How to draw a lynx with a pencil step by step. How to draw a lynx? Description of how to draw a common lynx

This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a lynx using this lesson for young children, but if you really want to, you can try. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw a lynx we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

It is difficult to draw a lynx - it is a representative of wild animals; not every professional artist can afford to draw from life. But still, you need to try to know as much as possible about this animal before drawing. You can read Wikipedia and study various photographs, of which there are simply tons on the Internet.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Please note that every object, every living creature, every phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric objects: circles, squares and triangles. They are the ones who create the form; they are the ones the artist needs to see in the surrounding objects. There is no house, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. This makes building complex objects much easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

Step one.

In the center of the sheet we draw three circles: for the upper and lower parts of the body. Let's sketch the legs.

Step two.

Let's add two more legs and outline the contours of the body. The lynx has a small tail. On the head we draw ears and a round shape.

Step three.

Now we have an almost finished sketch of the lynx. Let's outline the contours of the body with a thicker, hatched line, thereby showing the fur of the animal.

Step four.

Let's detail the lynx's head: it is relatively small, but very expressive. A distinctive feature is the tassels at the ends of the ears.

Step five.

Let's add strokes throughout the body, creating the effect, and also draw a speck. The result should look like this:

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed the lesson on how to draw a lynx, I hope it was interesting and informative. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Well, there are social network buttons for a reason =)

They are depicted identically. But at the same time, each animal has its own distinctive characteristics. Let's consider one of the classic options for how to draw a lynx. The description is presented in the form of step-by-step instructions with corresponding pictures.

The main features of the animal’s appearance

Surely every junior schoolchild and, perhaps, even a student in the senior group of kindergarten can easily tell how to draw a lynx and describe what it looks like. This is explained by the fact that children’s ideas about the appearance of an animal are formed mainly from coloring books and educational pictures of teachers. The lynx is rarely mentioned in fairy tales, and is rarely seen in animated films. The image of a wild cat is in many ways reminiscent of an ordinary domestic cat, but there are the following characteristic differences:

Large size;

Long limbs;

Short tail;

Spotted coloration;

The ears are “houselike” and have tassels at the ends.

How to draw a lynx step by step: drawing the main contours

  1. Place three circles in the picture, slightly different in diameter. The smallest one will be the head. At some distance from it and a little lower, draw two others (the future torso) - the second in size, and then the large one adjacent to it.
  2. Perpendicular to the middle circle, extend the oval down - the forelimb. At the bottom of it, horizontally, place another oval (much smaller in size) - the lynx’s paw. Draw the other front leg “stepping” forward, so it will be perpendicular to the first.
  3. Draw the hind limbs as consisting of three parts with a characteristic bend. The paws should be in the shape of circles.
  4. Draw the approximate contours of the muzzle and erect triangle ears.
  5. Draw a small tail, less than average length.
  6. Outline the contours of the torso by drawing lines for the neck, back and abdomen.

How to draw a lynx: detailing the image

When giving the animal a more realistic appearance, keep in mind that although the lynx is a predator, it should appear with some cat-like softness, that is, without excessive angularity. To do this, pay attention first of all to the shape of the paws. They should be round and at the same time large enough. Decorate the lynx's muzzle in the jaw area with a woolly beard, and the ears with tassels. The general reliefs of the animal should show that this animal is quite strong (the outlines of the powerful chest and After the step-by-step completion of all the sketches accompanying the article, clearly showing how to draw a lynx, proceed to the final step - applying the pattern and “tinting” the animal.

Coloring a picture

Having reached the end of this instruction with a description of how to draw a lynx with a pencil, you should pay special attention to this particular stage. After all, the appropriate coloring will make the animal look more believable and realistic. In this case, you need to follow the toning sequence. First, apply light brown spots with a pencil. There will be slightly fewer of them in the area of ​​the limbs than on the body. And on the head, one might say, there are no spots at all. It would be even more appropriate to make the muzzle a little striped. After giving the animal a “patterned” look, proceed to fill the free space with shades of the same color. You need to do this very skillfully, adjusting the pressure of the pencil so as not to shade the spots applied before. The directions of barely perceptible colored stripes should coincide with the “hairiness” of the animal - from head to tail, and on the limbs - from top to bottom and slightly back.

