Where to go to study to become a TV presenter. Profession TV presenter

We live in a world of a huge flow of information, the emotional coloring of which largely depends on the “presentation” of the material. And if the expressiveness of information in periodicals is conveyed through punctuation marks and bright illustrations, then television programs and television news begin to “live” due to the charisma and professionalism of TV presenters.

We live in a world of a huge flow of information, the emotional coloring of which largely depends on the “presentation” of the material. And if the expressiveness of information in periodicals is conveyed through punctuation marks and bright illustrations, then television programs and television news begin to “live” due to charisma and professionalism TV presenters. By the way, looking at TV screens, we very often admire and envy TV presenters! How smart they are, how beautiful they are, what outfits and smiles they have! They are always in excellent physical shape, communicate with famous people, host award ceremonies and festivals - in a word, not life, but a continuous celebration.

But can the work of a TV presenter really be called “dust-free”? Is it enough to have only attractive appearance and charm to achieve success? Does the profession have pitfalls and requirements, failure to comply with which leads to professional collapse? Is it really possible for anyone who can speak clearly and competently to become a TV presenter?

You can find answers to all these, as well as many other questions, in this article, which, as you may have guessed, is dedicated to TV presenter profession.

Who is a TV presenter?

TV presenter is an employee of a television and radio company who personalizes the information provided within programs of various directions: informational, entertainment or analytical, talk shows, award ceremonies, youth programs, etc.

The origin of the name of the profession is twofold. On the one hand, it is clear that this is a person who hosts television programs (that is, the name comes from the word “to lead”). On the other hand, the TV presenter conveys a message to us (that is, he is a messenger - the one who carries the “message”). Therefore, both words can be safely considered derivative. Moreover, both of them came from the Proto-Slavic word vedti.

The profession arose in the 30s of the last century along with the spread of television. The first TV presenters were called announcers, and their main task was announcing programs and reading news. Despite their relatively small range of responsibilities, they were incredibly popular. Who doesn’t remember Valentina Leontyeva or Igor Kirillov, Anna Shilova or Vladimir Ukhin?

Since then, the TV presenter’s popularity not only has not fallen, but has increased many times over. After all, today a TV presenter does not just convey information to us, but forms public opinion both about the fact that he is talking about and about the television company. That is why the profession of a TV presenter is in first place in the ranking of television professions. After all, no matter how many people prepare a program or show, responsibility for the final result will ultimately fall mainly on the TV presenter, who, by the way, is the “face” of the channel.

What are the professional TV presenter duties? He must announce the news, hold a talk show while directing a large audience, announce speakers, conduct interviews in such a way as to interest all television viewers. It would seem that everything is simple. But behind all this lies a titanic work, the focus of which depends on the specifics of television programs.

  • The presenter of information and analytical programs reads the news, and this is not just a “talking head”, because during the transmission process the presenter gives them a subjective assessment, in words, voice or facial expression. Very often, the host of such programs shapes public opinion, and this is a big responsibility. There is a famous case in the history of television when Tatyana Mitkova, at that time news presenter NTV refused to read the text about the invasion of Soviet troops in Lithuania and transferred these functions to the announcer. Thus, she actually shaped the public assessment of the event.
  • The host of today's popular talk shows must master the skill of “reaching” the audience. His responsibilities include not only building a dialogue with the participants, but also “twisting” intrigue that can attract the attention of millions of television viewers, as well as resolving conflict situations that often arise on live television.
  • A special place is occupied by the hosts of concerts and various ceremonies. Previously they were called entertainers. Their responsibilities include: announcing the program numbers, entertaining the audience while the next artist is preparing for the performance, as well as “warming up” interest on the part of the audience
  • The highest caste of TV presenters - creators of original programs. These people, as a rule, have their own opinions, positions, charisma and influence. Their responsibilities include not only conducting the program, but also developing its concept, preparing materials for broadcast, solving organizational issues and managing the filming process.

What personal qualities should a TV presenter have?

