Kind soul. Poetry page I often think what is sweeter in the world

The day before birth, the child asked God:

- I don’t know what I should do in this World?

God replied:

- I will give you an Angel who will always be next to you and give you advice.

- But I don't understand his language.

- The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.

- What is the name of my angel?

- It doesn’t matter what his name will call him MAMA...

Dear friends, readers, subscribers!

I want to start the post with this familiar parable – a selection of poems, thoughts, phrases, reflections and quotes about MOTHER. After all, her holiday is approaching!

Mother's Day is a great and holy holiday.

Today it goes around the world.

Today the whole world worships the one

There is no one happier

Who did not sleep at night and peace is our shore

Who is the strongest and most righteous,

Our friend and comrade, doctor and teacher...

Happy Mother's Day, dear mother!

We probably all intuitively remembera short story by Zoya Voskresenskaya:

“The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are - five or fifty, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter her life.”

A lot of kind words have been written

About our mothers, dear and beautiful.

They are like fairies from fairy tales,

They bring an endless holiday into our lives.

They are with their kindness and love

Capable of dispelling any fog.

There are no dearer mothers in the world,

There is no one more beloved than my mother.

She is like a ray of light in the night to me.

When she is near, my heart is warmer.

Thank you for being able to teach

Everything that you yourself, dear, can do.

Mothers love us for who we are, but my mother’s most cherished desire is to see us healthy, kind and smart. And we want to see them always young, cheerful and cheerful. If you want to make your mother the happiest person, act in a way that makes her happy and proud to say. “You know how good my children are!”

As we grow older over the years,

When we become smarter,

More and more often we feel sad about our mother,

We think about her more and more.

Her love shines in our lives,

She was given to us for happiness

There are few friends in the world,

But my mother is still alone.

Love your mother!

Love like a shrine!

Love yourself more deeply!

She gave us life and raised us.


Mom is the dearest and closest person. Sometimes in the bustle of days we forget about it and remember only on holidays. But she really wants to hear kind words every day and know that she is still needed and loved. Read these verses...maybe someday you will decide to read them for your mother:


Mom is tenderness, affection

Happiness, sunshine, kindness

Real care

Joy, light and beauty.

Mom is a bedtime story

Mom - wisdom and advice


I can’t describe how much I love you!

You are the best, I’ll say it straight out!

I want to wish you with all my heart

Love, good luck and health, mom!

Who opened this world to me,

Sparing no effort?

And always protected?

The best MOTHER in the world.

Who is the cutest in the world?

And it will warm you with its warmth,

Loves more than himself?

Reads books in the evening

And he always understands everything,

Even if I'm stubborn

I know MOM loves me.

Never gets discouraged

He knows exactly what I need.

If suddenly drama happens,

Who will support? My mom.

I'm walking along the path

But my legs are tired.

Jump over the hole

Who will help? I know - MOM


Mom, mommy! How much warmth is hidden in this magical word that names the closest, dearest, only person. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, she endures all our troubles with us, she gives us life.

From a child's essay:

For every child, his mother is the best in the world. Our mothers gave us life, for which we are already grateful. The first word a child says is mom! This is the most important word in our life. No child can tolerate separation from his mother. His heart is so heavy and sad! It’s great that they came up with International Women’s Day – March 8th. On this day we give mothers flowers, sweets and much more. On March 8th, children seem to thank their mothers for everything they did for us: they gave us a piece of their soul, they loved, understood and supported us in difficult times. We loved, love and will love our dear and caring mothers.

Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from the Mother’s milk. (M. Gorky)

There is nothing holier and more selfless than a mother’s love; every attachment, every love, every passion is either weak or self-interested in comparison with it. (V. Belinsky)

You are mom. Is this a lot or a little?

You are mom. Is this happiness or a cross?

And it's impossible to start all over again,

You pray now for what is:

For crying at night, for milk, diapers,

For the first step, for the first words.

For all children. For every child.

You are mom! And therefore right!

You are the whole world. You are the rebirth of life.

And you would like to hug the whole world.

You are mom. Mother! It's a pleasure

No one can take it away from you!

