Wise about the difficulties of life. Difficulties

The most difficult thing is to say thoughtfully what everyone says without thinking.

Many people believe that they must act according to time and circumstances, and therefore are confused when difficulties arise unexpectedly.

The most difficult task for any official is to put the right person in the right place.

The audience begins to laugh as soon as several spectators begin to laugh. The whole difficulty is to make these few laugh.

You need to complicate things so that as a result everything becomes simpler, and not simplify so that as a result everything becomes more complex.

The difficulty of life: even stupid things must be done first.

The concept of virtue implies difficulty and struggle; virtue cannot exist without opposition.

Quotes from famous writers about difficulties

It's hard to protect something that many people love. It is annoying to own something that no one considers worth having, but still it is less of a misfortune to have an ugly wife than to cherish a beautiful one.

Picture quotes from famous writers about difficulties

What is obtained through labor is joyfully accepted and preserved, but what is obtained without labor quickly disappears.

Think how difficult it is to change yourself, and you will understand how insignificant it is to change others.

The great difficulty of education is to keep children in obedience without spoiling their character.

It's hard to be effective and not obnoxious.

Obstacles seem too big to us because we are on our knees in front of them.

The more time allocated for it, the more important and complex the matter.

In difficult times, you don’t know either the parents or the children.

The stubbornness of the ignorant will kill them, and the carelessness of fools will destroy them.

That unfortunate person, for whom the usual path to profit seems too long and too difficult, steals or begs.

There are never great things without great difficulties.

Difficulty is the retribution for constancy.

When a person in this world is impatient to say something, the difficulty is not to force him to speak, but to prevent him from repeating it more often than necessary.

A real person is drawn to where it is difficult.

Hard times don't last forever, but difficult people always do.

Three things, once started, are difficult to finish: a) eating good food, b) talking with a friend who has returned from a hike, and c) scratching where it itches.

When you're having a hard time, think positive thoughts and you'll feel better.

Lengthy quotes from famous writers about difficulties

The first step is difficult and the first path is boring...

We should be grateful to God that he created the world in such a way that everything simple is true, and everything complex is not true.

In order to endure the hardships of our existence, we must come to terms with them. You just need to love yourself and your life.

Hundreds of people can endure hardships, but only a few can endure prosperity.

When an innovation is too difficult to install, it serves as an indication that it is not needed.

All creatures experience difficulties and problems, bitterness and pain. And each person decides for himself where, shaking off his numbness, gather his strength and enter the fray.

At the heart of every challenge lies opportunity.

There are no difficult subjects, but there is an abyss of things that we simply do not know, and even more that we know poorly, incoherently, fragmentarily, even falsely. And this false information stops and confuses us even more than that which we do not know at all.

In short, don’t make life difficult for anyone, otherwise you’ll catch a cold.

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

The simple is always false, and the complex is useless.

There is nothing complicated in life. We are the ones who are complex. Life is a simple thing, and what is simpler in it is more correct.

Prosperity is not without fears and troubles, and hardships are not without joys and hopes.

Latest quotes from famous writers about difficulties

Bypassing a difficulty with the help of a victim, instead of overcoming and defeating it, is unethical. Such a sacrifice is compensation, and nothing more.

Every difficulty is a step along this path.

Everything beautiful is as difficult as it is rare.

The high tower can only be reached by a spiral staircase.

When it's difficult for you, close your eyes and turn to your heart. Just don’t confuse his song with the insistent voice of your own egoism. Only the heart has all the answers to our questions; we just rarely turn to it, chasing quick results.

There are many people who are in such a deplorable life situation that for them good literature is the only source of joy.

Even the simplest person is still an extraordinarily complex being.

Often the right path is the one that is most difficult to take.

Difficulty is most often a child of laziness.

It feels like I deliberately chose the hardest path for myself in order to overcome myself and my own internal contradictions day by day.

Getting married is not difficult at all; it's hard to be married.

