Major scale guitar fingering. What are scales and what are they for?

In this article we will talk more about scales. You will find out why they are needed and why they are given so much importance.


What is gamma? This is a limited sequence of notes, selected from a possible 12, that create the desired coloration for the sound. In other words, gamma for a musician is the same as paint for an artist. An artist chooses the colors he needs to paint a picture, and a musician chooses notes from a scale to create a melody. The best way to describe a single scale is to list the intervals between notes. We use the term "Tone" or "Semitone", which allows you to write the formula using capital letters, T (Tone) and S (Semitone).

Some guitarists use the letters W and H to denote intervals - capitalized from the words "Half" (Half) and "Whole" (Whole). There is also a way to specify the number of semitones (1 or 2). In any case, these three methods are identical and all give us major scale intervals:

  1. T T S T T T S
  2. W W H W W W H
  3. 2 2 1 2 2 2 1

(tone - tone - semitone - tone - tone - tone - semitone)

Let's see how it works. Let's choose a scale - G# major. At the initial stage, we know two things. First, our root note (or tonic) is G sharp (G#). Secondly, we will use the major scale formula.

So we start with our G sharp note, and add the first step of the formula, which is the T tone. So, starting with G sharp and moving up a tone (or two semitones), we arrive at A sharp (A#).

G# + T = A# (G sharp + Tone = A sharp).

A# + T = C (A sharp + Tone = C).

In the next step, we start with C and check the formula - now we must add a semitone that will take us to C sharp (C#):

C + S = C# (C + Semitone = C sharp).

If we continue in the same spirit, we get the following:
C# + T = D# (C-sharp + Tone = D-sharp),
D# + T = F (D sharp + Tone = F; remember that there is no such note as E sharp),
F + T = G (Fa + Tone = Sol),
G + S = G# (G + Semitone = G sharp).

Thus, we constructed our G sharp major scale, consistent with our major scale formula:
G# A# C C# D# F G (G-sharp, A-sharp, C, C-sharp, D-sharp, F, G).

Most scales contain 7 notes, but this is not an exact rule. As an exception, the minor pentatonic scale contains only five notes (its formula is 3 2 2 3 2 - I use numbers here instead of T and S because it omits the pair Tone and Semitone, which together make 3 half notes and which together can be easily written as 3, instead of something like “T + 1/2″, but these entries mean the same thing). Some scales have more notes, for example the chromatic scale contains all 12 notes.

It is important to note that many guitarists use step notation for the scale formula. For example, for the major scale it looks like this: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, and for the Lydian mode it looks like this: 1-2-3-4#-5-6-7. The only difference is the increased fourth stage. This is used to make it easier to work with the construction of modes, for example, if you know the fingering of the major scale, then you can easily build the Lydian mode just by raising the fourth degree of the major scale by a semitone.

Scales and fingerings

A scale is a group of notes with a certain interval between them - just as I described it above. These intervals determine what fingerings we must use to produce the desired scale.

Major scale fingering:

If you know the fingering of one major scale, you know how to play each major scale on the guitar in its standard tuning. To play the C Major scale, start your fingering with C on the sixth string. To play the D Major scale, start your fingering with D. And so on.

The same applies to any other scales, if you know the fingering, then immediately start with whatever tonic you need and you will play the scale.

Fingerings were created to use scales in standard tuning. Scales are part of music theory because scales are only an idea until they are played and the way we guitarists put a theoretical scale into action is by using fingerings that allow us to play the notes we want.

I repeat that the fingering I gave you was invented specifically for standard tuning. If you lower the tuning and play the C major scale using this fingering, it will not contain the notes that are included in the C major scale (Do - Re - Mi - Fa - G - A - B).

The scale has not changed - the C major scale still contains the notes Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, A, Si. However, since the guitar is tuned differently, you need to use new fingerings to play the correct notes of the scale - C, D, E, F, G, A, B.

