Right hemisphere drawing. Right-hemisphere drawing - the path to harmony

Hooray! Finally, my dream came true - I went to right-brain drawing. It would seem - well, why? And I seem to draw and sculpt in the same way... But what am I drawing? What and how do I do this?
In general, it was another challenge to myself - to do something that I have never done. Paint with gouache, terrible brushes (bristles!!! which I don’t even like to smear glue!!!) on paper (!!! nonsense!!! paper is so... impractical!!! - said the left hemisphere. But I quickly I shut him up - today is not his day, today I decided to take a break from him).

Of course, at first we all got to know each other and talked about ourselves. I, perhaps, of all those present, was the most... “right-brained” - I have been drawing for as long as I can remember, as God bestows on my soul, my work is also connected with drawing, my hobby is not far behind.
However, on this day I was equal to everyone else - a blank slate, a complete zero. And I didn’t even suspect how much!
This is such a creative environment. :)

Creativity and order are incompatible. And today I realized that I’m not so right-brained - my clients have never seen such a workplace from me! At my workplace, everything is always closed, cleaned, folded in a timely manner... And here... Here you can (and should) turn around, go beyond the usual boundaries imposed by the rational left hemisphere, smear with both hands, both on the sheet and on the tablet, and on the floor, on the sheets of neighbors... with brushes, fingers, anything! All this with childish excitement, to the best music.

Well, here’s the first little bit. We still don’t really understand what they want from us, we haven’t fully engaged in the process yet, initially we don’t know what exactly we are drawing, so we can’t calculate the dimensions, perspective, or color. Nevertheless... something recognizable is already emerging.

The second drawing is also not great. The left hemisphere fights with the right and is perplexed - he is kept hungry, he is not given any information based on which he could understand what we are drawing. Everything is wrong for the left hemisphere!

Not only are the trees red, but they are also drawn upside down!!! The left hemisphere went into a deep swoon and the process went much better!

My gods, so many flowers! Did I really do this??? Am I an eternal schedule?! I am a miniaturist who loves precision, conciseness, clarity and completeness of lines?! It's mind boggling!
And the background is generally smeared with fingers! (without moving away from the culture shock, my left hemisphere gave up)

Birds and the sun are not reflected in the water. Why? Because there wasn't enough time!!! These pictures are drawn in a matter of minutes. The lesson lasted 6 hours. Of these 6 hours, half an hour was spent waiting for late arrivals, then about the same amount of time for briefing, then each participant spoke about himself, plus 4 or 5 breaks. In the remaining time, I managed to tint 17 backgrounds and draw 13 pictures. Even 14, including the very first one, which we drew outside the program.
And reflection is a profitable business. I'll fix it tomorrow.

Rrrrromahi!!! And finger-drawn clouds.

When we drew this picture, we were told that by drawing a tree, a woman is drawing her man. Oh yeah! This is exactly the kind of man that would suit me! It's okay that I drew it upside down. The main thing is the result! :))))

In general, after the picture is finished and signed, the “moment of truth” comes when it is placed in a frame and shown to all participants. How much the frame transforms the picture! This was a real revelation for me!
And one more nuance, such pictures need to be viewed from a distance. Up close, I couldn’t perceive this picture at all. Either the background doesn’t work, or the strokes are unnecessary... The left hemisphere screams in hysterics: Ksyukha!! Green, red... tin!!! Huge flowers in the foreground - horror!!!
And I looked from a distance... The right hemisphere says - and... cool!!!

Clouds - with fingers... Trees - upside down... Everything else is careless strokes. Who would have thought how interesting it could get...

Late autumn night city landscape. After the break, critical perception turned on and began to peck at the brain: they say, the foreground is too small and not interesting... And... don't give a damn! What happened is what happened. Who will stop me from redrawing this at home?

Another quite charming landscape. Eh, well, there’s not enough time to work out the small details.