The more complex the method, the less freedom. By adhering to methods and rules, we create limitations for ourselves. If someone grabs you, hit you. All these advanced techniques are non-functional.

The hardest thing a person is given is what is not given to him.

Table quotes from famous writers about difficulties

Nothing is absolutely impregnable.

Finding happiness in yourself is difficult, but anywhere else is impossible.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you; For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

Everyone has hard times, but no one promised that there would be only ice cream, gummies and eternal sunshine.

Don't think that fear is a disadvantage. This is an important instinct that warns of danger in your life.

It is difficult to decide what is more unpleasant - removing carbon deposits from a candle or convincing a woman with the help of arguments. Every two minutes you need to start working again. And if you lose patience, you will completely extinguish the small flame.

To get to the source, you need to swim against the current.

Those who do not think about distant difficulties will certainly face near-term troubles.

The true is too simple; You must always go to it through difficult things.

Do not bow to the strong, do not bend to difficulties.

Experience gained through hard work makes a person smarter.

Life is not a bed of roses.

In almost all things, the hardest thing is the beginning.

He who demands a lot and finds pleasure in the difficult is more susceptible to delusion than others.

Man is a slave because freedom is difficult and slavery is easy.

People are the enemies of any difficult enterprises.

The old fly selflessly beat its head against the glass. Probably an hour and a half. She flew back, turned around and, buzzing fiercely, fearlessly went to ram.
On the other side of the window, where the street is, a young, still green fly sat and for an hour and a half, holding its breath, looked at what the old one was doing.

The young woman could not understand why she would break through the glass with her head when the window next to her was wide open!
The old fly fought heroically for two hours. Looks like glass already
trembled, but the fly fell, exhausted. On her bellies she reached the open window, rolled over onto the ledge, where she stretched out, twitching her paws.

A young fly ran up and timidly asked:
- Excuse me, if it’s not a secret, why bang your head on the glass when it’s open nearby?!
The old fly answered, barely moving his jaws:
- You're stupid! Because she’s young! Any fool can fly out of an open window! Well, what about joy? Flew in, flew out, flew in, flew out! Is this what we live for?! But work with your head until it swells, until the floor and ceiling merge! And when there is nothing left to buzz with, then you crawl to where it is open! If you only knew how good I feel now!

The young fly tried not to look at the swollen head of the old one, and she continued:
- My dad banged his head on glass all his life. Mom is deceased
fought. And they bequeathed to me: only by overcoming difficulties will you feel like a human being!

When difficulties in my life come to my throat, so much so that I want to squeal like a half-cut pig, a lightning-fast birth is born in my soul: first protest, then fear and panic, then I helplessly look around at myself, ordering myself to shut up inside myself, to squeeze your beautiful butt to the chair and start thinking about moving your convolutions in your head, asking your soul a bunch of questions, then soberly assessing your situation, I begin to build a plan of resistance in your head!
In my youth, when I had difficult tasks, I immediately began to cry in my heart and asked questions into the void:
- Why do I need all this? What have I done wrong? Why is this happening to me, why and who needs my torment? Aaaaaaaaaaah, I don’t want to, I can’t do it anymore!!!
And, having exhausted myself with my whining, I fell on the sofa, rolled my eyes into the back of my head and fell asleep. Having woken up, she again began to roar in her soul like a beluga, rushing around the room in search of something that she herself did not know and did not understand...
Cry, don’t cry, you understand it or not, but you had to solve your own difficult problems, what should a young and inexperienced person do, of course, it is necessary to look for a head with intelligence, reasonable, and ten or twenty years older, which will give answers to the questions that have arisen, as they say: “One head is good, but two are better!”, and what I did was take my legs in my hands and run to my friends, with the same intelligence and experience, and tears in my soul, as I have. Let's sit with our girlfriends, cry together, in unison, only for real: with natural tears, and sobbing, and we'll drink some wine and sing our songs throughout the whole apartment. How well we could sing and cry, dear ones, but we couldn’t solve our problems. Oh, this youth, how many tears did we manage to cry with our girlfriends, the sea or the ocean? But somehow everything resolved itself, we continued to live, then laugh when the difficulties ended, and then roar again...
And now, I no longer cry when difficult times come to me, and, of course, I won’t sing songs to my whole house, but, oh, how I want to! Apparently, in my soul there lives a little girl who is afraid of everything, but now I can skillfully both reason with her and protect her. When you learn to ask yourself the right questions, you quickly find a solution, take small steps and decide, step by step you solve what you have to solve, and small steps will always lead to victory!
And the questions are simple, but golden, like these:
- What can I do right now and how can I help myself in this situation?
Is the situation really that scary? Well, if it’s scary, then where should I go and what should I do first to stop being afraid?
Who can help me with competent advice today?
Is my panic helping me?
And other questions, depending on the situation. Yes, life is like that, sometimes you ride on tasks, sometimes they crush you, but everything can be solved, and it’s all just life, and it’s good even when there are difficulties...

