Sinkwine based on the work of Eugene Onegin. Lesson on Russian literature on the topic A.S. Pushkin novel Eugene Onegin images of the main characters

Master class Open lesson based on A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” teacher-methodologist I. V. Kozitsyna, principal. school named after M. Gorky, Klaipeda, Lithuania

Topic: It used to be that a fiery creator showed us his hero as a model of perfection. (Based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”).”

If genius is a piece of God...and cannot be solved, one can only get closer to this mystery. (V.V. Kozhinov)

Based on slides, illustrations, the text of the novel and critical articles, students will: Remember the images of the main characters of the novel Onegin and Tatyana and conduct a comparative analysis of them; working in groups, expand their own understanding of the images of the novel; They will create a cluster and a syncwine and, making their presentation, will discuss the results of the work

Based on these articles, draw a conclusion: which opinion is closer to you and why? 1. Two views on the character and personality of Onegin. (V. Belinsky and D. Pisarev) 2. What is the most important thing in the nature and fate of E.O.?,...for the secret of human existence is not just to live, but in WHY TO LIVE? (M. Dunaev).

V. G. Belinsky - portrait of D. I. () Belinsky - portrait of Mikhail Mikhailovich Dunaev

Cluster (Sequence of actions) in the middle of a blank sheet of paper, write a word or sentence that is the key topic; around write words or sentences expressing ideas, facts, images suitable for this topic; As you write, the words that appear are connected by straight lines to the key concept. Each of the “satellites”, in turn, also has “satellites”, new logical connections are established

Cluster analysis: 1.Tatiana, Russian soul... 2.,...and... everyone decided that he is the most dangerous eccentric. (Analysis is carried out differentiatedly in groups)

Rules for writing a syncwine: Line 1: topic in one word - noun Line 2: description of the topic in two words - adjectives or participles. Line 3: description of the action within this topic - three verbs or gerunds. Line 4: attitude to the topic, feelings, emotions - a four-word phrase. Line 5: repetition of the meaning of the topic in one word or phrase - synonym

Tatiana. Sinkwine. Tatyana (Russian in soul, Without knowing why) With her cold beauty She loved the Russian winter. ... Thoughtfulness, her friend From the most lullaby days, The flow of rural leisure adorned her with dreams. Her pampered fingers knew no needles; leaning on the hoop, she did not enliven the canvas with a silk pattern. For a long time, heartache had oppressed her young chest; The soul was waiting... for someone,

Onegin. Sinkwine. Here is my Onegin free; He had his hair cut in the latest fashion, dressed like a London dandy, and finally saw the light of day. He could express himself perfectly in French and wrote; He danced the mazurka easily and bowed at ease; What do you want more? The light decided that he was smart and very nice. How early could he be a hypocrite, conceal hope, be jealous, dissuade, force to believe, seem gloomy, languish,

The main evaluation criteria: cluster number of concepts logical completeness literacy syncwine accuracy of description accuracy of description compliance with the number of parts of speech compliance with the number of parts of speech Logical completeness

Blinkova Irina Gennadievna
Job title: teacher of Russian language and literature
Educational institution: Municipal educational institution "Korenevskaya secondary school No. 59"
Locality: Moscow region, Lyubertsy district, urban settlement Kraskovo
Name of material: Abstract
Subject:“Tatyana’s sweet ideal” (Based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”).”
Publication date: 20.11.2016
Chapter: complete education

Summary of an open lesson in 9th grade. Teacher of Russian language and literature: Blinkova Irina Gennadievna, I category.
“Tatyana’s sweet ideal” (Based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”).”

…I love so much

My dear Tatiana!

