When Eminem's friend. How Eminem became famous - a success story

22-year-old Hailie Scott Mathers is the only biological daughter of 45-year-old rapper Eminem from his ex-wife Kimberly Ann Scott.


Eminem and Kimberly's family life was very difficult. Eminem met his future wife while still in school - then the aspiring rapper was 15 years old and the girl was 13. Kim ran away from home and moved in with her boyfriend, and in 1995 the couple had a daughter, Hayley. Only 4 years later the young parents got married. They divorced once because of Kim's drug addiction, but then got married again. In December 2006, Eminem finally divorced Kim and vowed never to marry again. Eminem won custody not only of his daughter Haley, but also of his daughter Kimberly from another man, Whitney. A few years later, the artist also adopted his niece, the daughter of Kim’s sister.



Eminem repeatedly mentioned all the details of this difficult relationship in his songs. Having become famous at an early age, Heidi now tries to hide her personal life. And apparently, she and her father still have disagreements over the use of videos of her in music videos. In the track Castle from the latest album Revival, Eminem admitted that he regrets what he did.

Hayley never gives interviews, but she agreed to answer a few questions from the Daily Mail. The girl said that she was not going to become a singer and generally doubted that she would like great popularity and universal attention.


Hayley admitted that she has a good relationship with her father and they are very close. Now the girl lives separately from her family. She has been dating Evan McClintock for two years, whom she met while studying at the University of Michigan. Her parents approve of her choice.

Eminem largely captivated the listener by the fact that he did not hesitate to tell personal and even intimate stories from his life.

Including those that concerned his closest people. Let's remember them by name.


Deborah Nelson is probably the main irritant for our hero. Having encroached on the main American virtue - love for his own mother - he became known as the number one troublemaker in the USA. In his songs, the mother appears to be extremely alcohol and drug addicted, and in the film “8 Mile” her heroine has sex with the main character’s classmate. Deborah did not remain in debt and filed a lawsuit against her son - the amount of the claim was 10 million dollars.

Quote from the song:“Mom, are you there? I love you. I didn’t mean to hit you over the head with a shovel” (Rоle Model).

In the song "Role Model" Eminem violates almost all the norms of American morality (including speaking badly about his mother), and in 2009 he records a song that puts all the dots in their relationship.


Marshall Bruce Mathers. This is all we know about him: when his son was one and a half years old, his parent left the family, an offense the rapper still remembers.

Quote from the song:“He left me and I don’t even know if he kissed me goodbye. Even then I secretly hoped that this asshole would die” (Cleanin Out My Closet)

“Cleanin Out My Closet” is a statement on the topic of all members of the Marshall family at once: the mother, Kim, and father got it.


Eminem met his future wife Kim at the age of 15. At 27, he got married, then divorced and repeated this whole procedure again. In between this, he ended up on the pages of the tabloids for rushing at his wife's boyfriend with a pistol, and at the same time attended court hearings, finding out what he said about Kim in his songs that, having heard them, she tried to open her veins .

Quote from the song:“For so long - bitch, for so long you hurt me! I don’t want to continue living in this world without you” (Kim).

Marshall wrote the very first song about Kim for his debut album “Infinity”: in it, he and his daughter are carrying Kim’s corpse in a car. The second also has a car theme: Eminem's very drunk hero drives Kim off into the night, promising to "bring her back in the trunk."


Eminem is raising two daughters: in addition to Haley Jade Mathers, he has Lainey, the daughter of his sister Kim, under his care. Hayley herself is now 16 years old, the latest news about her was that she appeared on Twitter last year. There are no photos of condoms there yet, but there are, for example, photos with a bottle of vodka.

Quote from the song:"Oh my God, I'm a father, and I'm so glad that girl's mom didn't have an abortion" (Hailey's Song).

On the album "The Eminem Show" there are two whole songs about Hayley: in one of them Marshall appears as a loving father, in the other he ironizes the prevailing opinion of him as a drug addict and a dangerous pervert who should not be allowed near children.


