Rasskazova Evgenia. “And you, an exemplary daughter, fulfilled your parents’ request.”

"Star Factory" gave the Russian stage talented artists, making many real stars and favorites of the country. Each episode brought together audiences of different ages, from young to old, in front of their television screens. Everyone had their favorites and those they liked least. We watched their lives, rejoiced at their achievements and experienced failures with them. This project played an important role in the life of each contestant, becoming a lucky ticket for some and a turning point for others. You already know, , and today we invite you to go through the life pages of the participants "Star Factories - 2".

Evgenia Rasskazova, 36 years old

Already from early childhood, this bright girl showed a strong-willed character unusual for children and an unquenchable thirst for life. At school, Evgenia, due to her obstinate character, often received scoldings from teachers and often brought home offensive deuces. When Rasskazova turned 17, she entered South Ural State University and at the same time worked part-time, performing in a local club. The next stop in the singer’s career was Moscow and participation in a music competition "Our songs". In 2003, Evgenia got into one of the most popular musical projects - "Star Factory". Bright and fiery, she nevertheless was not a clear favorite, but the audience loved her. After the end of the project, she went on a tour of the country with the rest of the participants, and when she returned, she decided to break the contract with the producer and began performing solo. The singer's first album was released in 2007. "Ppolife". Second album "ProLoved" combined two styles: pop and rock. The singer also released two videos for the songs "Territory of the Heart" And "I'll be the first".

Having gained sufficient experience in show business, she decides to write a novel "ProLIFE. How to lie down like a star", in which she revealed the seamy side of the musical world. The book became a bestseller, with a circulation of 50 thousand copies. Another novel followed “Losing weight, or contrary to desires...”. Evgenia began to appear on screens less and less and became more and more active in her writing career. Rasskazova's last novel "Inside Her" was released in 2010. Now the former “manufacturer” is also mastering the profession of a TV presenter. And in 2014, viewers could see Zhenya in the program "Let's get married".

Dmitry Astashenok, 32 years old

The blue-eyed brunette instantly fell in love with the public, especially the female part of it. Dmitry Astashenok(32) - younger brother of another manufacturer and former lead singer of the group “Roots” by Alexander Astashenko.

He was born in Orenburg and just like his brother, he was interested in music from childhood - already at the age of seven, Dmitry began writing songs. At the age of 19 he was awarded the Grand Prix of the competition "Morning Star". In 2002, Astashenok moved to Moscow, and in 2003 he ended up in "Star Factory". The project did not bring Dmitry the desired success, and "Factory" he left pretty soon. In 2006, Dmitry graduated from the Faculty of Sociology Moscow State University, and at the same time worked on recording the first album. One of the musician’s most popular songs was the composition "Close Ones", who played for some time "Russian Radio".

At the moment, Dmitry is the lead singer of a musical boy band called PlomBear.

Mikhail Reshetnikov, 35 years old

Like the other participants, Mikhail was a musical child from early childhood. At the age of five, his parents sent their talented son to a music club. DK MAI. It was here that Reshetnikov discovered his vocal abilities, and at the age of seven he performed on the stage of the MAI Palace of Culture. The next achievement was the theater studio "Class Center", where Mikhail added to his vocal skills the ability to play the trumpet. However, Misha did not stop at music and, at the age of eight, starred in Andrei Konchalovsky’s film "Inner Circle", and in 1998 he got the main role in the film "A Farewell to Arms". Reshetnikov consolidated his abilities by graduating from GITIS. In 2003 he found himself on "Star Factory", where he openly stated that he came here to make money doing what he loved - singing. However, after the end of the project, Mikhail did not have a brilliant musical career.

Reshetnikov currently lives in Moscow and has been married to Anna Reshetnikova(32) and travels a lot. Of the manufacturers maintains relations with Dmitry Praskovin And Gennady Lagutin.

Mikhail Reshetnikov on VKontakte

Dmitry Praskovin, 32 years old

Dmitriy was born in Tolyatti and was already diversified from childhood. He was interested in athletics, ballroom and Latin American dancing. At the age of 18 he found himself in St. Petersburg, where he participated in KVN. It was at this age that Dmitry clearly outlined his goal - he wanted to become a musician. To realize his dream, in 2003 Praskovin went to a casting "Star Factories" and passed it, becoming one of the lucky ones.

