Alexey Bryantsev year of birth singer. Singer Alexey Bryantsev: biography, personal life, photo

Alexey Bryantsev quickly gained popularity and fell in love with a wide range of listeners, captivating them with his velvety baritone. To attract the audience, Alexey does not need to put on a bright show with backup dancers; he just needs to perform his lyrical song. During the concert, the artist not only sings, but also answers questions from fans. At the same time, Bryantsev covers some events from his biography, but says nothing about his personal life, considering this topic closed to journalists and the public.

Alexey was born in 1984 in Voronezh into an ordinary family. His parents had nothing to do with the creative world, but the future singer had been interested in music since childhood and loved to sing. The boy went to a music school to study piano, and then learned to play the guitar, to which he sang songs. After graduating from school, he entered a technical university, choosing a specialty - designer of micro-electronic equipment.

However, the 22-year-old young man was in no hurry to work in his specialty, as he dreamed of singing on stage. And soon he met songwriter and arranger Alexey Bryantsev, with whom he shares namesakes. It was he who recognized the future chanson star in the talented guy. Alexey's voice was very similar to the voice of the legendary Mikhail Krug, so the composer did not want Bryantsev to be considered one of the imitators of the great singer.

At the beginning of his career, he sang in a duet with Elena Kasyanova, and then performed the song “Hello, Baby” with Irina Krug, after which his close collaboration with Krug’s widow began. In 2007, the couple's first duet album was released, and three years later they released their second disc. The albums did not sit idle and were instantly sold out by music lovers. The singers performed in different parts of Russia, where they were always greeted warmly. In 2012, Alexey, having gained extensive experience working on stage, decided to pursue a solo career, as a result of which his debut album “Your Breath” was soon released.

In the photo Alexey Bryantsev with Irina Krug

Bryantsev says little about himself and his personal life. He does not consider himself a stage star, but only an ordinary person who has a lucky chance to demonstrate his abilities. However, journalists and fans want to know not only his work, but also who his parents are, his wife and whether he has children. The singer himself answers these questions very succinctly. He does not hide the fact that there is a beloved woman in his life, whose name he does not disclose. Alexey prefers to lead a healthy lifestyle, and in his free time from creativity he likes to play football. Some sources indicate that the singer is married and has a daughter born in 2011.

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Published 05/20/2017

Alexey Bryantsev is a star of Russian chanson. A talented singer, author and performer of love songs. Nobody knows where Bryantsev came from or how he managed to become famous in such a short time. But the fact remains a fact. People know the lyrics of his songs by heart. His voice is familiar to everyone. There is very little information about Alexey Bryantsev. He does not often give interviews, although the singer’s life has long attracted public attention.

Biography of Alexey Bryantsev

Alexey's year of birth is 1984 (February). He was born in Voronezh. He is married, but does his best to hide this fact from the public. There are children, or rather one daughter. The tour schedule is planned a year in advance. Let's start the story about the singer from the very beginning, from the moment music appeared in his life. The biography of Alexey Bryantsev began in the beautiful city of Voronezh. Since childhood, Alexey has been interested in music. He successfully graduated from music school. Bryantsev was in no hurry to connect his fate with music. He chooses a different profession and enters Voronezh Technical University. Having received a diploma in radio engineering design, Bryantsev is trying to find a job in his specialty. In the 90s, this profession lost its relevance; there was practically no production of equipment in Russia. Alexey Bryantsev gets a job in a recording studio.


His technical knowledge came in handy when using electronics to arrange songs. Over the course of several years, Bryantsev managed to work with many Russian pop stars. Alexey never used his connections. Alexey Bryantsev’s biography includes learning all the tricks and intricacies of the music business. The singer got into chanson completely by accident. This folk genre of music has long interested Bryantsev.

The biography of Alexey Bryantsev received a new impetus for development on the day when he began collaborating with the Butyrka group, during which he had to closely connect his career with chanson music. The young and promising arranger received an offer of cooperation from the poet Simonov. Bryantsev throws himself into the new project, and within 2 months they release an album. Songs about life, love and betrayal are becoming popular. Bryantsev continues to work closely with the Butyrka group.