Thus, a scale is a combination of notes, the characteristic feature of which is the reproduction of a certain character of sound when played. All the fingerings that you will learn in further articles are just a convenient way to play scales, this is a kind of template for building a scale from the note you need.

In the given fingering there are three notes per string. There can be four notes on a string (although this is difficult to play), two (used in pentatonic scale), or you can even play the entire scale on one string. All this variety of combinations gives us new fingerings.

Gamma and tonality

You learned that tonality is determined by the tonic (the first degree of the scale). Gamma and tonality are very closely related, but scale is not tonality. The name of the key depends on the scale - this is a little misleading.

Key- the tonal center of the melody. The key indicates the chords and notes to which the melody gravitates. You could write a song in which the melody starts on the C major scale and then briefly switches to the A flat major scale, just for one or two bars, before returning to C again.

The fact that we have returned to C helps us see this note as the tonal center or heart of the melody, the basis to which we invariably return. The root is the “key,” and in most cases, we start a melody with a scale that matches the key. In some cases, we will not deviate from a scale that matches the key without changing the key of the music.

A change in tone is called modulation. In this case, we are changing the tonal center of the melody, and will use a new scale (or set of scales) to which it will gravitate. The melody will be constructed in such a way that the new key will become its center, and the old key and its associated scales will remain just history until we reverse modulation.

Thus, key is the anchor for the melody, scale is the tool for creating the melody, and fingering is the tool for bringing scales to life on the guitar fretboard.

The meaning of scales in music

In musical terms, a scale is a palette of notes from which you can select the notes you need to build chords, solo melodies, accompaniments and anything else in hopes of getting a good sound.

Look at it this way: before you can become a poet, you need to master the Russian language. Scales are the language of music, and there are many ways to combine them with each other to create interesting compositions.

Not knowing scales is like trying to write a poem without using words. I admit that in some cases this will work, and the result will be wonderful, but the possibilities will expand significantly if you adhere to the generally accepted means of expression, which are scales.

There are many types of scales. Think of them as increasing your vocabulary and gaining new, original ways to express your ideas.


Let's return to fingerings for a moment. When studying fingerings, as a rule, the sequence of frets on the fingerboard is divided into “boxes”. Boxing is just a group of notes in the scale that can be easily played without unnecessary movement on the fretboard. The boxes are designed by moving up from the low E string, and playing one note of the scale after another, starting from any note, no matter what it is.

There is an important point regarding boxing/fingering. This is that they remain the same no matter what key you play your scale in. If you are playing a C major scale using a specific box or fingering, and you want to play an A major scale, all you have to do is move the fingering up 2 frets. Why is that?

Let's figure it out. C and A are separated by 2 semitones. If you move the box up the fretboard, none of the intervals between notes will change. So you're playing exactly the same formula, just using a different tonic. This means you have to learn each fingering once, and can use it for each of the 12 notes!


A source of confusion for some people is the fact that in many fingerings the note listed as the lowest note is not the root note. If you are thinking about it, then it is correct. Let's start with the G major scale. Our first box should start on the low E string, 3rd fret - which is G. We add notes starting from this scale to build the scale:

G A B C D E F# G A B C D E F# G
(Sol, A, Si, Do, Re, Mi, F-sharp, Sol, A, Si, Do, Re, Mi, F-sharp, Sol).

To build the next box, we would have to move from G up one tone to the 5th fret, which is A. Now, we begin to build our range from there:

A B C D E F# G A B C D E F# G A
(A, Si, Do, Re, Mi, F-sharp, G, A, Si, Do, Re, Mi, F-sharp, G, A).

It takes 7 notes to get to our tonic Salt!

It's not difficult - you just have to understand which note is the tonic and where it is located. However, more often it will happen that there are no suitable notes above or below the tonic that are part of the scale and suitable for playing (thus, playing will start from the tonic).

