Japanese male names in English. Modern male names in Japanese

Created in ancient times. At the turn of the first millennium, some three hundred years BC, the advanced Japanese culture, called Jomon by specialists, reached its apogee. Fundamental modifications of this culture led to the revival of a new one, called Yaen by today's scientists. With the advent of Yaen, the national Japanese language began to take shape.

Modern male Japanese names and their meaning are determined by the division of society in the Yaen era into the ruling elite - clans, artisans - those who served these clans, and the lower class - slaves. A person’s belonging to one or another social category was indicated by a component of his name. For example, the “uji” component meant that a person had the privileges of a ruler, the “be” component meant that he belonged to the working class. This is how entire clans with names including “uji” and “be” were formed. Of course, over time, the social status of the clan has changed significantly, along with the meaning of the name. Now the presence of these components in a name does not at all determine their position in society, but at least indicates their genealogical roots.

Until the 19th century, only exceptional nobles close to the emperor had the right to surnames. The rest of the Japanese population was content with names and nicknames. The chosen ones were the aristocrats - "kuge", and the samurai - "bushi".

Samurai are a clan formed in the 7th century, when the first military usurper appeared in the history of Japan - the shogun - samurai Minamoto, but - Yerimoto. He laid the foundation for the formation of a privileged class called “samurai”. The fall of Shogun Totukawa and the concentration of power in the hands of Emperor Mutsuhito created fertile ground for the prosperity of the military clan and the consolidation of its preferential benefits for many years.
Samurai chose their names according to the circumstances. This could be a place of service or receiving any awards. Thanks to their special position, they gained the right to independently name their vassals and often gave serial numbers to the names of their servants. For example, Ichiro is the first son, Goro is the fifth, Shiro is the third. The particles “iti”, “go” and “si” in these names are serial numbers. Japanese male names have retained this numbering trend to this day, but now it no longer bears such clear indications of belonging to the category of commoners. Samurai, having reached a period of adolescence, received the right to choose a new name for themselves. Sometimes they changed their names several times throughout their lives in order to thus signify some significant dates in their biography. The unfortunate servants also changed their names regardless of their wishes. What can you do - master master!

It is curious that the samurai’s serious illness was also the reason for the name change. Only in this case, an exclusive method of naming was used - the patient was called “Buddha Amida”, thereby hoping to appeal to the mercy of the Buddha and defeat the disease. In fights traditional for samurai, each opponent announced his full name before the fight in order to allow the opponent to comprehend and analyze their fighting qualities. A good custom - fighting anonymously is somehow uncomfortable! In reality, this rule was rarely observed. Probably because fights are spontaneous events, and the opponents simply did not have time to get to know each other better.

Modern Japanese names represent many varieties, which certainly contain some of the elements inherited from their ancestors. Japanese male names and their meaning still depend on the serial number under which the boy appeared in the family. The suffixes “ichi” and “kazu” indicate that it was the first-born, “ji” is the second male child, “zo” is the third, etc. In particular, these are the names Kyuichi, Kenji, Ken-zo. But the Japanese treat the particle “sin” very carefully - in translation it means “death”. A person given a name with such a particle is either doomed to a difficult fate, or makes the fates of other people difficult. So, if you happen to meet a Japanese person who has “shin” in his name, you need to be careful. Without meaning to, he can bring misfortune.

Some Japanese male names and their meanings.

Akeno - Clear morning
Akio - Handsome
Akira - Smart, quick-witted
Akiyama - Autumn, mountain
Amida - Name of Buddha
Arata - Inexperienced

Benjiro - Enjoying the World
Botan - Peony

Dai - Great
Daichi - Great First Son
Daiki - Great Tree
Daisuke - Great Help

Fudo - God of fire and wisdom
Fujita - Field, meadow

Goro - Fifth Son

Haru - Born in Spring
Hachiro - Eighth Son
Hideaki - Brilliant, excellent
Hikaru - Light, shining
Hiroshi - Generous
Hotaka - Name of a mountain in Japan

Ichiro - First Son
Isami - Bravery

Jiro - Second Son
Joben - Loving cleanliness
Jomei - Bringer of Light
Juro - Tenth Son

Kado - Gate
Kanaye - Diligent
Kano - God of water
Katashi - Hardness
Katsu - Victory
Katsuo - Victorious Child
Katsuro - Victorious Son
Kazuki - Joyful World
Kazuo - Dear Son
Keitaro - Blessed One
Ken - Big Man
Ken`ichi - Strong first son
Kenji - Strong second son
Kenshin - Heart of the Sword
Kenta - Healthy and brave
Kichiro - Lucky Son
Kin - Golden
Kisho - Having a head on his shoulders
Kiyoshi - Quiet
Kohaku - Amber
Kuro - Ninth Son
Kyo - Consent (or redhead)

Mamoru - Earth
Masa - Straightforward (human)
Masakazu - Masa's first son
Mashiro - Wide
Michio - A man with the strength of three thousand
Miki - Stem
Mikio - Three woven trees
Minoru - Seed
Montaro - Big guy
Morio - Forest boy
Nibori - Famous
Nikki - Two trees
Nikko - Daylight

Osamu - Firmness of the Law

Rafu - Network
Raidon - God of Thunder
Renjiro - Honest
Renzo - Third Son
Rinji - Peaceful Forest
Roka - White wave crest
Rokuro - Sixth Son
Ronin - Samurai without a master
Ryo - Excellent
Ryoichi - Ryo's first son
RyoTa - Strong (fat)
Ryozo - Third son of Ryo
Ryuichi - First son of Ryu
Ryuu - Dragon

