Guf vs bird versus official release. ​Battle Goof vs Bird: who will win? How Guf celebrates the victory

There are 230 people on the list. And so “1703” can accommodate at most one hundred and fifty people - and these people are already hanging on each other.

Listen, it’s minus nine here, and I’m straight out of college. And also wearing shoes like an asshole. Legs... [end].

When will they be allowed in?

If you are under eighteen, you will not get in, even if you are on the list. Security, look at your passports!

Sanya, I will get sick and die, and you will be to blame.

Let two people pass. Edgar! Where is Edgar? He was walking behind.

We show the stamps and come in!

Doors! Doors!

Security guys, why are people here?

Don't take pictures, don't risk it, they'll kick you out.

Can I take a step back?

You and I were traveling in the same Sapsan.

Guys, let's hurry up with the doors. Security, get people out of here!

Step back!

Well, old man, now you're going to get screwed.

Cripple, hello! I love you!

We are for Guf! Uh! Uh! Uh!

In... [enough], close the doors. And then we close the doors... [mouths]!

These three... [chat] constantly: what is Nintendo, what is Noggano, what is Basta.

We remove the passage. Stop! Vasya, make sure that Guf and Ptah don’t make peace just yet.

Super quiet! History is being made, let's go.

Salute, the Restaurateur is with you, this is a “Versus-battle”, let’s make some noise... [damn it]!

A post shared by Personality(@sad_depo_) on Feb 6, 2018 at 11:09am PST

No personal life, empty halls...

Do you even have them?

Do you remember Masha Bolshaya? You knew she worked as a whore.

I'll ask for another two million, that's... [end].

Guf, Guf, Guf!

I have real heart problems. Make some noise.

Brother, just go through the medical history, that’s all.

Please shut your mouths, guys.

You... [fucked] all the scary chicks all over the country... And now I have a question for you, Vasily Mikhalych. So tell me, why did you come here?

Ooo! The dog bites.

I still love you.

It's not bad if I take a look.

I read with my mouth, and you read with your ass!

Listen, we expected that there would be... [separation]. Let's ask the judges.

Everyone out!

What, there won't be a fight today?

How do you like the battle?

I see, I'm waiting for your stream.

The sickest fantasies about mothers that I heard at battles paled in comparison with the stories of two former friends in the spirit of “his dog licked his penis, and I slept with your chick for a year.”

Sanya, are you at least in the black?

On February 7, 2018, in the St. Petersburg bar “1703” a rap battle took place between former members of the group “Center”. Rappers (real name - Alexey Dolmatov) and (real name - David Nuriev) quarreled with each other several years ago, which is why the Center broke up. They decided to clarify the relationship between the Dolmatovs and the Nureyevs on the Versus site.

The battle between Guf and Ptah became the highest paid in the history of world hip-hop. The rappers received a total of 3 million rubles. for the performance. The event was closely watched by fans not only of hip-hop artists, but also of Russian rap in general.

The editors of 24SMI present an overview of the most striking moments of the battle. We will also tell you why Guf and Ptah had a quarrel.

Background to the conflict

Dolmatov and Nuriev were part of the Center group, formed in 2004. The group also featured a rapper (real name Vadim Motylev). In 2009, Guf had a quarrel with his colleagues, after which he left the Center.

In 2014, Guf, Ptakha and Slim announced the reunion of “Center”. However, two years later the group broke up again. In an interview with a video blogger, Dolmatov called the idea of ​​restoring the group a complete failure.

Group "Center" |

“Just so you understand, Ptah and I communicated even before the formation of the Center.” We recorded the album “Gusli” and went on tour with the group’s old program. On these tours, I realized that I could not be with this person. I love him so much. He is my friend. But you can’t find a common language with a person,” Dolmatov said about the rapper Ptakh.

Guf called the day of the reunion the only pleasant moment in the unification of the Center. Before the Moscow presentation of the album “Far”, Dolmatov told David about the group’s last concert.

On September 18, Guf spoke harshly in “” about modern hip-hop artists. Alexey promised to battle with any rapper. The next day, Ptah called Guf to “Versus” in a video in “ Instagram ».

Later, Dolmatov, in a live broadcast in “”, spoke harshly about Basta, Pharaoh,. According to him, the rapper (real name Vasily Vakulenko) did not help Alexey when he was trying to recover from drug addiction. During the broadcast, Guf also spoke about participating in Versus.