Since a TV presenter is a person working in the field of telecommunications, first of all he must have such qualities as sociability, empathy and originality. In other words, the TV presenter must be remembered by the audience, because the ratings of the program or show depend on him. It’s not bad for a TV presenter to have his own opinion about what he says and whose words he voices. True, it should be noted that this opinion must be expressed very carefully and measuredly, since the influence of the TV presenter on the public is great, and “we are not given the opportunity to predict how our word will respond...”.

Besides, TV presenter job unthinkable without such personal qualities as:

But most importantly, a person who wants to become a TV presenter must be “loved” by the camera. This is inexplicable, but some have it, while others lack this quality. And there's nothing you can do about it. Another obstacle to becoming a TV presenter may be the fear of the camera and speaking in front of a large audience. However, with a very strong desire and the help of specialists, it is possible to solve this problem.

Advantages of being a TV presenter

Basics advantage of being a TV presenter, which, in fact, seduces most applicants for the role of the “face” of the TV channel, is associated with the nature of its activities. We are talking about the fact that TV presenters are recognizable people. And this means popularity, publicity, fame and, let’s be honest, a fairly high level of pay. Of course, the level of income directly depends on the “stardom” of the TV presenter (the more popular the TV presenter, the larger the fee he receives), but even beginning professionals can count on a salary of 30 thousand rubles. (for reference, the salaries of leading state channels approved by the Ministry of Finance range from 100 to 600 thousand rubles).

A TV presenter can not only become famous himself, but also in the course of his professional activities very often communicates with already famous people, which allows him to “acquire” useful acquaintances. It can also be said that in some way this profession contributes to the extraordinary expansion of a person’s horizons in every sense of the word.

Another undoubted advantage of this profession is the requirement to always keep oneself “in shape.” We often stop taking care of ourselves if others and decency do not require it. A TV presenter will never be “unprepared,” since an impeccable appearance in any situation is the main component of his success.

Disadvantages of being a TV presenter

Disadvantages of being a TV presenter and its advantages are interconnected like two sides of the same coin. The fame and publicity of a TV presenter can result in the need to constantly monitor oneself. This refers not only to physical fitness and appearance, but also to lifestyle. After all, the lives of famous TV presenters are under constant scrutiny from television and photo cameras. Their every action is discussed and interpreted. In other words, the personal life of such a person (as well as his family) can become public knowledge at any moment, and then you need to carefully monitor every word, gesture or look.

Working in front of a camera, especially live, is fraught with high psychological stress. The constant pressure to stay in shape can also be stressful. Therefore, we can firmly say that this profession is not suitable for people with a weak nervous system. And if we take into account that it is necessary to regularly work on oneself (including on diction), then it becomes clear that only strong-willed people capable of self-criticism and self-improvement can achieve success.

Where can you get a job as a TV presenter?

You may not believe it, but become a TV presenter Any person can do it, regardless of education and the “baggage” of knowledge that they have behind them. But only a professional with a capital P, possessing not only a large amount of skills and knowledge, but also charisma, can become a prime TV presenter. And if personal magnetism is an innate quality that cannot be “obtained” at a university, then you can master the necessary set of knowledge, which opens up unlimited opportunities for achieving your cherished dream - creating an original program, in one of these best universities in Russia, How.

This profession is, so to speak, a one-off - there are not so many presenters of various television programs, although television has penetrated into all, even the most remote corners of the country, and a lot of television companies have appeared: from the federal to the local level.

How to become a TV presenter - where to start?

Someone will be surprised: what kind of choice are we talking about if it has already been made: TV presenter - and that’s it! No, not everything, but just the beginning. So what should you do?

