink coffee or resort to other doping to improve your tone
- you are bothered by periodic pain in the back and neck
- fingers and toes often get cold
- vision sometimes becomes blurry
- sometimes there is a painful or “sucking” sensation in the abdominal area
- feeling cold or heaviness in the kidney area

You can find out how to diagnose the presence of larva more accurately and what Technique to use to get rid of larva

Symptoms of liberation from larva:
- a wave of heat or chills will pass through the body
- warmth will spread across the back and neck
-fingers and toes will become warmer
- there will be a feeling of warmth in the solar plexus
-vision will stop blurring
- you will feel as if some weight has been lifted from your back
- cases of headaches will stop almost completely
- there will be relief from psycho-emotional problems
- getting rid of bad habits or addictions
- stopping bad dreams
- feeling good in the morning

Entities of the third type enters a person. The disease manifests itself in various forms of mental disorders. They cannot be treated medically and can be eliminated using exorcism techniques.

Another type of contact with dark entities often occurs astral worlds. It is carried out by them through special subtle-material probes of various types (disks, cones, etc.), introduced into the aura of the astral body of a person above the Sahasrara or, less often, under .

The energetic connection of astral entities from the lower astral worlds to the Muladhara destroys the human energy system more, but it does not occur as often as the connection of the “upper” ones: a channel goes up from the probe and then to the side to remove the selected energy.

The victim often feels its periodic suction, manifested in particular by headaches.

Serum energies introduced into a person often awaken psychic and healing abilities in him. Their implementation through energetic contact with patients spreads this type of vampirism among the population.

Probe energy connection often manifests itself in the form of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, occurring at the psychic level (telepathic or figurative) and carrying certain, sometimes useful, knowledge. But it requires an exorbitant fee.

A rigid command form of addressing a person, the inability for him to control the course of contact with his own will is a serious reason to doubt the purity of the source. Contact with the Loving Higher Forces of the Creator's Hierarchy is always accompanied by Love and deep respect for man, for his freedom and independence. There is no violence, even in the most subtle forms, in the Divine worlds of the astral plane!

Contacts of the first, second and third types, as well as probe energy connection of dark entities can be eliminated by known proven esoteric techniques.

But often, discontinued contacts with astral beings are resumed again after some time. How to be in this case?

What needs to be done so that the cessation of “acquaintance” with strange and dangerous creatures of the astral world becomes final and without repeating the resumption you can find out in class Sensitivity development practice No. 16.

Who or what radically influences our lives? What energy contracts, bindings, mental agreements determine our lives and dictate what happens to us in this reality? What does interaction with the world look like from the point of view? energy processes? To what extent is what is happening inside and around us part of our true divine plan of evolution, and what has become an “accidental” consequence of wrong thoughts, and most importantly, what can be done about it? About it.

Astral world(from the Greek astra - “star”) – i.e. The star world, or it is also called the Subtle World, the Astral. The ancient sages called it “stellar influence” or “planetary magnetic current”. Freemasons planetary currents depicted as follows: “The Sun throws rays to the Moon, the Moon reflects them to the Star, and the Star again casts rays to the Sun.” The image of this system gave rise to a geometric shape in esotericism - a triangle. But note, this all revolves in a different environment, which was given initially, i.e. “A” is the first letter; the ancient sages associated it with the Celestial Ether.

Moon symbolized reflected light. Her production sign is always minus (-), it symbolized the Feminine Principle.
Star symbolized outer space, positive light. Her product sign was always plus (+), it symbolized the Masculine Principle.
Sun symbolized the union of plus and minus. The production sign is infinity (∞), this sign symbolized reason and intellect.

Thus, according to this scheme 4 external elements act on a person: Sun, Moon, and Celestial Ether (A). Those. It’s as if it’s all inside, and around everything the Heavenly ether is the Soul of the World. Planetary rays are the engine of Nature, and Nature is a reflection of the almighty God.


If we look at the internal structure, then here Omega is like the Sun, i.e. Greeks They kept thinking, philosophizing, saying, even to the point that “we are grounding the Sun.” Latins- this is just a reflection of Greek culture, i.e. everything is mundane, lowered, and they say: “Yes, we do not deny that we took Greek wisdom, but we gave the basis for Jewish mysticism.” A Jews they say: “And with our wisdom we gave birth to the mind of the Greeks, they came to us dark, they knew how to fight, but they had no brains, we at least enlightened them,” i.e. 70 interpreters wrote for the Greeks. The Septuagint is a translation of Jewish wisdom. And notice what kind of Star is here - seven-pointed, the so-called “”.

Astral world

Each Star emits its own light, which the ancient sages called Astral light or Astral radiation - these are the planetary currents that envelop any cosmic body with a “dense” layer. The world filled with astral light was called the Astral World in ancient times; it began outside the boundaries of any Earth (planet). Besides, Astral world- this is a Subtle-material world, which has its own nature and its own laws, which were established by the same omnipotent god. This Astral world, with its radiation, creates a protective shell for every living being; Different peoples call it differently: astral body, astral shell, aura. This astral shell in humans perceives astral radiation and synchronizes internal energy processes in the human body with planetary currents and other cosmic radiations.

Therefore, when learning the structure of the figurative manifestation of ancient languages, it is necessary to step back from the modern worldview and modern points of view, and look at the language and events of the past through the eyes of ancient people. This will allow us to find out what ancient wisdom they embedded in certain symbols, ancient words and ancient images.
Simple example: Nowadays, figurative structures have been excluded from most languages ​​of the world, so people pronounce words like parrots, without even understanding their original meaning. Let’s say the word “ joke“It’s like a joke, something funny. But in fact, “Hochma” is a Hebrew word that means Wisdom. Or another Hebrew word “prodigy” - a miracle child. And if you look at it, modern, let’s say, it consists of 40% of the Hebrew language. Why did this happen? Because Jews ruled the Soviet country; before World War II, out of 500 government members, 449 were Jews. Therefore, from the stands and on the radio, in the newspapers, words that were alien to us were heard, which then came into use. But at the same time, by inserting their own, they took away the people’s Native language, i.e. slowly they not only cut off the branches, but also cut off the roots, and the people who have no roots die.