“Are you ******** (crazy), David Borisovich? Let's! 2 million rubles. the Restaurateur gives me - I will come and fight with you. Let’s be honest, the Restaurateur has ***** (a lot) of money, just like you have the desire to get hyped up in this battle,” Dolmatov accepted Ptakhi’s challenge.

October 4 (real name - Alexander Timartsev) to Guf’s condition. Later he clarified that the battle would take place in February 2018. The release date for the battle is February 19.

Battle Gufa and Ptah - the best moments

Based on the results of the draw, the battle began with Ptah. From the first seconds, David spoke about Guf’s “skeletons in the closet.” He recalled how Alexei was deceived by his childhood friends.

“But more on this later. This battle is just right for you. The dead man needs a tombstone,” said Nuriev, after which he presented a cake in the shape of his opponent’s coffin.

Ptah also reproached Guf for betraying his friends and being weak-willed.

“You have no one, you betrayed your friends. You've lost your sense of smell in your old age. You have changed a lot, but you haven’t remained your own anywhere. Maybe it’s not about parties - maybe Dolmatov is rotten?” Ptah turned to Gufu.

Dolmatov began speaking next. At the beginning of the round, Alexey started rapping in Chinese. He then admitted that he had logoneurosis (a severe form of stuttering). Only Bird knew about this disease.

Nuriev was surprised that Alexey did not refuse to perform at Versus. David thought that Dolmatov would refuse the battle just as Basta did when (Sergei Parkhomenko) challenged him to “Versus”.

“Today I am friends with someone, and tomorrow we are already enemies. I’m leaving the “Center”, then we’re like ****s (fools) again,” Guf began to reason.

In the next round, Bird started talking about his shortcomings. He mentioned his vindictiveness, resentment, and drug addiction. David considers himself much more moral than his former friend. According to him, Guf stole money from his former lover, whom he almost married.

Guf on "Versus" |

Ptah stated that Dolmatov, in addition to 7-year-old Sami, has another child. David's revelation caused a strong reaction among the audience. Then David criticized his opponent for insulting Basta, but joined his Gazgolder label.

Guf did not lower the level of tension. The rapper admitted that he was not going to insult Nuriev’s loved ones and would not let him do it. Dolmatov refused the services of a ghostwriter, unlike Nuriev.

“Who wrote all these punches for you? , ? I'm interested in how this all happened. You got ready and sat down together. “You told them where I messed up, and they gave you punches?” his opponent asked Ptah.

Later, Alexey invited his former friend to spend more time with his beloved Lana Reutova, about whom he spoke harshly.

“Tell me, **** (why) are you obsessed with me? Don’t you still understand that I won’t be with you? You’ll have to get used to it,” Guf said.

In the final round, Nureyev said that he would give his opponent the crown if he defeated him. Otherwise, the Restaurateur will receive the crown. Ptah personally presented the gift to Alexey.

At the end of the round, David told Alexey that his ex-wife had found a suitable husband, and Sami had found a good father. Today Isa is married to businessman Dmitry Anokhin. Previously, Guf spoke harshly about the man in the track Line Up, released in October 2017.

Bird on "Versus" |

Guf, in turn, stated that Maria Kurkova, Nuriev’s ex-lover, cheated on David. At the beginning of the third round, Guf forgot the text, but was quickly able to rehabilitate himself.

“I hope you put on your ****** (scary) finger with Putin? Oh no. You became the face of a jewelry company,” Guf Ptakh recalled the video for the song “Freedom 2.017.”

In the song, Ptah criticized the participants of the rally in March 2017. Users accused Nuriev of writing the track at the request of the government.

Basta on "Versus" |

At the end of the battle, Guf criticized Basta, who came to Versus. He believes that Vakulenko is trying to attract attention to himself by all means.

“Isn’t there enough hype for you without us? No performance at the Kremlin today? You have three more concerts in a row at Ledovoy. You still have your “Voice” in Moscow. Children". But today you stand and do this,” Guf turned to Basta.

Reaction to the battle between Guf and Ptah

The judges at the battle were the rapper (real name - Vladimir Afanasyev), Basta and DJ108 (real name - Pavel Pachkai). By unanimous decision of the judges, Guf won the battle.

