“The Adventures of Major Zvyagin” Mikhail Weller. The Adventures of Major Zvyagin Weller The Adventures of Major Zvyagin epub

Mikhail Weller

The Adventures of Major Zvyagin

Novel of education

“Do what you must, and come what may.”

Knightly motto

“Hope is in God, and strength is in the hand.”

The inscription on the nickname of Hetman Mazepa

Instead of a prologue

Your hand is the ruler

Lenya, you’re not at all interested in perestroika,” my wife reproached from under a heap of newspapers, while the TV promised the collapse of Leningrad on all counts, including oxygen starvation.

Yes,” Zvyagin agreed phlegmatically, “I’m not at all interested in perestroika.” - He leafed through an atlas of cats published in the GDR, which now no longer existed. - Do you know the difference between a Siamese downy and a Siamese shorthair?

You are apolitical! - the wife stated indignantly.

“I’m apolitical,” Zvyagin nodded meekly, admiring the cat’s portrait.

And the newspapers write...

I know what they write in the newspapers.

All the same.


That there is nothing to eat. That the Union is falling apart. That the economy is falling into tetanus. That the pastures are not unloaded, the deputies are corrupt, the past is tragic, the future is gloomy, and in general I don’t like collective neuroses.

And what do you like? - the wife asked.

To make it interesting. And heal people. The first is from character, obviously, the second is from profession.

Is this not interesting to you?! - and she, with the characteristic intonations of a teacher with twenty years of experience, began to read about the successful retirement of the executioner who tortured Vavilov.

I would have killed him! - with the directness of ringing youth, the daughter said, appearing at the door.

Hm-yes? - Zvyagin yawned. - And how would you kill him?


Of what? From a cosmetic bag?

A light family dispute arose about crime and punishment, and how aggressive and irreconcilable the female part of the family was, whether the schoolgirl or the schoolteacher, was just as good-natured and accommodating as the husband and father of the family.

You'd think you weren't wearing an officer's uniform!

I wore what they gave me.

How can you, with your indifference to human suffering, be a doctor!

Easy and carefree. The main thing here is to get a good night’s sleep,” and Zvyagin got up from his favorite sofa and proceeded to the bedroom. - I’m waiting for my wife with the first stagecoach! - he shouted from there.

In the morning, jumping up silently (warm-up, shower, coffee - it was Sunday, and the household were sleeping off), he leafed through the newspapers, skimmed an article from earlier and thought briefly: a gloomy smile appeared in his eyes.

At the ambulance, if Sunday falls in the middle of the month and the weather is decent, in order to have fewer auto accidents, you can relax a little: in your free time, it has long been recorded that people are less likely to need urgent medical care. They gossiped and got tired of it:

“Gostiny” always has three packs of Bulgarian ones...

And there are almost a hundred cases around the city - all of them were poisoned by these Uzbek grapes.

Food supplies within the framework of jihad!..

I understand everything, but why are there no hats anywhere!..

And what’s amazing: there is no gasoline - but there are more car accidents...

We left for a call, the driver turned up the music, the paramedic was dozing in the cabin - he was young, obviously drunk yesterday, on a Saturday evening, despite the shortage of alcohol; Judging by his temperament, thank God, he is not threatened by a shortage of women.

Grisha,” Zvyagin turned around, “do you know what in the old days they said: a doctor did not become a doctor until he filled the cemetery with his patients?”

That’s why there’s a line at the cemetery,” Grisha responded. - And there are still not enough doctors.

After a pause, Zvyagin answered not entirely clearly:

“Everyone has his place,” he said.

And your time.

Exactly,” said the driver.

They screamed as they turned under the Okhtinsky Bridge.

When they left the State Security Service, they changed their last names,” Zvyagin said, but in fact he didn’t say it out loud, he just thought. We don't need any extra words.

Having worked and returning to the station, he plopped down in a sagging chair under the window and crossed his outstretched legs: “The basis of action is what? - plan. What is the basis of the plan? - information. Basis of information what? - leakage at joints. Pliable links who? - clientele. Who is the best clientele? - women, of course. So, Major, now let’s carry out archaeological excavations in our rich and littered memory.”