Well, this is the end.
We laid out our work and... now we go to “visit” each other to admire the results, praise ourselves, and be happy for others.
Each picture drawn was shown to us in a frame, and each work was applauded and admired. And at the end of the process, we stood and unanimously applauded both ourselves and those who conducted this exciting activity for us. In general, we received a lot of positive things, a lot of beautiful pictures, interesting information, new skills... Well... now you can buy gouache and periodically pamper yourself with such positive “daubs”.
And really, everyone draws. When it comes to right-hemisphere drawing, everyone is a genius! Masterpieces were created even by those who initially were “not able to even draw a cucumber,” as one of the participants said about herself.

It's no secret that unprocessed stress tends to accumulate in a person, both in the psyche and in the body. There are many techniques and methods for relieving stress ( cm. psychotrainings), today you will learn what right-hemisphere drawing is (or, as it is also called, intuitive drawing), as a method of relaxation, stress relief and general improvement of mental and physical condition.

Almost everyone probably knows that a person has two hemispheres of the brain, one of which is the leading one (the so-called interhemispheric asymmetry), more often the left (especially in people with an analytical mindset) and the right - in people with an artistic, imaginative mind. type of thinking. But there are people who can think equally well in both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Also, interhemispheric differences can be expressed in left-handed (left-handed), right-handed (right-handed) and “two-handed” (ambidextrous) people.

The essence of right-hemisphere drawing, as a method of stress relief, lies in the fact that it is the right hemisphere that works with images, pictures, ideas, imagination and, of course, emotions and intuition - hence the second name - intuitive drawing, i.e. without the participation of the left hemisphere: its logic, analysis, rules, stereotypical interpretation...

When you engage in right-hemisphere drawing, using intuition and your inner vision, you will enjoy the process itself, perceiving the world as it is, and not as it should be according to the settings of the left hemisphere. By depicting and drawing the world intuitively, you will be able to release the negatives accumulated in the subconscious, relax and get true pleasure - you will feel like a child - happy, creative, full of strength and energy.

Intuitive, right-hemisphere drawing techniques

The essence of intuitive drawing techniques is that there are no special techniques... The whole technique is not about right-hemisphere drawing itself, but about turning off the left hemisphere while creating a drawing, which will interfere with the beginning artist, because... you will analyze, use logic, evaluate your, without “embellishment” it will be said, work of art...

How to turn off the left hemisphere when drawing with the right hemisphere?
In order to perceive the world as you see it and draw intuitively, precisely with the right hemisphere, it is necessary to turn off or at least weaken the work of the left hemisphere. To do this, use simple techniques.

For example, you can start by copying other drawings and images, turning the original upside down - the left hemisphere will perceive the inverted image as something illogical and incomprehensible to it - it will turn off, and you will switch to right-hemisphere drawing, perceiving the drawing as you see it.

You can also take children's coloring pictures and, covering the top part of the image, begin intuitive drawing, coloring the visible part of the picture.

Trainings and courses in right-hemisphere drawing for children and adults

Nowadays, right-hemisphere drawing, as a method of relaxation, stress relief, and sometimes as a way of revealing talents, hobbies and pastimes, has become quite popular among children and adults.

Typically, trainings and courses on right-hemisphere, intuitive drawing are organized by professional artists who, due to their profession, already have a highly developed right-hemisphere, artistic thinking.

Psychotherapists and psychoanalysts usually use intuitive drawing as drawing tests for psychodiagnostics of children and adults, and some psychologists, especially children's psychologists, use right-hemisphere drawing as a method of art therapy, together, for example, with fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, etc.

For relaxation, stress relief and negative emotions, psychotherapists use more various psychological trainings, for example, according to the Jose Silva method, or self-hypnosis exercises, or various positive affirmations..., in which the left hemisphere is switched off more clearly and purposefully than with right-hemisphere drawing, and a person can change more specific things in himself: work out negative experiences, preserved emotional situations, in a word, solve more serious psychological problems.

Psychoanalytic summary: If you have serious psychological problems: neuroses, fears and phobias, stress disorders, moderate and severe depression, low self-position in life, constant bad luck in life, large complexes, severe indecisiveness and self-doubt, etc., then the right hemisphere drawing is not for you - you do not need the help of an artist, but the psychological help of a practical psychologist, psychotherapist or psychoanalyst.