The tonic is very important because it determines the scale you play (along with the type, major, minor, etc.). Although there is no rule that says that you should always start the scale with the tonic. Think of the scale as a palette of notes from which you need to choose the right ones to play.

What scales should you learn?

Any colors you want! Scales are an important part of your creative arsenal. The more scales you know, the more ways you have to express yourself. Let's note some of them.

1. Minor pentatonic scale.

This is the first scale that most people learn. It's simple because it only contains five notes, and it immediately opens up enormous possibilities for improvisation and blues/rock playing.

2. Major pentatonic scale.

This is a variation of the minor pentatonic scale, they are very similar.

3. Major scale.

One of the main scales in music.

4. Natural minor scale.

Together with the major scale, they form the basis of all music. In fact, the pentatonic scale is a minor scale, with just a few notes missing. So wherever you use the minor scale, you can also use the pentatonic scale.

With a set of the above scales you will rock and probably be able to play 95% of the music you are familiar with. You can be a very competent musician even if you stop at this point. The following scales are more limited in use and have a more jazzy sound. They will bring new shades to your music.

5. Harmonic minor / melodic minor.

Two variations of the minor scale that have a special sound, especially the harmonic minor.

6. Major and minor modes (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, Locrian).

Natural modes are actually variations of the major scale, which are built according to special rules. Depending on the scale you use, they will give different shades to the music. The major natural scales are great to learn once you've fully mastered the scales mentioned above.

By the time you have mastered the major modes and other scales, you will be an accomplished musician with a wide range of possibilities.

7. Exotic colors.

There are hundreds of exotic scales, many of them used in certain types of folk music.

Each type of scale will be given special attention in other articles. At this stage, you just need to understand why we use them and why they are so important.

This article is intended for beginning solo guitarists who have just started conquering the first frets of the fretboard and are wondering where to start learning in order to quickly develop finger fluency, learn the placement of notes, achieve the correct sound production and finally play the “solos” of their cool idols shredders and bluesmen.

So where to start? The first step is the C major scale; on a guitar, of course, it can be played throughout the entire fretboard and in any position. But, as they say, everything has its turn. Let's start from the first - that is, from the first position. And it doesn’t matter whether you have an acoustic or electric guitar, no matter what musical direction you prefer, learning scales is a competent, right start for improvising, composing and playing melodies. From simple to complex; from simple four-bar melodies to rock symphonies.

Pick up a guitar, arm yourself with a mediator - let's start practicing!

It is worth noting that playing a scale (any kind, including this one) allows you to get rid of cramming the location of notes on the guitar neck - where is the note Do, where is Mi, where is Fa, etc. Memorization will occur in the process of studying, naturally and not forced. The main thing is that you need to play every note meaningfully.

Meet the C major scale on the guitar in one octave: it starts from C minor octave (fifth string, 3rd fret) and ends with C first octave (second string, 1st fret).

It sounds like this:


The scale is written in two ways: the top notation (which shows the treble clef and 4/4 time signature) is the notes; the bottom one (numbers on the lines) is tablature (indicates on which string and on which fret the note should be pressed).


Within the framework of this article, we will not go into the study of reading notes from a sheet, and will concentrate more on a purely practical issue - how to play. But, one way or another, if you are not familiar with this science, it makes sense to have a textbook on musical notation and fill in the gap of missing knowledge (the basics at the first stage will be quite enough - where is which note, the duration of notes, what is size and rhythm).

Next to each note, the number indicates which finger of the left hand to play it with (1 - index; 2 - middle; 3 - ring; 4 - little finger).


The six lines are the strings of the guitar: the top is the first string (the thinnest); bottom - sixth. Numbers are frets; zero means an open string, that is, it is not pressed against the fingerboard. For example, the number 2 on the third line means that the third string must be pressed on the second fret. All numbers (frets) written in the tabs correspond to the notes located on the staff (visually they are parallel to them).

How to play?