Only a day later, at home, having taken a fancy to a page in a notebook, plump as a loaf and heavy as a grenade, he dialed the phone number:

Tatyana Ilyinichna? Doctor Zvyagin is worried. How is your health? This is in the order of things... Let's get some conversation... No, just like that, nothing is needed. I never refused a cup of tea. Free. Tomorrow at seven, that's for sure.

He whistled the “Turkish March” and rang again:

Sasha? Listen, there's a conversation. Yes, you mentioned it once... Not by telephone, of course. Why put it off?

A couple more calls, and he was walking back and forth on the carpet, putting his hands in his pockets and grunting with satisfaction; the grunt came out with some kind of metallic cold purr.

“I won’t get my hands dirty on you,” Zvyagin affectionately promised someone. - I'll trample you with my feet. To the dust! Understood?..

His face took on an expression of calm concentration, like that of a helmsman at the helm, aiming for a course point on the horizon.

Tatyana Ilyinichna, a faded blonde, received him in a small respectable apartment - half business, half boudoir of a well-lived lady.

Which flowers! I recognize the guard. Officers and gentlemen are one and the same.

They drank French cognac in tiny sips and Ceylon tea: they spoke lightly, with playfulness, on the subtext of a non-existent, but seemingly not excluded, flirtation.

Thank you,” she took two packs of rehypnol. - Only a good sleeping pill can guarantee good sleep in our time and at my age.

Zvyagin paid a compliment.

So how can I serve in turn? - the hostess inquired with the gravity of a strong person accustomed to winning according to the rules of the games of this world.

“I was once a lieutenant,” said Zvyagin, “and through my youth and intemperance of language I got into a bad story.

Where and when was this? - Tatyana Ilyinichna quickly asked.

And one person from your department helped me a lot.

I didn’t know about your affairs with state security.

Recently I came across his name in the newspaper. And in a negative sense.

Who speaks positively about the KGB now?

Because by nature I don’t like dogs kicking dead lions...

This is typical for decent officers.

- ...I would like to thank this man, now an old man, a pensioner, for the good he has done. So that he doesn’t consider everyone scum. I don't like to blend in with society.

I recognize your whims... - Tatyana Ilyinichna narrowed her eyes.

“I don’t like anything unfinished,” Zvyagin answered.

He who wishes but does not act breeds the plague. Don't know who said this? William Blake.

I would like your education.

What is his last name?

Then his last name was Khvat.

She quirked her eyebrow slightly.

With the rank of colonel or lieutenant colonel, obviously.

A lot of unseemly things have now become known about him. If what they write is true, it’s even criminal.

This doesn't concern me!

We took a sip of tea. She puffed on a thin American cigarette.

But I don’t work either in personnel or in the archive, dear Leonid Borisovich.

Sorry if this is not possible - the issue has been removed.

Well... nothing is impossible at all.

Zvyagin, looking away as if in thought, turned his face to the most advantageous angle, emphasizing the sharpness of his features, the squareness of his chin and the cold green of his eyes.

What a Hollywood movie hero you are. I would have fallen head over heels... but with you it’s hopeless.

She waved her hand and burst out laughing.

Are you in a hurry? Take that bottle out of the bar. And your request is nonsense, I’ll ask the department to send a request. Listen, Zvyagin,” turning to you, she looked with naked directness, “do you like me?”

Zvyagin purred metallic and clinked his glass.

“The monkey wanted love with the elephant, and that’s when it burst,” he remembered a children’s joke, leaving the entrance at night. - There is another joke: “So, even this didn’t help, the guy in the white coat asked the lady; well, then you really need a doctor; and who are we? yes, a team of painters, we are working here... “You will go to great lengths for the triumph of justice,” he mocked himself.

The second question was resolved much more simply; Yes, in our time there is nothing particularly complicated about it.

Sasha, the most intelligent, fragile young man, greeted him with a sweet smile and a handshake with a thin little hand - like a karateka’s wooden vice; Zvyagin squeezed the handle with difficulty and grunted with satisfaction.

The Adventures of Major Zvyagin Mikhail Weller

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Title: The Adventures of Major Zvyagin

About the book “The Adventures of Major Zvyagin” Mikhail Weller

A famous author, impeccable style and composition, a relevant topic, an idealist hero - this is how you can briefly describe the novel “The Adventures of Major Zvyagin” by Mikhail Weller. Like any literary work, it conveys its moral to the general public: “Man has the power to create his own destiny.” After all, each person independently makes small and big decisions in his life. And the most important thing here is to make the right choice. After all, this choice will, in the future, predetermine fate.

