Museum on Poklonnaya Hill Hall of Fame. Victory Museum


The Hall of Memory and Sorrow perpetuates the memory of almost 27 million of our compatriots who died defending the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

In the hall there is a sculptural group “Sorrow”, personifying in the form of a woman all the mothers, wives, sisters and daughters mourning those killed during the war. The sculpture is made of white Koelga marble, mined in the Urals, Chelyabinsk region. The author of the work is sculptor, Hero of Socialist Labor, People's Artist of the USSR, professor L.E. Kerbel.

The “Books of Memory” are kept in the display cases, where the names of soldiers and officers who died during the war are listed.

The All-Russian Book of Memory of Soldiers Who Died in Defense of the Fatherland was created in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation of January 11, 1993. “On perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland” and other regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The heads of administrations of republics, territories, regions, autonomous entities, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Border Service, military commissariats, and the All-Russian Research Institute took an active and direct part in the creation of the Book of Memory documentation and archival affairs, central and regional archives, research center "Destiny", International Association of Peace Foundations and the Russian Peace Foundation, youth search teams and groups, All-Russian and regional councils of war veterans, labor, Armed forces and law enforcement agencies, Russian Committee war veterans and their local organizations, United, All-Russian and regional editorial boards of the Book of Memory, methodological centers and working groups, groups of authors, Military publishing house and regional publishing houses, Institute of Military History, Russian Orthodox Church and other state and public organizations.

Paying tribute to the dead, month after month, year after year, thousands of our citizens of different generations worked and continue to work with great effort, contributing to the preparation and publication of the Books of Memory.

Under the ceiling of the hall there are 2 million 600 thousand bronze pendants with crystal “tears”, symbolizing grief for the dead.

On bronze plaques placed around the Hall of Memory and Sorrow, the names of the associations and formations that participated in the Great Patriotic War are given, according to their status as of October 1945.

The military formations include the Main Directional Commands, fronts, fleets, armies, flotillas, brigade corps and divisions of the first and subsequent formations of the Red Army and NKVD troops, as well as mechanized corps of the first formation, five aviation regiments, including four women's, and foreign military formations that took part in hostilities on the Soviet-German front. In addition to divisions, the Navy includes brigades of submarines, surface ships and marines that were part of the fleets, and the NKVD troops include brigades of Government Communications and Border Districts. All military formations are arranged by type of Armed Forces, military number or alphabet. The list of military formations that were part of the Active Army during the Great Patriotic War (1,622 names) was approved by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on October 13, 1994.

Among all the many attractions of Moscow, one can highlight Poklonnaya Hill. It reminds everyone of the feat that people accomplished during the Second World War. We are talking about which is located between Minskaya Street and Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

The residents of the capital immediately fell in love with

The metropolitan public does not have much trust in those museums that are characterized by pomp and officiality. In addition, such establishments are not capable of arousing love in people. But the central WWII museum on Poklonnaya Hill managed to become a pleasant exception (together with the memorial complex that surrounds it). Festive celebrations and simply pleasant walks - all this has become characteristic of the complex. This place has become a favorite place for Muscovites. In addition, this museum is a great opportunity to introduce children to the history of their country.

First thoughts on the construction of a memorial

If a competition were held in the world to identify the monument that has the longest history, the memorial could take first place. In principle, the WWII Museum on Poklonnaya Hill is a real work of art. The need for a monument of this kind first arose at a time when the war was in full swing. Namely in 1942. It was during this period that the Union of Architects decided to announce a competition, during which the best design of a monument in honor of the Victory was to be chosen. However, the competition never ended, since everyone had more important things to do in 1942.

Appearance of a park with a memorial stone

Poklonnaya Hill, namely the memorial that was to be located on it, aroused the interest of the government in 1955. This year, Marshal Zhukov sent a note to recall the long-standing idea of ​​​​creating a memorial. But it was only in 1958 that the final decision was made to install a memorial stone. Three years later, a park was laid, in which the memorial complex subsequently appeared.

New adjustments that prevented the emergence of the memorial complex

The decision to build a WWII museum on Poklonnaya Hill was made only in 1986 by the Ministry of Culture. And it seemed that soon all the ideas would be implemented. However, the opening date was postponed again. Due to perestroika and the collapse of the USSR, certain adjustments were made. For example, in order to create a memorial complex, it was planned to attract the funds that were received thanks to communist subbotniks. But subbotniks will soon become a thing of the past.