Saburo - Third Son
Sachio - Fortunately born
Saniiro - Wonderful
Seiichi - Sei's first son
Sen - Tree Spirit
Shichiro - Seventh Son
Shima - Islander
Shinichi - Shin's first son
Sho - Prosperity
Susumi - Moving forward (successful)

Tadao - Helpful
Takashi - Famous
Takehiko - Bamboo Prince
Takeo - Bamboo-like
Takeshi - Bamboo tree or brave
Takumi - Craftsman
Tama - Gemstone
Taro - Firstborn
Teijo - Fair
Tomeo - Cautious person
Torio - Bird's tail
Toru - Sea
Toshiro - Talented
Toya - House door

Udo - Ginseng
Uyeda - From the rice field (child)

Yasuo - Peaceful
Yoshiro - Perfect Son
Yuki - Snow
Yukio - Cherished by God
Yuu - Noble Blood
Yuudai - Great Hero

Composing a harmonious combination of surname and given name for the Japanese is a complex science with long traditions. In Japan, there is a special set of names consisting of more than two thousand hieroglyphs. Until now, parents turn to specialists - compilers of Japanese names. Usually the names of boys and girls living in the same village are never repeated. There is no concept of “namesake” in Japan. The concept of “fashionable names” did not exist among the Japanese, with the exception of “ordinal” male names. This may be due to the fact that the Japanese use their surnames much more often than their personal names.

First Last Name, then First Name

They consist of two parts: the family name, which is written and pronounced first, and the personal name, which, according to Eastern tradition, comes second. often write their names in “European order” (personal name, and then surname of the clan), if they write them in (Latin) or Kiridzi (Cyrillic). For convenience, the Japanese sometimes write their surname in capital letters so that it is not confused with their given name. Europeans, who rarely pay attention to the etymology of their own names, constantly face difficulties associated with reading, translating and transcribing Japanese names and surnames. can tell you how to read their names, but do not always dare to translate the nominal hieroglyphs into foreign languages. The Japanese are creative when it comes to the names of foreigners: Svetlana may not recognize herself in “Suetorana” or Carmen will not immediately respond to the Japanese “Karumen”.

How did the surnames come about?

Until the second half of the 19th century, only aristocrats (kuge) and samurai (bushi) had them. The rest of the Japanese population went by personal names and nicknames. The number of aristocratic families in Japan is limited and has remained unchanged since antiquity. The most notable clans of Japanese aristocrats are, collectively called “Gosetsuke”: Konoe, Takashi, Kujo, Ichijo and Gojo. There are about one hundred thousand surnames, of which more than seventy thousand appeared only 130 years ago. ("Enlightened Government") in 1868–1911. Emperor Mutsuhito ordered all Japanese peasants, artisans and merchants to choose any surname. Some Japanese, instead of their surname, wrote down the name of the city or village in which they lived, others “for the surname” took the name of the store or workshop in which they worked. Creative people came up with sonorous surnames for themselves. Most of the surnames of modern Japanese are associated with peasant life, rice growing and processing. For example, the surname Hakamada consists of two characters: “hakama” (the lower part of a traditional Japanese suit, men’s pants or a woman’s skirt) and “da” (“rice field”). Judging by the “peasant” meaning of the hieroglyphs, it can be assumed that Irina Khakamada’s ancestors were field workers.

In Japan, you can meet people with the common surname Ito and exactly the same name Ito (translated as “dandy, dandy, Italy”). But such coincidences are very rare.

The only exception is Emperor Akihito ("Showing Mercy") and his family members. The “symbol of the nation” of Japan never had a surname.

Samurai names

In the 12th century, the first military usurper in the history of Japan was the shogun-samurai Minamoto no Yoritomo, or Yoritomo of the Minamoto clan (translated as “source”), who marked the beginning of the formation of a privileged samurai class.

Personal names were chosen depending on life circumstances: promotion, relocation due to service, etc. The fall of the last Tokugawa ("River of Virtue") shogunate and the transfer of power to Emperor Mutsuhito secured the exclusive privileges of the military for many years.

Until the 19th century, in addition to complete impunity and the possibility of easy money, they had the right to give names to their vassals. The names of samurai servants and peasants were often given “in order”: Ichiro - first son, Jiro - second, Saburo - third, Shiro - fourth, Goro - fifth, etc. In addition to “-ro”, the suffixes “-emon”, “-ji”, “-zo”, “-suke”, “-be” were used. Modern Japanese male names also carry information about the “serial number” of the son in the family. The suffixes “-ichi” and “-kazu” (“first son”), “-ji” (“second son”) and “-zo” (“third son”) are still often used in Japanese male names.

It is not customary to call people the same and distinguish them by serial number, like commoners. According to the old tradition, they are composed with the second hieroglyph “compassion, mercy, empathy.” Emperor Mutsuhito's name is a combination of two characters for "friendly, warm" and "compassionate". Emperor Hirohito, who ruled Japan from 1926 to 1989, was raised by samurai, veterans of the Russo-Japanese War. After the collapse of the empire, the nuclear bombing of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the complete and unconditional surrender of Hirohito (roughly - “Abundant Mercy”), in a state of “deep shock,” showed compassion for his own people, appealed to the mercy of the victors and renounced his divine origin.

Since the 19th and 20th centuries, the rich and powerful have retained the highest positions in civil and military government. Others became the founders of Japanese entrepreneurship. Part of the creative intelligentsia was formed from the samurai environment. All personal names of aristocrats and high-ranking samurai consisted of two hieroglyphs with a “noble” meaning. For example, the name of the son of military instructor Kurosawa (“Black Swamp”) Akira (“light”, “clear”) can be roughly translated into Russian as “light in the darkness” or “illumination”. Perhaps only thanks to the aptly given name, an artist by training became a director, a classic of Japanese and world cinema, changing our understanding of the world (“swamp”).