“Uncle Ronnie” was only two months older than Marshall himself and remained his best friend in childhood (it was he who gave the future rapper his first hip-hop album - the soundtrack to the film Breaking). When Marshall was 19 years old, Ronnie committed suicide. According to Eminem himself, he wanted to do the same, but then he decided, on the contrary, to change something in his life. Ronnie's name appears only in a few of his songs; he is reluctant to talk about this topic.

Quote from the song:“Remember when Ronnie died, you said that it would be better if it were me. So: for you, I am deader than all the dead” (Cleanin' Out My Closet).

“I know about your uncle and I feel for you,” a fan writes to Emu in one of his most famous songs. In addition, Ronnie's name is mentioned in two or three more tracks.

Eminem (Marshall Mathers III) was born near Kansas on October 17
1974. On that day, the world did not yet suspect that this little
the screaming baby would be the one to change the world of hip-hop forever. For
He was, in fact, a burden to his parents, as they constantly quarreled
and did not have a permanent place of residence, moving from place to place.

A couple of months after the boy was born, his father, having quarreled with
Eminem's mother, Debbie Mathers, finally left with a loud scandal
home, leaving mother and child alone, without any means of subsistence.
The nomadic lifestyle continued and little Eminem and his mother
traveled in a trailer from Missouri to Michigan. There, in the end,
his mother settled in Detroit, on its very outskirts. The boy is the same
life seemed like a nightmare, he could not attend school, he had no
friends. His only friend then was his 15-year-old uncle Ronnie,
who introduced Eminem to rap by giving him a cassette in 1987
"Rhyme Pays" by Ice-T. And then little Marshall, impressed by the tough
recitative, decides to devote himself to rap.

But here in Detroit, his life became even worse than before. He lived in
area of ​​8 Mile - the road that separated the "black" suburb of Detroit from its
"white" center. The white boy had a very hard time here, considering
that in the whole area he and his mother were the only whites, with the exception of two
half-crazy bikers living next door. Eminem's mother is like that
the situation did not bother her at all, especially since she sat all day
at home, swallowing ecstasy and living only on benefits. And here's to little Eminem
it was very difficult. With his arrival at school, constant
clashes with black teenagers, among whom Marshall looked white
crow. He was constantly attacked on the streets and beaten. Eminem
recalls an incident when a tinted car pulled up next to him and
couple niegorv in it showed the boy the middle finger, to which Eminem
answered them the same. The car stopped, and the niger with it with
he punched the boy in the jaw and snatched the gun. Eminem, who thought that
this is an ordinary street robbery, I got scared and pulled off my sneakers (the most
dear thing that he had) and ran away. And the next day, having found sneakers
in the same place, he realized that it was the color of the skin that had to do with it. This
the specter of eternal black racism haunted him almost all his life. At school
Clashes with black teenagers became constant. Eminem says that
One day he was beaten half to death on the basketball court, and he
After that, I lay in a coma for 5 days in a local hospital. There, at school,
he had his worst enemy, whom he later recalled in the song
Brain Damage. Everything in this song, except for the last lines, is pure
Truth. DiAngelo Bailey, sixth grader and the most unruly guy in
school, once beat up Eminem in the school toilet, banging his head on
toilet. Bailey then called his friends and they joined in the beating
Marshall. And he had to hold his breath for five whole minutes in order to
his enemies thought they had beaten him to death. And next time it's the same
DiAngelo beat up Eminem at the ice skating rink, slamming his head into the ice, and
continued until the future rapper started bleeding from his ears. Eminem with
remembers this enemy with anger, ridiculed him in several of his
songs. A few years later, when Eminem is already famous and
popular, DiAngelo will sue him for insulting him in his songs,
but this claim will be denied.

In the meantime, Eminem, not even dreaming of fame, continues to live in black
blocks of Eight Mile. He began reading his first recitative at school,
participating in impromptu battles held in the backyard. From
he almost always came out victorious - even the niggas couldn't argue
with his artistry and ingenious rhymes. That's where Eminem and
became friends with Proof, the future head of D12. Proof by that time already
established himself as a budding and budding battle MC, and
he and Eminem fought in a freestyle match in the school cafeteria.
The battle took place on tables pushed together, and none of them could
gain the upper hand From that day on they became friends and soon became the best
friends. Following this, Eminem made several more loyal friends
among the niggas.