However, after the project there was a lull in Dmitry’s career. He didn't record an album or give concerts. The reason for this was the search for himself and the stage image with which he would like to appear before the public. In 2008, the musician’s video for the song was released "Loner".

At the moment, Dima is engaged in organizational activities and organizes concerts in the capital.

Gennady Lagutin, 35

Was born in Udmurtia. He graduated from the School of Pop and Jazz Arts and since childhood dreamed of becoming a famous musician. Once on "Star Factory", Gena clearly outlined his three main goals: to get an education in England, master the professions of a sound engineer and arranger, and become the owner of a recording studio.

Currently he is a sound producer for a music group. Guru Groove Foundation, which became a laureate of the country's largest festivals, such as Picnic "Afisha", "Estate Jazz", "MMKF", "Bosco Fresh Fest", "Wild Mint", "Kazan. Kremlin Live" and many others.

In 2015, the group performed at the New Wave with the original song Moscow. Summing up, we can say that Gennady generally achieved his goals.

Alexey Semenov, 39 years old

Alexey Semenov was born in Nizhny Novgorod and was distinguished by his artistry from childhood. He showed a passion for singing from kindergarten, and at school he was the most beloved student of the singing persecutor. During his student years, Alexey did not abandon his passion for music and performed at events with a guitar in his hands, performing Russian rock. In 2001, from Nizhny Novgorod he moved to Chukotka, where he created his own radio station "Blizzard", which a year after its creation received an award "Radiomania". Semenov decided not to stop there and flew to Moscow to fulfill his childhood dream - to become a famous musician. We didn’t succeed in winning the musical TV project, but we managed to find love and a spouse in the person of “manufacturers” by Elena Temnikova...though not for long. They met during the casting, but their romance began after the end of the project. The wedding became spontaneous, the separation became scandalous. As Alexey later admitted, it was all due to different life goals: he wanted a family, she wanted a career. After the breakup, Temnikova completely disowned Semenov, saying that he forced her to marry him. In 2007, Alexey released a novel "Naked Cynics", in which he speaks unflatteringly about his ex-wife.

Currently Semenov lives in Ukraine and is the main producer of the National Television Company of Ukraine. In my personal life, everything also turned out well. Alexey is married to Anna Semenova with whom he is raising his daughter Misha (8).

Christian Leinich, 35

One of the most talented, decent and modest “manufacturers”. Christian was born in the small northern town of Ukhta. At the age of nine he was a backing vocalist and keyboard player Andrey Derzhavin and groups "Stalker". At the age of 12, he and his family moved to Sochi, where he started playing football, and then entered the football boarding school UOR (Olympic Reserve School). However, the future artist was unable to build a brilliant football career due to an injury, which again returned Leinich to music. In 2003 he was included in the second issue "Star Factories" where he achieves success. Christina's talent was noticed by everyone. Song "Light up" became one of the most popular among “manufacturers”. After the end of the music show in 2008, he became the music director of the studio "Tender May" and released one of his best songs - "Behind you". A year later, he entered the second higher education at the Rostov Law Institute. Then Christian joined the Krasnodar Notary Chamber as a consulting secretary.

Having worked in various fields, Leinich again returned to musical creativity.

Now he writes songs and performs concerts. His new composition called "Lunatic". Christian lives most of the time in Sochi together with his wife Olga and are raising a one-year-old baby.

Marianna Beletskaya, 33 years old

Marianna was born in Moscow. Since childhood, she loved to sing and often entertained guests with her performances. Her parents, like Marianne herself, believed that the girl would make a brilliant singer. In 1999, Beletskaya graduated from the Faculty of Economics, and in 2000 she became a graduate of the State Music School of Pop and Jazz Art. For some time Beletskaya performed as part of the group "Singing Together", which was remembered by the song “I want someone like Putin”. The group did not last long and broke up, after which Marianna became one of the participants "Star Factories - 2". Beletskaya managed to last only two months in the project. According to Marianna herself, “Star Factory” made her look at the world differently and finally get rid of her old illusions. She realized that show business was not her thing. It was at this moment that Beletskaya felt a strong pull towards faith and found solace in the love of God. One day, while passing by the church, the former “factory owner” saw an advertisement for the recruitment of musicians for the choir and immediately decided to go there. Now Marianna Beletskaya sings in the choir, and at the same time works in one of the banks in the capital.