I was in a hurry to run for life,
Do everything on the go, on the run,
Infected with optimism
So what, now I can’t.

There was no time to even think
That this could be the outcome,
What will you have to learn about life?
Through a strange, dark passage.

Where are the groans from pain, bondage,
Where ghosts hide in corners,
Where salt is poured on wounds,
Where angels cry quietly...

Leaving regret alone
Somehow I’ll live like this...

Constantly being busy can be annoying and, it seems, suffocates you without letting go of your tenacious clutches, if God forbid you don’t finish something. But what a great pleasure you get after completing it, especially if it’s fast, because you didn’t shirk. It is then that you get true pleasure from the desired rest, tasting victory over yourself and strong willpower. Then nothing hangs like a heavy burden on your soul. It is then that you understand what it means to “soar with your soul” and “enjoy life.”

Olesya Nezhentseva

Johnny Backpack grew up in a small town in the Midwest. He was a lanky guy with long skinny legs. He got his nickname from the backpack he carried to school, filled with books. One day, on the way home from school, a high school student named Chuck challenged him to a speed contest and started running without even waiting for Johnny's consent. Johnny didn't even think about winning, since Chuck was the fastest player on the high school basketball team. Imagine Johnny's amazement when he caught up with Chuck outside the store. Word spread quickly and Johnny's life took a sharp turn. Every day after school there was at least one person who wanted to challenge him to a competition, and every day Johnny emerged victorious. He began to participate in district competitions and won a prize. After his victory at the state competition, the town residents raised some money to prepare him for selection for the Olympic team. At the qualifying competitions, Johnny did not deviate from his tradition of winning and reached the final race. Eight people took part in the race, and four of them would be on the US Olympic team. Johnny had no doubt about his victory... and came fifth. Needless to say, how depressed he was.
With tears in his eyes, Johnny wandered towards the exit. Suddenly one of the team coaches approached him, and the following conversation took place between them:
- You know you should have won this race.
- What are you talking about, I was not even second, but fifth.
- In this race, the gap between first and fifth was only a fraction of a second. All you had to do was imagine a heavy backpack on your shoulders, and you would come first. Has anyone ever advised you to run with a backpack before?
- Everyone always advised me to take off my backpack, and I always won. I followed my father's advice to stick to tactics that had once already led to victory.
- But you are so gifted that you would have won not thanks to the backpack, but in spite of it.
Arriving home, Johnny thought about the words of the coach. He decided to try running with books in his backpack. One day he decided to lighten his backpack by just one book and, to his surprise, showed a record time in this race. In each subsequent race, he took out another book from his backpack and finally began to run without a backpack at all, showing a record time. He learned his lesson.
Like this guy, many of us tend to win not because of our habits, but in spite of them. We carry the baggage of our beliefs and habits with us, naively believing that these circumstances, which have nothing to do with the matter, actually help us achieve results.