A.S. Pushkin

: consider the uniqueness of the female image in the novel; determine the place and role of Tatyana’s image in the work; teach text analysis; develop the ability to think logically and independently draw conclusions, develop critical thinking through reading and writing
developing - revealing the creative abilities of students, developing a culture of speech; educating - understanding moral and ethical concepts. Lesson type: lesson-study of the image of a literary hero.
: computer presentation for the lesson (using the disk “A.S. Pushkin”), literary texts (A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”), portrait of A.S. Pushkin, illustrations for the novel “Eugene Onegin”, fragment of P.’s waltz. I. Tchaikovsky “Tatyan’s Letter” Advanced individual assignments for the lesson: Assignments for the lesson (given to students two weeks before the lesson): research project “Depiction of female characters in Russian literature” Select quotes that characterize the heroine of the novel. . ...
During the classes.
1. Organizational moment - Hello, guys! I'm glad to see you. Look at me, smile at each other. We're in a good mood. This means we can work and make small discoveries. This is what we will do in class today. 2. Communicate the purpose of the lesson and objectives. In today's lesson we will again turn to the pages of Pushkin's brilliant creation - the novel "Eugene Onegin". Tatyana Larina...The name of this heroine opens a gallery of captivating female images in Russian classical literature. How much talent and skill A.S. Pushkin invested in the creation
this wonderful image! Therefore, Tatyana has been captivating readers with her nobility, sincerity, purity, and high moral principles for more than 150 years. Tatyana Larina is a bright type of Russian woman of the Pushkin era. The relationship between her and Onegin forms the main plot line of the novel. There are grounds to assert that “the one with whom Tatyana’s sweet ideal was formed” is Maria Nikolaevna Raevskaya, the wife of the Decembrist S.G. Volkonsky, who followed her husband into Siberian exile. It is no coincidence that, finishing the novel, the poet remembers the prototype of Tatiana and his Decembrist friends. According to N.A. Demin, a researcher of the work of A. S. Pushkin, the poet connects the image of Tatyana with the most striking manifestations of female heroism that existed at that time. Onegin and Tatyana are people of the advanced generation of the 20s of the 19th century, to which Pushkin himself belonged. The poet endowed his beloved heroine with those qualities that were valued at all times. So, Slide 1 Write down the date, topic of the lesson, epigraph in your notebooks.
Working with the term.
(slide 2)
. 1. That which constitutes the highest goal of activity and aspirations. 2. The perfect embodiment of something. Synonyms: perfection, the height of perfection, the highest goal, the ultimate dream. An ideal is a guiding star. Without it there is no solid direction, and without direction there is no life. L.N. Tolstoy. The power of a dream is based on faith in an ideal. “Tatyana’s sweet ideal” is the theme of the lesson. Turning to the novel “Eugene Onegin,” we will try to understand why the heroine is so near and dear to the poet. screen (slide 3) 2. Survey. For the lesson, you received assignments based on the image of Tatyana and Olga, and prepared a story about Tatyana’s childhood and her hobbies. So, Larina’s sisters. Who are these two young ladies? Let us turn to slide 4. Let us recall the later description of the “district young ladies” in the story “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”; it is fully applicable to each of the named girls whom Pushkin loved to vividly write in his prose works. 3. The first of the sisters in seniority is Olga. Slide 5 (Individual answer. Reading by heart: Always modest, always obedient, Always cheerful like the morning, Like a poet’s life simple-minded, Like love’s kiss sweet, Eyes like the sky blue;
Smile, flaxen curls, Movements, voice, light figure, Everything is in Olga... but take any novel and you will find her portrait: he is very sweet, I used to love him myself, But I am tired of him immensely... We see in Olga a beautiful, carefree , carefree. A frivolous girl. She is beautiful, but ordinary, like other county young ladies, there is a portrait of such a beauty in any novel, and the poet writes that such a portrait “tired him immensely.” Onegin speaks harshly about Olga: “Olga has no life in her features...” In Olga’s character the main thing is playfulness, carelessness, carelessness. This is the reason for the duel between Onegin and Lensky, the reason for the death of Vladimir Lensky. The image of Olga is necessary in the novel: with the help of the antithesis Olga-Tatyana, we better understand the unusualness of Tatiana. Individual answer 2. Reading by heart: So, she was called Tatyana. Neither her sister's beauty, nor her rosy freshness, would she have attracted the eyes. Wild, sad, silent, timid as a forest deer, she seemed like a stranger in her own family. She did not know how to caress herself towards her father or her mother; The child herself, in a crowd of children, did not want to play and jump, and often sat alone all day silently by the window. A.S. Pushkin does not give an external appearance, but rather an internal portrait of Tatyana. Slides 6-7. Look at Tatiana's portrait. It is varied, on the left the heroine looks like a Madonna, the heroine’s appearance is dreamy and poetic. She is not like her peers. On her sister, because she was lonely, unkind, didn’t like to play, “her fingers didn’t know needles”... this makes Tatyana stand out from her environment. What did she love? Individual performance 3. She loved to warn the sunrise on the balcony... “Scary stories” captivated her heart, she believed the legends of the common people of old times, and dreams, and card fortune-telling, and the predictions of the moon. An important part of Tatiana's world is nature.
Tatyana (Russian in soul, Without knowing why) With its cold beauty She loved the Russian winter, In the sun there is frost on a frosty day, And sleighs, and the late dawn The glow of pink snows, And the darkness of Epiphany evenings. Teacher's word. Tatiana's connection with nature is deep and organic. Pushkin more than once conveys the heroine’s mental states with images of nature. The seventh chapter, (open the text) in which decisive changes take place in Tatiana’s fate, opens with a spring landscape, spring is the most changeable time of the year; The heroine’s farewell to her native places is accompanied by a tragic image of autumn: Nature is tremulous, pale, Like a sacrifice, magnificently decorated... The consonance of Tatyana’s spiritual life with the movements of nature is one of the signs of a deep connection with the people’s world. The girls' song, consoling Tatyana, the cares of the nanny, to whom the heroine was the only one who revealed her love for Onegin, fortune-telling - everything testifies to Tatyana's living connection with the national element. From this point of view, the name of the heroine is also interesting. Individual performance 4. Slide 8. Pushkin calls his heroine Tatyana, a name that during the years of writing the novel was used “among commoners” and was rare in the manor’s estate. The writer, giving the heroine this “sonorous and pleasant” name, wanted to emphasize her connection with folk life (“with the Russian soul”), with Russian folklore, with “peaceful antiquity.” Tatyana lives and grows up in the atmosphere of simple Russian life, in a house where folk rituals are observed, Russian songs are heard, where “in the dark of nights in winter” Tatyana listens to the nanny’s scary stories. Her communication with nature and reading novels play a great role in the formation of a girl’s character: She liked novels early on. They replaced everything for her: She fell in love with the deceptions of both Richardson and Rousseau.
Teacher's word. So, Tatiana’s world is Russian nature, village life with stories from the nanny. With her warmth and cordiality, this includes her passion for novels. - What novels did Tatyana like? Slide 9. (Sentimental works that describe deep feelings, the hero is a noble person capable of feats. Tatyana was brought up on such novels. This is how she imagined her future chosen one, she was sure of such a happy fate for herself.) - No wonder that, seeing Onegin for the first time, so different from the young people she knew, Tatyana immediately mistook Onegin for such an “always enthusiastic hero” and fell in love with him. Let's listen to how Pushkin writes about the coming of love, how he talks about the state of mind of a girl in love. Work with text. Expressive reading of stanzas 7-8 of chapter 3. And a thought sank into my heart; The time has come, she fell in love. So the fallen grain of Spring is revived by fire.) - We see that the hero’s thoughts are occupied, the feelings overwhelming her are love. Can Tatiana’s love be called someone else’s feeling, borrowed from novels? (No, Tatyana’s love is a real, great feeling, no matter how bookish it manifests itself.) In the novels, the heroine finds her “secret heat, her dreams, the fruits of heartfelt fullness,” we see that Tatyana is “a deep, loving nature, passionate,” as V.G. Belinsky said about Tatyana. Tatyana is overwhelmed with feelings, she is all in anticipation of happiness, she is haunted by dreams, her imagination constantly draws her favorite features. Therefore, she decides to write a letter to Onegin. - How do you feel about the fact that Tatyana is writing a letter to Onegin, where she confesses her love to him? Was this confession an unusual act at the time? (Tatiana is the first! - writes a letter to Onegin. Even in our time, it is not customary for a girl to be the first to reveal her love - and this is correct: pride and honor do not age. In Tatyana’s time, such an act was indecent, contrary to the rules of secular society.) But we do not We condemn Tatyana because she sincerely loves. It is a deep feeling that drives the heroine and pushes her to this bold, unusual act. - How does Pushkin feel about this act of Tatyana? Does he condemn his heroine7