Most Japanese female names end in “-ko” (“child”) or “-mi” (“beauty”). Japanese women are often given names associated with everything beautiful, pleasant and feminine, graceful.
Unlike male names, female names are usually written not in “solemn” characters, but simply in hiragana (the Japanese alphabet used to write Chinese and Japanese words).

So, a new list of names

New generations of educated Japanese parents have long sought to expand the old list of personal characters in order to create completely new, interesting and original names for their children. In September 2004, the Japanese received an additional list - more than 500 hieroglyphs to compile the official name of little Japanese. The new list of personal characters, compiled in the offices of the Japanese Ministry of Justice, included very extravagant signs. Among the “new products” appeared hieroglyphs with strange meanings for names: “beetle”, “frog”, “spider”, “turnip”.

The child-loving Japanese were seriously indignant. Then Ministry of Justice of Japan urgently reported that several strange hieroglyphs were excluded from the new list of names: “cancerous tumor”, “prostitute”, “buttock”, “hemorrhoids”, “curse”, “debauchery”, “malice”, etc. Some citizens of the Land of the Rising Sun to The “name scandal” was treated with complete indifference. every adult Japanese can take a pseudonym, and after death, almost all Japanese receive new, posthumous names (kaimyo), which are written on a special wooden tablet (ihai) - the embodiment of the spirit of the deceased. Most Japanese believe in reincarnation and try not to worry about the fleeting little things in life, even something as important as a personal name. Perhaps this is why the Japanese rarely give their children the names of their venerable ancestors.

Who are samurai? They represent the feudal class of Japan, which was held in great esteem and respect among all other classes. Samurai were feared and respected for their cruelty in battles and nobility in peaceful life. The great names of the samurai of Japan are written in history, which will forever remember these legendary figures.

This is a kind of analogue of European knights, who swore an oath to serve faithfully to their master and played one of the most important roles in the Japanese community. Their activities and way of life were strictly bound by a code of honor, which was called “bushido”. The great samurai of Japan fought for the feudal lords or daimyo - the most powerful rulers of the country, who were subordinate to the powerful shogun.

The era of daimyo lasted from the 10th to the mid-19th century. During this time, the samurai managed to surround themselves with a kind of aura of nobility; they were feared and respected even outside the Land of the Rising Sun. Ordinary mortals admired them, admiring their cruelty, courage, cunning and resourcefulness. The samurai were credited with many feats, but the truth was actually much more prosaic - the famous samurai of Japan were ordinary killers, but what was the nature of their crimes!

Top most famous samurai of Japan

We can talk endlessly about great samurai. Their stories are shrouded in an aura of mystery and nobility; very often undeserved feats were attributed to them, but these individuals still remained the subject of worship and selfless respect.

  • Taira no Kiyomori (1118 - 1181)

He was a commander and warrior, thanks to whom the first samurai administrative system of control in the history of the Japanese state was created. Before his work began, all samurai were simply hired warriors for aristocrats. After this, he took the Taira clan under his protection and quickly achieved success in political activities. In 1156, Kiyomori, together with Minamoto no Yoshimoto (head of the Minamoto clan), managed to suppress the rebellion and began to rule the two highest warrior clans in Kyoto. As a result, their alliance turned into bitter rivals, and in 1159 Kiyomori defeated Yoshimoto. Thus, Kiyomori became the head of the most powerful warrior clan in Kyoto.

Kiyomori was able to seriously advance his career. In 1171, he gave his daughter in marriage to Emperor Takakura. A little later, their first child was born, who was often used as leverage on the emperor. However, the samurai’s plans could not be implemented; he died of fever in 1181.

  • Ii Naomasa (1561 – 1602)

He was a famous general or daimyo during the period when the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu was in power. He was one of the most loyal samurai that Japanese history has known. He rose significantly through the ranks and received great recognition after 3,000 soldiers under his leadership won the Battle of Nagakute (1584). He fought with such vigor that even his opponents admired his behavior on the battlefield. The Battle of Sekigahara brought him the greatest popularity. During the battle, he was hit by a stray bullet, after which he was never able to fully recover. His squad was called the “Red Devils” for the corresponding color of the armor that the warriors wore during battle to intimidate their opponents.

  • Date Masamune (1567 - 1636)

The list of “The Most Famous Samurai” continues with this legendary figure. The daimyo was ruthless and merciless, as almost everyone said about him. He was an outstanding warrior and an excellent strategist, and his personality was made even more memorable due to the loss of one eye, for which Masamune received the nickname "One-Eyed Dragon". He was supposed to take the leading place in the clan after his father, but the loss of his eye caused a split in the family and his younger brother Date came to power. Already being a general, the samurai was able to gain a good reputation and was rightfully considered a leader. It was after this that he launched a campaign in order to defeat the neighboring clans. This created considerable excitement. As a result, the neighboring clan turned to the father with a request to curb his eldest son. Terumune was kidnapped, but he managed to warn his son about a similar outcome of events and asked him to kill all members of neighboring clans. Date Masamune followed his father's instructions.

Although this contradicts some ideas about samurai, Date Masamune was a supporter of religion and culture. He even knew the Pope personally.

  • Honda Tadakatsu (1548 - 1610)

He was a general and one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Ieyasu along with Ii Naomasa, Sakakibara Yasumasa, and Sakai Tadatsugu. Of the four, Honda Tadakatsu had the reputation of being the most dangerous and merciless. He was a true warrior, even in the depths of his soul. So, for example, Oda Nobunaga, who, by the way, was not very happy with his followers, considered Tadakatsu a real samurai among all the other samurai. It was often said about him that Honda bypassed death itself, since he never received serious injuries, despite the fact that the number of his battles exceeded 100.