Pierre Narcisse, 38 years old

Bright Cameroonian Mudio Mukutu Pierre Narcisse became one of the brightest participants of the second "Star Factories". His signature song on the project was the composition "Chocolate bunny", which every resident of the country could sing. At an early age, he was interested in football and learned to play the tenor saxophone. In 1990 he created his first musical group, which mainly performed in local clubs. Cameroon. Soon Pierre moved to Moscow, where at first he lived with his sister. According to Narcissus, it was very difficult for him to get used to the cold Russian winter and the terrible conditions in which he had to live. After some time, Pierre even decided to leave Russia and go to France, however, fate decreed otherwise. Unexpectedly for himself, the charismatic Cameroonian was cast for a cameo role in the famous film "The Barber of Siberia", after which he decided to stay in Moscow. Then another fateful event happened in his life - participation in the project "Star Factory - 2".

After the show ended, Pierre became one of the most extraordinary and recognizable performers on the national stage. Under the direction of Maxim Fadeeva Narcissus's debut album is released "Chocolate bunny", which was well received by the public. In 2009, he married Valeria Kalacheva, the couple are raising a daughter, Christina-Karolina. Pierre still gives concerts, performs at corporate events, and his new song was recently released "Mom's Heart".

Pierre Narcisse on Twitter

Maria Rzhevskaya, 28 years old

She dreamed of being a cat and conquering Russian show business, but it didn’t work out. Maria Rzhevskaya was born in Moscow, as a child I was fond of tennis and dreamed of being an actress, but as fate would have it, I became a participant "Star Factories". Beautiful and a little strange, she won the love of the public and the main producer of the project Maxim Fadeeva. During her participation in “Factory”, two songs performed by Maria – “Cat” and "For what"- became real hits. After graduation "Factories" Fadeev took Rzhevskaya under his leadership, she released a video for the song "Cat" and performed on television with her favorite compositions. Bright makeup, extended fangs, a unique manner of performance - this is how Rzhevskaya was remembered by the audience. Having flared up for a while, it soon disappeared from the price. It was rumored that the reason was a quarrel with Fadeev, but the details of the conflict remained secret.

Soon Maria married the director of the company "ARS" by Vyacheslav Kormiltsev, from whom she gave birth to a daughter Eliza(12). Rzhevskaya has retired from the stage, is raising her daughter and is trying to fulfill her childhood dream of becoming an actress. The film was released in 2014 Let the Die Be Cast: Initium, directed by an English director Timothy Reynard(24), starring Maria.

30 years

Lively, charismatic and undoubtedly talented Elena Temnikova became one of the brightest “manufacturers” during the entire existence of this music competition. Since the age of 10, Lena has been studying music and participating in various festivals. At the age of 18, she moved from her native Omsk to Moscow to enter drama school, but ended up "Star Factory". Temnikova was one of the three finalists and took third place. After the end of the show, tours began, and then close collaboration with Maxim Fadeev.

In 2006, Temnikova became the lead singer of the group. Serebro. In 2007, the group went to an international music competition Eurovision 2007. The sexy trio led by Temnikova managed to win only third place. The group was gaining popularity, but in 2009 rumors appeared on the Internet about Lena leaving the group, which were eventually confirmed. In November 2014, she released her first single called “Addiction” and shot a video. The next creation was the song "Towards", which was presented in three versions: romantic, dance and acoustic.

News and society

Evgenia Rasskazova: biography of a Star Factory graduate

January 23, 2016

Her name is primarily associated with participation in the once popular television project of Channel One “Star Factory”. She is not only a singer, but also a writer and TV presenter.

Evgenia Rasskazova: biography

Evgenia Vladimirovna Rasskazova is from Novosibirsk. She was born on March 23, 1979. Almost immediately after the girl’s birth, her family moved to Chelyabinsk, and from that time on she lived here.