Mikhail Weller did not endow his main character in the book “The Adventures of Major Zvyagin” with such deep philosophical thinking. Retired Major Zvyagin lives by a similar, but more understandable principle to him - the code of officer honor: “Do what you must, and it will be as it will be.” Having given his military duty to the medical service of the airborne troops, he now lives as an ordinary civilian. He has his own home, a wonderful and understanding wife and daughter, a completely normal job in an ambulance and enough free time. He is in his prime and full of optimism. This is not to say that our hero is so ideal. Various things happened on his way, but he steadfastly endured all the hardships, each time returning the situation to normal. He also has a peculiar hobby - helping the disadvantaged and unfortunate who so often come across his path.

Or maybe on the contrary, Zvyagintsev often gets in their way. One way or another, our major is not indifferent to the suffering of others and cannot resist the opportunity to make someone happy. And it should be noted that he does it well. He firmly believes himself and convinces others that fate can be changed. The main thing you need to do for this is to want to change it and believe in your strength. He proves this not only with words and reasoning, but with deeds and their personal example. This is how he helps others, pulling them out of the abyss of circumstances, emptiness and despair.

“The Adventures of Major Zvyagin” by Mikhail Weller is a kind of survival course for any person. It has simple rules and exercises. There are no complications, no veils. Just take it and do it - don’t turn away from others, help, don’t remain indifferent. Would you say it's stupid and frivolous? Is it really stupid to feed a street kitten, help an elderly person cross the road, or make someone a little happier? Well, if you compare it with everyone’s global and personal problems, then maybe for some people such little things are not worth attention. What if, purely humanly?

The novel “The Adventures of Major Zvyagin” is not annoying. It is easy to read, captivating calmly and for a long time. There is no extreme in it, but there is a lot of irony, funny and interesting moments. Mikhail Weller, together with his hero, are trying to reach us and say that the most important miracle is the person himself, who can give any miracle to everyone who needs it.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “The Adventures of Major Zvyagin” by Mikhail Weller in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “The Adventures of Major Zvyagin” by Mikhail Weller

Large cleanings are fraught with unexpected finds.

Irresponsibility speaks through the mouth of a baby.

Your tragedy is enough for five comedies.

From the very bottom, all paths lead up.

A hero dies once, but a coward dies constantly.

Mikhail Weller's novel "The Adventures of Major Zvyagin" was first published in 1991. Subsequently, many publications reissued it, and the total circulation reached a million copies. Throughout this period, the book was assessed in completely different ways, both by critics and readers. Some consider it downright stupid, others talk about exaggerating the qualities of the hero, while others admit that the book made them look at the world differently, and they were able to become different people.

In his work, Mikhail Weller portrayed an idealistic hero who, on the one hand, does not seem to be particularly deep-thinking. But on the other hand, the actions he performs make him feel respected. The title of the book actually has little to do with the content. The life of the main character cannot be called exciting, full of adventures and dangers. Perhaps the author wanted to say that the first impression of a person or situation can be deceptive.

The retired major lives quite calmly and measuredly. He previously worked as a doctor for the airborne troops, but now works in an ambulance. He has everything an ordinary person needs: a nice cozy home, a wife and a daughter. He lives by the principle of “doing what needs to be done.” He devotes his free time to his hobby. And this is not the usual fishing, football or collecting. Zvyagin cannot remain indifferent to the misfortunes of others, and therefore tries in every possible way to help people get out of the hole. He pulls them out of despair and depression, he succeeds well. The former major helps people realize that life can be changed if you just want to, that you need to believe in yourself.

The novel is easy to read, and sometimes interesting moments that arise make you smile. The writer with this work wanted to reach the soul of every person in order to make it clear that the most important thing we have is ourselves. How we live depends only on us, only we can help ourselves and other people.