  • Hattori Hanzo (1542 - 1596)

He was the most famous samurai and ninja of the Sengoku era. Thanks to him, Emperor Tokugawa Ieyasu survived, and a little later became the ruler of a united Japan. Hattori Hanzo showed brilliant military tactics, for which he received the nickname Devil Hanzo. He won his first battle at a very young age - Hanzo was only 16 years old at the time. After this, he was able to free the Tokugawa daughters from hostages at Kaminogo Castle in 1562. The year 1582 was decisive for him in his career and in gaining a leading position - he helped the future Shogun escape from his pursuers to the province of Mikawa. Local ninjas helped him in this operation.

Hattori Hanzo was an excellent swordsman and in his last years, as historical sources say, he hid under the guise of a monk. Many often attributed supernatural abilities to this samurai. They said that he could instantly hide and appear in the most unexpected places.

  • Benkei (1155 - 1189)

He was a warrior monk who was in the service of Minamoto no Yoshitsune. Benkei is perhaps the most popular hero of Japanese folklore. Stories about his origins are varied: some claim that he was born to a raped woman, while others are inclined to believe that Benkei was a descendant of a god. Rumor has it that this samurai killed at least 200 people in each of his battles. An interesting fact is that at the age of 17 he was more than 2 meters tall. He learned the art of using a naginata (a long weapon that is a mixture of a spear and an axe) and left a Buddhist monastery to join a sect of mountain monks.

According to legend, he went to the Gojo Bridge in Kyoto and was able to disarm every passing swordsman. Thus, he was able to collect 999 swords. During the 1000th battle with Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Benkei was defeated and forced to become his vassal. Several years later, while under siege, Yoshitsune committed ritual suicide while Benkei fought for his master. Rumor has it that the remaining soldiers were afraid to oppose this giant. In that battle, the samurai killed about 300 soldiers, who saw with their own eyes how the giant, pierced by arrows, was still standing. So everyone was able to find out about Benkei’s “standing death.”

  • Uesugi Kenshin (1530 - 1578)

He was one of the most powerful commanders of the Sengoku era in Japan. He believed in the Buddhist god of war, and his followers were convinced that Uesugi Kenshin was an incarnation of Bishamonten. He was the youngest ruler of Echigo Province - at the age of 14 he took the place of his older brother.

He agreed to go against the greatest commander, Takeda Shingen. In 1561, the largest battle between Shingen and Kenshin took place. The results of the battle were mixed, as both sides lost about 3,000 people in this battle. They were rivals for more than 14 years, but even this fact did not stop them from exchanging gifts. And when Shingen died in 1573, Kenshin could not come to terms with the loss of such a worthy opponent.

Data on the death of Uesugi Kenshin are ambiguous. Some say that he died from the consequences of heavy drinking, others are inclined to believe that he was seriously ill.

  • Takeda Shingen (1521 – 1573)

This is perhaps the most famous samurai in Japanese history. He is known, by and large, for his unique military tactics. Often referred to as the "Tiger of Kai" for its distinctive characteristics on the battlefield. At the age of 20, he took the Takeda clan under his wing, then united with the Imagawa clan - as a result, the young warlord gained power over all nearby territories.

He was the only samurai who had enough strength and skill to defeat the powerful Oda Nobunaga, who was striving for power over all of Japan. Shingen died while preparing for the next battle. Some say that he was wounded by a soldier, while others are inclined to believe that the samurai died from a serious illness.

  • Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543 - 1616)

He is the first shogun and founder of the Tokugawa shogunate. His family practically ruled the Land of the Rising Sun from 1600 until the start of the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Ieyasu gained power in 1600, three years later he became shogun, and two years later he abdicated his position, but remained in power the rest of the time until his death. He was one of the most famous commanders in the entire history of Japan.

This samurai outlived many famous rulers in his lifetime: Oda Nobunaga laid the foundation for the shogunate, Toyotomi Hideyoshi seized power, Shingen and Kenshin, two of his strongest rivals, were dead. The Tokugawa Shogunate, thanks to Ieyasu's cunning mind and tactical thinking, would rule Japan for another 250 years.

  • Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536 - 1598)

He is also the most famous samurai of his kind. He was a general and a great politician of the Sengoku era, as well as the second unifier of Japan and the man who brought an end to the Warring States period. Hideyoshi made efforts to create some cultural heritage. For example, he introduced a restriction that meant that only members of the samurai class could carry weapons. In addition, he financed the construction and restoration of many temples, and also played a significant role in the history of Christianity in Japan.

Hideyoshi, despite his peasant origins, was able to become Nobunaga's great general. He failed to obtain the title of shogun, but made himself regent and built a palace. As his health began to fail, Hideyoshi began to conquer the Ming Dynasty with the help of Korea. The class reforms carried out by the samurai significantly changed the Japanese social system.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 15 books.

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Surnames and names of samurai

Samurai- This is the Japanese military-feudal class. The word "samurai" comes from the ancient Japanese verb "samurau", which means "to serve a person of the upper class." That is, “samurai” means “service man, servant.” Samurai in Japan are also called "bushi", which means "warrior".

Samurai appeared in Japan in the 7th-8th centuries AD. Mostly men from wealthy peasant families, as well as representatives of the middle and lower aristocracy (petty nobles) became samurai. From warriors, samurai gradually became armed servants of their feudal lord, receiving housing and food from him. Some samurai received land plots from peasants, and themselves turned into feudal lords.