Opening of a new complex on the 50th anniversary of the Victory

But it was still necessary to build a WWII museum on Poklonnaya Hill. Problems on this issue were resolved only by 1995. The 50th anniversary of the Victory was marked for Muscovites by the opening of a memorial complex. In addition to the museum, on its territory there is simply a huge monument dedicated to the Victory. A chapel was also built, the Holocaust Museum, which is located in the synagogue, a mosque and many other monuments and exhibitions - Poklonnaya Gora can boast of all this today.

Favorite place for walks and entertainment

From the moment the memorial complex appeared, many people began to choose this place for their walks. But this is understandable, since the views from the mountain are simply amazing. And the huge territory provides the opportunity to walk even on days when holidays are held. Rollerbladers and cyclists can use special paths, and parents will be able to find everything they need to entertain their children.

Poklonnaya Hill has acquired another good tradition. Numerous weddings are held there. The newlyweds will be able to not only walk around the memorial complex, but also sign their names in the registry office building. And there is hope that over time the traditions of this great place will only strengthen and multiply.

What can you see in the museum building?

The museum itself on Poklonnaya Hill is able to satisfy the thirst for knowledge of both schoolchildren and accomplished adults. For example, everyone will be able to hold a weapon of war during one of the excursions. Even visit the dugout and try on a military uniform. There are simply a huge number of opportunities and options for excursions and exhibitions that everyone will be delighted with.

On the territory of the museum you can see four permanent exhibitions. We are talking about military history, dioramas, art galleries and military equipment. You can get quite a strong impression from audiovisual complexes. They will be able to show newsreels from war periods.

Absolutely all military equipment of World War II, collected together

All military equipment, which can be seen when visiting the museum on Poklonnaya Gora, is located in an open area in one of the pavilions. Next to it is an exhibition called “Motors of War”. There are cars here that were used during the war years. Among all the presented models you can see both famous equipment and rare ones.

The Museum of Technology on Poklonnaya Gora can demonstrate absolutely all facets of Tanks, aircraft, railway transport, artillery and military vessels - all this and much more can be examined in the most careful way. Among the exhibits on display there is also equipment used by the allies of the Soviet Union. There are also trophies that the museum of military equipment can demonstrate to everyone. Poklonnaya Gora has more than three hundred specimens. In addition, there is a technique that can be considered unique. For example, a night bomber that can still take off today. Naturally, there is also one of the best tanks, which became a hero of World War II. We are talking about the famous T-34.

The Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill will be able to attract the attention of many people, young and old, with the help of the Kranovostochnik armored train, which was built back in 1917. The platforms of this transport were transported to the memorial complex directly from the Central Museum dedicated to the Armed Forces. This model has quite a rich history, since it fought not only with the Nazis, but also with the Basmachi.

The track destroyer called “Hook” is quite interesting. The War Museum on Poklonnaya Hill has a copy of such equipment. Its production was carried out by the Krupa plant. In 1943, the equipment was used during retreats.

Many will be interested in looking at installations that can be used to fire directly from railway tracks. In this case, the fire sector was equal to 360 degrees. In order not to suffer from return fire after a salvo, the installation could be transported some distance.

A wonderful exhibition can delight you with its unsurpassed view

The organizers spent a considerable amount of time and effort preparing exhibits for the exhibition called “Motors of War.” A large number of cars were transported to the museum thanks to private collectors. All these actions have led to the fact that today everyone will be able to look at an excellent exhibition, which is characterized not only by wheeled or tracked types of equipment, but by other elements that were used during the war years.

Thanks to restoration work, all equipment was brought into working condition. In the modern world, the memorial complex is a huge developed system, which presents both artistic and thematic projects. The museum constantly hosts exhibitions, both stationary and traveling. The museum is available to visitors almost every day. Only Monday is a day off.


The museum dedicated to the war years (from 1941 to 1945) and Victory Park is a whole complex in which the monument is considered the main element. Its height reaches 142 meters. In appearance it resembles a bayonet with a victory figure. The monument is decorated with bas-reliefs made of materials such as bronze.

The museum, like the entire memorial complex, is rightfully considered the main attraction. A huge amount of time and effort was used to create it. However, everything was not done in vain. And today the complex pleases all residents of the capital and other cities of the country with its excellent view and plenty of entertainment.

The museum's exhibition features six dioramas dedicated to the largest military operations of the Great Patriotic War, created by famous masters of the Studio of Military Artists named after. M.B.Grekova.

"Counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Moscow in December 1941."