If you have mild depression, often a bad mood, somewhat low self-esteem, minor stress, and you don’t know how to relax, then intuitive drawing may well help you, because... During the most emotionally positive process of right-hemisphere drawing, positive communication with other people, enjoying your creativity, sometimes discovering talents in yourself and structuring your time, you will be able to achieve mental balance and harmony within your personality...

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In 1952, Roger Sperry, an American neuropsychologist, determined that the hemispheres of the brain can work not only in tandem, but also independently of each other. At the same time, the right hemisphere allows you to identify an object and, based on intuitive perceptions, express it through creativity. Due to the work of this hemisphere, visual images are processed according to their location relative to objects, place and time. In fact, the object is reproduced in the form of a general picture of interaction with the outside world.

In the 80s of the 20th century, on the basis of this discovery, a method of right-hemisphere drawing was developed. It is based on the development of the activity of the right hemisphere and the ability to temporarily “turn off” the work of the left hemisphere, which is responsible for analytical work. In this case, when the left hemisphere concludes that a person does not have the ability to draw, the right hemisphere helps to draw perceived images, excluding knowledge about the skill and abilities.

Drawing methods.

Artist Betty Edwards, in her book on the principles of right-brain drawing, described in detail how to act correctly to get the desired result. To involve the right hemisphere in the work, she suggested drawing an object upside down or completing it from partially suggested lines. With such actions, the left hemisphere ceases to see the meaning and stops participating in the process.

Advantages of this method.

Right-hemisphere drawing acts on the brain like a simulator. By including the right hemisphere in the process and training it, a person has additional potential for generating creative ideas and the opportunity to express himself in other creative directions.

The drawing process itself becomes easy, drawings come out quickly. There is practically no effort put into creating a drawing - there is a surge of creative energy. From the first minutes the fear of drawing disappears. Therefore, the method can be safely considered a therapy for fatigue and bad mood. The artist begins to enjoy the process, seeing a good result, and can independently teach the method to his family, friends and relatives. The resulting paintings can be presented as a gift for any occasion, since these are no longer just drawings by a novice artist, but works of a master.

Drawing will not only be a fun way to try something new, but it will also turn into a hobby. The method is suitable for everyone, regardless of age, gender and status. For responsible people, the method will help them approach complex problems more confidently and creatively. For mothers, it will become an assistant in the development of the child and the formation of a positive image of the world around him. Even children from one year old can be called artists, because their drawings have their own meaning. For some children, this will be a step towards a great future in the arts. People of creative professions will be able to present their ideas efficiently and clearly and increase their competitiveness among colleagues. The method is suitable for use as family therapy to unite a couple in one session and improve the climate of relationships.

Right-hemisphere drawing reveals possibilities that allow you to create an entire work of art:

  • perception of light, shadows and space;
  • commensurability of the parts of the object and the object in relation to the surrounding space;
  • determining the boundaries of an object and the field for drawing it;
  • reproduction of an object in a drawing without seeing the object itself;
  • inclusion of imagination in the process.

The difference between the method and the usual approach to drawing.

If you have mastered this method and have a desire to study at an art school and expand your knowledge base with generally accepted drawing fundamentals, you should be prepared to have to relearn. Almost all schools use the technique of left-hemisphere drawing, based on the analytical work of the brain. It is also worth noting that training in this case will take a lot of time and you will have to first study many works by famous artists who worked in various techniques.

Where can I get training?

You can learn to use the right-hemisphere drawing technique at various master classes conducted by artists who decided to give everyone the opportunity to feel talented and move away from standard drawing methods.

Master classes are held in open areas in parks, schools and private workshops. Tools and materials for the job are almost always provided on site, making training more accessible. It is important to remember that advance registration is required for such events due to the large number of participants.

For those who want to learn how to draw on their own, we offer you to download sketch pictures. They will help beginning artists learn:

In conclusion, we can add that you just have to believe in yourself a little, gain courage, and a bright world of colors, fantasies and inspiration will open up.

Most people believe that not everyone has the ability to draw. There must be some innate inclinations, talent, and ability to see differently. But it turns out that everything is wrong.