First, you need to download sheet music/tabs of the C major scale for guitar -< >. The archive contains a recording in the form of an image, as well as a gtp file for the Guitar Pro program; It's up to you to decide which option is better.

Open the scale so that it is visible in front of your eyes as you master it on the guitar.

Sound production

The notes are played with an alternating stroke - that is, one by one: the first note is a downward stroke (the designation is a “bracket” under the note), the second note is an upward stroke (“tick”). Watch your right hand: in this case, stroke repetitions are not allowed (2 times up or 2 times down).

Parsing tablature

The first note of the scale is the C note: as indicated in the tabs, press it with your ring finger on the third fret of the fifth string. The blow of the pick is down.

The second note is D: this is the open fourth string. In the tabs there is a zero on the fourth line. This means there is no need to press the string; Raise the fingers of your left hand only slightly so that they do not interfere with sound production, but do not remove them completely from the fretboard. Make a sound by hitting the pick upward (alternating stroke is required!)

In the same way, analyze/disassemble the location of each note, and, accordingly, then remove it. Having reached the highest note of a given major scale (up to the first octave), move in the opposite, downward direction (as it is written in notes - to the lowest, first note).

Follow the actions of your right hand (stroke!) and left hand (fingering!). It is very important to play notes with the fingers indicated next to each note. Don't try to play fast. Your task now is to remember the location of the sounds on the fretboard, their sequence, and which finger to press which note.

Playing in tempo

After analyzing the notes/tabs, you can begin to rhythmically play the scale - at a given tempo, maintaining the appropriate duration of each sound.

You will need a metronome; Any will do - mechanical, electronic, online (posted on a web page) or in the form of a computer program.

Set the metronome to 30-40 beats per minute (BPM), and then turn it on. Play scale sounds in sync with the beats; Each beat of the metronome is a note (strike on a string). Achieve an even sound - without rushing or delaying.

If you don’t have time, you get confused, the notes don’t sound clearly (muffled or with overtones), reduce the tempo.

Well, if you play C major on the guitar - cleanly, evenly, without errors, you can increase the tempo (but not much!) For example, try playing in sync with the audio example (see above) - 50 BPM. You can download it -< >.

Practice playing scales for 15-30 minutes a day. Give your fingers a rest: avoid pain and fatigue in your hands. Play each sound consciously, that is, analyze what note you are playing (Do, Re, Mi...), memorize it visually on the fingerboard and by ear.


Achieve confident execution of scales at a tempo of 50 BMP. With this minimum of performing technique, you can move on to the next step - playing simple melodies in C major.


All scales for guitar with fingering by Andres Segovia

Why play scales on the guitar?

The greatest guitarist of the 20th century, Andres Segovia, unlike many guitarists, did not write a school for playing the guitar and published only a short guide, “My Book for Beginners.” The guitarist, who raised the guitar to the peak of its popularity, apparently believed that all the works on mastering the art of performing on this instrument had already been published and therefore only supplemented them with the publication of major and minor scales for the guitar. It is not surprising that Segovia paid special attention to scales. For a world-class guitarist like Andres Segovia, this is the basis on which all his technical excellence on the guitar is based. Segovia noted that scales are the best way to achieve technical freedom and variety of sound. He pointed out that scales make it possible to solve technical problems in the shortest possible time and at the same time correct the position of the hands and develop independence and plasticity of the fingers. When performing scales, he insistently advised his students to pay attention to the quality of the sound produced, achieving a dense and even sound. Segovia said that an hour of working on scales gives greater superiority than playing exercises for many hours. So it remains to summarize what was said above:

1. Playing scales will give you a complete understanding of the location of notes on the fretboard and will help you remember them.
2. When playing scales, you will develop synchronicity between your right and left hands.
3. Scales will help develop accuracy when changing positions of the left hand and will give a correct idea of ​​​​fingering.
4. Develops independence, strength and dexterity in the fingers of both hands.
5. Makes you think about saving finger movements and correct hand placement to achieve fluency.
6. Will help in the development of musical ear and sense of rhythm, as well as the fastest possible achievement of technical freedom in performance.