From childhood, Zhenya was active, and already in her school years she often received bad grades for behavior, as well as constant criticism from teachers because of her obstinate character. But despite this, her performance in subjects was good.

Evgenia Rasskazova began studying vocals at the age of 13 in the choir at the Mechta studio. For eight years, the studio has become her second home. There she studied choral singing, choreography, and piano. At the same time, the girl became interested in academic vocals. The music school became a kind of foundation that gave her even greater confidence in the correct choice of her future profession.

Over time, the choir develops into a church choir. As part of it, the girl goes on tour and performs the Divine Liturgy. Thus, she grew up praying, which gave her strong spiritual support in the future.

In 2001, Evgenia completed her studies at South Ural State University with a degree in tourism and hotel management and immediately moved to Moscow. Shortly before finishing her studies at the university, she began performing in show programs and singing in clubs.

Participation in festivals and competitions

In 2001, the girl performed at the Orenburg festival of young pop singers “Meeting 2001”, and according to its results she was awarded the First Prize. In addition, at two art song festivals - “Ilmensky” and “Grushinsky” - she was awarded a diploma for the successful performance of Evgeniy Rasskazov. Her songs were often performed at various musical evenings. In 2011, she became the winner of the “Spring of Romance” competition, held in St. Petersburg on the stage of the Great Concert Hall.


Moving to the capital opened up new horizons for the development of creativity.
In Moscow, Evgenia has been participating in the “Our Songs” project for six months, singing in clubs, and also working at various events and concerts as a presenter. The girl also performed as part of the group “Girlfriends”.

In 2003, a bright event happened in her life - she became a participant in the Star Factory-2 project. In 2008, the girl tries to get to Eurovision - at the qualifying stage in Russia she made it to the final, taking eighth place.


Evgenia is also interested in literature. The girl loves to write books, but she did not come to this right away. It all started with the fact that during a tour at the Star Factory, Evgenia Rasskazova wrote travel notes, which were then published in the magazine. At that time, project participants traveled to hundreds of cities over the course of a year. A lot happened on these travels, so there was something to write about.

Further more. Over time, the girl began to write stories, which then developed into novels. But, as the singer herself says, she reads quite a bit, which is what allowed her to decide to try herself in literary creativity. If she understood this more, she would hardly have been able to take such a step as publishing a book.

Among Evgenia’s favorite authors, Jack London can be singled out. She enjoys reading philosophical works most of all, and the writer she would like to emulate is Alain de Botton.

After the first novel received positive ratings from readers, Evgenia decided to continue moving in this direction. Two years later she publishes the novel “Losing Weight, or Despite Desires.” In order to write this book, Zhenya visited a clinic for the mentally ill and found a girl there who became the prototype for the main character. The book published entries from the personal diary of the same patient who suffered from anorexia.

Project "Star Factory"

In 2003 he entered the Evgeniy Rasskazov talent competition. “Star Factory” became a successful project for her, and participation in it was a bright event in her life. Zhenya was not among the favorites, but thanks to her charisma, she won the hearts of many viewers.

When the season of the television project ended, Zhenya, along with all the participants, went on tour around the country. Returning from the tour, she terminates the contract with the producer and decides to perform solo. Her repertoire includes piercing Russian romances and fiery songs. The most famous compositions: “I loved you”, “Jealousy”, “Love-carrots”, “I liked”, “Short circuit”, “Flock”.

Discography and books

2007 became a kind of debut in both musical and literary activities. Evgenia Rasskazova presented to the public her first book and first album. The book entitled “PRO life, or How to lie down as a star...” was a resounding success. By the way, the first disc she released was called similarly - PRO life (2007).

The second disc was released two years later under the title “PRO Lyubila”. The second book is “Losing Weight, or Despite Desires” (2008). The third book was the mystical novel “Inside Her,” which was published in 2010.

TV presenter

Before becoming a TV presenter, Evgenia graduated from the Ostankino television school. Rasskazova tried herself as a TV presenter and was not mistaken. She successfully hosted the “Wider Circle” program, which aired on the “Capital” TV channel. The program was in an interview format, where the presenter held conversations with famous people.

In 2014, the girl became a participant in the “Let's Get Married” program.