MOTHER...Listen, think about this word...

Numerous explanatory dictionaries do not give an unambiguous, precise and complete definition of this word. Apparently because this concept is too broad and comprehensive. Let's try to bring all these concepts to one common denominator, although this will be very conditional.

In Russian it’s “mama”, in Georgian it’s “nana”.

And in Avar it is affectionately “baba”.

From thousands of words of earth and ocean

This one has a special destiny.

Our lullaby becoming the first word of the year,

It sometimes entered a smoky circle

And on the lips of a soldier in the hour of death

The last call suddenly became.

There are no shadows on this word,

And in silence, probably because

Other words, kneeling,

They want to confess to him.

The spring, having rendered a service to the jug,

This word babbles because

What a mountain peak remembers -

She was known as his mother.

And lightning will cut through the cloud again,

And I will hear, following the rain,

How, absorbed into the ground, this word

Raindrops are calling.

I’ll sigh secretly, grieving about something,

And, hiding a tear in the clear light of day,

Don’t worry, mom, I say, everything is fine, my dear.

Constantly worries about his son

Holy love is a great slave.

In Russian "mama", in Georgian "nana"

And in Avar - affectionately “baba”.

(Rasul Gamzatov “Mother”)

Mother is the giver of life and the nurturer of her children. A mother is precisely a “life giver”, because this is much more complex than just a biological mother. She feeds, clothes, and helps to understand life, helps to overcome all its difficulties, small and large difficulties. It’s not for nothing that they say that a mother is not the one who gave birth, but the one who raised her.

A woman with a child in her arms.

Spells from any misfortune

(She really has a lot to offer!),

No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,

Proud, exalted mother.

The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,

So here it stands for centuries:

The most beautiful of women -

A woman with a child in her arms.

Everything in the world is marked by traces

No matter how many paths you walk,

Apple tree - decorated with fruits,

A woman is the fate of her children.

May the sun forever applaud her,

So she will live for centuries,

The most beautiful of women -

A woman with a child in her arms.

(From the Internet)

For a little person who has just come into our world, mother is the personification of this world. This is the best doctor and visiting nurse in the world (who better than a mother can relieve the pain of her child), and a psychologist (only a mother can calm a suddenly crying baby), and a teacher, and a nanny.

Who came to me this morning?


Who said: "It's time to get up"?


Who managed to cook the porridge?


Should I pour some tea into a bowl?


Who braided my hair?


Swept the whole house by yourself?


Who picked flowers in the garden?


Who kissed me?


Who as a child loves laughter?


Who is the best in the world?


(U. Rajab)

With what tenderness he rests in his arms
She is her own child in thoughtful silence!..
The seal of suffering lies on the closed lips,
And a quiet caress in the downcast eyes...

Anxiously pressing the child to her chest,
She looks into his future with longing,
And the mother wants to close with a helpless hand
Your child from tears, sadness and sorrows...

And in her heart there is a vague fear
To lose the dear, the only shrine...
After all, without him the whole world will remain a desert,
And for him she will go to execution.

For a child, a mother is protection from the greatest fears and the most authoritative teacher: who, if not she, can explain everything in such a way that even the most complex and terrible things will become simple and understandable, and therefore not at all scary, maybe even funny. A strict teacher and educator, the mother even knows how to punish in such a way that the child has no resentment against her, but only regret that he has upset the closest and dearest person on Earth to him - his mother.

We love her because
What sometimes
It's getting stricter
In the wrinkles of the eyes.
But he confesses
Come with your head -
Wrinkles will disappear
The storm will pass away.

For always
Without hiding and directly
We can trust
She has her own heart.
And just because
That she is our mother
We are strong and gentle
We love her.

Every child, voluntarily or unwittingly doing something bad, knows that only his mother can understand him and will definitely forgive him. After all, she a priori accepts her child as smart, good and kind, making mistakes not out of malice or perversity, not out of natural stupidity, but out of thoughtlessness, not realizing, due to his childishness, all the consequences of the offense. And how does this confidence that he is “good” help the baby to really strive to be like that!

