Levashov n read in the mirror of my soul. Mirror of my soul

Volume 1. It’s good to live in a Soviet country...

The reasons that I took up my biography are very trivial. For quite a long time I had to talk about some events in my life and very often my stories came back to me in such a form that I did not even imagine the possibility of such “folklore” appearing.

My stories were enriched with such “facts” that even I became interested in listening to them. The second reason that pushed me to such a “feat” was the fact that people periodically appeared who offered to write a book about me and every time something stopped me. Once I even agreed to have an American writer record my memories on tape and I spent several days telling her my memories and thoughts.

But he soon changed his mind and refused this offer. Firstly, I had to spend quite a lot of time outlining and explaining what happened to me. Secondly, even with audio cassettes with my memories in hand, writers and journalists managed to distort everything so much that I was simply amazed. Moreover, distortion was observed both in the direction of exaggeration and in the direction of distortion of facts and outright lies...

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  • Mirror of my soul Volume 2. It’s good to live in the American country Full version

Elena Lyubimova

Today we are bombarded with information. Bookstores and markets are simply bursting with an abundance of all kinds of books on almost any topic, especially for books of the so-called esoteric nature. It would seem that we need to rejoice, and only that, especially if we remember that in the USSR - in a country of total shortage of everything: from women's tights to cars - in this regard there was simply an information hunger.

And they “helped” us to satisfy it, using our inexperience and, to some extent, naivety, and they are still “helping” us with no less zeal. Thousands of books, brochures, guides for dummies, diligently teach how to meditate, visualize, eat right and heal yourself. But, strangely, the more such books you read, the more carefully you follow numerous recommendations, the more confusing the picture becomes, and chaos takes root in your head. And most importantly - the promised “fantastic” results, in the form of perfect health, achievement of enlightenment, etc. not even close.

I say this based on my own experience - it’s been almost 15 years since my husband and I began to engage in so-called spiritual development, or rather, what was taken for it at that time. We read hundreds of books and tried some of the techniques on ourselves. These include Malakh’s cleansing of the body, and He’s affirmations, and various meditations, including Maharishi, and the violet flame, and raw food nutrition, and yoga, and Ayurveda, and much more.

I can’t say that these practices did not produce any results at all. There were results, but, alas, for the most part, they were negative, which, as you know, is also a result - it shows where not to go. It seems clear where NOT to go (if, of course, you survive after all this “spiritual development” and retain the remnants of common sense and health). Where should I go? Why exactly there?

I found the answer to these and many other questions in the books of Nikolai Levashov, a scientist and theoretical physicist. Including, strange as it may seem, questions of so-called esoteric and spiritual orientation.

Among all the other book “abundance”, his works stand apart. They are sharply different from everything that I have read so far, if only because they lack metaphysical abstruse a la Madame Blavatsky or a continuous stream of consciousness, such as “what I see is what I sing.” On the contrary, as I read Nikolai Viktorovich’s books, the blank spots became fewer and fewer and the words “enlightenment with knowledge” ceased to be an empty phrase or just a beautiful expression. They clearly and clearly answered questions that find it difficult to answer, both modern science, which in extreme cases resorts to the saving “God knows him,” and the notorious esotericists and various spiritual “teachers”, strenuously putting on an important air and talking about the unknowability of the unknowable.

The information that Nikolai Levashov generously shares is a beacon of salvation in a sea of ​​verbiage, erroneous theories and outright malicious disinformation. And these are not empty words of praise or flattery. By studying such information, the “ordinary” person, at a minimum, gets the opportunity to discern and a chance to avoid many of the traps that are set in abundance by those who in words promise to lead people to the light, but in reality the opposite is true.

Therefore, for example, if people have at least a theoretical good idea of ​​what “karma” is and how it is “earned” (which cannot be found in any Hindu treatise, and yet they are supposedly the “discoverers” of this concept), then they at least they will be able to evaluate how competent those “specialists” who offer to clean or diagnose it are, by the way, not for free.

In addition, people armed with this knowledge will not “fall for” any promises of absolution or sweet promises of heavenly bliss and will refuse to commit actions that could harm the essence, slow down its development, or even lead to de-evolution. They will be outraged that they are forced to “cut off” their own “evolutionary meat”, which they have most likely accumulated over more than one incarnation.