There are a variety of interesting techniques for teaching drawing that help people at any age not only hold a brush correctly in their hand, but also create real paintings. One of these techniques is right-hemisphere drawing.. It is very interesting to observe the progress of students who have chosen this particular method.

Usually the drawing made before the first lesson resembles a set of symbols that we associate with the object that we see. For example, if we are asked to draw a flower, we will depict it using several circles and ovals, because petals are a prototype of an oval. But already during the first lesson in right-hemisphere drawing, the difference becomes noticeable.

After attending several classes, the result will be incredibly good. You will definitely surprise your family with your work.

So what is right-brain drawing? What is its essence and distinctive features?

First, let's remember school anatomy lessons and stories about the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking, and the right hemisphere is responsible for figurative thinking.. Numbers, words, logical relationships, speech - all these are elements of the left hemisphere. In turn, the right hemisphere is focused on non-standard solutions and a creative approach, where the imagination is actively involved. Ideally, both hemispheres should work equally.

But unfortunately, the ideal did not work out. Most adult men and women the left hemisphere is more developed. And it's easy to explain. Our entire daily life consists of familiar things, algorithms, and actions. From a certain age we stop studying the world, asking questions to which we seem to already know the answers. Let's go with the flow.

Every day becomes a repetition of yesterday - we wake up, turn off the alarm clock, we still can’t get up for about five minutes, we get up to go to the toilet, shower. Then breakfast, a trip to work, and so on. Moreover, we do all this without thinking - automatically. Our brain, or rather its left side, having developed a template once, uses it in subsequent similar situations.

However with children it's the other way around. They are constantly inventing something (sculpt, draw, build castles from construction sets), they always ask a variety of questions that adults are too lazy to think about, and they are not afraid to make mistakes. In childhood, the right hemisphere works much better, but over time it gives primacy to the left. As we grow up, we ask fewer questions, become interested in something new, and lose the ability to think creatively.

This happens because the process of inventing new ideas and unexpected solutions is very labor-intensive; our lazy brain immediately remembers a similar situation from the past and offers a ready-made pattern. In order to "stir up" yourself and your thinking, you need to connect the right hemisphere. Good for this development of new types of activities.

For example, you can learn to skate, roller skate, ski or weave beads. The main thing is that the new activity includes physical activity, something that our body does not remember or does not know.

This is what will force you to turn to the right hemisphere for help, because the left hemisphere will not be able to find a prepared template. But learning foreign languages ​​may no longer work in the fight for the ability to think creatively.

Drawing can also be a good option. But only it must be right-brained. We need to forget about the classic (academic) approach that is taught in art schools. Golden ratio rule, light and shadow, perspective- all this is the logical teaching of the left hemisphere. Right-hemisphere drawing is not as accurate, but more emotional. The most important thing is to trust your intuition and hands, which will do everything themselves.

During the lesson itself you should learn to use all your senses. Vision will help you choose the right color, touch will help you understand the structure of the object you want to draw, feel the roughness of the paper or the structure of the paint where you can dip your finger.

During the lesson, pleasant music usually plays, which also connects the ear to the creative process. The main thing is not to think at what angle the shadow of the vase should be, but to feel the object, colors and paints.

You will be put on an apron before class. And the workplace will be arranged as follows: the cardboard is attached to a larger sheet, which, in turn, is fixed to the table. The table is also covered with newspapers or film. All this is done so that you are not afraid of getting your workplace dirty or getting dirty yourself.

All preparations have been made - . First on a piece of paper (cardboard) colorful spots appear. Your canvas is then covered with different colors and tones that make the subject realistic and bring the painting to life. It is important not to be afraid to go beyond the boundaries of the drawing, cardboard, and even a second large sheet of paper.

At the same time, the teacher tells and shows some techniques, for example, how to draw clouds, grass or trees. You repeat after him, but in the end everyone gets their own unique drawing.

If you haven’t drawn at all before, then a completely natural reaction would be caution. Fear of ruining the picture with subsequent "improvement". You made such a beautiful sky! Why improve it?! But there is no need to be afraid. A few extra touches and you have fluffy clouds. And if you run a brush with brown paint along the sandy shore, you can get a rocky cape.

