Purpose of payment: what to write? Rules for filling out payment documents. How to indicate the purpose of payment in Sberbank online

How to write the purpose of payment in a payment order?

The purpose of payment in a payment order usually causes a lot of difficulties for those preparing the document. In our article we will consider the main issues that arise when formulating the purpose of a payment, and also give practical recommendations for filling out this field in the payment order form.

Field "Purpose of payment"

Although the payment order must be drawn up in a unified form (see Appendices 2-3 to the regulation “On the transfer of funds”, approved by the Bank of Russia on June 19, 2012 No. 383-P, hereinafter referred to as Regulation No. 383-P), there are strict requirements the wording of the purpose of payment is not established.

Thus, the specified field may contain the following information depending on the grounds for the transfer of funds (see Appendix 1 to Regulation No. 383-P):

  • name of goods, works, services;
  • details of relevant contracts, trade documents;
  • the amount of the transfer indicating other information provided by law, for example, a separate VAT amount, etc.;
  • a link to the register indicating the total number of orders included in this register (for example, when generating a payment order when transferring wages to employees according to the register, etc.);
  • other necessary information.

Otherwise, when formulating the purpose of payment, it is recommended to be guided by the terms of the agreement of the parties, within the framework of which the funds are transferred, as well as established practice.

IMPORTANT! The maximum number of characters for this payment order field is 210 with delimiters (see appendix 11 to the regulationNo. 383-P).

How to write the purpose of payment in a payment order

The purpose of payment in the payment order must reflect the following information:

  • The essence of the transaction for which funds will be transferred on behalf of the account owner. For example, payment for goods, transfer of wages, payment of utility bills, etc. If a periodic payment is transferred (monthly payment for housing and communal services, wages, rent payments, payment in installments with a specified frequency), you should indicate for what period the payment is made payment. If a payment is made to the budget, this field indicates the type of contribution/fee (including the name of the tax), as well as the period for which it is paid.
  • Details of documents serving as the basis for payment. For example, “under an agreement dated... No...”, “according to an account dated... No....”, “under a civil law agreement dated... No....”.
  • Payment type. For example, an advance payment, advance payment, full payment, etc. are transferred.
  • VAT amount. Both the percentage of the total cost and the amount in monetary terms are indicated. For example, “..., including VAT (18%) in the amount of 5,700 rubles. 18 kopecks." Or it is indicated that the payment made is not subject to VAT.
  • Other information that may be important when identifying the payment.

Here are examples of wording for filling out the “Purpose of payment” field:

  • “Advance payment of income tax for the first quarter of 2017.”
  • “Advance payment for the rental of non-residential premises under contract No. 2345/ap dated March 12, 2016 for September 2017. Including VAT (18%) in the amount of RUB 2,546. 12 kopecks.”
  • “Transfer of own funds. NDS is not appearing".
  • “Monthly payment under the loan agreement dated December 1, 2016 No. 4676 for August 2017.”
  • “Advance payment for consulting services on invoice dated September 12, 2017 No. 46-X, including VAT (18%) RUB 4,500.”

How to change the payment purpose in a payment order

Until the payment order is executed by the bank, it can be recalled and a new one sent, with the payment purpose already corrected.

However, if the order to transfer funds has already been executed, the procedure for adjusting the contents of the fields of the payment order becomes more complex and usually includes the following steps (see, for example, the resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow Region dated May 5, 2010 in case No. A40-36339/09-128-151 , resolution of the 17th AAS dated July 19, 2017 in case No. 17AP-3821/2017-GK):

  • informing the other party to the legal relationship about the need to change the purpose of the payment and how to write the purpose of the payment on the payment slip (suggested by the initiating party, i.e., sets out the required wording);
  • informing the bank about the need to adjust the wording of the corresponding field in the payment order (provided that the other party to the legal relationship within which the money was transferred has expressed its consent to this);
  • the payer/payee receives a message about a change in the purpose of the payment with a note indicating that the bank has accepted the relevant notification;
  • receipt by the payer/payee of a notification from the bank about a change in the purpose of the payment.

Not only the payer, but also the recipient of the payment cannot unilaterally change the purpose of the payment (see the resolution of the North Caucasus Regional Court of July 19, 2017 in case No. A63-12573/2016).

So, the legislator provides relative freedom when filling out the “Purpose of payment” field, regulating only the maximum amount of characters and stipulating the general content of information that should be included in individual cases. One way or another, the purpose of the payment in the payment order must be indicated in such a way that the payment can be clearly identified.

The 2012 rules for conducting money transfers include instructions for writing the components of payment orders, including their purposes. Let's look at what the purpose of payment means, what to write in this column, and also give several examples of using this parameter.