The plot of the diorama "Counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Moscow in December 1941" is based on the plot. (author - People's Artist of the Russian Federation E.I. Danilevsky) based on the events that took place in November - December 1941, 60-70 km northwest of Moscow, in the area of ​​​​the city of Yakhroma, Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow and Ural units, which arrived to replenish the 1st th Shock Army of the Western Front.

As a result of the winter counter-offensive of the Red Army, the plan of the Hitlerite command to capture Moscow from the north-western direction was thwarted, the enemy was driven back from Moscow 100-250 km. The direct threat of capturing the capital was eliminated.

The antechamber of the diorama is decorated with a painting by E.I. Danilevsky "Moscow. November 1941", complementing the theme of the battle for Moscow.

"Battle of Stalingrad. Union of Fronts"

The plot of the diorama (authors: People's Artist of the Russian Federation M.I. Samsonov, Honored Artist A.M. Samsonov) is based on a historical event - the unification of the troops of the South-Western and Stalingrad fronts on November 23, 1942 in the area of ​​​​Kalach and the village of Sovetsky. The artists showed the climax of the meeting between tankers of the 45th and 69th tank brigades of the 4th Tank Corps (commander Major General A.G. Kravchenko) with soldiers of the 36th mechanized brigade of the 4th Mechanized Corps (commander Major General V. T. Volsky). In the foreground is a German soldier with a machine gun, who found himself in the location of Soviet units - on his face there is mortal fatigue from long battles.

The Battle of Stalingrad, in which more than 2 million people participated on both sides, took place on an area of ​​100,000 square meters. km and lasted 200 days and nights. The Battle of Stalingrad marked the beginning of a radical change in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. in favor of the USSR and its allies.

"Leningrad blockade"

This diorama (author - laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, artist E.A. Korneev) is fundamentally different from others: there are no battles, soldiers, tanks, or gunpowder smoke. The viewer sees a panorama of the Neva, the spit of Vasilievsky Island, the Peter and Paul Fortress, on the right - the Griboyedov Canal, the Bank Bridge. This view does not correspond to the actual topography, it is deliberately cropped to create an image of the Great City, which is perceived as a symbol of the fortitude and heroism of the people who defended it, enduring 900 days of grueling siege.

On the side walls of the diorama hall there are depictions of Leningraders who heroically defended their city. Among them are the poetess Olga Bergolts, composer Dmitry Shostakovich, and writer Alexander Kron.

In a mortal battle with a cruel enemy, having overcome the most difficult difficulties of the blockade, the Leningraders survived and won. On January 27, 1944, the sky over the wide snow-covered Neva was lit up with colored fireworks in honor of the complete lifting of the siege of Leningrad. This episode is depicted on the diorama's antechamber wall.

"Battle of Kursk"

The plot of the diorama (author - People's Artist of the Russian Federation N.S. Prisekin) is based on the historical events of the summer of 1943, which completed a radical turning point in the course of the Great Patriotic War - the defeat of selected Nazi troops on the Kursk Bulge.

Dedicating his work to the strategic operation on the Kursk Bulge, the author takes only one day of it - July 12, 1943, when two tank armadas met in a head-on battle in the Prokhorovka area. There were up to 1,200 tanks and self-propelled artillery units on both sides. This was one of the largest tank encounters of World War II. According to the artist himself, he sought to reproduce “a gigantic fiery cauldron on the red-red earth, like hot metal.”

The battle of Prokhorovka was won by Soviet troops. The enemy was exhausted and bleeding, and his retreat began throughout the Kursk ledge. On August 5, in honor of the liberation of Orel and Belgorod, the first fireworks display was fired in Moscow. The Battle of Kursk ended on August 23, 1943 with the capture of Kharkov.

"Forcing of the Dnieper"

The plot of the diorama (author - People's Artist of the Russian Federation V.K. Dmitrievsky) is based on the crossing of the Dnieper River in September - October 1943 in the Kiev direction. Having reached the Dnieper, Soviet troops immediately began crossing the mighty river. Using any available means, overcoming the fierce resistance of the enemy, units of the Red Army crossed the Dnieper and captured bridgeheads on its right bank.

By the wide expanse of the majestic Dnieper, the diorama seems to be divided into two parts. On the left, illuminated by bright sunlight, the Dnieper distances are depicted. From there, from the east, comes the light of hope of liberation. But the closer to the west, the darker the tones become. Pictures of life and death are mixed up: there is a life-and-death battle for every inch of land. The author of the diorama, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, considers this crossing a generalized image of all Dnieper crossings. It pays tribute to the memory and respect of those who fought, were wounded or died in the battle of crossing the great and mighty river.