There is a special person
In the life of every child,
If you hurt your knee,
He will tell you where the green stuff is.

He will understand everything and forgive everything,
Maybe they really have a fight,
But that’s why it was given to us,
So that we can educate ourselves.

We go through life with him,
We get smarter and grow with him,
Only he will help with everything,
He will put everything on the shelves.

There is no such person

Who can replace us?
Tenderness, affection and care,
And who can love like that?

But I won't hide it
And I will say openly, directly,
This is a bright man
And I call him Mom.

The baby is growing, turning into an adult, but his connection with his mother is still strong, he still needs and cares about his mother’s advice, her assessment, her support and just a kind, understanding look. For the rest of her life, mother remains the most important person on Earth. She is deified, she is forgiven for unexpected insults, which - of course, are inflicted not out of malice, but out of fatigue: after all, on her fragile shoulders lies a heavy burden of responsibility for the life and upbringing of her beloved children!

I know there is a person in the world

A love that will last a long time,

Not a day, not a year, but a whole century

After all, this is more valuable to him than debt!

He is better and sweeter than everyone else in the world,

He loves you more than himself

He will warm you with his warmth and kindness,

He will give you tenderness, loving!

He helped you get to know this world,

To go straight through life,

He fenced you off from your problems,

And this person is called MOM!

And it is no coincidence that in the brightest moments of our lives, whether in trouble, in joy, from grief or pain, from happiness, surprise or fear, we instinctively exclaim: “Mom, mommy!” We pronounce the word “mother” as a prayer that helps us to withstand or overcome, to overcome the most difficult test in life, and we cherish the memory of our mother as a shrine, not allowing anyone to tarnish her name even with a word.

Parable by Bruno Ferrero "The Account".

One evening, when my mother was busy in the kitchen, her eleven-year-old son approached her with a piece of paper in his hands. Putting on an official air, the boy handed the piece of paper to his mother. Wiping her hands on her apron, my mother began to read:
Invoice for my work
-For sweeping the yard – 5 liras
-For cleaning my room – 10 liras

For the purchase of milk – 1 lira
-Looking after my sister (three times) – 15 liras
-For receiving the highest grade twice – 10 liras

For taking out the trash every evening – 7 liras
-Total – 48 liras.
Having finished reading, the mother looked tenderly at her son, took a pen and wrote on the back of the sheet:
-For carrying you in her womb for 9 months – 0 lira

For all the nights I spent near your crib when you were sick - 0 lira
-For all those hours when I calmed you down and amused you so that you wouldn’t be sad – 0 lira
-For all those tears that I wiped from your eyes – 0 lira

For everything I taught you every day - 0 lira
-For all breakfasts, lunches, dinners and sandwiches at school - 0 lira.
-For the life that I dedicate to you every day - 0 lira.
-Total – 0 lira.
Having finished writing, the mother, smiling tenderly, handed the piece of paper to her son. The boy carefully read what was written, and two huge tears rolled down his cheeks. He turned the sheet over and wrote on his account: “Paid,” then he grabbed his mother’s neck and leaned against him, hiding his face...


The little boy got lost in the crowd. He called his mother, but she did not hear him through the noise of the crowd. And then they asked him: “What is she like, your mother? Describe her and we will help you find her!” And the baby answered without thinking for a minute: “My mother is the one who is the best!”