Isn't it true that the lynx turned out to be cute? Based on this description, you can teach your children how to draw this predator.

What can you tell us about the lynx? Yes, in general, this is an ordinary cat that lives in our homes. It differs only in that it can swim well, eats not whiskey, but live hares, and weighs more than 50 kilograms. They say that a lynx never attacks people, but it’s better not to keep such a cutie at home. Firstly, she will eat twice as much as all family members combined, and secondly, her purring resembles the hum of a powerful electric motor. She won’t want to sit at home and will scare away all the neighbors. It's better to let her live in your drawing.

How to draw a lynx with a pencil step by step

Step one.

In the center of the sheet we draw three circles: for the head, upper and lower torso. Let's sketch the legs.

Step two.

Let's add two more legs and outline the contours of the body. The lynx has a small tail. On the head we draw ears and a round nose.

Step three.

Now we have an almost finished sketch of the lynx. Let's outline the contours of the body with a thicker, hatched line, thereby showing the fur of the animal.

Step four.

Let's detail the lynx's head: it is relatively small, but very expressive. A distinctive feature is the tassels at the ends of the ears.

Step five.

Let's add strokes throughout the body, creating a shadow effect, and also draw a speck. The result should look like this:

  1. How to draw a dog with a pencil;
  2. Leo;
  3. Jaguar;
  4. Cheetah;
  5. Rabbit or hare;
  6. Deer;
  7. horse;

I hope with the help of this instruction you will know how to draw a lynx with a pencil step by step. If you liked the lesson, subscribe to our VKontakte group and receive fresh drawing lessons directly to your page every day. You can also suggest your own topic for writing, you can do this here: Suggest an idea for a lesson.

The common lynx is a large and beautiful predator, which has long been known and loved in our vast country. The lynx is a cat, but in appearance, in my opinion, it is in many ways reminiscent of a dog.

She lives in forests and is an excellent tree climber. This animal, judging by Wikipedia, can reach 30 kilograms in weight and 70 centimeters at the withers - a large animal!

We, however, are not going to measure, but to draw, and let’s move on to the first lesson on how to draw a lynx.

Drawing a lynx step by step - 1

The first drawing shows a lynx standing on guard and turning slightly towards the viewer. First, let's sketch it in pencil.

The picture is very interesting, if only because of this very spread. To an inexperienced person it may seem that the animal generally stands sideways to the viewer, but this is not entirely true. There is a slight turnaround. Well, we will also expand the drawing so as not to just copy it. Did the sketch look similar? Okay, let's move on to the drawing. Let's clarify the shape of the body:

What does this lynx look like? Let us remember any representative of the felines - none of them, except, perhaps, the cheetah, have such long legs with such a relatively short body. That's why I said at the beginning of the article about the resemblance to a dog! The lynx's body is short, dense, and even covered with long fur.

The legs are not only long, but also very powerful, wide not only at the base, but along the entire length, the paws are very large so as not to fall into the snow in winter. The hind legs are much longer than the front ones. The tail, short and as if chopped off, would be more suitable for a dog.

And that's it, let's turn our lynx's head. Indeed, you can approach photography work creatively.

It’s a pity to erase and draw another head; we’ll just cover part of the drawing with a blank sheet of paper. Note that this is a good way to learn drawing. So to speak, a dynamically changing picture - do not rely on the need to create perfection and a masterpiece, but focus on the process and on understanding the model. You can overlap the paw and draw it differently.

But the head and neck are just like a cat’s: the neck is short, the head is rounded. Of course, the main distinguishing features of a lynx's face are large ears with characteristic tassels, as well as sideburns. The expression of this muzzle, speaking in human language, is more sly and cunning than cruel.

As for coloring, the red or gray fur of the animal is covered with dark spots, in some individuals all over the body, in some, for example, only the limbs are spotted. By the way, the name of the beast comes from an ancient Slavic word meaning “spotted, speckled.”

We figured out how to draw a calmly standing lynx. Now let there be a more complex pose with movement.