The beginning of the separation of samurai as a special class usually dates from the period of the reign of the feudal house of Minamoto in Japan (1192-1333). The protracted, bloody civil war that preceded this between the feudal houses of Taira and Minamoto created the preconditions for the establishment of the shogunate - the rule of the samurai class with the supreme military leader (shogun) at its head.

Bushido– the code of honor of the samurai, the set of commandments “The Way of the Warrior” in medieval Japan. The Code appeared between the 11th and 14th centuries and was formalized in the early years of the Tokugawa shogunate. If a samurai did not follow the rules of conduct, he was expelled from the ranks of the samurai in disgrace.

Education and training of a samurai were based on mythical stories about legendary heroes, indifference to death, fear, pain, filial piety and loyalty to one's feudal lord. The mentor took care of developing the character of the future samurai, helping to develop courage, courage, endurance, and patience. Future samurai were raised to be fearless and courageous, and they developed qualities that were considered among samurai to be the main virtues, in which a warrior could neglect his own life for the sake of the life of another. To develop patience and endurance, future samurai were forced to perform backbreakingly hard work, spend nights without sleep, walk barefoot in winter, get up early, limit themselves in food, etc.

After the establishment of peace under the Tokugawa shogunate, a huge number of samurai who only knew how to fight turned out to be a burden for the country, many of them lived in poverty. At that time, books appeared developing the idea of ​​Bushido (the samurai code of honor), and a large number of martial arts schools appeared, which for many samurai were the only means of subsistence.

The last time samurai took up arms was in the Civil War of 1866-1869, during which the Tokugawa government was overthrown. In this war, samurai fought on both sides.

In 1868, the Meiji Restoration took place, the reforms of which also affected the samurai. In 1871, Emperor Meiji, who decided to reform the state along Western lines, issued a decree on the formation of the Japanese army by conscription, not only from the samurai class, but also from all others. The final blow to the samurai was the 1876 law banning the carrying of swords. Thus ended the era of the samurai.

Surnames and names of samurai

Abe Masahiro

Abe no Muneto

Azai Nagamasa

Aizawa Seishisai

Akamatsu Mitsusuke(senior)

Akamatsu Norimura

Akechi Mitsuhide

Amakusa Shiro

Aoki Shuzo

Asakura Yoshikage

Asakura Kagetake

Asakura Takakage

Ashikaga Yoshiakira

Ashikaga Yoshimasa

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu

Ashikaga Yoshimochi

Ashikaga Yoshinori

Ashikaga Yoshitane

Ashikaga Yoshihide

Ashikaga Yoshihisa

Ashikaga Takauji

Watanabe Hiromoto

Goto Shojiro

Date Masamune

Yoshida Shoin

Ii Naosuke

Imagawa Yoshimoto

Ise Soun

Kawaii Tsugunosuke

Kawakami Gensai

Kato Kiyomasa

Kido Takayoshi

Kita Narikatsu

Kobayakawa Hideaki

Konishi Yukinaga

Kusunoki Masashige

Mamiya Rinzou

Matsudaira (Yuki) Hideyasu

Matsudaira Kiyoyasu

Matsudaira Sadanobu

Matsudaira Tadanao

Matsudaira Hirotada

Matsumae Yoshihiro

Matsumae Takahiro

Maeda Keiji

Maeda Toshiie

Maeda Toshinaga

Mizuno Tadakuni

Minamoto no Yoriie

Minamoto no Yorimasa

Minamoto no Yoritomo

Minamoto no Yoshimitsu

Minamoto no Yoshitomo

Minamoto no Yoshitsune

Minamoto no Sanetomo

Minamoto no Tametomo

Minamoto no Yukiie

Mogami Yoshiaki

Mori Arinori

Mori Motonari

Mori Okimoto

Mori Terumoto

Mori Hiromoto

Nabeshima Katsushige

Nabeshima Naoshige

Nagao Tamekage

Nakano Takeko

Nitta Yoshisada

Oda Katsunaga

Ode to Nobukatsu

Oda Nobunaga

Oda Nobutada

Oda Nobutaka

Ode to Hidekatsu

Ode to Hidenobu

Oki Takato
Okubo Toshimichi

Omura Masujiro

Omura Sumitada

Otani Yoshitsugu

Ouchi Yoshinaga

Outi Yoshioki

Ouchi Yoshitaka

Outi Yoshihiro

Outi Masahiro

Prince Moriyoshi

Sagara Sozo

Saigo Takamori

Saito Dosan

Saito Yoshitatsu

Saito Hajime

Sakamoto Ryoma

Sakanoue no Tamuramaro

Sanada Yukimura

Sassa Narimasa

Shibata Katsuie

Shimazu Yoshihiro

Shimazu Iehisa

So Yoshitoshi

Sogano Iruka

Sogano Umako

Sogano Emishi

Soejima Taneomi

Sue Harukata

Tairano Kiyomori

Tairano Masakado

Takasugi Shinsaku

Takeda Nobushige

Takeda Nobutora

Takeda Nobuhiro

Takeda Shingen

Tani Tateki

Tanuma Okitsugu

Chosokabe Moritika

Chosokabe Motochika

Toyotomi Hidetsugu

Tokugawa Yorinobu

Tokugawa Yorifusa

Tokugawa Yoshinao

Tokugawa Iemitsu

Tokugawa Iemochi

Tokugawa Ietsuna

Tokugawa Ieyasu

Tokugawa Nariaki

Tokugawa Nobuyoshi

Tokugawa Tadayoshi

Tokugawa Tadateru

Tokugawa Hidetada

Ukita Hideie

Uesugi Kagekatsu

Uesugi Kagetora

Uesugi Kenshin

Uesugi Norimasa

Fujiwara no Yorimichi

Fujiwara no Kamatari

Fujiwara no Sumitomo

Fukushima Masanori

Harada Sanosuke

Hasegawa Yoshimichi

Hatano Hideharu

Hayashi Rajan

Hijikata Hisamoto

Hojo Ujimasa

Hojo Ujinao

Hojo Ujitsuna

Hojo Ujiyasu

Hojo Yasutoki

Hosokawa Yoriyuki

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The samurai was the warrior class of feudal Japan. They were feared and respected for their nobility in life and cruelty during the war. They were bound by a strict code of honor called bushido. The samurai fought for the feudal lords, or daimyo, the most powerful rulers and rulers of the country, answerable only to the shogun. Daimyo, or warlords, hired samurai to defend their land, paying them in land or food.