  • -“A person truly becomes an adult not when he has a desire to do everything against his mother, but at the moment when he begins to understand that she was right.”
  • -“The greatest grief in the world is when your mother starts crying, and you are unable to help her with anything and cannot console her.”
  • -“There is only one person in the world who is sincerely happy when you feel good and are able to achieve success - this is your mother. And it is she who will be sad with all her heart when you feel sad.”
  • -“A mother is the only person in the world who is ready to do anything for her own child, and only she can replace everyone. But no one can replace her, even if they try hard.”
  • -“The heart of a woman who has given birth and raised her child is ready to work real miracles for the sake of her baby.”
  • -“Mom, thank you for giving birth and raising me, and for everything that you gave me, for your care, tenderness and love.”
  • -“You shouldn’t be angry with your mother and say hurtful words to her, even in the heat of an argument. After all, one accidentally thrown word can not only hurt, but break a mother’s loving heart.”
  • -“Mom is the person who deserves sincere love.”
  • -“Living without a mother is difficult and everything around you begins to seem gray and boring. There is no more dear and beloved person in the world than mother.”
  • -“No one is able to understand their own child as well as a mother.”
  • -“A large and very beautiful monument needs to be erected to a mother’s heart.”
  • -“Take care of your mother’s heart, because no one else will love you so much and sincerely.”
  • -“Sometimes my mother gets very tired of her constant moralizing, so as you grow up, you begin to constantly put off meeting her until later and find more interesting things to do for yourself. But, in an instant, mother may no longer be in our lives and nothing can be fixed. You can't rewind time. Therefore, you must always take care of your mother and give no less care in return.”
  • -“For my mother, a falling fork means the imminent arrival of a guest, and a breaking cup promises only happiness. This is all because my mother really wants to be happy, and her hospitality makes the whole family believe in omens.” “Sometimes it seems that my mother not only cannot, but does not want to understand what experiences I have in my soul. But this is far from true, because the soul of mother and child is much closer than it might seem.”
  • -“I have a lot of girlfriends in my life, maybe several husbands, and sometimes stepfathers. But mom is the only one and forever.”
  • -“A mother’s love can work real miracles - it is absolutely unique and forgiving, becoming like the eighth, unknown wonder of the world.”
  • -“A mother’s love knows no betrayal. A mother is the only person who is devoted to her own child with all her heart and soul.”
  • -“The hardest job is to be a mother, because she doesn’t know days off or even a minute’s respite. Mom is always worried, and at the same time worrying not only about her own problems, but also about the affairs of loved ones and relatives.” “Mom’s smile is the main meaning of life.”
  • -“A mother’s heart becomes an inexhaustible source of miracles.”
  • -“Mom alone can replace everyone, but no one else can replace her.”
  • -“A mother is the most grateful person in the whole world who loves her child for who he is and does not try to change him. She is able to forgive all misdeeds and mistakes just because he exists in this world.”

Sad and touching phrases

  • -“It’s raining outside, and I’m listening to love songs, and I’m sad. And I really want the sun to appear outside, to hear my mother’s native voice and to forget how painful it can be.”
  • -“Guys can leave or fall in love with close girlfriends. And only one person can help cope with pain and grief, who will give you the opportunity to cry and speak out - this is your mother.”
  • -“You shouldn’t shed tears in front of your mother, because it hurts her much more from the tears of her child.”
  • -“Sometimes I get so tired of the inscriptions on social networks: “You love your mother, then click class.” If you really love your mom, just get off the computer and help her."
  • -“It’s very sad and difficult to see your mother crying and understand that you can’t do anything to help her grief.”
  • -“Living without a mother is difficult, everything around begins to seem gray and colorless. After all, mom is the best and most faithful friend, ready to support you in the most difficult moments and will never reproach you for past mistakes and misdeeds.”
  • -“Among cruel and selfish people, you begin to understand how important a person your mother is to you.”
  • -“The world could be a much better place if everyone suddenly started acting like their mother was looking at them.”
  • -“Love for mom is difficult to express in words. This is a feeling that lives in the heart of every person."


Without mother, the dear one and the flowers bloom colorlessly.

Without a father, you are half an orphan, and without a mother, you are an entire orphan.

He who honors his mother and father will never perish.

My dear mother is an unquenchable candle.

The mother's prayer from the day of the sea takes out (takes out).

God rules by the mother's word.

A mother's blessing does not sink in water and does not burn in fire.

The mother's word is not spoken past.

Mother’s anger is like spring snow: a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt.

Mother feeds her son - she dries, but he doesn’t groan for her

You will find everything in the world except father and mother.

Do not leave your father and mother in old age, and God will not leave you.

Not the father-mother who gave birth, but the one who gave him water, fed him and taught him goodness.

There is no sweeter friend than your own mother

There is no sweeter friend than your own mother.