Fingering and positions

For those who have no idea about musical notation, tabs of two scales are presented here, but despite the fact that there are tablatures for the fingering of the fingers of the left hand, you will still have to look at the notes, since the tabs show only the frets on which the strings are pressed. Now let's find out what fingering is. Fingering is the most convenient choice of fingers when playing the guitar. The correct fingering is the optimal choice in which transitions from position to position are easily and smoothly made, allowing the hand and fingers to move naturally without any unnecessary (interfering) movements. The position is the position of the hand on the neck of the guitar. It is customary to calculate the position number by the position of the index finger on the fingerboard. Probably the most striking and understandable example is the barre technique on the guitar. If we play an Fm barre chord on the first fret, then this is considered the first position, a Gm chord on the third fret is considered the third position.

How to play scales on guitar

The ability to play scales correctly greatly increases the pace of mastering the technical side of the instrument. You should not think that you can increase technical perfection by performing these hills of notes at the maximum tempo. The formula “I play fast - I’m super” does not apply here. I specifically gave my students complete freedom in performing scales, after which I asked them to play in certain meters, that is, exactly as these passages would appear in music. Some of them, when performed in a certain time signature, even began to forget the sequence of notes. This suggests that scales should be played in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, and also in triplets. When performing scales in different sizes, you will have to place certain emphasis on the strong beats of the bar, which gives the passages performed evenness. To achieve evenness, many guitarists play scales like this: an eighth with a dot, a sixteenth, and then vice versa, a sixteenth eighth with a dot, after which they play evenly.

For a more detailed description of the execution of scales, see the section where finger movements are described in more detail using the example of the execution of the C major scale.

Scale E minor– one of the most popular scales on the guitar. Songs written based on this scale give off a homely warmth and evoke a feeling of comfort and coziness. This is what the E minor scale looks like on the fretboard:

Sounds included in the E minor scale

Guitar Neck Diagram

Names of notes included in the E minor scale

The sounds included in the E minor scale obey the following sequence: Mi(E) – Fa#(F#) – Sol(G) – A(A) – Si(H) – Do(C) – Re(D)

Practical instructions for quickly memorizing and subdividing scales!

To play E minor scale throughout the entire neck of the guitar, it is recommended to divide the scale into separate pieces. Each of these pieces must include three notes, and these notes must be on the same string. This is the shortest way to memorize scales. Three-note fingering is ideal for developing your playing speed and practicing your technique.

Just below you will find E minor scale for guitar, presented in the form of seven small bar diagrams. Each of these diagrams shows you the fingering patterns for each of the three-note positions.

E minor scale, divided into positions. In each of these positions three notes are played on each string

Position No. 1

Position No. 2

Position No. 3

Position No. 4

Position No. 5

Position No. 6

Position No. 7

Major key parallel to E minor

Please note that G majormajor parallel to the E minor scale. This means that the sounds that make up the E minor scale are identical to the sounds that make up the G major scale.

"Tutorial" Guitar lesson No. 19

What are scales for on a guitar?

The C major scale (C major) is the simplest scale on the guitar, but with fingering it will be of particular benefit to beginning guitarists. Unfortunately, many people have little idea of ​​the beneficial effects of such a tedious activity as playing scales on the guitar. A guitarist who does not want to play scales resembles a crawling baby who does not want to walk, believing that moving on all fours is faster and more convenient, but whoever stands on his feet will learn not only to walk, but to run quickly.
1. The C major scale across the entire fretboard will give you a better idea of ​​where the notes are on the fretboard and will help you remember them.
2. When playing scales, you will experience synchronicity in the work of your right and left hands.
3. Gamma will help you catch the feeling of the fretboard and thereby develop accuracy when changing positions of your left hand.
4. Develops independence, strength and dexterity of the fingers of the right and especially the left hand.
5. Makes you think about saving finger movements and correct hand placement to achieve fluency.
6. Helps in developing an ear for music and a sense of rhythm.