But this popularity was deceptive. In larger battles, already outside
walls of the school, Eminem was received with contemptuous exclamations: “Hey you, white
bastard, go play your rock and roll! This really hurt the young man
MS, but he tried to ignore it and continued reading in
local battles. It was then that he came up with the name “Eminem”, beating
your initials MM. He started gaining popularity among niggas, conquering
them with his charismatic and lively recitative. A cat at a battle once
told him: “You’re cool for a white man!” and Eminem took it as the highest
praise. However, after some time, such words began to anger him.
He didn't ask to be born white or black, that's just who he is.
he is, and he believed that nothing should be tied to skin color. Most
He began to consider the words of another nigga as the highest praise: “I don’t give a damn,
Whether he’s green or orange, this dude is cool!”

When Eminem was kicked out of ninth grade for poor academic performance, his mother
I was just happy and immediately sent my son off to work. Eminem working
cook and waiter at a local eatery, at the same time trying to do
promoting his rap career. By that time, Proof had already become visible
big shot at local battles, which he invariably won, after which
he was elected to the post of battle leader. This gave him local popularity
and some connections with small recording studios. And he agreed to help
Eminem on his first record. The cassette was called Soul Intent, the recording was
done, but had no success. These three tracks have never been in
sale. In parallel with this, Proof created the D12 group, to which
Eminem joined, and together they recorded several more tracks,
subsequently combined into the collection “D12 Underground EP”. Also Eminem
participated in young groups Basement Productions and New Jacks.
Eminem continued to win battles where Proof invited him, but soon
he decided to grow, because he believed that the reputation of only a battle MC was not
will bring him real money. And the money was really needed. By that time
he has already moved with his young wife Kimberly into a separate trailer,
and they pressed the child, but there was no money. Rap became the only option
earn money. It was during this period, in 1996, that Eminem recorded his
the first solo album, in the recording of which the same Proof, Kon Atis from
D12 and DJ from the same place - DJ Head. This album was called Infinite, but not
had no success, although Eminem performed it with feeling and humor.
The failure of the album plunged Eminem into despair. Something had to be decided. They
Kim and I constantly moved, because each of their houses was constantly
someone broke in and robbed them. When Eminem's daughter Hailie was born,
Marshall and Kim began saving money for her college education. They
managed to save almost a thousand dollars, but someone robbed them again and took them away
this money. This was the last straw. Kim was hysterical, Eminem was
despair. And besides, during the same period, his uncle Ronnie shot himself because of
unsuccessful love, and this “killed” Eminem even more. He decided to use
last chance - to go to the annual big battle in Los Angeles - Rap
Olympics. Previously, he recorded a small cassette "Slim Shady EP" and
I went to the battle with her. By sending the tape along with others' demos
young talents to the Interscope label, he entered the battle. And lost
him, taking second place. Someone from the crowd shouted: “No! Give away the prize
white! Reward that white guy!”, and this hit Eminem even more painfully.
The prize was $500 and a Rollerblade, and life for the young rapper seemed
finished after this loss. He returned to the rented room and
fell into a deep depression and started taking drugs.
Meanwhile, according to rumors, the famous producer and legendary rapper Dr.
Dre accidentally found Eminem's tape on the floor of Interscope boss's garage
Jimmy Iovina. After listening to the recording, Dre was delighted. "For all my
career,” Dre claims, “I haven’t met anything worthwhile.”
demo cassettes. When Jimmy lost this one, I said, "Find him