A person has one natural mother, and he has one Motherland.

In the sun it is light, in the presence of mother it is good.
The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about its mother.
Mother’s anger is like spring snow: a lot of it falls, but it soon melts.
Mother Nature is the beginning of all beginnings.
A person has one natural mother, and he has one Motherland.

It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.

The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about its mother.

You can find bird's milk even in a fairy tale, but you won't find another father and mother in a fairy tale.

The native land is the mother, the foreign side is the stepmother.

There are many relatives, but my mother is dearest of all.

Living with your mother means neither sorrow nor boredom.

The most valuable and dearest things in the world are mother and father.

A mother's heart warms better than the sun.

A blind puppy crawls towards its mother.


Motherhood,The miracle of the birth of children is a special, amazing gift from the Lord, which brings a woman closer to the Creator and gives her the opportunity to most acutely feel and know the responsibility and depth of emotions for a born child. After all, caring for children, showing the joy of motherhood, loving everything related to the birth and raising of children gives a woman special inner beauty and charm.

Responsibility. Adam and Eve - sin entered. Two sons - Cain and Abel. The killing of one by others. Which parent failed to instill love for his brother? Who set an example of meanness, anger and hatred? Everything is attributed to society, to a bad example at school, on the street... it all starts in the FAMILY.

Motherhood is the most important role God has assigned to many women. Titus 2:4-5 tells women about their responsibility to love their children:“That young people may be admonished to love their husbands, to love their children, to be chaste, pure, caring for the home, kind, and submissive to their husbands, so that the word of God may not be reviled.”

The Bible points us to maternal love as our duty, and also mentions certain points that must be fulfilled by both mother and father:

Maximilian Voloshin

I will not crime and will not violate,

I will not open the conditional circle.

Blind soul to the earthly lights

I won’t endure any more torment.

It is not given to me to understand, to measure

But I won’t betray your longing -

And I will wait and I will believe

The words you didn't say.

See everything, understand everything, know everything, experience everything,

All forms, all colors can be absorbed by your eyes.

Walk across the entire earth with burning feet,

To perceive everything and embody it again.

1903 or 1904, Paris

Anna Akhmatova

I often think about why we live in the world.
Why do we come to this world, the world of white roses and black holes.
I often think that the world we live in
He is sometimes beautiful and sweet, and sometimes he is heavy and rotten.
I often think that we live in everything in the world,
To repaint this world,
The color of roses from the color of black holes.

1904, Paris

Marina Tsvetaeva

It's time to remove the amber,

It's time to change the dictionary

It's time to turn off the lamp

Above the door...

February 1941

I. Annensky

My star

Among the worlds, in the twinkling of the luminaries

I repeat the name of one star,

Not because I love her

But because I feel dark with others.

And if my heart is heavy,

I'm the only one looking for an answer from her,

Not because it makes it light,

But because it doesn’t require light.

Naum Korzhavin


Live both like everyone else and like not everyone else

I'm very tired today.

There is only a wet highway

Leading somewhere into autumn.

Not life, not fight, not passion, not trembling,

And the air is full of selflessness,

Where is the headwind, light rain

And leaves wet from drops.

Andrey Dementyev

Never regret anything afterward,

If what happened cannot be changed.

Like a note from the past, I crumpled up my sadness,

Break the fragile thread with this past.

Never regret what happened.

Or about something that can no longer happen.

If only the lake of your soul does not become muddy

Yes, hopes, like birds, soared in my soul.

Do not regret your kindness and participation.

Even if for everything you get a smile in return.

Someone became a genius, someone became a boss...

Don't regret not having their troubles.

Did you start late or leave early?

Let someone play the flute brilliantly.

But he takes songs from your soul.

Never, never regret anything -

No lost days, no burnt love.

Let someone else play the flute brilliantly,

But you listened even more brilliantly.

Bulat Okudzhava

While the Earth is still spinning,

while the light is still bright,

Lord, give it to everyone

what he doesn't have:

give head to the wise,

Give the coward a horse

give the lucky guy some money...

And don't forget about me.