During such activities you become freer, you allow yourself more (for example, getting dirty with paint), expand your boundaries, erasing the boundaries of what is permitted. Your creative nature awakens, and the proof is in the paintings that you are not ashamed to bring home and hang in the living room in the place of honor.

The only thing you can't do is talk. Speech is a part of the left hemisphere that cannot be activated, because it will immediately trigger the reaction of logical thinking.

You will begin to think about whether you chose the right color, placed objects in the composition, etc. Therefore, no talking - only feelings and emotions.

After attending a right-hemisphere drawing class, the techniques taught to you will be remembered and will remain for a long time. With their help, numerous works will be born. But the advantage of such training is that you will learn not only to draw, but also to think differently, creatively approach solving other problems, using non-standard methods and inventing new ways.

Do you want to learn spend significantly for regular work less strength and energy, make the right decisions if there is a lack of information, open source their creativity and learn paint real pictures? Then you just need to get to one of trainings on right hemisphere drawing!What it is?


Usually in art schools and drawing courses they teach how to draw in the left-hemisphere mode (rules, laws, drawing with the “head”). Right-hemisphere drawing technique is based on the theory of American neurologist, Nobel Prize winner Roger Sperry, who proved that the right and left hemispheres of a person are responsible for completely different types of activities. The left (verbal) is for logic and analytical thinking, and the right (figurative) is for creativity and intuition, perception of shape and color.

When a person’s right hemisphere is developed, he is always in creative flight mode: restrictions disappear, decisions are made quickly and correctly, a person feels ease and joy from his professional activity, and success invariably accompanies him in other areas.

Switching the brain to the right-hemisphere mode is also an opportunity to learn to spend significantly less effort and energy on ordinary work. People of art sometimes forget about everything and spend a long time without food or sleep. The secret is simple - in the process of creation, their right hemisphere of the brain is active. Time passes unnoticed in this mode, and a person feels much less tired and gets more done.

Right-brain drawing training is a magical journey to the source of your creative abilities, removing stereotypes of perception and thinking and gaining a sense of inspiration. The main goal of the training is to “switch on” the creative right-hemisphere mode of the brain through the technique of express drawing and teaching a person techniques that allow him to consciously turn on and maintain a state of inspiration for a long time.

How does this happen?

The training is not an accelerated drawing training program. It allows you to use the right hemisphere mode of the brain and is designed for people with different levels of artistic skills. Those who do not find talent in themselves and doubt that they are even capable of learning to draw will benefit most from it.

During the training, the barrier to drawing is removed, spatial-figurative perception, holistic rather than schematic vision is stimulated. A person must learn to see the picture from all its sides, to form a new perception of space in all its diversity.

The ability to draw is actually a pleasant “side effect” of the training. After the training, you will be able to independently create paintings that reflect your view of the world, having your own unique style and handwriting. You will be able to draw three-dimensionally and realistically and enjoy both the process and the result.

What attracts Right Hemisphere drawing (from the point of view of the Left Hemisphere):

1.Attitude towards mistakes

Drawing is a constant process of change, refinement and adjustment.

In the process of drawing, it is impossible to spoil anything: a background that seemed “uninteresting”, details drawn “not as intended” - you can always change this, and what may have seemed imperfect to you at first will ultimately turn out to be unique , author's and original.

Once you forget about your fear of making mistakes, you will find the key to creativity. The process of drawing forces us to face our limitations and fears, deal with them, get out of our usual comfort zone and thereby obtain new results.

“Draw while others are afraid to start!”

2. About other areas of life.

Almost all people think that creating beautiful paintings requires a special talent. And since they don’t have it, they don’t even try to draw. Moreover, you can think this way not only about drawing, but also about other areas of life. After all, the human brain loves to simplify the world, and therefore generalize various beliefs. Once you begin to develop your inner artist, and with it your right hemisphere, you will discover the ability to see the world around you more deeply. The brightness and clarity of the picture of the world around you will change (for the better, of course).