This film was the first appearance of the character Slim Shady. Eminem himself
says that he has three essences. The first is Marshall Mathers,
and his songs are sad and lyrical. The second is Eminem, he is evil and hard
a rapper who spews truth and castigates his enemies. The third is Slim Shady,
Eminem's hooligan essence, in which he throws out all the madness,
black humor and satirical idiocy. Slim is a crazy ghost
who says what everyone thinks and does not dare to say it. Slim
never bothers about political correctness and gender
discrimination - he says whatever he wants (and this has more than once caused
Eminem has problems). Dre found Eminen, literally saved his life, because
Eminem was already on the verge of suicide. And Eminem gladly accepted
offer. Soon he signed a contract with Aftermath Records and released
his first album - The Slim Shady LP - expanded and improved version
EP. Dre himself also took part in the creation of the album, singing with Eminem in Guilty
Conscience. This song created a sensation, not to mention other tracks.
The world exploded with waves of protest and love. Some condemned Eminem's manner
criticize so harshly and shamelessly, while others praised him to the skies
for such talent. The first question from the journalists was, of course: “How do you like it?”
managed to break into black music while being white? At first Eminem
answered such questions, but then he began to get angry and in the end
publicly threatened not to ask him this question.
Shortly before recording his first album, Eminem had a lot of problems with
personal life. One day he saw his wife leaving a bar and
gives his buddy John Guerra a friendly kiss goodbye.
Eminem flared up and, grabbing a gun, put it to his “lover’s” head,
threatening not to approach Kim. Someone called the police and the patrol
arrested everyone, including Kim, who started swearing at the cops. John is here
filed a lawsuit, and Eminem was accused of possessing unregistered
weapons and in an armed attack. This is despite the fact that Em's gun
was not charged.

And a little later, Eminem caught Kim with her lover, and the wife with a creepy
They parted with scandal and shouts. Eminem, rushing to court, managed faster
Kim obtained guardianship rights for her daughter Hailey and thereby achieved
the right to see her daughter as much as she wants and when she wants. But mental trauma
still remained in his soul. He could never forgive Kim for her betrayal,
he really loved her, and never stopped loving her, even
ten years later. But more on that later…
And in his first album he recorded the song Bonnie & Clyde, in which his father
together with their little daughter they went to the lake to dump the body of the murdered woman
mothers from the bridge. This song shocked everyone, especially shocked by the fact
that Eminem involved his daughter in his crazy songs.
The time of wild popularity has begun. Eminem immediately got thousands
crazy fans who were ready to do anything for him. They were besieging
his house day and night in pursuit of an autograph, he could not walk calmly
along the street - a crowd of fans immediately rushed towards him, rolled up
journalists. This began to anger the rapper, and on his second album under
The title of The Marshall Mathers LP (2000) was very emotional
the song The Way I Am, in which he told how he got so sick
hyper-fame. He dreamed of a prosperous life, but did not want
become an idol. There were heaps of teenagers who, having heard enough
singing hooliganism of Slim Shady, got hold of guns and started opening
shootings in schools, people started jumping from bridges and so on. Lawsuits rained down
lawsuits from angry parents who blamed the white rapper for everything.
Eminem simply didn’t know how to explain to the people that all this hooliganism
in his songs there is only an allegory, and a person is just crazy if he starts
perceive songs as a guide to action. Released on the second album
the song Stan, which was about a crazy Eminem fan,
who wrote letters to him and, having received no answer, drove the car off the bridge,
having previously taken his pregnant girlfriend with him. Song
impressed many (especially since the chorus was from Dido), but there were
after all, they are just another psycho - there is a known case, as one of the fans
committed suicide absolutely according to the script of the video for the song Stan.
Also on this album there was a song called Kim, which was like a prehistory
to the story of the song Bonnie & Clyde - it portrayed a hysterical and very
heavy scene of a quarrel between Kim and Marshall, followed by the murder of Kim and her
lover by Em himself. This song shocked not only the public, but
and Kim herself, who was driven to suicide by this track. They still pumped her out,
and she sued her ex-husband. Just as suddenly, my father appeared
Eminem, who called his son and asked to meet. But Eminem doesn't even
wanted to talk to him, but sent him to hell through his manager.
The resentment was too strong.