The essence of the props

What is the purpose of payment can be seen from the Regulations published by the Bank of Russia on June 22, 2012 - this is one of the details located in the order for the transfer of funds. The order can be drawn up either electronically or in paper form. In both cases, all fields must be filled in: details of the participants (payer, recipient, and banks of the sending and receiving parties), amount and purpose of payment.

  1. Name of the product, work or service for which payment is made.
  2. Date and number of the agreement - credit, insurance, lease, purchase and sale, etc.
  3. Information about the trade documents on the basis of which the translation was made.
  4. Details of the receiving bank, if the corresponding columns are not allocated for them in the payment order.
  5. Information about the banks participating in the transfer of funds, the payer or recipient, indicated in Latin letters without translation into Russian, if one of the parties to the transfer is a non-resident of the Russian Federation.
  6. The amount of accrued VAT.
  7. Other information that helps identify the payment.

Writing Features

Conditionally payment orders can be divided into three types:

  • transfers to your own accounts;
  • money transfers to individuals;
  • payment of invoices for goods or services to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

What the purpose of the payment means depends on the future recipient of the money.

In the first option, it is important to make a note “Transfer of own funds”, when transferring funds to another person – “ Private transfer of a personal (non-trade) nature", and when paying for services – “Contract details or name of service, product”.

If the minimum requirements for formalizing the purpose of payment are not met, the bank has the right to reject it until the inaccuracies are corrected. As a rule, in such situations, a bank representative contacts the sender, or a report is sent to the user’s email/personal account on the financial institution’s online resource.

Examples of filling out the payment purpose

It is popular among the population to pay for utilities at a Sberbank branch or in the user’s Internet account. If at the bank itself, if you have questions, you can consult its employees, then when you fill out a payment order yourself, there is no one to ask questions. We will give examples to explain the principles of filling out this detail.

For example, the purpose of transferring monthly gas fees is “The contract number for the provision of natural gas is No. 000-000-000 and the month for which the calculation is made is January 2017.”

If the payer pays any contributions, it is necessary to indicate their type and the period for which the calculation is made. Example – “Insurance contribution for the funded part of the pension for January 2017. Contract number No. 000-000-000"

When making payments for services and goods, you must indicate the type of payment and the general name of the purchased work. Example 1 – “Payment for children's goods under contract No. 000-000-000 (if there is one), including VAT at the rate of 18% - 3369 rubles”. Example 2 – “Advance payment for February 2017 under lease agreement No. 000-000-000 dated January 15, 2017. Including VAT at a rate of 18% - 17,341 rubles.”

When working with Sberbank Online, each person may encounter certain difficulties. Very often questions arise regarding the payment purpose column when performing certain transactions. Filling out this block causes some doubts among users. Therefore, you should understand what a payment purpose is in Sberbank Online and what information should be entered in this block.

String entity

Not all transfers, payments and transfers through Sberbank Online include the “Payment Purpose” block. If, nevertheless, such a column exists and is marked with a bright star, then its completion is strictly necessary.

According to statistics, users indicate in it personal accounts, agreement numbers, certain information about the recipient, or the name of the service they are paying for. It all depends on what payment form you submit. In its regulations, the bank stipulates that the user must enter in the field the name of the service (product), identification number of the document or fine.

So, we have figured out how the purpose of the payment is deciphered, what to write to Sberbank Online, now we should consider each individual case.

Filling process

The Bank does not limit its users, therefore it does not set clear requirements for the content of this column. The only condition: the recipient must understand why the payment is being made and from whom.

Recipient selection

This freedom of action leads to the fact that many transfers are withdrawn, and the process of filling out the payment form must be carried out again. The process is complicated by the fact that it is impossible to carry out such actions through the online system, which means you will have to contact the office, wasting extra time.

The main rule of filling: the length of the sentence should not be longer than 210 characters with spaces and punctuation marks.

For each specific case, there is a different filling algorithm:

  • name of the service being paid (electricity, water supply, etc.);
  • calendar period (for April, etc.);
  • indicate the type of payment (advance, principal, debt, etc.);
  • identification or personal account;
  • house/apartment address;
  • owner details.

Confirm the operation by clicking on the “Confirm via SMS” button

Filling out the “Purpose of payment” line is not as complicated a process as it might seem at first glance. This measure was introduced by the bank to ensure the security of its clients and classification of payments. By providing the most valuable information, you will make the job of bank employees much easier.

Any credit institution accepts payment orders. Thanks to these documents, you can accurately, quickly, and most importantly, correctly make a payment - transfer, withdrawal of funds, etc. The payment order includes a very important detail - the purpose of the payment. Many payers do not know what to write in this column. Therefore, for most, filling out this type of document is a long process. This article will help you more quickly fill out a payment order.

The graph and its meaning

It follows from the federal banking legislation of the Russian Federation that all state and commercial banks are required to carry out various manipulations with funds in accordance with the rules adopted by the Central Bank. Additional information can be found in Article 31 of Law No. 395-1 “On Banks and Banking Activities”.