While drawing, you gain access to the “here and now” moment. In this state there is only your creative process. But the ability to transition into such a state remains with you even after you have finished drawing. By inducing this state in negotiations, when planning and in other life situations, you will be able to get better results in almost everything.

4.Positive emotions

Drawing is a function of the right hemisphere of our brain, and, indeed, creating a drawing greatly affects emotions. Often, while drawing, the sense of time disappears and total involvement in the process occurs. Surely you remember episodes from childhood when you were passionate about something, received a lot of pleasant emotions, and time flew by unnoticed. If you want to achieve states of the same intensity, then a good key to this is the process of drawing.

5. Opportunity to give gifts

Sometimes you want to give your loved ones something made with your own hands. A gift in which your creativity is invested, a piece of your own soul.

A drawing is just such a gift.

6. For child's education

All children love to draw. A parent who draws with a child will always be “in contact” with him and feel a commonality of emotions and interests. Drawing helps develop your child's creativity and confidence.

7. Confidence

Surprisingly, stopping the development of drawing skills in childhood directly affects confidence. A child sometimes cannot transfer the realism of the selected object onto paper. And if there is no supportive teacher nearby, then the child may mistakenly decide that he does not have a talent for creativity. Which will directly affect his self-confidence. And in some cases, such erroneous childhood decisions follow a person for a significant part of his life. But the truth is that everyone can draw - talented, beautiful, creative.

8. Self-expression and self-realization

Drawing is an excellent tool for developing your creative abilities.

The result of the drawing process is literally very visual and realistic - paintings that can delight you for a long time after their creation.

9. Rest

We live in an era of enormous amounts of information. We receive information through the Internet, TV and people around us. A person makes a huge number of decisions every day. This is usually done by the left hemisphere. It often happens that it becomes overloaded and the person experiences headaches or irritation. To give yourself a break, you can shift your brain activity to the right hemisphere by drawing, which will significantly reduce the level of stress in your life.

Who is the training for?

  • For couples and parents with children
  • For businessmen
  • For teenagers
  • For pregnant women
  • For anyone who wants to revive their inspiration and improve their creativity.
  • For those whose profession is related to inventions, design, creativity
  • For everyone who works in the field of providing social and psychological services


It is natural for children to love painting and crayon, modeling, singing and drama. Unfortunately, the education system has less and less time for these inspiring activities. Children spend more and more time occupied with exact sciences, which stimulates the development of only the left hemisphere. Meanwhile, for the brain to function effectively, coordinated work of both hemispheres is necessary.

Harmonizing the work of the right and left hemispheres with the help of training in right-hemisphere drawing not only reveals the true potential of the child and helps him learn the material more easily, but also protects him from overload and stress. People who have developed both hemispheres get less tired and have higher performance.

Results for training participants:

The training will help you learn to turn on the right-hemisphere mode of the brain, which controls imagination, visual and spatial perception, and this in turn contributes to the growth of professional and personal competencies:

  • Finding new non-standard solutions,
  • Setting new interesting tasks and desired goals.
  • Participants in the training learn to consciously engage and maintain a state of inspiration for a long time. In this mode, a person can work hard and enthusiastically for many hours and days without any fatigue and subsequent exhaustion. By measuring the physiological activity of the brain, this is only possible when solving creative problems in right-hemisphere thinking.
  • You will notice that you will begin to look at the world differently. Someone may feel the desire to change their clothing style, someone's relationship will improve, and someone will find in this their hobby or a unique opportunity for activities with children.
  • Changes can enter your world in the form of gifts to loved ones and friends, which you can no longer buy, but create yourself. Such works are especially valued.
  • Confidence and joy appear, the desire to create, the energy tone of the body rises.
  • The right-hemisphere drawing technique gradually teaches you to see contours instead of figures, to see perspective and the relationship of objects, to see the work of light and shadow, and to assemble individual elements into a holistic perception.
  • You begin to paint real pictures, amazing your friends and acquaintances!
  • The creative state is transferred to all areas of your life: relationships, work, cooking, design, singing, dancing, etc.
  • You begin to believe in your strength and that you are a CREATIVE person!