On our website you can download the book “The Adventures of Major Zvyagin” by Mikhail Iosifovich Weller for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

“The Adventures of Major Zvyagin” is a very unusual novel, no matter how you look at it. Mikhail Weller managed to write a book that tells us that with the proper perseverance and desire, you can achieve anything. After all, despite its name, we are not invited to read about the brave military man. Yes, to be blunt, it’s not about a brave militant. Although the main character is not a fraudster at all - he is really a major, only retired. Therefore, he is able to “give a light to” any enemy so that it doesn’t seem too much.

The novel “The Adventures of Major Zvyagin” will tell the reader how you can win in life, in situations that seem hopeless. The book does not belong to the adventure genre, but rather should be considered as a set of rules for making your life better. And even learn to manage it on your own, and not go obediently led by the hand by fate, which also happens to be in a bad mood, as in the case of one of the heroes Zvyagin met named Epishko. He is a vivid example of the fact that sometimes fate is ready to joke without stopping, but the object of such jokes is unlikely to appreciate its humor.

Mikhail Weller created not just a book, but a real encyclopedia of the correct outlook on life. Such works are called “novels of education.” “The Adventures of Major Zvyagin” not only helps you have fun reading, but also offers you a tool to catch your own luck by the tail. What is the worst thing in the world for a person today - failures, lack of love, problems finding the meaning of life? Each person has their own unique set of adversities, but they all have one thing in common - they can be overcome. Major Zvyagin will tell the reader how this can be done, and many of you will be surprised at how simply terribly complicated, at first glance, snake-like tangles of problems can be solved.

Finally, just reading the fascinating novel “The Adventures of Major Zvyagin” is interesting because it is written extremely simply and clearly. Mikhail Weller invites us to get acquainted with a certain modern “Robin Hood”, who accepted the experience of ancient sages, but remained a simple and understandable person. So simple that if you want, you can even find a similar person in real life, or even become one yourself. All that remains for the reader is not to forget that it is still impossible to help everyone alone, but everyone is always able to help themselves.

On our literary website you can download the book “The Adventures of Major Zvyagin” by Mikhail Weller for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, psychological literature and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.

I know at least two such bright people: one, Father Nikolai (priest), pulls people out of the criminal sphere of life. The second one is my hand-to-hand combat trainer, a therapist, who was also able to improve the lives of many people by simply intervening in time, talking and giving the necessary advice. Every person who has a core senses this, and relying on it, is able to give other people support in life in the form fundamental human and moral principles. Before becoming a saint, become a man. This book can, to some extent, be classified as a manual on how to become a caring person.

This is Weller’s next attempt to convey his idea in artistic form, which he explains in detail and less digestibly in “The Understander” and other “about everything.” Zvyagin is a modern Zarathustra, a man at most. And the first sketch should show us that there are no barriers for him. He will do literally ANYTHING. Based on the moral principles he preaches. Other people may have different ones. For Zvyagin, we need the same Zvyagin. This major must show us what will happen if we live to the maximum of our desires and capabilities. And that's it. not bad. BUT! The reader has questions as the story progresses. Why doesn’t Zvyagin himself have such a “wish” for himself? Walk and be proud because you know you can do anything? For me, for example, it is doubtful. Yes, you feel strong because you can help/change people... and here again - BUT! A significant person cannot occupy an insignificant social role in society. I am convinced of this. If his social role is insignificant, it means that at the moment he is not in demand by society. Either he was ahead of his time, or such qualities of his are simply not needed. These are the thoughts. I'm re-reading the book...

Zvyagin is our analogue of Mr. Wolf from Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction”. Solves problems. With nothing to do (works in about three days, after a hefty twenty years of action in the army), but very professionally. For him, these are all mental problems, probably. And the fact that when wishes come true, expect big troubles is not news to anyone.

Written interestingly and talentedly. But a little unrealistic. The point is not that such Zvyagins do not exist. And the fact is that he gets away with everything. In reality, after one or two attempts to interfere in the lives of strangers, he would have received the full punishment. And his tricks with LSD, actual interference in the lives of strangers in order to save the “love” of a failed suicide, go beyond the bounds of reason. Zvyagin is a lawless man. He’s kind and positive, but he’s a scumbag. These people either sat down or lay down. More often than not, it’s the latter. And it’s still written well and with humor. If you look at the book as a phantasmagoria, it turns out simply wonderful. The author deservedly receives applause!