While the Earth is still spinning -

Lord, your power! -

give to the one who is eager for power

dominate to your heart's content,

give the generous one a break,

at least until the end of the day.

Give Cain repentance...

And don't forget about me.

I know: You can do everything,

I believe in Your wisdom,

as the killed soldier believes,

that he lives in paradise,

as every ear believes

to Your quiet words,

as we ourselves believe,

not knowing what we are doing!

Lord my God,

my green-eyed one!

While the Earth is still spinning,

and it’s strange to her herself,

while she still has enough

time and fire,

Give everyone a little...

And don't forget about me.

Evgeniy Yevtushenko

There are no uninteresting people in the world.
Their destinies are like the stories of the planets.
Each one has everything special, its own,
and there are no planets similar to it.

What if someone lived unnoticed
and made friends with this invisibility,
he was interesting among people
its very uninterestingness.

Everyone has their own secret personal world.
There is the best moment in this world.
There is the most terrible hour in this world,
but all this is unknown to us.

And if a person dies,
his first snow dies with him,
and the first kiss, and the first fight...
He takes all this with him.

Yes, books and bridges remain,
cars and artists canvases,
yes, much is destined to remain,
but something still goes away!

This is the law of the ruthless game.
It is not people who die, but worlds.
We remember people, sinful and earthly.
What did we really know about them?

What do we know about brothers, about friends,
What do we know about our only one?
And about his own father
We, knowing everything, know nothing.

People are leaving... They cannot be brought back.
Their secret worlds cannot be revived.
And every time I want again
scream from this irrevocability.

The roots of the “beauty disease” (cult of beauty) often lie in our low self-esteem (inferiority complex). It seems to a person that he is worse and lower than others, he worries about the fact that he is not perfect enough in appearance, that he dresses poorly. Women with low self-esteem think: “I’m imperfect, ugly, scary and clumsy, fat (thin), I’m poorly dressed, I’m getting old. I have bad hair, a lot of wrinkles, bags under my eyes, and a pimple has popped up again. I have skinny legs, overweight, small breasts, heavy hips. I have no waist, taste, elegance...” Of course, often an inferiority complex leads to failures in my personal life. This is a losing position.
But the “beauty disease” also occurs in people with high self-esteem. “I am the very best, no one and nothing can compare with me. How did she, this ugly girl, dare to cross my path? How dare he not pay attention to me? How can he talk like that to me, such a beauty? I am so beautiful, but they don’t appreciate it.” That is, a person considers himself to be perfection, an ideal of beauty, and is very worried if someone does not understand, does not appreciate, does not respect, that is, destroys this illusion of his. In this case, our pride manifests itself. A person contrasts himself in beauty with other people, considers himself taller, more beautiful, better than others; he is not only proud of his appearance, but also worries when others do not appreciate it (or do not see it). Contrasting himself to the world, he pushes people away with his pride, arrogance, contempt and dooms himself to loneliness. He put himself on a pedestal, but on the pedestal he is forced to stand alone. Moreover, high self-esteem gives a person the feeling that he deserves better and more than they can give him. And this brings dissatisfaction with what you have into your life, both in your personal life and in your career. And this position is also a losing one.
In fact, high self-esteem always conceals low self-esteem (this is the same inferiority complex), so such people always need confirmation from the outside that they are better and more beautiful than others. They look for confirmation of their thoughts about themselves in the eyes of others, and get upset if they don’t find it. And in this case, they try to assert themselves at the expense of others, humiliating them.
In both cases (both with low and high self-esteem), it is important for us what others think about us and our appearance, whether they discuss, condemn, laugh, or envy. We are dependent on other people's opinions and evaluate ourselves through the eyes of others, based on their opinions.
A person with objective self-esteem is neutral towards public opinion, because he knows that you won’t please everyone, you won’t please everyone. He knows and appreciates his strengths, and finds “zest” in his shortcomings.

