Drawing in the senior group on the theme of Cheburashka. Notes on artistic and aesthetic development "drawing Cheburashka"

Non-traditional technique: Poking with a hard semi-dry brush + applique

Program content: Improve the visual technique of poking with a hard brush. To develop the ability to perceive color and shape as the main means of artistic expression. Improve applicative technique. Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Materials and equipment:

Cheburashka toy, illustrations in books. Sheets (A3 format) with painted silhouettes of Cheburashka. Gouache, hard brush, silhouettes of multi-colored balloons, glue pencil, eyes, sippy cups, cloth napkins.

Musical accompaniment.

Progress of the lesson:

(Cheburashka's song plays "Happy birthday" , the Cheburashka toy appears)

Cheburashka: - Hello, guys. Do you recognize me? You are so interesting and fun, I decided to drop by. Today is my birthday, and there are no friends around to share this wonderful holiday together.

Teacher: - Don’t be sad, Cheburashka. Look how many kids are here, you'll make friends with them (the children and the teacher stroke him and smile at him).

Guys, so that our birthday boy does not be sad, we will make a gift for him. What do you think he will like? (children's answers)

– Tell me, please, which Cheburashka? (soft, fluffy)- What color? (brown). - Right.

(on the tables there are sheets with drawn silhouettes of Cheburashka)

Teacher: - Look, Cheburashka, we just have your portrait, the children will paint it and give you balloons.

Cheburashka: - That’s great, thanks guys, but I’ll sit quietly and watch.

Teacher: - What’s wrong with our drawing? (no eyes, you need to glue them).

That's right, he will come to life and see us, and we will smile at him and give him a smile (TB when working with glue, children glue eyes, draw a smile with cotton swabs).

Well done, I suggest you color Cheburashka. (The teacher explains the rules of operation of non-traditional equipment "poke with a hard brush" children draw).

Teacher: - Look, Cheburashka, how beautiful you turned out. Now the children will give you balloons. (Children imitate balloons and inflate them).

Cheburashka: - Wow, what big balloons.

Teacher: - Let's glue our balloons onto our drawing and give them to the birthday boy. (Children glue paper silhouettes of balloons and draw strings).

Teacher: - Our dear friend, did you like the drawings?

Cheburashka: - Of course, thanks guys. I also have a gift for you, I brought coloring pictures (distributes to all the guys). Goodbye! See you again!

Hello! Today we have prepared for you another step-by-step drawing lesson. And it will again be very simple, that is, so that everyone can draw it. As you have already seen, our guest as a model is Cheburashka himself, one of the favorite heroes of all children from the times of the USSR.

This cute one was created by the writer Eduard Uspensky back in 1966. By the way, the creator explains the strange appearance of the hero this way: when he was very little, he was given a defective soft toy, either , or with round ears. The parents explained to the baby that this creature is an unknown animal that lives among the tropical forests.

Later, it was Cheburashka who became the best friend of Crocodile Gena in the well-known story by Eduard Uspensky. Let's start our drawing lesson and find out how to draw Cheburashka!

Step 1

First, draw a large, flattened circle in the center and one smaller circle on the sides.

Step 2

Now let's draw the torso - a small cylinder and limbs. The arms look like long sausages made of plasticine, and the legs look like low mounds. Please note that the torso should be significantly smaller than the head.

Step 3

Let's mark the head with several lines. They seem numerous and complex, but if you figure it out, you definitely won’t get confused. So, first we draw a vertical line of facial symmetry - it divides the head of our animal into two equal parts. Then, just below the conditional center of the head, draw a flattened circle. Notice how it intersects with the bottom edge of the head.

Then we will draw two transverse, that is, horizontal lines - they will serve as markings for drawing the eyes. In terms of their location, focus on the ears. Don't lower the second line too low towards the chin.

Step 4

Draw the eyes, eyebrows (right above them), a triangle-shaped nose and a mouth (a very small circle). We constantly focus on the markings - if everything was done correctly in the previous step, then there should be no difficulties here.

Step 5

We outline the head and ears with a slightly jagged outline. Please note that especially sharp “notches” are found only periodically, in some places - such as in the area of ​​the top of the head; in general, the outline is quite smooth.

Erase the extra guide lines from the face and softly paint over the eyes. Be sure to leave white spots of glare.

Step 6

Using the same principle as in the previous step, we outline the contours of the entire body of our toys.

The drawing lesson was prepared for you by the artists of the drawingforall website. All the best, stay with us and learn to draw even cooler!

Tatiana Kiseleva
"Cheburashka" Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group

Program content: continue to develop children’s interest in visual arts. Improve visual skills and abilities, convey images of objects and fairy tale characters in drawings. Draw children's attention to differences in shape, size, proportions of parts, encourage them to convey these differences in the drawing. Learn paint with watercolors. Learn paint different brushes ways: wide lines - with the whole bristle, thin - with the end of the brush. Paint small specks with the end of the brush (eyes, nose). Continue to improve children’s ability to examine work and enjoy the results achieved.

Material for work: sheet of white paper A-4, watercolor, brush.

Visual material: portrait Cheburashki, toy Cheburashka.

