Fun games in nature. Outdoor games for a group of adults: fun, active quests


Outdoor fun

If you and your guests love fresh air, and the weather is conducive to communicating with Mother Nature, feel free to take your friends and colleagues on a picnic outside the city!

Put up cozy tents (what if it does rain?), calculate the amount of meat for kebabs, barbecues for their preparation, vegetables, alcoholic and soft drinks. Be sure to decide in advance what your program will be - entertainment, sports or sports and entertainment.

In the first case, of course, light and sound technical support is necessary. In the second, there is a separate sports scenario, including team games and competitions and, accordingly, sports equipment.

Think about what sports games your guests will be able and want to play? And will they even want to? Of course, it is better to discuss these issues with them in advance. It is known that team games unite the collective spirit, provided that the team is disposed to this and enthusiastically accepts your sports ideas.

Those entertainments and pranks that you cannot always use in urban conditions can give you pleasure in nature without the danger of running into an overly zealous and aggressive pensioner who will bring you to court; The number of patrolling policemen in places where wild vacationers are located is also very limited, so nothing will interfere with the flight of your creative hooligan imagination.

So, entertainment that you can easily afford while on vacation outside the city.

Where vacationers visit quite often, already developed places are used for meeting bonfires. As a rule, seats have already been prepared there in the form of logs lying on the ground; the ground in the place where the fire was made is black and covered with old coals and fuel residues. You can easily bury a couple of firecrackers on the fireplace, previously filled with wax to protect them from moisture. When the next campers light the fire again, they will have a few frightening seconds when the firecrackers go off and scare them! Please use only certified firecrackers with low charge power! If, as a result of your playfulness, you cause serious damage to someone, then God will punish you! And the police will punish you even earlier! Don't overuse jokes!

If on a weekend evening you are forced to leave a place you like with the expectation of returning here the next day, then you can try to stake out this place using a simple trick: leave a few rags stained with paint that resembles blood in color at the resting place, hang up the scraps of rags through the surrounding bushes. Leave a piece of an old knife on the ground, which you also stain with the same paint. Leave a couple of torn condoms in place - in short, create the impression that a crime occurred at this place. It is unlikely that people with “ordinary strength” nerves will be able to feel comfortable in such a place... You will have a chance to save this place for relaxation! Cleaning the area will take no more than a couple of minutes!

Attention! Remember that by preserving nature, you are preserving your own future and the future of your children! Do not leave empty bottles, cans or plastic bags at picnic sites! What can be burned, burn it, take the rest to the nearest landfill!

If you are interested in radio electronics, then using radio equipment can give you incomparable pleasure! A simple generator with an FM modulator can help you drive away a company already located there from a vacation spot (if a VHF receiver is used at the vacation spot). Once you tune in to a radio station that your competitors are listening to, try broadcasting a message about an impending storm or typhoon in that area! If you do everything correctly and competently, then the vacationers frightened by this message will leave this place completely at your disposal quite quickly! Remember that the established permitted power of radio microphones should not exceed 10 milliwatts! Do not interfere with government services on their frequencies! Read not only the Criminal Code, but also the Administrative Code of our country!

If you have the opportunity to obtain glow-in-the-dark chemicals, such as fluorescent paints, then by painting, for example, eyes on a tree near a proposed parking lot with almost invisible paint, at night you can feel the full charm of this idea when your clients discover in the moonlight that someone's glowing eyes are watching them from the darkness, especially if you also take the trouble to make them with vertical narrow pupils! Horror films have well prepared our fellow citizens to perceive this kind of influence! As an alternative, you can use previously found pieces of glowing rotten and lay out the planned figure. This will be a completely “environmentally friendly” draw! If there is a good echo in this wonderful place at night, then using a simple megaphone, you can create such acoustic effects in the area from a great distance that it will not seem like much! “Mystical laughter” and howls coming from a great distance, enhanced by the natural reverberation of the place, can cause trembling and panic in many people at night. “Mow” under mermaids, goblin and aukalok! It's quite possible that this will work...

People almost always take their pets with them on nature trips, most often dogs, but some manage to take cats as well. If you have an ultrasonic whistle (they are sold in specialized stores), then you can influence the behavior of pets in such a way that their owners will lose their heads with anxiety and think many times whether they are staying in a “good” place to rest...

A laser spot pointed from a great distance out of the darkness at the genitals of vacationers can make a stunning impression on clients, especially if you pop a firecracker next to you the moment you spot the victim! If you run well, they won’t catch up with you, especially since you will have a big head start! And laser pointers are sold in almost all specialized stores and commercial stalls. If you, out of stupidity or sluggishness, are unable to escape in time, then your health may suffer greatly, not to mention the fact that very serious people may well (if they catch up with you) call you to administrative responsibility!

Scenario for a birthday party in nature

The scenario is designed for holding a holiday in a team of 7-20 people, lasting 6-8 hours.