After the speech, Nuriev threatened his opponent with violence. According to the online publication Super, Guf provoked his opponent into a fight. The reason was Guf’s insults to David’s beloved. Later, Dolmatov apologized for what he said - Nuriev accepted the apology.

Battle Gufa vs Ptah – video (18+)

“Friendship - is this concept even necessary?”

Last September, something happened that was impossible to imagine 10 years ago, at the beginning of that very “hip-hop revolution”, which was organized by three guys from Moscow - Ptah challenged Guf to a battle. Moreover, Guf, who had previously expressed that he would not go to battles under any circumstances, agreed to take part in the fight with his former friend, putting up, however,

Quite unexpectedly and promptly, the Restaurateur accepted these conditions, promising Guf 2 million rubles for participation in the battle, and Ptah - a million.

What to expect from the battle

At first, on that very day of live broadcasts, when Guf, having ridden through everyone from Pharaoh to Scryptonite, Guf generally threatened to destroy Ptah with a freestyle. Subsequently, of course, he changed his mind and prepared seriously - he even flew to Israel to collect his thoughts and finish the rounds.

Bird reported long ago that his text was ready and memorized. Earlier, David joked in his stories - they say, Basota is my ghostwriter. We hope it was really just a joke - although Basota has a grudge against Guf. By the way,

Ptah also said today that D. Masta and Schokk offered him help in writing texts for the battle, and even the Restaurateur offered him to buy the text for the battle, but David heroically refused.

Yesterday Ptah and an impressive support group went to the battle - by train, since there was snowfall in Moscow. Guf, meanwhile, tweeted him - they say, I’m sick for some reason, there’s also so much snow, I’d rather sit at home.

In today's live broadcast, Ptah said that he was bringing some very expensive gift to either Guf or Versus in general - he even appointed a special person who is responsible for this gift. Maybe we are talking about jewelry? Ptah just recently became an ambassador for a jewelry company...

Will there be a fight?

Guf, of course, does not want a fight - this was clear before, and it became absolutely clear after Ptah made Guf’s voice message public. “I don’t want to fight with you, I know you’ll fuck me off. You have the health of a wild boar, because you suck the energy out of us all,” said Alexey.

Ptah still said on the same broadcast today that he was not going to fight. An impressive support group is probably ready too.

However, it is worth considering that a fight may not necessarily happen between Guf and Ptah. for example, it is quite likely that Obe 1 Kanobe will be at the battle, with whom Ptah and the rappers have not yet made peace.

Bird also said that at the battle “many secrets will be revealed” - it is not a fact that after the skeletons are removed from the closet, everyone will be able to control themselves. In principle, one of the main tasks of a modern Russian rapper is when someone takes skeletons out of the closet, not to take their place and not accidentally end up in Narnia. The network suggests that these secrets could concern anything - from drugs to Guf’s ex-wife Isa.

Who will be at the battle

Firstly, Basta will be at the battle.

Secondly, of course, it would be logical for Slim to be present - I wonder whose back he will stand behind? Ptah suggests that Drago or Obe 1 Kanobe may be present at the battle, says that Kazhe Ooima and Fike will probably be there, and that Smokey Mo can also come. But Basota, whom Guf once threatened to “break,” will not come. The question about the judges remains open - who can judge such an authoritative couple? (Updated February 6 - ).

On the eve of probably the loudest battle of this year, we invite you to vote - who will still win?

It became known that Guf defeated Ptah in the battle. On February 6, all social networks were filled with spoilers from the recording of the battle, and the organizers will not be able to keep this secret. Segments of the battle, text comments, and even video excerpts from the battle between Guf and Ptah appeared online.

Judges at the battle between Guf and Ptah

The judges at the battle were old men: Basta, Nigativ and the same DJ 108. Before the battle, Basta and Guf communicated very heartily and joked about the topic of their joint album: “Gubasta”. The lot for the battle fell in favor of Guf and the battle with Ptah began with Guf.

Spoilers from the battle were immediately punished and visitors were kicked out of the hall, adding them to the black list of the 1703 club. Offended visitors had no choice but to go to a nearby shawarma and spread information about the battle. Gnoyny was kicked out of the battle because he was filming a live broadcast on his social networks.

In the excerpts of the video, it is noticeable that Guf is in an excellent mood; it is immediately clear that he has won and is leaving the club surrounded by fans.