Move classes: There is a picture on the board with the image Cheburashki. Showing the children a toy Cheburashka.

Educator: children, you know everything Cheburashka, love watching cartoons about him. A Cheburashka loves to visit children in kindergarten. Today he came to us and was very happy when he saw his portrait (I point to the picture with the image Cheburashki) . Do you children like his portrait? Let's do gift for Cheburashka, let each of you draw a portrait Cheburashki, so that he can give the drawing to all his friends. And for this you need to take a good look at the toy.

I clarify the shape and size with the children parts: round head; body oval; ears are oval, large; paws are oval, small.

I show the techniques on a large sheet of paper drawing, I pay attention to how to pick up paint correctly, dip the brush on a napkin, not paint on wet paint. I emphasize that for a portrait Cheburashki we will need brown paint, and when the drawing dries, we will finish the eyes and nose with black paint, and the mouth with red paint.

I suggest starting independent work, making sure that the children complete the task correctly.

When the children paint a toy, I suggest they wait until the paint dries and play with it. Cheburashka.

Children stand in a circle.

Educator: children, each of you has a box on the table in which there are a lot of colorful paints, but you only painted brown. Cheburashka wants to know what color the other paints are, let's tell him.

I give it to one of the children Cheburashka.

Child: “I have yellow paint in my box.”.

Passes the toy to the next one to kid: “I have green paint in my box.” etc.

Educator: guys, now Cheburashka will ask you riddles, and you try to guess which cartoons these characters are from.

1. He plays the harmonica,

He sings the song cheerfully.

And without losing heart,

All the people love to listen.

He will promise you too

Something that will work for you once a year.

(Crocodile Gena)

2. Long nose, sly look,

Loves all the guys very much

Karabas is not afraid

And he's ready to fight him (Pinocchio)

3. Here's a funny little man

There's a motor on his back

He lives under the very roof,

Loves to eat delicious cake.

Flies to visit children,

And eats everyone at a party


4. The little bear loves honey,

Sings a song loudly

Bees hear - they won't understand

Who's singing so loudly here?

(Winnie the Pooh)

5. He runs after a hare

For many years,

But he can’t catch

Everything loses track.

Why are you running around to no avail?

Let's say, guys, (to the wolf)

6. Old lady lives 300 years

In a pond with green mud

She will sing you a song

About friendship with Pinocchio

(Turtle Tortilla) (1)

Cheburashka: what a great fellow you are, you guessed all the riddles correctly

I invite the children to sit down at the tables again and finish drawing the eyes, nose and mouth. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you need to rinse your brush well before applying paint of a different color.

At the end Cheburashka activities looks at their portraits together with the children, praises the children, and is surprised at how well they can do paint.

Educator: Children, let's sing a song for our guest. I'm playing a song from the cartoon about Cheburashka. Children go out onto the carpet, dance and sing along with Cheburashka.

Cheburashka thanks the children, collects the drawings, says goodbye and leaves.

(1) all riddles used in class, invented personally by the author notes

Vera Lukhtan

Program tasks: teach children to convey the image of their favorite fairy tale in a drawing hero: body shape, head and other characteristic features of the character;

Learn paint outline with a simple pencil (do not press too hard on the pencil, do not trace the lines twice);

strengthen the ability to carefully paint over an image (do not go beyond the outline, shade the image in one direction)

Material for the lesson:landscape paper, graphite pencil, colored pencils, toy Cheburashka.

Preliminary work: watching an animated film " Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena", looking at illustrations, listening to a song from an animated film.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, do you like watching cartoons? What cartoon characters do you know?

Today a parcel arrived from the country of Cartoonland. Let's see what they sent us.

(the teacher opens the package and takes out a disc with a medley on the themes of songs from animated films)

The guys from the country of Cartoonland sent us a CD with songs. Let's listen to them.

(the last song on the disc is from the m/film " Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena")

Guys, did you find out which hero sang the last song? Right, Cheburashka. What is he like, this one? Cheburashka? Perhaps this is a big bear? Or a small dog?

(children's answers)

Let's take our seats. Let's try to describe Cheburashka. You will tell me what he is like, and I will draw his portrait.

(children take turns making up a story about Cheburashka, the teacher draws)

Look how I turned out Cheburashka. Let's take a little rest now.

Physical education minute " Cheburashka" (to the song from the film)

Take your seats. Before you start draw Cheburashka let's remember where I started paint.

(children remember the stages drawing)

Take a simple pencil and we will first make a sketch of our drawing.

(children make a sketch with a graphite pencil)

The sketch is ready. Now we will decorate our hero. What color pencils will we need?

(children's answers)

First we will shade the muzzle and ears Cheburashki. We shade in one direction, do not go beyond the outline. Then, using a pencil of a different color, shade the head, body and paws.

(during work, the teacher provides assistance to children who are experiencing difficulties)

How beautiful we turned out Cheburashki! Albina, what a Did you like Cheburashka?Why? Which one Karina liked Cheburashka? Dima?

Guys, you are everything today Cheburashki also tried you turned out wonderful and so now you can relax and dance.

Like these ones Cheburashki our children succeeded.

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