(Comparing Tatyana with cold, inaccessible beauties, eccentrics of the big world, coquettes, Pushkin gives preference to Tatyana’s sincerity and naturalness. Therefore, the author “sacredly preserves the letter”, “reads it with secret longing.” In the 24th stanza of the 3rd chapter, Pushkin protects Tatyana from possible accusations: Why is Tatyana more guilty? Is it because in sweet simplicity She knows no deception And believes in her chosen dream?) - Let us remember the slightly naive, but touching, captivating lines of Tatyana’s letter to Onegin. (Reading by heart.) - The letter is written. But you have to decide to send it! What is Tatyana's condition? - Tatyana will sigh, then gasp; The letter is shaking in her hand... She is worried, her fate is being decided. - But what is Tatyana sure of? She believes that such a feeling cannot be rejected; it must awaken a reciprocal feeling in the chosen one. Tatyana believes that Onegin will appreciate her love and his heart will respond with the same feeling. Relaxation. - Let's rest a little and, listening to the sounds of music, imagine Tatyana's feelings after writing the letter? The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky will help us with this. Listening to P.I. Tchaikovsky's waltz. -So, how does the main motive change, how did the composer manage to convey the feelings of the heroine. - At first, we seem to see a valley, a shepherd calling his flock, then the tonality changes, from a cheerful melody - a transition to minor, sad sounds, the music conveys the excitement, despair, longing of Tatiana’s love. Tatyana, having sent the letter, is looking forward to an answer. But only 2 days later Onegin appears at the Larins’. Tatyana is so excited that she runs, not knowing where. She hopes in her heart that Onegin loves her. And what? - What answer to the letter did Eugene Onegin prepare? He rejected Tatyana's love and did not accept her sincere feelings. (Work with text)
Such an answer from Onegin, his harsh explanation, refusal of love is an unexpected blow for Tatyana. This is a tragic moment in her life. Slide 10. Speech development, reasoning based on a picture. Let's return to our illustrations. Which one matches the episode? Did you manage to portray Tatiana’s despair and suffering? - Her pose speaks about the heroine’s feelings: she stands with her head sadly bowed and her shoulders drooping. - Now find the lines in the novel that talk about Tatyana’s condition after her explanation with Onegin. (17th stanza, 4th chapter. Through tears, not seeing anything, Barely breathing, without objection, Tatyana listened to him. He gave his hand to her. Sadly (As they say, mechanically) Tatyana silently leaned, bowing her languid head). - Tatyana lost hope of finding her happiness. But can she forget Onegin? (23rd stanza. Crazy sufferings of love Have not ceased to excite the Young soul...) Loving, sensitive Tatyana can understand and foresee a lot. Only her sensitive soul can lift the veil over the future. It is no coincidence that she is the one who dreams of a “wonderful dream,” prophetic, prophetic, and after some time it comes true. Onegin killed Lensky in a duel; in fact, he committed a crime. - Has Tatyana’s attitude towards him changed or remained the same? Why? (Chapter 7, stanza 14 Her passion burns more intensely And about distant Onegin
Her heart speaks louder. She won't see him; She must hate in him the Murderer of her brother...) - Tatyana’s moral duty is to condemn Eugene Onegin, her morality does not allow her to forget, to forgive the murder of Lensky. But, loving Onegin, the heroine tries to understand the reasons for his actions. - For what purpose does Tatyana visit Onegin’s estate? (She wants to find out what kind of person Onegin is. And a new world appears before Tatiana. The books that Onegin read helped her understand his behavior, but she concludes that Onegin only copies the heroes of these books, imitates them. Stanza 24 chapter. 7 What is he? Is he really an imitation, An insignificant ghost, or even a Muscovite in Harold’s cloak, An interpretation of other people’s whims, A complete vocabulary of fashionable words? Is he really a parody?) This guess makes Tatiana’s position hopeless. It is unlikely that such a person will appreciate her feeling. Therefore, for the heroine, “all lots are equal,” she agrees to her mother’s persuasion to go to Moscow, to the brides’ fair. - How did Tatyana’s fate turn out? (She gets married, succumbing to her mother’s pleas, becomes a society lady. Everyone treats her with respect. Not possessing dazzling beauty, Tatyana attracts attention with impeccable taste, naturalness, simplicity. She was not in a hurry, not cold, not talkative, without looking naked for everyone, without pretensions to success, Everything is quiet, it was just in her. But spinning in the light forces Tatyana to wear a mask. Having met Onegin, she did not betray her excitement in any way:
It wasn’t that she shuddered, Ilya suddenly became pale and red. Her eyebrow didn’t move, she didn’t even purse her lips. Although he could not have looked more diligently, Onegin could not find traces of the old Tatyana.) - Why does Tatyana hold on like this? (She learned the laws of the world, in which it is dangerous to flaunt your feelings.) - How does Tatyana perceive social life? (Now I’m glad to give away All this rags of a masquerade, All this shine, and noise, and fumes For a shelf of books, for a wild garden, For our poor home, For those places where for the first time, Onegin, I saw you...) - In In stanza 40 we see the old sweet Tatiana. ...The princess is in front of him, alone. She sits, undressed, pale, reading some letter, and quietly shedding tears like a river, leaning her cheek on her hand. - Love for Onegin is alive in Tatiana’s heart. Why does she reject his love? (...I got married. You must, I ask you, leave me...
I love you (why lie?), But I am given to someone else. I will be faithful to him forever.) Happiness is impossible for Tatyana. A pure and whole person, she cannot and does not want to deceive her husband, whom she respects. To leave him for Onegin would mean destroying both your reputation and, most importantly, the life of another person. Tatyana does not consider herself to have the right to sacrifice her husband’s happiness and peace of mind for the sake of her own happiness. This is a manifestation of nobility, fidelity to duty, and high moral principles of the heroine. Results. So, we saw Tatyana’s fate, felt the depth of her feelings for Onegin, felt the loneliness and tragedy of the situation. Why did Tatyana become a “sweet ideal” for Pushkin? What character traits are characteristic of the heroine? (Reading entries in a notebook. Dreaminess, tenderness, love of nature, sincerity, closeness to the people, passion for books, gullibility, courage, intelligence and will, nobility, sense of duty, loyalty.) Let us turn to the epigraph: “I love my dear Tatyana so much !” Perhaps no one can say better than the poet himself why he loves the heroine so much. Because she is endowed with... ...a rebellious imagination, a lively mind and will, And a wayward head, And a fiery and tender heart... In addition, in the character of Tatyana Pushkin is attracted by her nobility, purity, and loyalty. Therefore, for the poet the heroine is the ideal of a Russian girl.
1. Tatyana Larina, sincere, fiery, believed, dreamed, exposed the ideal of the Russian woman for Pushkin, a pure image 2. TATYANA KIND, SMART
DOES THIS SAME TATYANA LOVE, SUFFER, HELP? IDEAL 10. Summing up - The lesson flew by quickly. Let's sum it up now! What did you do today, what did you willingly practice? What did you learn and understand? Why did you become smarter?
- Write a letter to your mother, in what mood you are leaving the lesson, what you learned, what you didn’t understand. 11.Homework. Individual task. Project elements. Favorite heroines of Pushkin. Slides 11-12 Evaluations. Homework. Make a quotation plan for the image of Tatyana, write a miniature essay “Tatyana’s sweet ideal.” The boys are preparing an expressive reading of Onegin's letter to Tatyana.