First ask yourself: what do I know about this job? It seems that not everyone will be able to tell something sensible about it, so you need to start by studying the profession and its features. And they, as in every activity, are present:

  1. Surprisingly, they don’t teach TV presenters anywhere! This means that the question immediately arises: who should you study to become a TV presenter? The answer may surprise many, but first you need to enroll and successfully graduate from the Faculty of Journalism, and then find where they offer TV presenter courses and become a student.
  2. An indispensable condition for a representative of this profession is the ability to logically, consistently and competently express one’s thoughts; At the same time, you need to have a pleasant voice and, preferably, the same appearance.
  3. If you are interested in how to become a TV news presenter, then pay attention to yours: it should be clear, without defects in diction, patter and “swallowing” of individual letters or even words. You also need to know the rules for placing stress in words.
  4. A TV presenter can work on general news reviews or host thematic programs; depending on this, she either reads ready-made texts or composes them herself, so this will require the ability not only to read competently, but also to express her thoughts in writing no less competently and correctly.

What else do you need to become a TV presenter?

Depending on what programs you are entrusted with leading, this work will require good knowledge in the field of geography, economics, ecology, politics, and for this you need to have a broad outlook.

In addition, it is important to be able to have a constructive conversation, while simultaneously asking pressing vital questions, and to be sociable. If you want to understand how to become a TV presenter, learn the ability to win people over, call them for a frank conversation, and navigate any non-standard situation. Representatives of this profession must be distinguished, among other things, by being stress-resistant, being assertive and achieving their goals.

Many girls dream of shining on TV screens, having a ton of fans, being recognized everywhere they go, receiving invitations to photo shoots for fashion and famous magazines, signing autographs, and so on. Well, have I ignited your passion for this profession even more? In this article we will talk about how to become a presenter, or how to become a presenter. The fact is that girls aspire to this profession more than boys. But the principle of becoming is the same. Let's start.

How to become a TV presenter?

So, first of all, I'll tell you something. In July 2015, I asked myself the question: “How to become a presenter?”. In the Yandex search engine I typed the following query: "School of Leaders". Here I came across the Volga Media School. I saw advertisements about this school on public transport. Two years ago, I visited this school for an interview, but did not study because I had a thesis at the institute.

I entered this school with my brother. To do this you need to have at least a secondary education. Upon completion of the program, a diploma is issued. Training – 7 months, 8,500 rubles per month. Internship, excursions, assistance in finding a job - all this is described in the contract. I have been studying since October. We are on vacation now.

Why am I saying this? My goal is not to advertise any schools, courses, etc. I studied for three months and I have something to say about this profession. To become a presenter, you need preparation. They won't take you anywhere without it. There are 6 people in my group and almost all of us were embarrassed in front of the camera during the first recording. The camera is constraining, but this is only at first. Then you get used to it.

We had a blitz survey before the new year. We only had to ask three questions. We went to the shopping center. There was a cameraman with me. I thought that people would be happy to take part in the blitz survey, but it turned out to be the opposite. I had to make five stops. I spent 40 minutes chasing people and getting rejected. I managed to make five stops, but it was extremely difficult. So be prepared for this.

Speech is another stumbling block. I, and especially my brother, have a speech problem. We both stretch our vowels. This defect has almost disappeared for me, since I separately study speech techniques. They immediately told my brother that with such "meowing", they won’t take him anywhere. But there are still norms of speech. There is modern pronunciation, and there is the 19th century norm. For example, we say “rains,” but in the 19th century we said "rain". Or "bakery" or "bun". And here's another: “I’ll try/I’ll try”. There is no softening of the consonant at the end. And every television organization requires compliance with certain standards of conversational speech.

In addition to all this, you need to be a mega-educated person. Tina Kandelaki is a mega educated person. Ivan Urgant is also erudite. You must have at least some understanding of any topic. Dmitry Nagiyev said in his interview that he reads a lot in order to be erudite: to be able to substitute the right phrase, to be able to talk about a certain topic. This is very important in the work of a TV presenter.

Eh. I hope I didn't scare you away. I want you to understand that the work of a presenter is a profession. You shouldn’t go there just to be shown on TV. By the way, many people go there for this. Some of my classmates said this: “I want to be shown on TV”. But this is one side of the coin. The other side is work.