And the fame grew and grew. Countless interviews, photo sessions,
invitations to television. Dre just smiled quietly, watching him
The protégé is gaining momentum. Eminem worked tirelessly on new tracks.
He published his Detroit oldies in Unreleased albums
Collection and Off The Wall, took part in a big battle together with
Proof and other upcoming (and already famous) stars like Xzibit,
Kid Rock and Notorious B.I.G.. In parallel, Eminem, realizing that he had
Now I have enough strength, I called the good old D12 from Detroit, and released
with them their first album is Devil`s Night. This gave me mad
popularity to all D12 members. Many still believe that the main thing in
group - Eminem... Then came Eminem's mega-popular album - The
Eminem Show. The album was full of lively, sometimes aggressive lyrics, but everything
according to tradition, it also had autobiographical tracks. One of them was
Cleanin Out My Closet, in which Eminem talked about his mother,
which he always hated. In this song she appeared vile
an old woman who eats pills and forces her son to work for her. Generally,
That's how it was. Eminem has insulted his mother in his songs before, and
Debbie sued him for $10 million.
citing the fact that Eminem's songs "plunged her into an emotional
stress, damaged her reputation and caused her to lose her feelings
self-respect." Protracted trial
ended in her defeat - the court found that all the mother's claims against her son
can be estimated at $25,000, of which Debbie accounted for $23,000
pay your lawyer. And the song Cleanin Out My Closet is finally
finished her off.

After this album, Eminem received nominations for various
music awards. Em went on a big tour of Europe with D12. A
then filming began on the first film with Eminem - “8 Mile”. This movie
was almost biographical, it described the early life of a white guy who
trying to gain respect and a place in the sun at local battles.
Along with Eminem, many rap masters starred in this film, including
Xzibit, DJ Head, Obie Trice and Proof. In real life, Proof led battles,
so he became the inspiration for a character named Future. And Proof himself
played rapper Lil Tic, who simply smeared Eminem on the wall at the beginning
film with its recitative. Eminem played his role simply brilliantly, she
brought him numerous awards, including an Oscar for Lose Yourself,
as the best song for the film.

Then came a long period of half-asleep creativity, but active
public life. Numerous concerts and interviews continued.
Eminem had already fledged and Dre no longer produced him. Um, I did it myself
founding his own label - Shady Records under the auspices of Interscope and Aftermath.
Eminem began to promote new talents - he took it under his own
patronage of 50 Cent, Hush and the most talented rapper Obie Trice.
In parallel with this, Eminem began releasing his clothing line, and again
started working on D12, and very soon their second album, D12 World, was released,
literally shocked the audience with his aggression and black humor, as well as
outright sexism. Everyone knows the song My Band, where the group ironically and with
tells with humor about the complex relationships between its members. Also Um
started promoting Young Zee.