How to play scales on the guitar correctly

The first thing you need to do to perform the scale correctly is to remember the transitions from string to string and the exact sequence of the fingers of your left hand. Don't think that scales are just rising and falling sounds and your job is to perform them as quickly as possible in this way, building up your technique. This vision of the problem is doomed to failure from the very beginning. Scales are primarily passages of the musical pieces you play. You already know that music is not a chaotic change of passages and chords - all sounds are united by a tonality and a rhythmic basis that allows us to call it MUSIC. So, a scale in the key of C major must have a certain size when performed. First of all, this is necessary in order to maintain a certain pace when playing without any slowdowns or accelerations. Precise rhythmic execution in a certain size gives the passages beauty and brilliance. This is why scales are played in different sizes (two, three quarters, four quarters). This is what you should do when playing the scale, slightly highlighting each first beat of the first measure of the size you have chosen. For example, when playing in two beats, count one and two and Marking with a light accent each note that falls on “one”, count in three beats one and two and three and also noting the notes that fall on “one”.

How to play the C major scale on guitar

Try to raise (raise) the fingers of your left hand above the strings as little as possible. Movements should be as economical as possible, and this economy will allow you to play more fluently in the future. This is especially true for your little finger. A constantly lifting little finger when playing scales and passages is an excellent “traitor” indicating the incorrect position of the hand and forearm of the left hand in relation to the neck of the guitar. Think about the reason for such movements of the little finger - it is quite possible that changing the angle of the hand and arm relative to the bar (changing the position) will give a positive result.

Playing the C major scale up

Place your second finger on the fifth string and play the first note C, do not lift your second finger from the string, place the fourth and play the note D. You played two notes, but both fingers continue to press the fifth string, while placing your first finger on the second fret of the fourth string and playing the note E. Just after playing E on the fourth string, lift your fingers from the fifth to play F and G while keeping your first finger on the note E. After playing the note G, tear off the first finger from the fourth string and placing it on the second fret of the third string, play the note A and then, tearing off the second and fourth fingers from the fourth string with the third finger, play the note B while continuing to hold the first finger on the note A (II fret). As soon as you play the note B, lift your third finger, while the first finger begins to easily slide along the third string to take its place on the V fret. Pay special attention to this change of position on the third string, making sure that there is no uncontrolled interruption of sound when the first finger moves to the fifth fret. I think that the principle of performing upward scales has already become clear to you and you can move on to the next stage.

Playing the C major scale down

You have completed the scale on the first string to the note C, while the fingers of your left hand continue to remain in their places (1st on V, 3rd on VII, 4th on VIII frets). The principle of playing the scale in the opposite direction remains the same - as little unnecessary movements as possible with the fingers, but now we tear off the fingers in order from the string and after playing the note A on the V fret, we tear off the finger holding it only after we play the G note with the fourth finger on the VIII fret of the second string .

Right hand when playing scales

Play scales with different fingers of your right hand, first (i m) then (m a) and even (i a). Remember to add slight accents when hitting the downbeats of the bar. Play with a dense, loud sound using the “apoyando” technique (with support). Perform the scale in crescendo and diminuendo (increasing and weakening sonority), practicing the shades of the sound palette.

You can learn the C major scale from the tablature written below, but the main thing is to follow the fingering fingerings written in the notes.

Having learned to play the C major scale, play C sharp, D and D sharp major. That is, if the C major scale began from the third fret, then C sharp from the fourth, D from the fifth, D sharp from the sixth fret of the fifth string. The structure and fingering of these scales are the same, but when played from a different fret, the feeling on the fretboard changes, giving the fingers of the left hand the opportunity to get used to these changes and feel the neck of the guitar.