The era of the daimyo lasted from the 10th century until the mid-19th century, when Japan adopted the prefectural system in 1868. Many of these warlords and samurai became feared and respected throughout the country, and some even outside of Japan.

In the years following the end of feudal Japan, the legendary daimyo and samurai became objects of fascination in a romanticized culture that praised their brutality, reputation as invisible killers, and the prestige of their place in society. The truth, of course, is often much darker - some of these people were little more than just murderers. However, many famous daimyos and samurai have become very popular in modern literature and culture. Here are twelve of the most famous Japanese generals and samurai who are remembered as true legends.

12. Taira no Kiyomori (1118 - 1181)

Taira no Kiyomori was a general and warrior who created the first samurai administrative system of government in Japanese history. Before Kiyomori, samurai were primarily seen as mercenary warriors for aristocrats. Kiyomori took the Taira clan under his protection after his father's death in 1153, and quickly achieved success in politics, in which he had previously held only a minor position.

In 1156, Kiyomori and Minamoto no Yoshimoto (chief of the Minamoto clan) suppressed the rebellion and began to rule the two highest warrior clans in Kyoto. Their alliance turned them into bitter rivals, and in 1159 Kiyomori defeated Yoshimoto. Thus, Kiyomori became the head of the most powerful warrior clan in Kyoto.

He rose through the ranks of government, and in 1171 he married his daughter to Emperor Takakura. They had a child in 1178, the son Tokihito. Kiyomori later used this leverage to force Emperor Takakura to give up his throne to Prince Tokihito, as well as his allies and relatives. But in 1181 he died of fever in 1181.

11. Ii Naomasa (1561 – 1602)

Ii Naomasa was a famous general and daimyo during the Sengoku period under the reign of shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. He was considered one of the Tokugawa Four Heavenly Kings, or Ieyasu's most loyal and respected generals. Naomasa's father was killed after he was wrongly convicted of treason when Naomasa was a small child.

Ii Naomasa rose through the ranks of the Tokugawa clan and gained great recognition after he led 3,000 soldiers to victory at the Battle of Nagakute (1584). He fought so hard that he even received praise from the opposing general, Toyotomi Hideyoshi. After he helped secure the Tokugawa victory during the Siege of Odawara (1590), he received Minowa Castle and 120,000 koku (an ancient Japanese unit of area), the largest tract of land owned by any Tokugawa vassal.

Naomasa's finest hour came during the Battle of Sekigahara, where he was wounded by a stray bullet. After this injury, he could not fully recover, but continued to fight for life. His unit became known as the "Red Devils", for their blood-red armor, which they wore in battle for psychological effect.

10. Date Masamune (1567 - 1636)

Date Masamune was a ruthless and cruel daimyo in the early Edo period. He was an outstanding tactician and legendary warrior, and his figure became even more iconic due to his lost eye, for which he was often called the "One-Eyed Dragon".

As the eldest son of the Date clan, he was expected to take his father's place. But due to the loss of his eye after smallpox, Masamune's mother considered him unfit to rule, and the second son in the family took control, causing a rift in the Date family.

After several early victories as a general, Masamune established himself as a recognized leader and began a campaign to defeat all of his clan's neighbors. When a neighboring clan asked Terumune, his father, to rein in his son, Terumune said he would not do so. Terumune was subsequently kidnapped, but before that he gave instructions that his son should kill all members of the enemy clan if something like that happened, even if his father was killed during the battle. Masamune obeyed, killing everyone.

Masamune served Toyotomi Hideyoshi for some time and then defected to Tokugawa Ieyasu's allies after Hideyoshi's death. He was faithful to both. Although it is surprising, Masamune was a patron of culture and religion, and even maintained friendly relations with the Pope.

9. Honda Tadakatsu (1548 - 1610)

Honda Tadakatsu was a general and later daimyo, during the late Sengoku period to the early Edo period. He served Tokugawa Ieyasu, and was one of Ieyasu's Four Heavenly Kings along with Ii Naomasa, Sakakibara Yasumasa, and Sakai Tadatsugu. Of the four, Honda Tadakatsu had a reputation as the most dangerous.

Tadakatsu was a true warrior at heart, and after the Tokugawa shogunate transformed from a military to a civil-political institution, he became increasingly distant from Ieyasu. Honda Todakatsu's reputation attracted the attention of some of the most powerful figures in Japan at the time.

Oda Nobunaga, who was not known to praise his followers, called Tadakatsu "a samurai among samurai." Toyotomi Hideyoshi called him "the best samurai in the east." He was often referred to as the "warrior who surpassed death" as he was never seriously wounded despite having fought over 100 battles towards the end of his life.

He is often characterized as the polar opposite of Ieyasu's other great general, Ii Naomasa. Both were fierce warriors, and Tadakatsu's ability to escape injury was often contrasted with the common perception that Naomasa suffered many battle wounds but always fought through them.