A new album, Straight From The Lab, was being prepared for release, but the recordings had already been recorded.
the first five tracks were stolen by pirates and began to be distributed through
Internet. Em was very angry about this and he released this album, filling it with
(except for these five tracks) remixes of old songs, refusing
continue working on the album. But the audience was in for something amazing.
- new album called Encore. It was an amazing mega-project,
the songs simply radiated novelty and new finds of style. Of course, Eminem
couldn’t do without provocations, and they turned on him for the Mosh song
attention of American intelligence agencies. Their evil attention intensified after
track of the same album - We As Americans, where Eminem openly hints at
that he would rather see Bush dead. There were also songs about
old - addressed to Kim, still just as impudent. But the public is already
had figured out Eminem for a long time - everyone already understood that he was still in love with
his ex-wife. And she understood this too. They are known to regularly
communicated, met, and communication took place calmly and in a friendly manner.
Encore, of course, featured 50 Cent, Obie Trice, and new friend Shady
Records - Stat Quo, G Funk star Nate Dogg, and of course Dre himself.
Other albums followed, of which When I'm Gone stands out.
where Eminem again addresses his daughter Hailey in the song. And in
song of the same name, it was already clear that Eminem was apologizing to his wife
and seeks peace with her. And soon after that, Eminem married Kim again! This
The joyful event shocked everyone. At a wedding, as a witness
Proof spoke. But... less than a couple of months have passed since the newlyweds again
divorced, unable to withstand the increasing frequency of conflicts. Eminem had a hard time
hurting his daughter again, who dreamed of being reunited
parents, but Em declared that he would never marry again.
And very soon after that, Eminem’s life became one more tragedy
- Proof was killed in one of the 8 Mile bars. The rapper had a very hard time
the loss of my best friend and the head of D12. And very soon I was able to return to rap.
Eminem's recent big album was The Re-Up. Eminem on it
- again full of life, optimism and rage. The album is notable for the fact that
Eminem's new protégés Bobby Creekwater and
Cashis. Eminem did not forget to honor the memory of the deceased Proof.
Throughout his ten-year career as a global rapper, Eminem
participated on the tracks of many celebrities. There was a list of them
For a very long time, I’ll name only the very best: Xzibit. B.I.G, Dr Dre, Snoop
Dogg, Nate Dogg, Busta Rhymes... It was Eminem who organized and paid for
recorded two Obie Trice albums and a Stat Quo album, and also made
celebrity unknown to anyone Trick Trick. Throughout his career
Eminem had dozens of beefs, dozens of enemies: Benzino, Ja Rule, Canibus,
Linp Bizkit, Everlast and many other little things like Britney Spears and
Christina Aguilera. There were always enough envious people. A genius always has
envious people and admirers. A genius has the gift of changing this world. AND
Eminem bears the title of rap genius with honor.

Eminem family

Eminem born October 17, 1972 in Kansas City, Missouri. The family was poor. His parents, Deborah Nelson Mathers-Briggs (Mother) and Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr. (Father), performed in a show group that gave performances in various taverns. After the birth of his son, a few months later, the father abandoned the family and the small child was left only with his mother.

Eminem as a child

His Mom's name was Debbie, and together they lived in a regular trailer and constantly traveled from Missouri to Michigan. When you move from place to place, it is very difficult to find permanent friends. And his only friend was his beloved uncle Ronnie. Ultimately, it was his uncle who pushed the future star onto the path of a rapper. Ronnie gave him the record "Rhyme Pays" in 1987 and after listening Eminem realized that this was exactly what he needed. When the teenager turned 12 years old, he and his mother decided to settle in Detroit, somewhere in a black neighborhood. Next door to them lived two crazy bikers.

Life in Detroit was not easy; the teenager constantly had problems with local guys.

“One day I was returning home from a friend’s place,” he recalls Eminem. “Then three black guys in a car drove past me. They showed me the finger, I gave them a response, and that was it. But they stopped the car... One came up and hit me in the face so that I fell. Then he pulled out a gun. I literally jumped out of my sneakers. I thought they needed sneakers. But they didn’t need sneakers: when I returned the next day, I found them in the same place, stuck in the mud.”

At school, he also had plenty of enemies, for example, a teenager who was two grades older, his name is DiAngelo Bailey.

“I was in the fourth, and he was in the sixth,” Eminem recalls. “One day he came to the toilet while I was there. He hit me in the back with such force that I fell.”

Bailey had friends, one of them was younger than Bailey. One day Eminem laughed at him, he in turn came up and knocked him down, and then began to pound his head on the ice, and when Eminem’s ear began to bleed, he passed out, and Bailey ran away. As a result, he spent 5 days in a coma.

His school life ended with him simply dropping out of school in the 9th grade after failing to retake his exams in five attempts. And then the Mother told him: “Get out into the street and help me pay the bills, or I will throw you out of the house.” And he went to look for work.

Eminem music career

He found work in a restaurant, where he was a cook and waiter. The owner of the restaurant was pleased with his work, but he constantly reminded him that he should not rap so often, because this is a family restaurant, or at least keep it quiet.