For the event you will need:

Gift for the birthday boy.

Equipment for the forest.

Equipment for barbecue.

Props for competitions.

Musical accompaniment.

Event plan

1. Congratulations.

2. Search for treasure.

3. Kebabs.

4. Forest gift.

5. Games and competitions.

6. Quiz of funny questions.

7. Forest wishes.


The birthday person should be congratulated at the very beginning - in the place where the guests gather for a picnic, so that he feels that this is his holiday. If the gathering takes place at the birthday person’s home, you can give him the most fragile gifts and greeting cards. At the same time, there should be one or more gifts that guests will take with them to the picnic and give them there in an original way.


The gift is presented at the picnic site some time after arriving at the clearing. The gift is hiding not far from the clearing. You can bury it in the ground, sand, or hide it right in the clearing in the things or car of one of the guests.

After this, a schematic map of the clearing is drawn indicating the place where the gift is hidden. It is best to draw a map on colored cardboard. The card is cut into approximately 12 pieces. All the pieces, except one, are laid out in the clearing. You don’t have to hide them; you can attach the leaves to tree trunks, to the handle of an ax lying by the fire, to the clothes of guests. One of the pieces is given to the birthday person (for a sample) with the task of collecting the entire card.

When all (or almost all) of the pieces are collected, the birthday person goes to look for a gift. A gift obtained with such difficulty (the organizers must try to make the search for a gift really difficult) will certainly bring joy not only to the birthday person, but also to all spectators of the “treasure search”.

3. BBQ

A common holiday dish at a picnic is kebabs. However, you can come up with something original (fish or meat baked in coals, turkey roasted on a spit).


While cooking, the organizer of the holiday may announce a competition for the best forest gift for the birthday boy. Gifts can be: a bouquet of flowers; a handful of berries; mushroom; log (as the most needed item at the moment); cone (in memory of the holiday); tree leaf with a congratulatory inscription; a stick with a fork at the end (so that the birthday boy can make a slingshot out of it, which he has dreamed of since childhood); stick-staff (so that the birthday boy can confidently walk through life).

The winner of the competition is determined by the birthday boy.

To prevent guests from getting bored, you can play several games or organize competitions for the title of best guest.

The presenter calls three to five volunteers. Participants are encouraged to find an original way out of non-standard situations. Based on their answers, viewers choose a winner who receives the main prize. The remaining participants receive incentive prizes.

Examples of non-standard situations:

What to do if you accidentally sit on a birthday cake?

What should you do if you were bringing a porcelain vase to a friend as a gift and accidentally broke it?

What to do if your loved one and your best friend celebrate their birthday on the same day?

What to do if you remembered that it’s your birthday only 10 minutes before the guests arrive?

What to do if several guests (by an amazing coincidence) gave you the same gifts?

What should you do if the day after your birthday you wake up in an unfamiliar place?

What should you do if a wizard flew to your birthday party in a blue helicopter and gave you 500 popsicles?

What to do if you received a live crocodile for your birthday?

What to do if this crocodile accidentally ate the one who gave it to you, and now there is no one to return the crocodile?

What to do the day after your birthday?


The players are divided into two teams. The members of the first team - the “non-laughing princesses” - sit on chairs and look as serious or sad as possible. The task of the players of the other team is to take turns or all together to make the “non-laughers” laugh. Every “non-laugher” who smiles joins the team of mixers. If within a certain period of time it is possible to make all the “non-laughers” laugh, the team of mixers is declared the winner; if not, the team of “non-laughers” is declared the winner. After this, the teams can switch roles. To make the “non-laughers” laugh, players can show pantomimes, tell jokes, make faces, but they are not allowed to touch the “non-laughers”.

Balloon battle

Each player has a balloon tied to their ankle. After the starting signal, all participants try to pierce other players’ balloons and protect their own. Participants whose balloon bursts are eliminated from the game. The last person remaining in the game is declared the winner. The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.


For entertainment, you can conduct a fun quiz. The most active participant who answers the most questions receives a prize.

Sample questions

When is a person in a room without a head? (When he sticks it out the window)

How do day and night end? (Soft sign)

What needs to be done to keep four guys in one boot? (Take off each person's boot)

The crow is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be? (The dog sits on its own tail)

In which month does chatty Mashenka talk the least? (February is the shortest)

When a horse is bought, what kind of horse is it? (Wet)

A person has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What is this? (Letter "O")

What is yours, but others use it more than you? (Name)

In which year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)

What rocks are not in the sea? (Dry)

What disease has no one on earth ever had? (Nautical)

What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons)

Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)

What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (Number 6)


Guests, especially those who sneered at the birthday boy’s attempts to find a gift, can be invited to find wishes for themselves. It’s better to do this when it starts to get dark. Wishes must be written on small pieces of paper and hung on trees and bushes in the forest, not far from the clearing. Wishes should be humorous, you can also write humorous advice.