The same applies to such concepts as heaven, hell and sin. When reading books, they lose their mysticism and inaccessibility to understanding by “mere mortals,” and at the same time, the fear of death and the unknown disappears, and, as a result, “spiritual fathers” of various stripes are deprived of the opportunity to manipulate such people.

Or, for example, knowing the nature of higher emotions and having an idea of ​​​​the structure of the Universe, calls to send love to it (the Universe) will seem, at first glance, strange, and upon closer examination, malicious. In general, the knowledge offered by Nikolai Levashov from, at first glance, purely theoretical, turns into very, very practical.

The autobiographical story “Mirror of My Soul” was no exception in this regard.

It helped us clearly and clearly understand what “gods” and “angels” numerous contactees actually “talk” with, what these “celestial beings” really need from us, and how they “fool” these channelers – they may be good people, but those who are not familiar with the rules of behavior “up there”, who, due to this, turn out to be deceived themselves and deceive us.

The following questions also became clear: why self-hypnosis will never lead to a complete recovery (a big hello to fans of Louise Hay and supporters of curing diseases with the help of affirmations), and why meditative practices can be harmful, and also where did Hindus get this knowledge from? The information about the nature of the consciousness and feelings of plants turned out to be very interesting (supporters of “Anastasia” and its creator Vladimir Megre - née Puzakov - will probably be disappointed: plants do not have a special purpose to serve humans and, moreover, to treat them; they, as they say, “ own wedding").

The author, in simple words, literally on his fingers, explains complex concepts, both from the “metaphysical” and from the completely physical field. He explains in detail the essence of such phenomena as, for example, the thought form, the evolution of consciousness, telepathy, dark matter or the organ-brain-organ connection, which everyone seems to have heard of, but no one really knows anything about what it is.

Thus, by giving a new explanation of what is already in the human brain, Nikolai Viktorovich helps to gradually replace the old foundation of knowledge with a new one, in other words, enlightens with knowledge.

He also talks about something that the vast majority of the inhabitants of the Earth had no idea about. It turns out that 13,017 years ago, flirting with the elements of the Earth resulted in a monstrous catastrophe, which threw earthlings from the cosmic to the level of primitive savagery, that after it the Urs - the white hierarchs - voluntarily became teachers of our ancestors and passed on cosmic knowledge to them.

And there is no doubt that something needs to be done. And again the answer is in the book - the author showed with his whole life what needs to be done. Ask questions, persistently seek answers to them, do not be afraid if these answers go against everyone and everything, do not give up and work, work and work again... And also learn to obey the demands of your soul and in no case betray it, no matter how much No zeros were offered after the ones.

“If a person does not want to be controlled by a puppet or a biorobot, he must develop multilaterally and multifacetedly, and the more multilaterally developed a person is, the more likely he is to become creative, and this is - oh, how necessary and important, first of all, for the person himself. ..”

With all my heart I thank Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov for the courage with which he describes the events of his life and opens his soul, without fear of being misunderstood or ridiculed, for the knowledge that he selflessly shares and for hope, for the light at the end of the tunnel.

Nikolay Levashov

Mirror of my soul

Volume 1. It’s good to live in a Soviet country...

2. We are skipping kindergarten

3. My universities

4. Life is a good teacher

5. The Red Army is the strongest

6. Red Army. Ending

7. Miracles continue

8. It's not that simple

9. Through thorns - to the stars

12. Third Address to Humanity

13. Do you have contact?

14. The more people I get to know...

15. Teaching is light

16. What is reality?

19. Patching a hole

20. Life goes on

21. Hello Germany

22. The road back to the USSR

23. The war begins

24. New turns in my destiny

25. Svetlana's secret

26. Brain Transformations

27. Problems of vertical evolution

28. My first Arkhangelsk tour

29. Path to the stage

30. Moscow “vacations”

31. White Brotherhood

32. Large “layer cake”

33. The One Who Makes Changelings

34. “I don’t know another country like this...”

35. Alien Baptist

37. Silver thread

38. Second Arkhangelsk tour

39. Moscow troubles

Russian Social Movement “Renaissance. Golden age"

1. Childhood years. My family's past

I was born in 1961 in the city of Kislovodsk, Stavropol Territory, into a family from the “former”, which, of course, became clear much later. My parents lived with us - three children - in a semi-basement room, which my father converted into housing from the basement; there was simply nothing else. Before his wedding, he lived with his parents in a small semi-basement room on the very outskirts of Kislovodsk (the basement that became our home was located next to this room).