Some time passes and Eminem begins to participate in real rap competitions, where, according to eyewitnesses, he had impressive success. At that same time, he met his future wife and mother of his child, Kimberly Scott. They lived in the same trailer where he spent his childhood. They were robbed very often. One of the thieves turned out to be not entirely rational; the first time he sneaked into the house, he didn’t take anything, but left them a sandwich with peanut butter, but the second time he took out almost everything except the bed and the couch.

When the future artist was 19 years old, grief occurred - his beloved uncle Ronnie committed suicide, shot himself with a shotgun. And then, in desperation, he records the album “Infinite”. Few people were interested in it; one studio contacted him, which sold a little more than 1000 copies, and then broke up with the rapper. He had no money left and sometimes his friends bought him clothes.

The only hope for survival was the rappers' tournament - the Rap Olympics, which took place in Los Angeles. The day before he left for the tournament, he walked up to the trailer and found an eviction note for not paying taxes.

“I had to knock down the door,” he says. “I had nowhere else to go. There was no heating, no water, no electricity. I slept on the floor, woke up and went to Los Angeles. I was in complete shit.”

The tournament was never won. His manager at the time was Paul Rosenberg, who now recalls him sitting on the floor and some black guy yelling: “prize for the white guy! Give the prize to the white man!”, it seemed to his manager that just a little more and Eminem would burst into tears.

And still he did not give up! He had a new plan. The rapper began distributing his tapes to various studios, but this was only a demo distribution. Subsequently, the music that was there was called "The Real Slim Shady LP". And one day Doctor Dre himself finds one such cassette on the garage floor. After listening to this tape, he was amazed.

“In my entire career,” says Dre, “I’ve never seen anything worthwhile on demo tapes. When Jimmy lost this one, I said, “Find him now.”

Ultimately Eminem and Dr. Dre started working together. Later they decided that the songs from the “Slim Shady EP” needed to be re-released. Thus, the official album “The Slim Shady LP” (1999) was born. This album was a huge success.

Eminem's second album was released in The Marshall Mathers LP in 2000, which was also very successful. In 2001, at the 2001 Grammy Awards, he received as many as three awards, despite the fact that the Association of Gays and Lesbians did their best to prevent this. Then, in the summer of 2002, another album called The Eminem Show was released. Subsequently, it was awarded diamond status. This year eminem and 50 cent begin to cooperate. 50 cent himself got to Eminem through his lawyer.

Autumn 2004 Eminem releases another album – “Encore”. It's interesting that this album ultimately didn't win any awards, but it was still a pretty good success. In 2005, there were rumors about the demise of the rapper's career; the artist himself released a collection of his best songs, where he added 3 more new tracks (FACK, Shake That, When I'm Gone). Further, he appears only in songs where he sings in a campaign with other rappers. And in 2007 he left show business for about a year and a half.

In the winter of 2009 he returns. Together with 50 September and Dre, he releases a new track “Crack a bottle”, which in turn soars to the very top of the Billboard Chart in just a few weeks.

In 2010, a new album called “Recovery” was released. It was an immediate success, reaching the top of the US charts. Subsequently, the album received gold status, and later all sorts of singles and awards followed.

Eminem in the cinema

First time with movie eminem worked in the TV series “Talking Dolls” (2002), where he voiced a character named Billy Fletcher. Later in the same year, the autobiographical film “8 Mile” (2002) was released, where Eminem played the role of a poor rapper nicknamed “rabbit”. The film was a very good success, and the song Lose Yourself from the soundtrack to the film earned an Oscar. The film itself grossed $242 million worldwide, when the film's budget was only $41 million.

Though Movies with Eminem appear on screens rarely, but it is known that a couple of film projects are already planned for the future where they would like to see Eminem.

Eminem personal life

He has a brother, Nathan, who can be seen in such videos as "The Way I Am", "Without Me" and "Sing For The Moment". On December 25, 1995, he had a daughter with Kimberly Ann Scott, whose name is Hayley. As a result, the couple divorced. In 2005, the singer obtained guardianship over another daughter, Kimberly, her name is Whitney. The singer dedicated several songs to his first daughter, such as “Hailie’s song”, “Mockingbird”, “When I’m gone”.