We had an excursion to some local channel. I won't say the name. 4 years ago, my brother and I were casting for a TV presenter. Then this channel had just opened in our city. We didn’t pass the casting, but it’s very nice that four years later they remembered us.

"I remember you. You passed our casting!”– said the main character on this channel.

And one of my classmates asked her: “Why didn’t you take them?”.

“Because we have our own requirements”– the main character of this channel answered.

The main character is what I called the person who runs everything there. So, during the excursion we were given the opportunity to greet the viewer. We sat down at the table and said one sentence, looking at the camera. And even though it was a test, many were already confused. Stuttering began, I forgot the text, said it unclearly, didn’t smile properly, and so on.

Imagine that you will need to broadcast live. All your mistakes will be seen, and then you will feel uneasy. You could get fired for this. What about salary? The presenters have the least amount: 15,000 -25,000. It is very difficult to live on this money. Now imagine that they might call you at one in the morning and say that a helicopter has crashed in such and such a place. You need to be there in half an hour. And if you are not ready for this, then being a leader is not for you.

Appearance is another minor quibble. There are many rules about how a presenter should look in front of the camera. The camera sees differently. She sees everything: the shine of the skin, colors, movements, every little thing. In addition, it adds weight, although I think this is a myth.

So how to become a leader? First of all, you need preparation, and thorough preparation. You need to speak into the camera more often, do interviews, become a very educated person, and work hard on your speech. This is why TV presenter schools exist. During training you can understand whether it is for you or not.

But then, after you understand that this profession is just for you, you can attend castings, interviews, auditions. The main thing is that you have experience and some finished work (in the form of a video) that you will show to employers. This could be an interview, a disclosure of a specific topic, an entire program.

And get ready for the fact that at first you will have to work for free or for 3,000 rubles for about two years. During this time, you must gain professionalism in order to sell yourself at a higher price later. I know it sounds pretentious, but it's true. The higher your professionalism, the more expensive you are. This needs to be understood now.

We can talk a lot about how to become a presenter. I want you to understand that this is a profession, and a very serious one. You shouldn’t think only about the cherries that this profession gives. There are many difficulties that you will definitely encounter during your work. If you have questions, write in the comments. I haven't received my diploma yet. The program should be completed in June 2016. What I will do next, only time will tell. Ciao.

how to become a TV presenter


Every story begins with a dream. Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a TV presenter, but I had no idea how to get on the coveted silver screen. And yet the feeling that someday I would find myself on the other side did not leave me.

From the age of 13, I was a member of the Slava Zaitsev modeling agency, took part in shows - it would seem that the path to fame was open! However, at the age of 16, despite a lucrative offer from scout Georgy Dzhikidze, who at one time discovered Natalia Vodianova, I made a choice in favor of entering the university. Of course, many will say that it’s never too late to study, but I sincerely wanted to know our inner world, what we are made of and how our body functions, so I didn’t want to put off studying at a medical university.

In my 3rd year, I heard that enrollment was underway at the Ostankino television school. I realized that this is the place where I would really like to study. For a whole year I was immersed in the Ostankino atmosphere, communicated with television luminaries, attended all the programs, tried myself on camera and on the radio.

I remember how on our stream, journalist Nina Zvereva, chairman of TEFI, organized stand-up competitions. The winner was chosen by the students themselves by direct voting, and my completely unwinning news about the Miss Ostankino competition took 3rd place only thanks to the original presentation. It gave me faith that I'm not hopeless

During my internship, unlike many girls who strive to get into federal channels and music programs, I decided to choose a narrow area in which I understand something: I asked to join the medical program. After working for 1 month as an editor on the TDK channel, I became the host of the “Your Doctor” program. It was a great experience because it was live! I remembered this excitement and trepidation for the rest of my life.