Drawing a lynx step by step - 2

We drew the body, now the paws. First, let's draw both right ones - the back, strongly bent and placed under the belly, and the front, bent at the elbow.

The left hind paw is heavily obscured, but the front paw is extended forward and clearly visible:

And the final lynx drawing:

There are tufts on the ears, but the spots on the skin are practically invisible. It depends on the habitat, there are also evenly colored lynxes, but spotting is more in fashion.

This is the northernmost spotted cat (the leopard is also spotted, but it lives in the mountains). Others, like the leopard, live in much more southern latitudes.

Lynxes feed mainly on hares (so if there are no hares, then there is no chance that a lynx will settle in the forest) and do not attack people, contrary to popular belief. And they never jump on a victim from a tree. So you can be calm about lynxes in the forest.

Evgeniy Novikov told you how to draw a lynx step by step.

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How to draw a lynx step by step with a pencil?

    You can draw a lynx like this: first a sketch, then the details of the lynx drawing (torso, head, ears with tassels, paws, tail).

    Also, step-by-step video instructions for drawing a lynx will help you get the image right.

    I propose to limit the drawing of the lynx step by step to just its head. The lynx is a very interesting animal that can be quickly recognized just by the tufts on its ears. And in this photo, even a not very experienced artist can handle the drawing of a lynx’s head.

    The lynx, as you know, is a member of the cat family - a large cat with tufted ears and the soft tread of heavy paws. Drawing it is quite simple, based on simple steps:

    Step 1. We mark the boundaries of the body of the future lynx with circles - where is the head, where is the body, and where are the paws.

    Step 2. Draw connecting lines.

    Step 3. Draw the outlines:

    Step 4. And we finish the drawing with a more detailed drawing of the predator:

    Let's draw a lynx. When drawing, there are four stages:

    First stage. We draw the image of a lynx. At this stage, we take ordinary geometric shapes and draw their image. Therefore, we draw these two uneven ovals and two lines connecting them.

    Second phase. To our image we draw four limbs, and also add the following details on the head: ears, beard, muzzle. We immediately remove the extra lines.

    Third stage. Draw the face of a lynx. Let's highlight details such as the tongue, nose and cheeks. Draw the limbs of the paws.

    Fourth stage. Add spots all over the lynx's body. Draw the eyes and remove unnecessary lines.

    All the lynx is ready. Here is a photo of these actions:

    In order to draw a lynx with a pencil step by step, let’s remember where we start almost all of our drawings? :) Do you remember? Of course from circles :)

    And so, to draw a lynx, we need three whole circles: one small one is the head of the animal and 2 large ones are the front and hind legs along with the torso.

    The first thing we draw is, of course, the lynx’s head. Draw a circle and divide it into four parts. We draw the ears, mustache, eyes, nose and mouth of the lynx.

    Now we draw two large circles a little away from the small one, connecting them with a smooth line - this is the back of the animal. Draw the front raised paw and tail.

    Now we draw the second front paw, the hind paw and the hairy belly.

    Draw the hind leg

    What is a lynx without spots - draw spots on the lynx and paint over the tip of the tail

    Our beautiful lynx is ready, you can paint it.

    The method described above is good, but a person who does not have much drawing experience may encounter problems maintaining proportions. There is a method of redrawing using cells - a grid, which we draw with light pressure of a pencil on the image that needs to be redrawn (shown in the attached image)

    Next, we simply redraw the contents of the cells. This way we will maintain the proportions of the drawing and simplify our task. Many, even experienced artists, use this method. Sorry that there is not a lynx in the picture, but this method is suitable for drawing any compositions, portraits, landscapes. Good luck)

Drawing a lynx step by step - 1

The first drawing shows a lynx standing on guard and turning slightly towards the viewer. First, let's sketch it in pencil.

The picture is very interesting, if only because of this very spread. To an inexperienced person it may seem that the animal generally stands sideways to the viewer, but this is not entirely true. There is a slight turnaround. Well, we will also expand the drawing so as not to just copy it. Did the sketch look similar? Okay, let's move on to the drawing. Let's clarify the shape of the body:

What does this lynx look like? Let us remember any representative of the felines - none of them, except, perhaps, the cheetah, have such long legs with such a relatively short body. That's why I said at the beginning of the article about the resemblance to a dog! The lynx's body is short, dense, and even covered with long fur.