Duet with Sergei Zhukov

Evgenia Rasskazova and Sergei Zhukov (lead singer of the group “Hands Up”) jointly recorded a song called “Flock”. The composition became very popular not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries, especially after it appeared in the rotation of central radio stations. The singer’s videos, for example, for songs such as “Territory of the Heart” and “I’ll Be the First,” were shown on well-known music channels - MUZ-TV and RU TV.


The girl is interested in sports, namely swimming, running, ice-hole swimming and mountaineering. Zhenya Rasskazova at one time tried herself as a model. So, in 2008, she participated in Moscow Fashion Week, in the show of designer Antonina Shapovalova.

To the weekly “AiF. Health,” the girl spoke about the long path to the big stage.

To Moscow for a dream

Ulyana Vladina, AiF. Health”: Zhenya, tell us about your childhood. You lived in the family dormitory of the institute’s teachers...

It’s hard to imagine what happiness it is for a child to live in a family hostel. Stepping out into the corridor, you will immediately find yourself in the atmosphere of a complete madhouse: children playing tag and riding a bicycle, mothers in dressing gowns with full basins of dirty dishes or frying pans of hot food in their hands, prepared in the common kitchen. Cigarette smoke billows from the stairwell and snatches of “philosophical” conversations incomprehensible to a child’s mind can be heard. But it was an amazing time. My parents were teachers and were involved in science all their lives. Naturally, when I grew up and announced that I would become an artist, my parents did not take it seriously and insisted that I choose a “serious” department at the university where they also studied at one time.

– And you, an exemplary daughter, fulfilled your parents’ request?

– I received the specialty “tourism and hotel management” and, as soon as I passed the state exams, I immediately left for Moscow to pursue my dream. My mother later received my diploma without me.

Zhenya Rasskazova. Photo: www.russianlook.com

I can’t say that I regretted studying at the university. Higher education, knowledge and the environment in which I grew up gave me very good and correct support in life. But if you have a dream, you shouldn’t give up on it! Even if your parents predict a different future for you. You have your own life, and you must live it the way you want. Otherwise you will be unsatisfied and unhappy.

The main thing is to make up your mind!

– Zhenya, is it true that you sang in the church choir?

– This is also fate. Since childhood, I have been a creative and independent child. From early school age she participated in various competitions, staged plays with her friends and organized various events. Entertained myself and others.

One day my parents and I were at a recreation center. One woman, who had been watching me for a long time, literally took me by the hand and said: “You will sing in my choir.” Since then, every day I have been scheduled: choir, vocals, choreography, piano. I was constantly busy. Busy doing what I love. The “Dream” music school gave me everything: new friends, talented teachers. Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sheremetyev, the director of our choir, created a huge choir chapel, uniting us with a male choir. The main program was the all-night service. We knew the Divine Liturgy by heart, often performed with the organ and went on tour. You could say I grew up praying. This still lives in my soul.

– When did you decide that it was time to change the church choir to more modern venues?

- Again, it’s a case. One day I was asked to sing for veterans on May 9th. After the concert he came up to me musician Volodya Kanteev and made an offer that shocked me and my mother at first! (Laughs.) Volodya said that he would get me a job in a restaurant, where I would sing every evening and earn a hundred rubles. By this time, I was already in my second year of college, and like any girl, I wanted to dress beautifully. And although my mother had already become a professor by that time, the family was sorely short of money. My younger brother was growing up, and by that time my father had already left us, my mother was constantly working two or three jobs. But when I started singing in clubs and restaurants, it became easier for us: over the weekend I brought home as much money as my mother did in a month! Of course, restaurant school teaches you a lot... The main thing is not to get stuck there.

In Chelyabinsk I reached my ceiling. One day, standing at a bus stop at four o’clock in the morning, tired after six hours of work, I made a decision: I need to move on, I need to go to Moscow. There are decisions in life that need to be made and implemented without asking yourself the question: “What if it doesn’t work out?” Six months later, I was already standing at the Leningradsky station with a suitcase and a teddy bear in my hand. In my pocket I had the address of a friend with whom I was going to stay, and a certain amount of money saved for a “safety cushion”.

A start to life

-Have you changed during this time? Maybe it has become tougher?