Best years

The biography of Alexey Bryantsev took a sharp turn immediately after the release of his debut album. Then he recorded 5 more albums together with Irina Krug and other popular performers. Most fans of chanson appeared in early 2000. This happened at a time when Alexey began to become especially popular. One after another, Bryantsev signs contracts with musicians, no longer as an arranger, but as a producer. The professional biography of Alexey Bryantsev is not too different from other similar stories. The country might never have recognized him as a singer. One day a fateful turn occurs in his life, after which Bryantsev’s life changes. The young guy, who had just turned 22, quite by chance got an audition for the popular producer and his full namesake Alexei Bryantsev. After performing one song, the aspiring singer stupefied an experienced music producer. Alexey’s extraordinary baritone, his soft and unlike others voice simply shocked those around him. The young man sang in the voice of an adult man. The producer did not know how to competently play up the contrast between the singer’s voice and appearance. He didn’t want to let Bryantsev go and began looking for a repertoire for him.

Full house

The incredible similarity of the timbre of Bryantsev’s voice with the voice of Mikhail Krug was obvious. A year later, the singing biography of singer Alexei Bryantsev began to develop rapidly. He records a duet with Irina Krug. Alexey Bryantsev could not even imagine what stunning success would befall him! The song “Hello, Baby” takes first place in the charts. It sounds from everywhere. The most famous radio stations play songs by Bryantsev and Irina Krug. The duet records 2 albums, which become very popular. New voices and songs are not similar to the usual chanson genre.

Beautiful melodies, heartfelt words about love without thieves' jargon... The biography of Alexey Bryantsev was gaining momentum. He tours all over the country. It is greeted with sold-out crowds in all regions of Russia. In 2012, Alexey released his debut solo album, which sold in huge quantities. Fans of the young singer became very interested in the biography of Alexey Bryantsev. Is he married to someone? How old is he? Does he have children? What secrets does the biography of Alexey Bryantsev hide? Married to a beauty, successful career as a singer and composer, busy touring schedule. Alexey himself does not consider himself a star and leads the lifestyle of an ordinary person. Lives in his hometown of Voronezh. Like most men, he loves football, fishing and relaxing with friends. Leads a healthy lifestyle. This year, Alexey Bryantsev is planning a tour of the largest cities in Russia.

The release of the joint album “Hello, Baby” with Irina Krug helped this chanson performer become popular, where they performed a number of romantic love songs as a duet. The young performer’s velvety baritone captivated the audience and helped him acquire numerous fans. Having become famous, he attracted attention not only to his work, but also to his personal life - many fans would like to know who wife of Alexey Bryantsev whether he has children, how his family life is. Unfortunately, it is impossible to find information about this - the performer carefully hides all the details of his personal life and tries to avoid such questions. It is only known that he is married and has a growing daughter, born in 2011.

Anyone who has heard Alexey’s voice can no longer remain indifferent to his velvety baritone. Despite the fact that the singer did not receive special vocal education, thanks to his natural talent, Bryantsev was able to become a real artist, gathering entire halls of numerous fans of chanson. As a child, Alexey studied at a music school, and this was the end of his special education. The artist recalls that he studied without much enthusiasm, but he had enough willpower to finish school and receive a diploma indicating that he can play the accordion and piano. Nevertheless, this became a good help in Alexey’s future profession, although today he does not play these musical instruments, but only sings accompanied by them. Bryantsev was born on February 19, 1984 in Voronezh, and before becoming an artist, he graduated from the Voronezh Polytechnic Institute with a degree in micro-electronic equipment design.

The creative biography of the young chanson performer began in 2006 and from the very beginning he began to make great strides on stage. Collaboration with Irina Krug was not limited to just recording a joint album - together with her, Alexey Bryantsev gave many concerts in different parts of Russia, which were always sold out. The artist is pleased that thousands of fans gather for his concerts, and this happens in all the cities where he tours. Having gained extensive experience working on stage, the singer decided to pursue a solo career and was not mistaken - his concert tours in near and far abroad countries are a huge success.