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"Eugene Onegin" is the first realistic novel in the history of literature. Belinsky called it “an encyclopedia of Russian life.” A.S. Pushkin wanted to write a work whose main characters would be his contemporaries. Indeed, characters play a huge role in expressing the poet’s thoughts and feelings. Belinsky wrote: “He was the first in his novel to poetically reproduce Russian society of that time and, in the persons of Onegin and Lensky, showed its main, that is, male, side; but our author’s almost greater feat is that he was the first to poetically reproduce, in the person of Tatyana, a Russian woman.”
Tatyana Larina is the poet’s favorite heroine, the most famous female character in Russian literature. Pushkin lovingly describes her appearance, “sweet simplicity,” the strength of her feelings, character, and way of thinking:
So, she was called Tatyana.
Not your sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She wouldn't attract anyone's attention.
Dick, sad, silent,
Like a forest deer is timid...
When did the nanny collect?
Tatyana loves to read, dream about the future, imagining herself as the heroine of a novel. Tatyana also loves nature, loves to “warn the dawn of the sunrise,” but she prefers winter more than all seasons:
Tatyana (Russian soul,
Without knowing why)
With her cold beauty
I loved Russian winter...
Nature is the world of Tatiana’s soul, infinitely close to her. In this world she is free from misunderstanding, from people. Trees, streams, flowers are her friends to whom she can trust her secrets.
And so Tatyana met Onegin. “The time has come, she fell in love,” and images of book heroes came to life in her mind:
...They clothed themselves in a single image,
Merged into one Onegin.
Tatyana has grown up and become a bride, which means it’s time to marry her off, and it’s best to do this in Moscow, at the “bride fair.”
Well, mother? why did it happen?
To Moscow, to the bride's fair!
And here is Tatyana in Moscow. I am very sorry for Tatyana, such a wonderful girl who will not marry for love.
...she's a dream
Strives for life in the field,
To the village, to the poor villagers,
To a secluded corner...