Change your values

So, cultivating beauty, focusing on the outer shell, when external beauty is a great value in life, lead to failures in life. Change your values. External beauty is a good thing, but it is not worth our worries. You cannot condemn yourself for not being similar to your own ideal of beauty or despise others because it seems to you (and everything is relative) that their appearance is worse than yours. It’s not for nothing that “you’re greeted by your clothes, but you’re seen off by your mind.”
What advice can you give to people with low self-esteem? Learn to enjoy life with your appearance, with what you have. Everything that happens to your appearance is not a reason to worry. Say thank you to the Higher Powers, to Life, that you at least have legs, arms, and a head! Say thank you for being you, for your appearance!
People with high self-esteem would do well to understand that their beauty is not a reason to consider themselves higher and cooler than others. Yes, you were lucky in this, but this is not your merit. Thank your parents and fate for this, enjoy your beauty, but do not make a cult out of it.
You shouldn’t attach so much importance to beauty, youth, appearance, you shouldn’t constantly worry about it. Life is beautiful no matter what you look like. Happiness does not lie in beauty and youth. "Don't be born beautiful, but be born happy." Worrying about beauty (your own or someone else’s) deprives you of the opportunity to be happy. Maybe it’s worth shifting your attention from external to internal content? Spiritual beauty can make any face spiritual and beautiful. Beauty lies within us.

Where is the way out?

So, if you realized that you have a strong cult of beauty, then you probably have a question about how to get rid of it.
  1. You can consciously stop worrying about your own and others’ appearance. Sweep aside thoughts and feelings about this, stop controlling yourself and others.
  2. You can voluntarily create an educational process for yourself, without waiting for the Higher powers to do it by force. For example, women can start going out without makeup, dressed simpler than usual, men - unshaven (at first to the nearest store, then to the nearest bus stop, to the beach, to training). Of course, it is difficult, but not as scary as it seems at first glance. Learn to feel comfortable with this (the result is achieved through numerous training sessions).
  3. You can play dress up. For example, you put on some image that is unusual for you (at first you train at home, then you go to the people): the image of a blue stocking, a school teacher, a gray mouse, a Soviet official, a beggar woman, a gypsy, a poor relative, a shirtless guy, a drunk , a careless person, a goofball, a shell-shocked person, a fool, a buffoon, a poor relative, a hippie, a punk, a teenager.
  4. If you do not accept some part of your body (well, you don’t like it!), then mentally talk to it, while stroking it, calling it affectionately.
    Learn to admire and brag about it, laugh at yourself (“Oh, my beloved tummy! Was it delicious for you?
    Have you eaten, dear?")
  5. Change your image more often.
    Allow yourself in appearance what you couldn’t afford before. Apply blue polish to your nails or wipe off the polish completely, backcomb your hair, stick on a tattoo, walk around without heels, without a tie, without a hairstyle, with an earring in one ear.
  6. Think about how often you have negative thoughts about your appearance, about your sense of beauty in the world. How often and for what reasons are you dissatisfied with your appearance and the appearance of others? Do you judge them and yourself based on your appearance? Write these thoughts down.
  7. Formulate negative programs about your and others’ appearance and beauty, reprogram them into positive attitudes. For example, “I have a big belly, it makes me scary. With such a belly no one will love me” to “I have the best belly in the world, soft and plump. This is my “zest” that attracts men to me. Men love me for my soft belly, to which you can snuggle and feel bliss."
Good luck to you!!!

Today 6 "A" did not have the first two lessons. Great! Everyone got enough sleep! Long before the third lesson, they entered their office and cheerfully greeted each other. They talked about nothing. Someone read loudly the words written on the board: “Who is the cutest in the world?” And then an argument suddenly broke out. Different opinions poured in.

Difficult question. You won’t answer right away,” said Yulia.

I have a question too! Whoever is prettier is nicer!” Valera entered the conversation.

Go, stand in front of the mirror and see who is cuter,” Yura advised the girls.

But it’s not just about appearance that we’re talking about. An evil person cannot be nice. Isn't that right? – Olya got excited.

And the mirror doesn’t always tell the truth,” Veronica supported her.

I don't agree. If, for example, my clothes are not in order, and a friend is embarrassed to tell me this, I will go to the mirror and it will tell me the truth. You only have to trust the mirror,” Maxim did not give up.