The legs are not only long, but also very powerful, wide not only at the base, but along the entire length, the paws are very large so as not to fall into the snow in winter. The hind legs are much longer than the front ones. The tail, short and as if chopped off, would be more suitable for a dog.

And that's it, let's turn our lynx's head. Indeed, you can approach photography work creatively.

It’s a pity to erase and draw another head; we’ll just cover part of the drawing with a blank sheet of paper. Note that this is a good way to learn drawing. So to speak, a dynamically changing picture - do not rely on the need to create perfection and a masterpiece, but focus on the process and on understanding the model. You can overlap the paw and draw it differently.

But the head and neck are just like a cat’s: the neck is short, the head is rounded. Of course, the main distinguishing features of a lynx's face are large ears with characteristic tassels, as well as sideburns. The expression of this muzzle, speaking in human language, is more sly and cunning than cruel.

As for coloring, the red or gray fur of the animal is covered with dark spots, in some individuals all over the body, in some, for example, only the limbs are spotted. By the way, the name of the beast comes from an ancient Slavic word meaning “spotted, speckled.”

We figured out how to draw a calmly standing lynx. Now let there be a more complex pose with movement.

Drawing a lynx step by step - 2

We drew the body, now the paws. First, let's draw both right ones - the back, strongly bent and placed under the belly, and the front, bent at the elbow.

The left hind paw is heavily obscured, but the front paw is extended forward and clearly visible:

And the final lynx drawing:

There are tufts on the ears, but the spots on the skin are practically invisible. It depends on the habitat, there are also evenly colored lynxes, but spotting is more in fashion.

This is the northernmost spotted cat (the leopard is also spotted, but it lives in the mountains). Others, like the leopard, live in much more southern latitudes.

Lynxes feed mainly on hares (so if there are no hares, then there is no chance that a lynx will settle in the forest) and do not attack people, contrary to popular belief. And they never jump on a victim from a tree. So you can be calm about lynxes in the forest.

Evgeniy Novikov told you how to draw a lynx step by step.

Tags: how to draw animals, draw an animal step by step, drawing wild animals, Drawings of forest animals

Step 1. Let's start with a side headshot.
First, draw a circle that will be the base of the head shape, then draw a “window” for the muzzle, a triangle for the ear, a guide line for the ruff of extended hair under the ear and two lines for the neck.
Once you have made the guide lines, you can draw the outline of the head: the face, muzzle and chin.

Step 2. Finish the nose and add a fairly large eye.
Draw the ears and long fur on the cheek.

Step 3. Now add detail to the ears and neck.
Remember to draw tufts of hair at the tips of the ears.
Then add the final details such as fur and whiskers and you're done!

Step 4. Now, do a full body trot.
Before we begin I think it's good to point out the main differences between the lynx and the lynx.
Lynxes look like large domestic cats with fairly large paws, a trimmed tail, long hair on the cheekbones and tufts of black hair on the ears.
Lynxes have large paws, long legs, longer ear tufts and longer fur on their cheeks.
Okay, now draw auxiliary lines like in the picture.

Step 5. You may find it helpful to add four ovals to the guide lines from the previous step: two on the shoulders and two on the hips.

Step 6. Now, let's work on the trot's head.
Draw the ears and long fur on the cheeks.

Step 7. Add eyes and muzzle. Start drawing the nose.

Step 8. Finish the nose (remember the nostrils), add fur on the ears and neck.

Step 9. Draw the thick forelimbs with fairly large paws. Don't forget to draw the crack from which he releases his claws.
Lynxes have five-toed front paws and retractible claws.

Step 10. Finish the lynx's body and add to it the hind legs, which are slightly longer than the front ones. The hind feet have four toes.
Then add the stubby and fluffy tail.

Step 11. Add tufts of hair at the tips of the ears, fur, whitskers and other details and your bobcats are finished.