Accident brings Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin together again. Evgeny did not expect to see Tatyana like this. What was unexpected about it? Tatyana became quiet, indifferent, felt calm and confident. She remembered Evgeniy’s “lesson,” the first rule of “light,” and it was the light that forced Tatyana to live by its own laws, taught her to control herself and subdue her feelings. But Tatyana, even with such “harsh laws,” could not stop being herself.
She was leisurely
Not cold, not talkative,
Without an insolent look for everyone,
Without pretensions to success,
Without these little antics,
No imitative ideas...
Everything was quiet, it was just there...
Onegin saw in the outwardly cold, former, spiritually rich Tatiana, and his soul rushed to her. Onegin writes a letter to Tatiana in which he declares his love:
...Everything is decided: I am in your will
And I surrender to my fate.
But for Tatyana the main thing now is her duty to her husband. Previously, before marriage, she could sacrifice herself, but now she cannot sacrifice the honor of her husband. Onegin, with a “cold and lazy” soul, is not suitable for a life partner, because he cannot even create his own happiness. The heroine is tormented, but this torment is noble!

I got married. You must,
I ask you to leave me;
I know: in your heart there is
And pride and direct honor.
I love you (why lie?),
But I was given to another;
And I will be faithful to him forever.

Is Tatyana happy after marrying a rich general? Of course not! Her purity, beauty, moral strength - all this was not accepted in the world where she found herself. That’s why she is sincere with Evgeniy, because she feels a kindred spirit, but that’s why Tatyana refuses him: after all, she truly loves him.
For Pushkin, Tatyana is the ideal of a Russian woman. She became an ideal for me too. Her image teaches modern girls fidelity, moral purity, sacrificing everything for the sake of love, a serious attitude towards life and people, and enormous spiritual strength. This image will be eternal, because sincerity, depth of feelings, readiness for self-sacrifice and chaste purity are always valued in a girl.

Item - literature

Class 9

Teacher - Andrianova E.P.

Subject : “And happiness was so possible...” Onegin and Tatyana in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Lesson location: generalization of what has been studied, comparative analysis of the poetic text.

Lesson objectives:


    • organize research activities of students in order to identify the individual side of Tatyana’s letter to Eugene Onegin;

      determine the personal qualities of the character of Onegin’s letter to Tatyana;

      conduct a comparative analysis of letters from Tatiana and Evgeniy;

      prove the pivotal role of letters in the construction of the novel.


    • to develop goal-setting skills in schoolchildren;

      develop skills in analyzing a lyrical work, drawing general conclusions.


    • develop skills in mastering cultural norms and traditions of Russian speech;

      develop logic, meaningfulness, and a penchant for research activities in individual and group learning;

      to cultivate the reading culture of schoolchildren.