There is a generally required form of payment order. It is given in Appendix 2 and 3 of the money transfer rules of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 2012 No. 383-P. Here you can find the entire list of payment details and their detailed explanation.

Of course, there are samples of completed payment orders on the Internet. This can eliminate the question of what to write in the “Purpose of payment” column. However, in each case, filling out this detail is very individual.

It is extremely important to carefully enter all the data when filling out a payment order. After all, only a correctly completed document will make it possible to accurately identify the payment, and the bank will be able to quickly and clearly respond to the client’s request.

If the payment order is filled out incorrectly, this will inevitably lead to consequences. For example, funds will be transferred to a completely different recipient. Cases cannot be excluded when the bank simply cannot identify the payment (due to a typo, incorrect personal or bank account, etc.). But first of all, it is very important to understand what to write in the “Purpose of payment” field.

Detailed information about this detail can be obtained from the mentioned Central Bank document No. 383-P. It is indicated here that it is necessary to enter the purpose of the payment when filling out the document for transferring money. This column is an integral part of the payment order.

What to indicate

Many people are naturally interested in the question of what to write to individuals when filling out the field in question. According to the rules, in this column it is necessary to indicate the basic information of the payer about the purpose of the money transfer. Moreover, they may or may not be provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. These include:

  • name of the work, service, product;
  • date and number of the agreement, contract, agreement, etc.;
  • Additional information about value added tax.


“Provision of repair services for the NISSAN X-TRAIL car in accordance with the act _______________________________ (number and date), including VAT 18% 3400 rubles.”

Additionally, in the “Purpose of payment” column when transferring money, a link to the register and the number of orders it contains can be indicated. This applies to payment documents that indicate the total amount with the register.

The number of characters when filling out the “Purpose of payment” field should not exceed 210 units.

Error in document: what to do

After filling out the payment, be sure to check for typos, inaccuracies, etc. If you find an error in one of the payment items, you must fill out the document again. If this is no longer possible (the bank has started the funds transfer operation), you should withdraw the payment as soon as possible. You can do this in several ways:

  • contact a bank employee directly or by phone;
  • contact the bank website support service (for example, call Sberbank Online).

Please note that each payment order has its own deadline. If you delay the procedure for canceling this document, then later it will simply be impossible to revoke it.

After you have sent a request to cancel the payment, bank employees will certainly begin to review the situation. A credit institution will not be able to carry out the procedure for transferring funds based on erroneous data specified in the details in question. Consequently, all money will be returned to the payer. A striking example of such a situation would be an incorrect indication of the purpose of payment for utility services.

If the allotted time for returning the payment was missed, then the sent funds will not be so easy to return. Because the payment has formally already been transferred to the account of another person. This means that the problem that has arisen will need to be resolved with him, and not through the bank.

In any case, only correctly filled in payment order details will save you from unnecessary problems.

An individual’s card may be blocked by the bank if the purpose of the payment contains information hinting at the commercial nature of the payments. We'll tell you what to write in the purpose of payment when transferring to a private person at VTB, Sberbank-online, etc.

In the summer of 2018, a rumor spread across the country that the tax authorities would control bank transfers of private individuals. These rumors actually had a basis - the Federal Tax Service officially asked the Ministry of Finance to expand its powers in order to charge personal income tax for transfers the origin of which the citizen could not explain. The Ministry of Finance refused, but citizens seriously thought about the security of bank transfers. Lawyers began to receive relevant questions.

Purpose of payment – ​​what to write?

Many people mistakenly began advising citizens to write “debt repayment” in the comments to the translation. Lawyers justified it this way:

  • debt payments are not taxed, since this is not income, and therefore the tax office cannot check them;
  • from June 1, 2018, the rules for mutual lending to individuals have changed and now, in accordance with Art. 808 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the amount of the debt does not exceed 10,000 rubles, there is no need to draw up and sign a written loan agreement, that is, it is impossible to verify the existence of the debt.

However, it turned out that some banks decided that they already had enough authority, and on their own initiative they began to carefully check payments, find fault with comments and block bank cards at their discretion. One of these banks is VTB.

A woman contacted the “That’s the Law” lawyers who wanted to transfer 2,700 rubles to a friend and wrote “Debt repayment” in the comments. VTB immediately blocked the transfer, as well as all the money on the bank card, demanding that they send an email to clarify the purpose of the payment and provide a loan agreement or receipt. As a result, the card was unlocked only after 48 hours without providing any evidence other than verbal (because there was no other evidence). Below is a screenshot of the blocking notification.

Of course, not all banks are yet blocking such payments, but for safety reasons it is better not to write in the comments about debt repayment. The most reliable way is donation. Write that the money transfer is a gift for a memorable date. According to the law, donating money does not require the conclusion of an appropriate agreement; even the most meticulous bank will have nothing to ask of the sender.