However, Alexey does not suffer from “star fever” and even his growing popularity does not spoil his character. He continues to record new albums and perform new songs, bringing the artist even more popularity. Bryantsev was advised to become a chanson performer by his relative - his full namesake, also Alexey Bryantsev. Hearing the voice of a young guy who was only twenty-two years old at that time, he immediately advised him to take up vocals. And before that, the future artist managed to work as an electrician, fire alarm installer, renovated apartments, and ran his own business. At the beginning of his solo career, Alexey Bryantsev heard more than once that the timbre of his voice resembled that of Mikhail Krug, but he is aware that Krug remains a legend of chanson, which he is still far from achieving. In addition to music, Bryantsev has other hobbies - bullet and skeet shooting, and he sometimes happily devotes his leisure time to training at the shooting range. And, of course, family is of great importance for the artist - Alexei Bryantsev’s wife and daughter.

His voice is captivating and penetrates into the very depths of the soul of both men and women. Many fans of Alexey Bryantsev claim that there is some similarity between his voice and the voice of the chanson legend, Mikhail Krug. Nevertheless, the young singer did not follow the path of numerous imitators of the Circle, imitating his style of singing. Alexey Bryantsev created his biography himself.

A guy from a simple family

The performer keeps his real name and surname secret. However, the question of how old Alexey Bryantsev is is quite easy to answer, since the singer does not hide this information. He was born on February 19, 1984, his age today is 34 years old. According to the horoscope, the chansonnier's Zodiac sign is Aquarius. The place of his birth is also not a secret - this is the city of Voronezh. Bryantsev defines his occupation as a singer. Marital status: Married.

The future performer of Russian chanson was born into a simple, ordinary family. His parents had absolutely nothing to do with the musical world. But already at a young age, the boy’s musical talent was noticed in time.

From early childhood, he developed a passion for sweet sounds; the boy attended music school, learned to read music, and studied piano and guitar. This was only initial knowledge, which only strengthened Alexey’s love for music.

But, as it seemed to him then, the music school was only a stage in general cultural development. Everyone, both the parents and the young man himself, believed that the profession should be chosen more seriously. After all, making a living from music seemed too ephemeral. And the young man, after graduating from music school, enters the Voronezh Technical Institute, choosing the specialty of engineer.

Also, while studying at the institute, the young man tries to develop his own business. But thoughts about the stage and music never leave him. But the commercial vein turned out to be quite weak, and soon the business begins to bring not profit, but losses.

After graduating from the institute, Bryantsev received a diploma as a radio engineering design engineer, but at that time it was difficult to find a job in his specialty, and then Alexey decided to get a job in a recording studio.

The irony of fate: a profession that seemed reliable turned out to be anything but. And it turned out to be quite possible to make money on “frivolous” music. Musical projects, creating and processing music - yesterday's radio engineering student plunged headlong into all this.

But this seemed to him not enough. A return to music gave rise to new hopes and great creative plans. Moreover, the young man always strived for development in music. Changes were not long in coming.

Lucky Fortune Ticket

How old Bryantsev Alexey the singer is is also easy to establish. His creative biography began with a fateful meeting and audition that took place with the producer of the Butyrka group, the eminent namesake of the performer, Alexey Bryantsev Sr.

At that time, the young man, who was 22 years old, already had the necessary vocal and artistic abilities. The producer immediately noticed and appreciated this. The aspiring singer received an offer of cooperation, and it was then that he understood for sure that his future career would develop in line with Russian chanson.

The performer is happy to work on his first project, puts all his strength into it, and, as a result of fruitful work in a group of like-minded people, the first music album was released 2 months later. Popular, of course, were songs about love and betrayal - the eternal theme of chanson.

However, the cooperation did not last long. Not at all because Alexei was not satisfied with something in his work, but because of the similarity of his voice with the voice of Mikhail Krug. Some regarded this as inappropriate PR. After all, many third-rate performers, taking advantage of the death of the legendary chansonnier, earned money by imitating Krug’s voice and style of performance.