Photography Personal archive

If you are thinking about a career as a TV presenter, immediately identify topics in which you are knowledgeable and can be more competent than others

I must say, I never lost touch with fashion: I took part in all fashion weeks as a model. Therefore, when I heard about the casting for the role of a correspondent for a program about social events and fashion news, I immediately went there. The creators of the program quickly drew attention to me. I think it helped that I always wrote the materials myself, was ready to go on set at any time, and my great desire to work and develop was obvious to everyone. So I became a VJ, kept a fashion week diary, my favorite “Stylistika”.

Today I can confidently say that with my appearance on the program, the viewer began to understand what is fashionable and relevant. We divided the issues into author's sections - “Trends”, “Fashion Instructions”, in order to describe from all sides what is interesting to our audience. I still write all the material myself. Yes, I have to look through hundreds of shows, study the posts of many famous bloggers, but I dreamed about this since childhood and did everything to make my dreams come true.

So to everyone who does not give up on their dream of becoming a TV presenter, I can say one thing: if you really want it, go for it!

What does it take to become a TV presenter?

Many people believe that you can become a TV presenter either with the help of connections, or thanks to a lucky chance. Sometimes it is, but for the most part, becoming a TV presenter is hard work. Although now it is much easier to become a TV presenter than in ancient times. Previously, it was unacceptable to stumble on air, and the one who made such a mistake would immediately “fly off” the television air. Now everything is much simpler; most TV presenters, even Channel One, falter on air. Let's figure out how to become a TV presenter, i.e. what does that require.

1.Pleasant appearance. It’s clear that you want to look at women who look good. If we see an unkempt TV presenter on air, we begin to say: “I would look better on camera! ”, but should look up to TV stars and enjoy watching, for example, the news;

2. Good diction. This is needed more than anything. Correcting your appearance is easier than changing your diction, so you need to train even if you already work on television as a TV presenter. It is necessary to completely eradicate the accent, dialect, etc.;

3. Literacy. Literacy is also important for a TV presenter. You never know what kind of problems can be expected when recording a broadcast; you will need to take responsibility and finish filming without titles, tips, etc.;

5. Calmness. This is especially important for those TV presenters who talk about very painful topics for themselves personally or for the whole world. It is necessary to try to broadcast more calmly, especially live broadcasts, not to cry, and not to allow your voice to tremble. Self-control is important to develop daily.

First, to become a TV presenter you need to get an education. Of course, you will not be able to find a faculty where you will be offered the specialty “TV presenter”. The specialty of a journalist is better than anything else for future work. Thanks to journalism, you will be able to acquire the necessary connections, relax, gain the necessary knowledge and skills, and will also be able to more easily integrate into your chosen job as a TV presenter in the future.

In addition, if earlier, in order to become a TV presenter, it was only important to “study the text”, now many TV presenters independently look for work, prepare the materials they find for broadcast and voice them to the delight of people, i.e. us! So to become a TV presenter, a modern person needs to be able to do more than just deliver a speech clearly and competently. To make it easier for you, try to focus on television and radio journalism when studying; from about 2-3 years this will be possible at a university. This will also help you get an internship on television and establish yourself as a competent employee. So universities such as Moscow State University, Russian State Technical University, MGIMO, or even better, MITRO - the Ostankino Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting in Moscow, are suitable for you.

After admission, everything will be only in your power. This is a more interesting profession than a sociologist or a manager, since you will have to start working from the very first courses in order to understand the “inside” of the television broadcasting system in order to change yourself, if necessary, and to show what a good specialist you are already now. How to become a TV presenter further after receiving education? You should rely more on practice during training, but if you never receive an offer, you will have to show yourself and your creativity through different channels.

First of all, remember that you are like a star - everyone knows you and you cannot fall in the eyes of the audience, the attention of the same viewers, sometimes inconvenient work schedule, moral pressure, in addition, the TV presenter must always show a good mood in front of the camera, even if she is very bad at heart . However, all these disadvantages are covered by communication with famous people, sometimes even favorites, good salary, interesting and varied work, the love of the audience and their attention (which is considered a plus for many!).