8. Hattori Hanzo (1542 - 1596)

Hattori Hanzo was a famous samurai and ninja of the Sengoku era, and one of the most frequently depicted figures of the era. He is credited with saving the life of Tokugawa Ieyasu and helping him become the ruler of a unified Japan. He earned the nickname Oni no Hanzo (Devil Hanzo) for the fearless military tactics he displayed.

Hattori won his first battle at the age of 16 (in a night attack on Udo Castle), and successfully freed the Tokugawa daughters from hostages at Kaminogo Castle in 1562. In 1579, he led a force of ninja from Iga Province to defend against Oda Nobunaga's son. Iga Province was ultimately destroyed by Nobunaga himself in 1581.

In 1582, he made his most valuable contribution when he helped the future shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu escape from his pursuers into Mikawa Province, with the help of local ninja clans.

He was an excellent swordsman, and historical sources indicated that during the last years of his life he hid from everyone under the guise of a monk under the name "Sainen." Legends often attribute supernatural powers to him, such as disappearing and reappearing, precognition, and psychokinesis.

7. Benkei (1155 - 1189)

Musashibo Benkei, popularly known simply as Benkei, was a warrior monk who served Minamoto no Yoshitsune. He is a popular hero of Japanese folklore. Accounts of his birth vary greatly - some say he was the son of a raped mother, others call him a descendant of a god, and many attribute to him the attributes of a demon child.

Benkei is said to have killed at least 200 people in every battle he fought. At the age of 17, he stood over two meters tall and was called a giant. He was trained in the use of a naginata (a long weapon similar to a hybrid of an ax and a spear), and left a Buddhist monastery to join a secret sect of ascetic mountain monks.

According to legend, Benkei went to Gojo Bridge in Kyoto, where he disarmed every swordsman passing by and thereby collected 999 swords. During his 1000th battle, he was defeated by Minamoto no Yoshitsune, and became his vassal, fighting with him against the Taira clan.

While under siege several years later, Yoshitsune committed ritual suicide (harakiri) while Benkei fought on the bridge in front of the castle's main entrance to protect his master. They say that the soldiers who organized the ambush were afraid to cross the bridge to engage in battle with the lone giant. Benkei killed over 300 soldiers and long after the battle was over, the soldiers saw Benkei still standing, covered in wounds and pierced by an arrow. The giant fell to the ground, dying standing, in what eventually became known as the "Standing Death of Benkei."

6. Uesugi Kenshin (1530 - 1578)

Uesugi Kenshin was a daimyo during the Sengoku period in Japan. He was one of the most powerful generals of the era and is mainly remembered for his valor on the battlefield. He is renowned for his noble demeanor, military prowess, and long-standing rivalry with Takeda Shingen.

Kenshin believed in the Buddhist god of war - Bishamonten - and was therefore considered by his followers to be an incarnation of Bishamonten or the God of War. He is sometimes referred to as "Echigo the Dragon", for his formidable martial arts techniques that he displayed on the battlefield.

Kenshin became the young 14-year-old ruler of Echigo Province after wresting power from his older brother. He agreed to take the field against the powerful warlord Takeda Shingen because Takeda's campaigns of conquest were moving close to Echigo's borders.

In 1561, Kenshin and Shingen fought their biggest battle, the Fourth Battle of Kawanakajima. According to legend, during this battle Kenshin attacked Takeda Shingen with his sword. Shingen brushed off the blows with his combat iron fan, and Kenshin was forced to retreat. The results of the battle are not clear, since both commanders lost more than 3,000 people.

Although they had been rivals for more than 14 years, Uesagi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen exchanged gifts several times. When Shingen died in 1573, Kenshin was said to have cried out loud at the loss of such a worthy opponent.

It should also be noted that Uesagi Kenshin famously defeated the most powerful military leader of that era, Oda Nobunaga, as many as twice. It is said that if he had not died suddenly after heavy drinking (or stomach cancer or murder, depending on who you ask), he might have usurped Nobunaga's throne.

5. Takeda Shingen (1521 – 1573)

Takeda Shingen, from Kai Province, was a prominent daimyo in the late Sengoku period. He is known for his exceptional military authority. He is often referred to as the "Tiger of Kai" for his military prowess on the battlefield, and as the main rival of Uesugi Kenshin, or "Dragon Echigo".

Shingen took the Takeda clan under his protection at the age of 21. He teamed up with the Imagawa clan to help lead a bloodless coup against his father. The young commander made rapid progress and gained control of the entire surrounding area. He fought in five legendary battles against Uesagi Kenshin, and then the Takeda clan was destroyed by internal problems.

Shingen was the only daimyo with the necessary strength and tactical skill to stop Oda Nobunaga, who wanted to rule Japan. He defeated Nobunaga's ally Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1572 and captured Futamata Castle. Then he defeated the small combined army of Nobunaga and Ieyasu. While preparing for a new battle, Shingen died suddenly in his camp. Some say he was wounded by an enemy marksman, while other sources say he died of pneumonia or an old battle wound.

4. Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543 - 1616)

Tokugawa Ieyasu is the first shogun and founder of the Tokugawa shogunate. His family practically ruled Japan from 1600 until the start of the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Ieyasu seized power in 1600, became shogun in 1603, abdicated in 1605, but remained in power until his death in 1616. He is one of the most famous generals and shoguns in Japanese history.

Ieyasu rose to power by fighting under the Imagawa clan against the brilliant leader Oda Nobunaga. When the Imagawa leader, Yoshimoto, was killed during Nobunaga's surprise attack, Ieyasu formed a secret alliance with the Oda clan. Together with Nobunaga's army, they captured Kyoto in 1568. At the same time, Ieyasu formed an alliance with Takeda Shingen and expanded his territory.