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, computer presentation, individual student cards.

Methodical techniques:

    compiling a two-part diary;

    compiling a syncwine;

    exercise “PRESS”;

    text research.

Lesson vocabulary: Abstraction, sacred, morality, Evgeny, Tatyana, exaltation.


This is my best work.

From a letter to L.S. Pushkin (January 1824, Odessa).

    Call stage

Look at the screen. Read the words you see. Tell me why I took them as the main idea of ​​the lesson?

D.S. Likhachev.)

(On the presentation slide there are portraits of Evgeniy and Tatiana)

    Goal setting

What in the novel can help us better understand the images of the main characters? (Their letters)

How can we get closer to understanding the images of Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina?

Goal of the work: literary analysis of the letters of Tatiana and Evgeniy as the key to understanding the images of the main characters and the content of the novel

What will we do in today's lesson?


    Identify the individual aspects of Tatyana’s letter to Eugene Onegin.

    Determine the personal qualities of the character of Onegin’s letter to Tatyana.

    Conduct a comparative analysis of letters from Tatyana and Evgeniy.

    Use the example of letters to prove the kinship of souls and the exclusivity of the two heroes.

    Conception stage

To work effectively in class, we need to find out the meaning of several words. This was homework.

Masha, read the interpretations of the words you found. (The student distributes prepared sheets with the interpretation of words)

Vocabulary work

Morality- morality, a special form of social consciousness and type of social relations; one of the ways to regulate human actions in society using certain norms.

Eugene- Greek "noble"

Tatiana- Greek "to establish, determine, appoint"

Sacral- designation of the sphere of phenomena, objects, people related to the divine, religious, associated with them.

Aesthetic- relating to a philosophical discipline that studies the expressive forms of any sphere of reality, given as an independent value.

Keywords Strategy

Let's try to penetrate the meaning of the letters of our heroes. To do this, let's listen to excerpts from them. And at this time, I suggest you write down key words from the texts in the first column of your “two-part diary” (at least seven).


Associations, comments on what was written out.

Tatiana's letter to Onegin

Possible entry

Will, contempt, share, shame, hope, think, innocently, soul, excitement, heart, will of heaven, God, guardian

Onegin's letter to Tatiana

Possible entry

Insult, contempt, proud look, soul, tenderness, hateful freedom, heart, freedom, peace, soul, bliss, humble prayer, thirst for love, excitement in the blood, feigned coldness, fate, will.

Read the words you wrote down

    Research work in groups

In order to fill out the second column of the diary, I suggest you work in groups (Groups consist of 4 people). In your work, you need to rely on the works of critics and researchers of A.S.’s work that you know. Pushkin. 3 minutes are allotted for work.

1 group Tatiana's letter to Onegin.

The time has come, she fell in love. (Chapter 3, VIII)

Possible answer.

Tatiana's letter is complete in content and form. In terms of content, it’s like a magically beautiful lyric poem, the kind that high school students learn by heart; in form - like a poetic epistole, in the genre of French sentimentalists. The letter is tender, timid, reverent. There is an unobtrusive breath of youth, purity, and innocence in it. It is immaculate, admires both the courage of action, the sincerity of feelings, and nobility. Tatyana is special, and not to notice this exceptional nature means admitting her own inertia and spiritual blindness. Onegin noticed, and even saw a muse in her - but not for himself, but for Lensky ("I would choose another if I were like you, a poet"Ch. 3, V). Why not for yourself? Was it because he thought of himself as already hopelessly spoiled, satiated, outdated? Was it posing – or a momentary blindness caused by a bout of blues? ("...the Russian melancholy took possession of him little by little"; Chapter 1, XXXVIII). Tatiana, with her letter, involuntarily reminded the “renegade of violent pleasures” of the tricks of the “freaks of the big world,” which confused Onegin and sent him down the wrong path. Tatiana's sincerity is new to Onegin; he is unable to correctly evaluate her and responds to sincerity with moral teaching.

2nd group Onegin's letter

Possible answer.

It boils with passion, it is fresh and impulsive. Through the lines of fiery speeches one can discern the inexhaustible potential of feelings stored somewhere in the depths of the heart, waiting in the wings. This is how Onegin knows how to love, and “prayers, confessions, penalties…” flow. How strong was the dam that blocked the feelings?
Onegin mentions several times in his letter that he has “days counted out by fate.” Perhaps he had spent himself spiritually. His cherished “freedom and peace” did not bring the desired rest. The rebellious mind became fed up with freedom, burned out, and overplayed its hand. This proud man, thanks to his second meeting with Tatyana, repents of everything: his blind disbelief in love, and the death of Lensky (“Lensky fell an unfortunate victim”), and his coldness. Tatyana is truly Onegin’s last chance to build a nest; she is not the object of another love affair.
Now, after so many years, Onegin repeats in everything the behavior of Tanya in love. “Tatyana loves not in jest,” Onegin is also not inclined to joke. But isn’t the point that his age is measured, and he is lonely, unhappy, rejected by outright ignorance? If everything had been different, would Eugene have sent letter after letter, like a romantic in love?
Onegin is on the verge of madness: day after day he has to hide his passion, “have a calm conversation, look... with a cheerful look,” while he imagines Tatyana’s hands, knees, lips, gait, eyes. With all his unbridled soul he strives to get closer to the fruit of his dreams, to touch it. The final words of Onegin’s letter: “everything is decided, I am in your will...” - echo the lines of Tatiana - “from now on I entrust my fate to you.” They recreate the original unity of the heroes inherent in the plot - that is the will of heaven.