“So this is again about appearance,” Ksyusha objected.

Remember, in 5th grade we studied “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights,” said Anya. – Pushkin’s mirror was magical!

“The mirror had this property: it could speak,” her sister Nastya picked up.

There are two heroines in the fairy tale: the queen and the princess, both beautiful. Who’s cuter?” Maxim continued.

But they didn’t have time to answer his question. Lyudmila Nikolaevna entered the class. She pointed to the words written on the board and said, “Reflect on this topic in your essays.” And this is what I wrote in my notebook.

In “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin several times asks the question: “Who is the cutest in the world...?”

It seems to me that the entire content of the fairy tale is the answer to this question. I think: the poet convinces the reader that a person’s appearance is not as beautiful as his inner beauty. He considers the princess to be truly sweet and beautiful, who was hardworking, friendly, affable, kind and meek. With what tenderness and love the poet writes about the young princess:

White-faced, black-browed,

The character of such a meek one.

And the queen?

Tall, slender and white,

And I took it with my mind and with everyone...

But proud, brittle,

Willful and jealous.

Outwardly, both are beautiful, but their characters are very different... In my opinion, A.S. is an example of beauty. Pushkin considers the princess. For him, inner beauty is more important, and external charm only complements it.

In my opinion, a truly beautiful and sweet person is one who has a kind soul, a rich inner world and good deeds, and whose words do not diverge from deeds. These are my closest people: my mother and grandmother.

It is a pity that a miraculous mirror has not been invented that can show both the appearance and inner world of a person. In reality, the mirror only reflects what is outside. And appearances are often deceiving. It seems to me that a mirror tells only a small fraction of the truth about a person.

Tales of A.S. They teach Pushkin goodness, help him understand the world around him, and make him think about very difficult but important questions. And if you read fairy tales very carefully, then they themselves will suggest answers to these complex, not at all fairy-tale questions.

Dontsova Alexandra.

What is true gratitude and how can we express it to those to whom we owe the most - our loved ones? After all, it seems that these people are always nearby, and their help is so ordinary...
It is to this problem - gratitude for simple, unnoticed benefits - that the author devotes his reasoning. He talks about this, talking about his own life, about the enormous help his closest people - his mother and sisters - provided him during his student years. The author also mentions other people who helped from time to time and to whom in his youth he did not feel due gratitude, not realizing that it was not easy for them either.
The author is the great Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov is sure that a person should realize that no one is obliged to do something for him, and one must learn to be grateful for everything that has been done for you. Everyone should be grateful: to those who helped once (he was not obliged to do that either), and to those who are always next to you and sacrifice for you habitually and routinely - mother, father, close relatives.
I, of course, agree with the author of the text. We often forget that our loved ones are separate people, with their own problems and desires. Maybe the baby's mother wants to take a nap in front of the TV on Sunday, but she gets up early and takes the baby to the zoo because he wants to. The baby doesn’t even notice or understand his mother’s sacrifices, but when he grows up, he must realize that his mother has more than once sacrificed her own interests and desires for his sake. And at the same time treating your loved one as if he is obliged to be on hand and help and help with every difficulty you have - this is disgusting ingratitude.
For example, in the story by K. Paustovsky “Telegram” it is said about a girl who, having got busy with her own - also important, of course - affairs, completely forgot her mother. Nastya is a good, kind girl, but she does not know how to be grateful to her mother for everything that she did for her. Her mother seems like a familiar and even slightly boring thing to her. For some reason, it doesn’t even occur to Nastya that her mother is old and might die without hearing from her adored daughter how much she loves her and how grateful she is to her.
Unfortunately, not all of us know how to be grateful to the people around us for their help. In this regard, I remember the prose poem by I.S. Turgenev "Feast at the Supreme Being". It tells how, at a feast at the Supreme Being, two virtues met for the first time in history: Benevolence and Gratitude. The author notes with bitter irony that this has never happened, how much does light cost?
You must learn to notice all the good things that people around you do to you, and be grateful for it.