- That's for sure. Tougher, more confident, wiser, more experienced and more careful. But in my soul lives the same girl “from the Urals” who once sang in a concert choir. That's why I'm not alone. I've been in Moscow for ten years. I have a lot of acquaintances and connections, but very few true, beloved friends. Mostly these are people who knew me even before I became famous.

– You are probably an adventurer by nature?

“Sometimes I’m even scared that I’m not afraid of anything.” Due to my character and the path I have traveled, I am a very brave and decisive person. But still, I’m afraid of something: insects, dark water, and most of all I wouldn’t want to offend a person in vain.

– Wasn’t it scary to go to the Channel One casting?

– I didn’t dare to take it, but just decided to go... It’s like jumping into the last carriage of a departing train. In fact, I thought that everything had already been decided there. Due to the fact that I was very cold while walking from VDNKh to the Television Center, I danced very energetically! And then she sang “Clouds are white-maned horses,” which made the jury laugh. That's probably why they hired me.

– Do you feel that you are still perceived as a “manufacturer”, or is this already a thing of the past?

– You can’t take the words out of the song – “Factory” gave me a lot. Broadcasts on Channel One work wonders. Thanks to her for this. But I had to do everything else myself. I have walked a difficult but interesting path. People even learned that I have a voice only after this project. After all, at the Factory they didn’t let me sing. I didn’t have a single solo song there. I'm a little offended by this. But everything is in your hands and depends on your performance, the strength of your desire and self-confidence.

– How does your family feel about your creative career?

- They are proud, of course. Every album, book, broadcast. And when I see their pride in their daughter, granddaughter, sister, I understand that this is the greatest gratitude for my work.

– If you had to start all over again, what would you change?

– A little: I wouldn’t waste myself communicating with narrow-minded people, I would say “no” more often and take my health more seriously.

Zhenya Rasskazova - “Star Factory - 2”.

RASSKAZOVA Zhenya: singer and presenter Zhenya Rasskazova is a graduate of the First Channel television project “Star Factory - 2”. Before “Factory” she participated in many music competitions and festivals. Zhenya, winner of the first prize at the sixth Orenburg festival of young pop singers "Meeting-2001", was a soloist in the show group "Girlfriends". In 2008, Zhenya reached the final of the Russian qualifying stage of the Eurovision 2008 competition and took 8th place. And the viewer believed and rated the song higher than the jury! The duet of Zhenya Rasskazova and Sergei Zhukov for the song “Flock”, which appeared in the rotation of central radio stations, quickly gained popularity throughout the country and near abroad. The singer has two videos to her credit: “Territory of the Heart” (2006, directed by Maxim Rozhkov), “I’ll Be the First” (2008, directed by Alexey Vedernikov). The clips were rotated on music channels such as MUZ-TV, MUSIC BOX, RU TV and others. In November 2006, Zhenya released her first solo album “PRO-Life” (WWW.Records). In the spring of 2009, the second album PROlyubila (CD LAND) was released. In her concert program, the singer performs not only her own hits, but also cover versions of everyone’s favorite retro compositions. Since the New Year of 2010, Zhenya has been working with a group of professional musicians, beloved by the people under the name “Above the Rainbow”. In the joint project, old dance hits and songs from Zhenya’s two solo albums are performed. The public really liked the dance program with the famous soloist. Zhenya also has a solo program of romances ready, accompanied by musicians. We can guarantee you an absolutely energetic and positive program! Zhenya can also work as the host of your event.