"Storm of Berlin"

The north-eastern part of Tiergarten Park with the Reichstag was chosen as the main compositional center of the diorama (author - People's Artist of the Russian Federation V.M. Sibirsky). Here on April 29, 1945, having broken the resistance of the Nazi troops, the advanced units of the 79th Rifle Corps of the 3rd Shock Army - the 150th Rifle Division of Major General V.M. Shatilov and the 171st Rifle Division of Colonel A.I. Bad things. The artist reproduces not only the final stage of the war, but also individual heroic deeds of Soviet soldiers. In the trench we see Colonel F.M. Zinchenko with Sergeant M.A. Egorov and junior sergeant M.V. Kantaria, in the hands of one of them is the Victory Banner, which in the early evening of April 30 will be armed on the roof of the Reichstag. In total, Soviet soldiers installed more than 50 banners and flags on the Reichstag.

On May 1, 1945, units of the 3rd Shock and 8th Guards armies stormed the Reichstag. On May 2, by 3 p.m., enemy resistance had completely ceased, and the remnants of the Berlin garrison surrendered. On the night of May 9, in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst, the act of unconditional surrender of Germany was signed.

The idea of ​​creating a Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 in Moscow arose back in 1942. The initiative came from the Union of Architects of the country, which already announced a competition to design a memorial complex on the occasion of the Victory, although there were still three long and difficult years left before this great day.

In 1955, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, in his note to the CPSU Central Committee, recalled the need to erect such a memorial.

A memorial stone on Poklonnaya Hill on the occasion of the beginning of the creation of a memorial complex in Moscow in honor of the Great Victory was installed in 1958, and already in 1961 a park was laid out here.

After this, numerous competitions were held in which such grandees of the architectural and artistic community as Evgeniy Viktorovich Vuchetich, Mikhail Vasilyevich Posokhin and Nikolai Vasilievich Tomsky took part, but they never reached their logical conclusion - the work was completed by their descendants Anatoly Trofimovich Polyansky, Vladimir Mikhailovich Budanov and Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli.

Ultimately, work on the creation of the Victory Memorial with a museum on Poklonnaya Hill was completed only in the 90s of the last century.

Exposition of the museum complex

The main goal of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. in Moscow - to perpetuate the memory of the great feat of Soviet soldiers in these terrible years.

In addition to displaying the exposition, scientific and educational work is carried out in the halls on Poklonnaya Gora, events are held here to educate the younger generation of patriotic feelings and thematic exhibitions are organized on the occasion of significant dates.

In the four-story building of the museum, visitors pass through various thematic rooms, can view a rich collection of objects and witness, albeit visually, the great battles of this war, looking at the dioramas on display.

Hall of Generals

It is this hall that opens an extensive exhibition. Here is a gallery of military leaders awarded the Order of Victory. The busts of heroes installed along the perimeter were sculpted by Zurab Tsereteli.

In a circle, on the border of the walls and the vault, images of Soviet and Russian orders are placed on heraldic shields.

Further, in front of the Hall of Fame, there is a composition “Shield and Sword of Victory”, where in an illuminated display case these attributes are presented, donated to the museum on Poklonnaya Hill by the Government of the Russian Federation on the eve of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Victory.

Hall of Fame

This hall is the central hall of the complex. The names of only Heroes of the Soviet Union, who received this title in 1941-1945 for their feat and courage, were initially immortalized here. Today, the names of 11,800 recipients of this award, as well as Heroes of the Russian Federation, are engraved on marble pylons.

In the central part there is a sculpture “Soldier of Victory”, created by sculptor Valentin Ivanovich Znoba.

On both sides of the entrance to the Hall of Fame there are busts of Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin and Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub - pilots and three times Heroes of the Soviet Union.

Bas-reliefs of hero cities were placed under the dome. The domed lower part is framed by a laurel wreath made of bronze, and the center is decorated with a beautifully executed Order of Victory.

Hall of Memory and Sorrow

The dominant feature of the Hall of Memory and Sorrow is the white marble sculptural composition “Sorrow”, made by sculptor Lev Efimovich Kerbel. This hall serves as a reminder to posterity and as a tribute to the memory of more than 26 million of our compatriots who died at the front or went missing.

For a greater emotional perception of this tragedy, music is played in the hall and lighting is arranged in a special way. The walls are lined with marble with reddish-purple and black tints. The edges of the passage to the central part are decorated with ramps covered with red fabric.