Let's see what you got. While reading the results of work by one group, the second makes notes in their tables, makes additions and corrections.

    Comparative text analysis

If a friend wrote to you yesterday
one thing, and today the opposite - compare the handwriting.

Machiavelli, "The Prince".

To determine the depth of the text, to see everything that the author put into it, we need to analyze the letters of the characters. We continue to work in groups. The task of the first group is Tatyana’s letter to Onegin. The task of the second group is Onegin’s letter to Tatyana. Each of you can choose a task according to your strength. But don't forget that you group! 3-4 minutes to work.

Tatiana's letter

Onegin's letter

Situation at the time of writing

Possible outcome of events (after reading by the addressee)

Intonation (Punctuation marks, degree of exaltation of the hero)

“Mirroring” in texts

Similarity of texts

    In verbal and verse terms -

    In terms of meaning -

    In terms of intonation -

    Culturally -

    Aesthetically -

Let's say what we got? Can we say that we have exceptional people before us?

    Exercise "PRESS"

So, we were able to understand what is unique about the letters of the main characters, how they help reveal the essence of their images. And now I propose, based on the “PRESS” exercise diagram I proposed, to compose a monologue statement based on one of the maxims that you see on the screen. You have the right to choose any opinion of the researcher, agree or disagree with it.

“The Encyclopedia of Russian Life” contains so much that is significant for a Russian person: the life and nature of Russia, the vibrancy of political life, ideological disputes, emotional experiences and, of course, love.”

V.G. Belinsky

“It was a great feat of Pushkin that he was the first in his novel to poetically reproduce Russian society of that time and, in the person of Onegin and Lensky, showed its main, i.e., male side; but perhaps the greater feat of our poet is that he was the first to poetically reproduce, in the person of Tatyana, a Russian woman.”

V.G. Belinsky

“Tatiana’s life is the result of personality development, her constant efforts to choose the morally most difficult path. The feat of Loyalty, which Pushkin’s heroine voluntarily takes upon herself, is, of course, broader than the problem of loyalty to the family...”

Yu.M. Lotman

“Tatiana is mentally richer than Onegin. She has what represents for the beloved heroine A.S. Pushkin’s enduring value: native places, native nature, dear memories.”

T.M. Rudakova

“(Onegin) The type is sterile, incapable of either development or rebirth; Onegin’s boredom cannot produce anything but absurdities and disgusting things.”

DI. Pisarev

“Onegin is a wanderer in his native land, who is cut off from the people, from the forces of the people.”
F.M. Dostoevsky

“Tatyana deserves to be the title character of the novel, because... she is deeper than Onegin and, of course, smarter than him.”

F.M. Dostoevsky

“Tatyana, in the end, also discovers the ability to make deals with her conscience... She also secretly loves Onegin and is married - that’s what’s positively bad.”

I. Annenkov

“She (Tatyana) rejected Onegin not because she stopped loving him. In her refusal there is selflessness for the sake of moral purity, fidelity to duty, sincerity and certainty in relationships.”

T.M. Rudakova

Answer diagram from exercise “PRESS”

1. “I believe that...”
2. “Since...”

4. “So...”

(Answer only if desired)

    Reflection stage

Cinquain strategy

First line - LOVE

Let's return to the epigraph.

The most educational quality of a person is love. (D.S. Likhachev.)

Is this true about the novel “Eugene Onegin”?


XI. Setting for homework.


“Tatyana is an ideal dear to the heart” A.S. Pushkin"

“Mirrorness in the depiction of the heroes of the work”

"Two plot lines of the novel, two heroes"

    Learn by heart “Tatiana’s Letter” or “Onegin’s Letter”

List of used literature.

Consolidation of the lesson. "Graphics test».