Eminem, an American rapper, music producer and actor, is considered one of the most controversial and successful artists of the early 21st century. He was born on October 17, 1972 in Missouri. The rapper's real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers, and when he came up with his stage name, he decided to play with the first letters (M&M), and this is how the nickname Eminem appeared.


His father abandoned the family when Eminem was still a child. As a child, he tried several times to meet his father, but to no avail: he was not interested in his former family. The boy was raised by his mother, Deborah Mathers. She couldn't get a steady job, moving from place to place every few months, so they often had to shuttle between Missouri and Detroit.

“I had to change schools two or three times a year,” Eminem recalls. “That was the worst.”

Since Deborah had very little money, they were forced to live in the poorest neighborhoods. Despite the fact that Eminem was constantly bullied and offended by local hooligans, he still managed to sometimes make friends who admired his ability to rhyme words.

Such a nomadic life left a strong imprint on the artist’s personality. He didn't have any really close friends and was always the outcast at school, so he was left to his own devices most of the time.

“I was beaten in the bathroom, in the corridors, locked in closets,” he recalls.

Added to this were problems with her mother, who abused medications and was often out of her mind. Already famous, Eminem accused her in one of his songs of bullying him as a child. Deborah Mathers sued her son, demanding $10 million in compensation for false accusations. Eminem chose to avoid legal squabbles by paying his mother $250,000.


At the age of 17, after several unsuccessful attempts to pass school exams, Eminem decided to quit school. Despite his poor academic performance, he was always interested in language: he voraciously read comics and studied the dictionary.

“I realized that no matter how poorly I studied, no matter how bad the grades I got, I speak English well. I felt that I would like to be able to control all these words, to know them all so that I could use them at any time. You know, sometimes they're just stored somewhere in the back of my mind, like in a locked closet,” he says.

A street teenager expelled from school found an opportunity to express his passion for language through music, in a genre that has always been dominated by black artists. In Detroit, Eminem became a regular participant in the so-called “rap battles” - competitions in which two rappers took turns insulting each other with improvisations of their own composition. Pale and blue-eyed, Eminem looked very peculiar at these performances, but despite his race, he quickly became one of the most respected rappers in Detroit, showing extraordinary skill in these rap skirmishes.

Now he believes that this was a turning point in his life, thanks to which he came up with his pseudonym - Eminem:

“Finally I found something. You know, sometimes one guy has more girlfriends, another guy has better clothes, but none of them can do what I do. Do you know what I mean? That guy can't write like me. And then I thought: maybe now Marshall will be respected?

This period in life - the need to do any kind of menial work to make ends meet, participation in rap competitions and desperate attempts to sign a contract with a record company - was later reflected in Eminem's semi-autobiographical film 8 Mile.

Personal life and career

At the same time, Eminem began dating Kim Scott. In 1995, the couple had a daughter, Hayley Jade Scott (details in this article). Inspired by the birth of his daughter, Eminem recorded his first independent album, Infinite, in 1996. Although the album showcased his brilliance with words, his caustic wit and his storytelling skills, the low-budget recording brought neither profit nor fame.

But success was just around the corner. In 1998, Eminem released his second album, Slim Shady, which impressed super-producer Dr. Dre so much that he signed the white rapper to a contract. The album Slim Shady, produced by Dr. Dre, burst to the top of the world music charts in 1999 and sold three million copies. Moreover, it brought Eminem two Grammy awards - for the single My Name is and for best album. The triumph of his next album was already expected. Marshal Mathers debuted on the charts in 2000 and sold nearly two million copies in its first week alone.

But alas, creative and commercial success was accompanied by troubles in his personal life. Following Eminem’s mother, his wife Kim (whom he “killed” twice in his songs) filed a lawsuit. The couple later reconciled, but they eventually divorced in 2001. Eminem and Kim reunited in 2006 and divorced again the same year.

Having achieved success in music, Eminem decided to try his hand at cinema. In 2002, he played the role of himself in the film 8 Mile. He also composed the soundtrack for this film, which won an Oscar.