RASKAZOVA WomenI: presenter

In addition, Zhenya has extensive experience working on stage as a presenter; she has hosted both private and large public events: Miss Sochi 2008, a regional football tournament for Gazprom teams, city days, children's parties and festivals, and more. Since the fall of 2008, Zhenya has been working as a TV presenter on the Capital TV channel and hosts the program “Wider District” (format: interview with a star). You can see all the detailed information (songs and videos of performances and TV shows) on the website www.rasskazova.su Zhenya’s SKAZOVA: writer V At the beginning of December 2006, Zhenya RASKAZOVA presented to the public not only her debut album, but also a book of the same name “PRO-life” or “How to Lie as a Star...”. After the stunning success of “PRO Life”, Rasskazova is writing a script and preparing for the film adaptation of the book. If earlier critics were prejudiced against the fact that the singer could write novels, now they recognize the liveliness of her style and the relevance of her themes, as well as her extraordinary view of social problems. On March 21, 2008, Zhenya Rasskazova presented to the audience her second book, “Losing Weight, or Despite Desires” - the philosophy of modern gloss. In order to write this book, the author visited a clinic for the mentally ill, where she found a heroine for her literary work. The final version of the book even included excerpts from the real diary of one girl with anorexia. The book talks about stereotypes and standards in the modern world, where it is difficult to maintain individuality and follow one’s own desires, rather than generally accepted aspirations. The main character of the book goes from a happy “fat” girl to a glamorous diva, exhausted by diets, meeting completely different characters along the way: greedy producers; naive girls who want to become a “star”; semi-criminal businessmen. It is clear that the author is familiar with the backstage of show business firsthand. The novel contains love and betrayal, crime and punishment. The other side of glamor and gloss is described with humor.

Russian pop singer, Star Factory graduate, writer and TV presenter. Evgenia Vladimirovna Rasskazova born March 23, 1979 in Novosibirsk. Zhenya's parents moved to Chelyabinsk, where she spent her childhood. The girl studied at a linguistic gymnasium, was a very active child, and deuces for behavior appeared in her diary. At the age of 8, the girl began studying at the “Dream” choir studio and participated with the choir in various competitions and festivals. Zhenya has a brother, their parents are divorced.

In 1996, Zhenya entered South Ural State University. While studying, she worked part-time performing at a club. Acquaintance with Mikhail Yakovlevich Veitskin led to active participation in bard song competitions. In 2001, Zhenya received first prize at the Orenburg festival of young pop singers “Meeting-2001”, and was awarded diplomas from the Ilmensky and Grushinsky festivals. After that, she moved to Moscow, where she continued her musical career in the project “ Our songs" together with Yuri Garin m. At the same time, she sang in clubs, acted as a host of events, organized cultural activities in the Western Moscow Customs House and performed with a double theater. Her next musical project was the group “ Girlfriends».

Spring 2003 Zhenya Rasskazova got into the television project " Star Factory", which was produced by Max Fadeev. At the end of the project, together with other graduates, she went on a tour of the country. After that, she broke the contract with the producers of the show and began performing solo.

The album was released in 2007 Zhenya Rasskazova « Ppolife"with songs in the light pop genre. With her second album, she decided to experiment and recorded pop-rock compositions. Zhenya shot and broadcast several videos for songs from the album. The latest album includes a duet with Sergei Zhukov.

Having become acquainted with the underbelly of show business, Zhenya felt an irresistible desire to describe what was happening and show the “cuisine” of the stage in a book. Her first novel entitled " ProLIFE. How to lie down like a star"became a bestseller, its circulation amounted to 50 thousand copies.

Based on " ProLIFE. How to lie down like a star"A film will be made. Zhenya has always dreamed of becoming an actress, she hopes that she will play her main character in this film.

Zhenya Rasskazova about his first novel: “The plot of the book was dictated to me by life itself. Show business doesn't wait for you to learn how to swim, it throws you into the deep end and watches as you begin to flounder in order to finally find yourself on the crest of the wave. The hardest thing is to succeed and remain yourself.”

In 2008, Zhenya’s second book “ Losing weight, or contrary to desires...", in which she continues to reveal the ins and outs of the world of glamor.

While working on the book, Zhenya came to Chelyabinsk, where she spent two days with friends working in a psychiatric clinic. She collected material and read the diary of a girl suffering from anorexia.

In 2008 Zhenya Rasskazova tried herself as a model, she participated in the designer's show Antonina Shapovalova during Fashion Week in Moscow.

Zhenya is actively involved in sports: runs, swims, dances. She enjoys mountaineering and swimming in ice holes.

Zhenya Rasskazova became the host of the program " Shire district"on the TV channel "Capital". She has proven herself to be a talented interviewer; famous people become guests of her show.


1. Ppolife (2007)

2. “PROloved” (2009)


1. ProLIFE. How to Lie as a Star (2007)

2. Losing weight, or contrary to desires (2008)