The world of my childhood was mountains, gorges and gullies that began right outside the yard of the house in which we lived. And the most powerful and vivid childhood impressions were the mountains, the beauty and grandeur of which simply captivated my childhood imagination. But before continuing with my childhood memories, I would like to pay tribute to my ancestors. Recently, it has become very popular to find your aristocratic roots. Although, quite recently, this did not give anything good to those who actually had these roots, but brought only problems. Most of the “formers” were completely destroyed by the Soviet regime, and those who survived, for one reason or another, were doomed by this government to oblivion. And my ancestors experienced this to the fullest. But more about this later, but now I would like to say a few words about my ancestors, who for many centuries served their fatherland with honor - Russia...

The origin of the Levashov surname is interesting. The surname Levashov comes from the nickname Levash. In the boyar duma, under the Rurikovichs, the boyars sat on the left hand of the tsar, while the duma clerks sat on the right. One of my ancestors from an old princely family was a Duma boyar, for which he received the nickname Levash. According to ancient traditions, only one representative from the family had the right to enter the royal Duma, and usually the most worthy of the family became a boyar. In those days, it was customary to give everyone nicknames that reflected a person’s activities or personal qualities. Family clans were numerous, and such nicknames made it possible not to confuse people from the same clan. Over time, this nickname stuck with his descendants and became distinctive for the entire family, and transformed into the surname Levashov.

The Levashov family was the richest princely family in Rus' before the pro-Western Romanovs seized power. Even under the first Romanovs, this was preserved, which could not please the new kings. My ancestors fell out of favor because they did not side with the new dynasty and were not the “new” nobility. To consolidate his power, Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich Romanov in 1682 ordered the destruction of the Rank and Genealogical Books, and in return they wrote a new genealogical book - the Velvet Book. But in Europe these books have been preserved to this day. The removal from the royal court and from state affairs of the princely family of Levashov continued for more than a hundred years. Only in difficult times for the fatherland was one of the branches of the family brought closer to the imperial court. Vasily Vasilyevich Levashov (1783-1848) - combat lieutenant general was Podolsk, Chernigov, Poltava and Kharkov governor. He was a member of the State Council from 1838 and was chairman of the State Council and the Committee of Ministers of the Russian Empire in 1847-1848. He was a holder of all Russian orders. In 1833, Emperor Nicholas 1 elevated him to the rank of count (the princely title was passed on only to the main line of the family).

By the time the revolution began, the family was not the richest in Russia, but, nevertheless, it was very rich. The family owned gold mines, stud farms, etc. So, my ancestors had something to lose when the Great “Russian” Revolution took place. One day you will lose everything except your life and find yourself in a carriage in which cattle are usually transported, with other victims of fatal events, and go into the unknown. This test is far from easy for anyone, even for very strong people. And what’s interesting is that many of them did not hold a grudge against people, although they had every right to do so.

It’s a shame that what happened to him and many other people from the “former” will remain forever a secret behind seven seals. There are practically no people left who could tell their descendants about those times. Millions of ruined souls and distorted destinies, whose only fault was that they were born into classes that someone did not like. And most of these people could rightfully be called the color of the nation, which has been crystallizing from the people for more than one thousand years...

The revolution found my grandfather, Vladimir Georgievich Levashov,

Mirror of my soul. Volume 1. It’s good to live in a Soviet country... Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov
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In the 2nd volume, the author begins a story about the most interesting 15-year period of his life in the USA. He's exciting and with great humor writes about Americans and emigrants from the USSR, whom he encountered in the first months of his life there.

He tells how he began to earn his living, why he was able to quickly gain great authority as an unsurpassed healer; how he managed to organize a unique healing process for many of his patients...

A special place in this volume is occupied by a rather detailed account of the multi-day training seminar, which Nikolai Levashov organized for people who wanted to study his theory of the universe, undergo brain restructuring, and at least partially learn what the author himself could do. And, despite the fact that most of his students were never able to become wizards, due to a banal misunderstanding of what was happening to them in reality, this gave everyone invaluable life experience and understanding of many aspects of the human mentality.

Nikolai Levashov describes such interesting facts and events that at first it is difficult to believe in them, and then it becomes simply impossible to stop reading his books. Suddenly you begin to recognize and understand something that you not only didn’t think about before, but didn’t even suspect