Others thought that the young singer was simply trying to imitate Krug, without having his own style. The performer was not happy with this arrangement. He began to think about creating his own individual style and image. In 2006, Bryantsev thoroughly began to build his career as a singer and musician.

Recognition came to the young singer quickly, the listener immediately appreciated the singer’s talent, and his producer began to think about creating a unique repertoire for him. Recognition of the singer's talent became undeniable when his solo album was released in 2012.

Popularity and recognition

To date, the singer has released several albums:

  • “Your Breath”, release date 2012;
  • “Thank you for existing”, release date 2014;
  • “From you and to you”, release date 2017.

Critics reacted very positively to the first album, released in 2012. I wanted to listen to the singer’s pleasant baritone more and more often. Fans wanted new songs and music. In addition to recording songs and touring, the singer worked a lot on creating videos for songs:

  • “Disliked”;
  • "Your eyes";
  • "I still love you".

Fans were pleasantly surprised and delighted to become acquainted with this facet of the chansonnier’s work.

Producer Bryantseva, realizing that the singer’s career is gaining momentum, proposes to create a composition about a duet with a female singer. Back in 2007, the song “Hello, Baby!” was written for the duet. It was assumed that singer Bryantsev would perform it together with the popular chanson star Elena Kasyanova. But thanks to a happy occasion and fortunate circumstances, Alexey Bryantsev meets Irina Krug (the widow of Mikhail Krug), and she agrees to work together.

Fans of chanson music really liked the duet of Alexey and Irina. The singer was already well known, and no one asked who was singing with Irina Krug. But the chanson stars did not stop there; it was decided to release a joint album.

Albums of Alexey Bryantsev and Irina Krug:

  • “Hello, baby!”, album release 2007;
  • “If it weren’t for you,” album released in 2010;
  • “New and Best”, album release in 2013.

Many of their songs are still heard on the radio, where compositions in the chanson style are performed.

The performer's career was on the rise. The singer was invited to important receptions and various events. Radio station "Chanson" gave the singer an excellent opportunity to perform at the radio station's anniversary concert. Bryantsev was very nervous before this gala event, but he mastered his anxiety and delighted the audience with his performance.

Personal life and family

Unfortunately, the singer has not yet written an autobiography; there are only short interviews with journalists that Alexey Bryantsev agreed to give. The personal life of the chansonnier is, one might say, inaccessible to journalists and the press. The singer rarely talks about his family relationships. Prefers not to show family photos. This is a personal matter for him and of special importance. And creativity is for the public.

The singer is married, but Alexey doesn’t even reveal his wife’s name. The maximum that is known is what Alexey himself told in one of his interviews:

The first love, like many children, happened in kindergarten, we walked together, went to the garden together, lived next door, were friends, like other children.

At the institute, the future singer met a girl, and this could no longer be called love. He understood that these were real feelings, now everything is serious and for life.

“I can’t understand people who tell everyone about their love, and then break up after a while,” says the singer. - I approach the creation of family relationships with full responsibility, I understand that my choice is forever. I will walk next to my wife all my life, I will be a support and support. After all, isn’t this what true love is? I have a wonderful family, we are raising two wonderful daughters, the eldest is Anastasia, she is seven years old and just started school. And the youngest is only four years old. So I’m a happy family man.”

Hobbies of a chansonnier

The singer admits that in his free time he spends time with his family, arranges outings with friends. Enjoys skeet and bullet shooting, considers this a real worthy male hobby. Loves football, without hiding, says that he is a fan of Italian football teams. The Chansonnier still lives in his native Voronezh, does not consider himself a star at all, and leads the ordinary life of an ordinary person.

She tries to eat right and takes care of her appearance and health. He doesn't drink and hardly smokes.

Thanks to his talent, the singer goes on tours to cities in Russia and abroad. He became known to the general public. They love him. They talk about him they are waiting for him in any city in Russia. This is him - Alexey Bryantsev, a famous chansonnier with amazing vocal abilities.

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