There are a lot of tough and humiliating punches for David: about the business he screwed up, about the drugs he used together before.

Comment on the battle, from a visitor:

- "I'm shocked! Give me back my money for moral damages. Money wasted"

According to the rules of Versus Battle, neither Guf nor Ptah have the right to disseminate information and leak the results of the battle.

How Guf celebrates the victory

In some videos, Guf’s friends can be seen hugging him and even placing a crown on his head. It is noticeable that everyone is celebrating the victory and this is obvious.

Slim's wife Elena Motyleva clearly announced on her Instagram that Guf won. Elena broke the cake that Bird gave to Guf during one of the rounds.

Videos have appeared online showing how the Restaurateur pays Ptah money for the battle. As far as we know, the entire battle cost him 6 million rubles.

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On February 6, 2018, the Versus battle between Guf and Ptah was filmed in the legendary St. Petersburg bar 1703. This was the most expensive since the launch of the site in 2013.

As you know, Guf (Alexey Dolmatov), ​​responding to the challenge of Ptah (David Nuriev) in his online broadcast on social networks, said that he would agree to visit the most popular battle site in the country on condition that he pay the rapper 2 million rubles.

Ptah turned out to be more modest; his fee should be 1 million rubles.

The organizer and creator of Versus agreed to these conditions on the part of the participants, and all battle fans, and those simply interested in hip-hop culture, began to wait for the showdown to move from social networks to the Versus site.

The first judge at the battle between Guf and Ptah was one of the most influential hip-hop artists in the country - (Vasily Vakulenko). Also among the judges were Nigativ and DJ 108th, whom the Restaurateur has repeatedly called the best judge on the popular battle platform.

The upcoming event was actively discussed not only by young battle fans, but also by hip-hop performers, bloggers and judges of the famous battle site.

The issue of Guf and Ptah's fees became controversial: some said that such a mercantile and pragmatic approach only harms the culture, while others believed that the rappers did the right thing and decided to fight for money.

For example, ex-Centr member, rapper Slim, in an interview with The Flow portal said that both rappers never promoted battle rap and no longer liked it, so they don’t need to battle for free.

Everyone was sure of one thing: if the participants did not resort to the help of ghostwriters, Guf would win. According to many, he is more talented and has a better command of words.

In addition, the battle can turn out to be really impressive, because behind the large fees there is a real conflict that lasted for more than one year. Both rappers have something to say, the main thing is how well they can express their feelings to each other.

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And the predictions of many came true. The result became known almost immediately. Guf defeated Ptah on Versus with a crushing score of 3:0. Bird himself soon confirmed this in an Instagram broadcast.

The release date of the battle between Guf and Ptah is unknown, but usually such high-profile news events try to publish quickly enough so that the bar public does not leak all the details of what is happening on social networks. So, approximately, the battle should have been expected on the Sunday closest to us after filming.

It was the same with , he appeared on the Versus Battle channel the next Sunday after filming. However, Versus of Guf and Ptah still came out late in the evening of February 18, 2018.

Unfortunately, after filming, Guf and Ptah did not stop conflicting. After the battle, Ptah accused Guf of violating the agreements: in one of the rounds, Dolmatov insulted Nuriev’s fiancee, and they agreed not to touch on the topic of family members.

Ptah hinted that if Guf does not apologize to his girlfriend Lana, Nurieev and Dolmatov will no longer sort things out verbally. Guf did not aggravate the conflict and apologized to the enemy’s girlfriend.

By the way, Guf’s ex-wife also couldn’t help but speak out about the past battle on her Twitter.

Versus is famous for its strange and funny performances during some battles. Some participants like to dress up and even bring strange or simply funny props with them in order to further offend the enemy.

Now all that remains is to rejoice for all those who were able to make money from the conflict. Both participants at the battle itself talked a lot about additional fees and money received from sponsors. Some ads looked ridiculous, while others were less intrusive and annoying. But we can say for sure that all participants in what was happening were winners.

Let us recall that in September 2017, rapper Ptah, after long conflicts, called Guf to Versus. The squabble between the ex-members of the Centr group continued for a long time: the group broke up and reunited again, and Guf and Ptah continued to constantly conflict.

In an interview, Guf said that he regrets that the group reunited. Note that Guf continues to communicate with the third member of the group, rapper Slim, after the breakup of the group and records joint tracks.