Ultimately, after covering up the former enemy, the Ieyasu-Shingen alliance collapsed. Takeda Shingen defeated Ieyasu in a series of battles, but Ieyasu turned to Oda Nobunaga for help. Nobunaga brought his large army, and the Oda-Tokugawa force of 38,000 won a great victory at the Battle of Nagashino in 1575 against Takeda Shingen's son, Takeda Katsuyori.

Tokugawa Ieyasu would eventually outlive many of the era's greats: Oda Nobunaga had seeded the seed for the shogunate, Toyotomi Hideyoshi had gained power, Shingen and Kenshin, the two strongest rivals, were dead. The Tokugawa Shogunate, thanks to Ieyasu's cunning mind, would rule Japan for another 250 years.

3. Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536 - 1598)

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a great daimyo, general, samurai, and politician of the Sengoku period. He is considered the second "great unifier" of Japan, succeeding his former master, Oda Nobunaga. He brought an end to the Warring States period. After his death, his young son was supplanted by Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Hideyoshi created a number of cultural legacies, such as the restriction that only members of the samurai class could bear arms. He financed the construction and restoration of many temples that still stand in Kyoto. He played an important role in the history of Christianity in Japan when he ordered the execution of 26 Christians on a cross.

He joined the Oda clan around 1557 as a lowly servant. He was promoted to become Nobunaga's vassal, and participated in the Battle of Okehazama in 1560, where Nobunaga defeated Imagawa Yoshimoto and became the most powerful warlord of the Sengoku period. Hideyoshi carried out numerous renovations to the castle and the construction of fortresses.

Hideyoshi, despite his peasant origins, became one of Nobunaga's main generals. After Nobunaga's assassination in 1582 at the hands of his general Akechi Mitsuhide, Hideyoshi sought revenge and, by allying with a neighboring clan, defeated Akechi.

Hideyoshi, like Nobunaga, never received the title of shogun. He made himself regent and built himself a luxurious palace. He expelled Christian missionaries in 1587, and began a sword hunt to confiscate all weapons, stopping peasant revolts and bringing greater stability.

When his health began to fail, he decided to fulfill Oda Nobunaga's dream of Japan conquering China and began his conquest of the Ming Dynasty with the help of Korea. The Korean invasion ended in failure, and Hideyoshi died on September 18, 1598. Hideyoshi's class reforms changed the social class system in Japan for the next 300 years.

2. Oda Nobunaga (1534 - 1582)

Oda Nobunaga was a powerful samurai, daimyo, and military leader who initiated the unification of Japan at the end of the Warring States period. He lived his entire life in continuous military conquest, and captured a third of Japan before his death in a coup in 1582. He is remembered as one of the most brutal and defiant figures of the Warring States period. He is also recognized as one of Japan's greatest rulers.

His loyal supporter, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, became his successor, and he became the first to unify all of Japan. Tokugawa Ieyasu later consolidated his power with the shogunate, which ruled Japan until 1868, when the Meiji Restoration began. It was said that "Nobunaga starts making the national rice cake, Hideyoshi kneads it, and eventually Ieyasu sits down and eats it."

Nobunaga changed Japanese warfare. He introduced the use of long pikes, promoted the construction of castle fortifications, and especially the use of firearms (including the arquebus, a powerful firearm), which led to numerous victories for the commander. After he captured two important musket factories in Sakai City and Omi Province, Nobunaga gained superior weapons power over his enemies.

He also instituted a specialized military class system based on ability rather than name, rank, or family. Vassals also received land based on how much rice it produced, rather than the size of the land. This organizational system was later used and widely developed by Tokugawa Ieyasu. He was an excellent businessman who modernized the economy from agricultural towns to the formation of walled cities with active manufacturing.

Nobunaga was a lover of art. He built large gardens and castles, popularized the Japanese tea ceremony as a way to talk about politics and business, and helped usher in the modern kabuki theater. He became a patron of Jesuit missionaries in Japan and supported the creation of the first Christian temple in Kyoto in 1576, although he remained an adamant atheist.

1. Miyamoto Musashi (1584 - 1685)

Although he was not a prominent politician, or a famous general or military leader like many others on this list, there was perhaps no other greater swordsman in Japanese history than the legendary Miyamoto Musashi (at least to Westerners). Although he was essentially a wandering ronin (a masterless samurai), Musashi became famous through stories of his swordsmanship in numerous duels.

Musashi is the founder of the Niten-ryu fencing technique, the art of fighting with two swords - it uses a katana and a wakizashi simultaneously. He was also the author of The Book of Five Rings, a book on strategy, tactics and philosophy that has been studied ever since.

According to his own accounts, Musashi fought his first duel at the age of 13, where he defeated a man named Arika Kihei by killing him with a stick. He fought with adepts of famous fencing schools, but never lost.

In one duel against the Yoshioka family, a famous school of swordsmen, Musashi reportedly broke his habit of showing up late, arriving several hours early, killing his 12-year-old opponent, and then fleeing as he was attacked by dozens of his victim's supporters. To fight back, he took out his second sword, and this technique of wielding two swords marked the beginning of his technique Niten-ki ("two heavens as one").

According to stories, Musashi traveled the earth and fought in more than 60 fights and was never defeated. This conservative estimate likely does not take into account the deaths at his hands in the major battles in which he fought. In the last years of his life, he fought much less and wrote more, retiring to a cave to write The Book of Five Rings. He died in a cave in 1645, foreseeing his death, so he died in a sitting position with one knee raised vertically and holding his wakizashi in his left hand and a stick in his right.

Material prepared by Alexandra Ermilova - website

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