The ceiling is decorated with pendants made of brass chains with attached “crystals”, which symbolize the tears shed by the living for the dead.

To add even greater silence, fiberglass-wrapped blocks made from basalt fiber were installed in the Hall of Sorrow.

The military-historical composition is represented by a huge collection of items from the Great Patriotic War: military weapons, military equipment, army uniforms, various military awards, photographic materials, newsreels, letters from the front, objects of fine art and fiction.

In memory of the heroic deeds of soldiers during great and important battles, six dioramas were installed, which were made in the “Studio of Military Artists named after M.B. Grekova":

“Counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Moscow in December 1941.”
"Leningrad blockade"
"Forcing of the Dnieper"
"Battle of Stalingrad"
"Battle of Kursk"
"Storm of Berlin"

Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Gora - opening hours: open all days from 10 to 19 o'clock, except Mondays and the last Thursday of the month.

The most significant object of Moscow Victory Park is the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War

Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Moscow- one of the few museums of this scale that reminds us and tells us in detail today about the horrors of bygone days

The museum building is a cube topped with a huge dome with a 15-meter spire, in the seven round bases of which there are dioramas of the main pages of the Great Patriotic War. The uniqueness of the museum is given by the contrast of its different halls - thus, the Hall of Fame pays tribute to heroes and winners, while the Hall of Memory displays grief for the dead. The museum also has a film lecture hall with seating for 200 and a Great Hall with seating for 450, as well as a large-scale military-historical exhibition. Adjacent to the museum is an art gallery, at the ends of which there are “Messengers of Victory” blowing gilded trumpets.

Hall of Generals

First, visitors enter the Hall of Generals, which houses a gallery of gentlemen of the highest military order "Victory"

The holders of this order are immortalized in bronze busts by Zurab Tsereteli installed around the perimeter of the hall, above which are depicted the military orders of the Russian and Soviet Armies

Directly in front of the Hall of Fame there is a composition “Shield and Sword of Victory”, within which a decorative shield, a sword (cast from the famous Zlatoust steel) and a scabbard, richly decorated with non-ferrous metals and Ural gems, are displayed in an illuminated display case.

Hall of Fame

In the main hall of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War - the Hall of Glory - the names of Heroes of the Soviet Union who distinguished themselves in this war are immortalized

The names of more than 11,800 Heroes of the USSR and Heroes of the Russian Federation are carved on the snow-white marble pylons of the hall

The central position in the Hall of Fame is occupied by the bronze “Soldier of Victory”, at the foot of which on a granite pedestal lies a sword made by Tula gunsmiths. The dome is decorated with bas-reliefs of hero cities and framed by a laurel wreath, symbolizing the triumph of Victory, and in the center of the dome is the Order of Victory itself.

Hall of Memory

The Hall of Remembrance was created to honor the memory of more than 26,600,000 of our compatriots who died or disappeared during the war. A white marble sculptural group “Sorrow” is installed in the center, and special lighting and musical accompaniment create the appropriate mood for visitors. On the sides there are lamps in the form of funeral candles, and the ceiling is decorated with pendants made of brass chains, to which “crystals” are attached, symbolizing tears cried for the dead

Military-historical composition "Path to Victory"

This exhibition presents a huge number of things related in one way or another to the Great Patriotic War: from weapons and equipment to photographs and letters from the front.

Department "Book of Memory"

In 1995, an electronic Book of Memory was created at the Museum of the Great Patriotic War, in addition to the one and a half thousand volumes of the All-Union Book of Memory, which was already stored here by that time, which contains brief information about the fate of millions of soldiers. In 2005, the Museum's collection was replenished with volumes of the Book of Memory of Leningrad and the books "Soldiers of Victory", which list all participants of the Second World War

Thanks to the “Book of Memory” department, anyone can find out about the fates of most of the dead and missing

In the open air Victory Park there is a unique exhibition of military equipment and engineering and fortification structures, which presents more than 300 samples of heavy equipment from all countries that took part in the war

Has ample opportunities for holding events of various types

In the two cinema and concert halls, which I have already mentioned, all kinds of concerts, conferences and other events are held

The Hall of Fame often hosts ceremonial receptions, and the Hall of Generals hosts performances by choirs, pop and dance groups.


On display Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War six dioramas dedicated to the largest military operations of the Great Patriotic War are presented:

"The Battle of Stalingrad. Connection of Fronts"