1. Name the years of life of A.S. Pushkin.

A) 1802-1841
B) 1789-1828
B) 1799-1837
D) 1805-1840

2. In what city was A.S. born? Pushkin?

A) St. Petersburg
B) Moscow
B) Kyiv
D) Tula

3. How old was Pushkin when he became a lyceum student?

A) 10 years
B) 8 years
B) 12 years old
D) 11 years old

4. What date associated with the Lyceum appears more than once in Pushkin’s lyrics?

5. What poem did Pushkin read before Derzhavin during the exam at the Lyceum?

A) “Licinia”
B) “Memories in Tsarskoe Selo”
B) “Town”
D) “Village”

6. Which of the named poets was not Pushkin’s lyceum comrade?

A) I. Pushchin
B) A. Delvig
B) V. Kuchelbecker
D) P. Chaadaev

7. In what year was the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” written? ?





8. From what verse is the line: “We wait with languid hope / For the holy moment of freedom...”?

A) “To Chaadaev”
B) “Liberty”
B) “Poet”
D) “To the sea”

9. Which verse by Pushkin goes back to a biblical source?

A) “Poet”
B) “The Poet and the Crowd”
B) “Prophet”

D) “I am a monument to myself...”

10. Genre of the work “Eugene Onegin”?

A) story

B) story

B) poem

D) a novel in verse


1-c, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d, 5-b, 6-d, 7-a, 8-a, 9-c, 10-d

Creative form of reflection –Sinkwine

A cinquain is a poem that requires a synthesis of information and material in concise terms. The word cinquain comes from the French, which means "five". Thus, a cinquain is a poem consisting of five lines.

Rules for writing syncwine:

In the first line, the topic is named in one word (usually a noun).

The second line is a description of the topic in two words (two adjectives).

The third line is a description of the action within this topic in three words (verbs).

The fourth line is a four-word phrase showing the attitude towards the topic (feelings in one phrase).

The last line is a one-word synonym that reiterates the essence of the topic.


Fashionable, lonely

Walks, squanders, yearns,

Can't find anything to do


Subject: Novel "Eugene Onegin". Summary lesson

Lesson objectives:

    contribute to the generalization of students’ knowledge of the novel “Eugene Onegin”; repeat the poems of A.S. Pushkin;

    continue to work on characterizing the images of the main characters, trace their relationships, help determine their life values, similarities and differences between them;

    develop oral and written speech, the ability to speak expressively by heart, promote the development of critical thinking, the ability to work with text, and work in a group.

Expected Result: Develop skills in working with text and editing; develop the speech culture of students.

Teacher activities

Student activities


3 min.

I. Organizational moment. Greets studentschecks readiness for the lesson and wishes success.

Students reflect on the goal.


5 minutes.

II. Motivation to learn new things.

Using leading questions, the teacher leads students to the topic of the new lesson.

Studentsanswer the teacher's questions.

Greetings. Wishes.

I. Updating knowledge

A minute of poetry - students read their favorite poems by A.S. Pushkin.

Test (based on the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin). student assessment.

Literary controversy surrounding the novel “Eugene Onegin”

(Write on the board)

Belinsky: Onegin is a “suffering egoist” who is stifled by “the inactivity and vulgarity of life.”

Herzen: Onegin is a “smart uselessness”, a hero of the time, whom you constantly find near you or in yourself.

Pisarev: Onegin - “Mitrofanushka Prostakov of the new formation.”

Whose position is closer and clearer to you? Explain.

I . Stage "Comprehension"

Work in groups.

Find passages in the text describing your characters, write down key words and create a poster

Group 1: Onegin and Lensky
2nd group: Tatiana and Olga
Group 3: Olga and Lensky
Group 4: Onegin and Tatiana

(After 5 minutes of discussion and preparation, each group prepares a collective answer

and protects posters).

Venn Diagram Strategy

10 min.

IV. Consolidation of the lesson.

Cinquain strategy

(work individually, in pairs, in groups)

For example:


Fashionable, lonely

Walks, squanders, yearns,

Can't find anything to do


    Reading Tatyana’s letter and discussing it in groups(Gauhar).

Each group receives a card with questions for discussion.

Card 1.

Tatiana's unexpectedly flared up love for Onegin - a true feeling or book romance?

Card 2.

What features of Tatyana are revealed in her letter to Onegin?

Card 3.

What does Tatyana doubt and what is she sure of?

Card 4.

Is the letter to Onegin a rash and reckless step on the part of the heroine?

Discussion of answers. Opinion exchange.

Conclusion: Tatyana, endowed with a passionate imagination, felt the similarity between herself and Onegin and decides that they were made for each other. trusting and sincere, yet fearless. She is a dreamy person.

5 minutes.

V. Lesson summary. Reflection stage:
Briefly write down the most important thing you learned from the lesson.

What did the lesson teach you?
- What impression did you get from the lesson?

Evaluate the work of their classmates


2 minutes.

VI. Homework.Explains the specifics of doing homework. Essay essay.

Record homework in diaries.

differentiation. How do you plan to support students? How do you plan to encourage bright students?

assessment. Formative and summative. How do you plan to see students gain knowledge?

interdisciplinary connections, ICT. Connections to values


What did students learn today? What was the purpose of the training?

Did the planned differentiation work well? Was the training time maintained?

Conducts reflection.

What goal did we set for today's lesson?

Have we achieved the goals we set at the beginning of the lesson?