Examples of inscriptions

Look for a friend... and don’t get lost in the forest.

Don't eat a lot of meat. Signature: hungry guest.

Put on your hat.

Don't forget to give a gift.

Enjoy life.

Remember only the good things, like today.

And you will have a birthday... Wait for your holiday.

Walk around this tree three times clockwise and make a wish. It will definitely come true.

If the participants of the holiday have a tape recorder or a guitar, you can arrange dancing in the dark by the light of a fire. In the absence of music, invite them to listen to the rustling sounds of the night, the singing of cicadas and the sound of the wind. With a certain amount of imagination and good mood, you can even dance to this extraordinary music.

Star Fiesta

(Game program)

Presenter: Buenos tardes! Byembenida! Ke tal? That is, how do you feel? Let me introduce you. My name is Lucia. I direct the famous Spanish posca-cush frog troupe “Los sapos guapos”. Isn't it a piquant name? We are rich and very famous, si, si, we are very famous, mucho rich, we are original and unique! But that's in the past. Our troupe has become pretty worn out this winter. Some froze in the ice, some were eaten by a stork, some went on a trip with the ducks, not counting those who went to work as laboratory assistants, and some went to France to work as a delicacy worker. And here is the result - I was left alone. But talent alone, and I’m so talented, you can’t go far. A real star needs unusual costumes, bright scenery, fireworks, stars from heaven, felicita, bravo, belissimo, and much more. And therefore I announce recruitment to my troupe “Los sapos guapos”. On a competitive basis, the following are required (takes out a poster): cook, dresser, cashier, decorator, bodyguard. So, recruitment begins - after all, there are many specialists among you.

Presenter: It is very important for an artist to have a beautiful figure, but who should take care of this? My personal chef. I invite four candidates: two seniors with two assistants. Do you like to eat delicious food? Do you cook? Wear your work uniform. The gentlemen wear trousers, and the cooks wear caps. And now let's see: which of the seniors will become the most well-fed in just 30 seconds. The cooks have to feed them, that is, carry these balls of food in trousers until they are filled to the top.

(The game is going on.)

Presenter: Stop. You did great. Now let’s count which of you is the most well-fed. Yes, the cooks did a great job, we welcome the well-fed signor and his assistant. Receive prizes, chef business cards and go to your place.

Presenter: For the performance we need bright costumes, but the costume designers can do real miracles. And now four of you will do this. After all, we will soon go on tour and begin the test with the most important part of the costume - the hat. So, you have to create an outfit for your partner from the material at hand for the stage.

(The game is going on.)

Presenter: Congratulations on your successful work. Receive business cards and prizes!

Presenter: Who would like to try themselves in the role of treasurer? Feel free to come forward with two candidates for the position of treasurer. My treasurer must be very clever, resourceful, sometimes even cunning and a very good accountant. Imagine that today everyone paid for our performance with whatever they can. You must very quickly collect the fee, calculate the revenue, comment on the cost of each item. The winner will be determined by the audience.

(The game is going on.)

Presenter: So, the luckiest treasurer receives the main prize and a business card, much applause.

Presenter: Our show is a complete celebration and pleasure. And our show really needs decorators who are able to create an amazing environment out of the most ordinary things. And I invite two people who are ready to become decorators in our troupe. So, your task is to create the atmosphere of a piece of paradise in this clearing in just 5 minutes, to decorate these trees. You are ready? So, quickly get to work. Dear viewers, who completed the task faster and better?

(The winner is determined by applause.)

Congratulations to the winner.

Presenter: And our troupe also needs a bodyguard. In our time, alarming and dangerous, it is very important that the troupe is reliably protected, and the bodyguard must have a steady hand, a keen eye, and he must own any type of weapon. So, I ask the two most courageous and determined contenders to take the stage. Imagine that you are surrounded by mafia groups. Now I will give you combat helmets, put them on. And with this weapon you must hit as many criminals as possible. Yours are in green uniforms, and yours are in blue. Don't get confused. You are ready? The battle begins.

(A game is being played. Props for the game: helmets - caps with peaks-needles and criminals - balloons of two iretes suspended on a rope.)

Presenter: You did great in the test. All hail the winning bodyguard. Receive prizes, business cards, applause.

Presenter: So, the troupe has been replenished, I conclude a contract with those who received business cards, and from the business cards you will find out the terms of the employment agreement and the salary according to the staffing table. Wait for the call. Well, it seems that’s all, I’m tired, how difficult it is, I’m so tired. And now I propose to drink to the success of our troupe “Los sapos guapos”. For your happiness to be in full swing. Felicita, in short!

Outdoor games are best suited for holidays, corporate events and outdoor activities. Such games require large spaces, but an unlimited number of people can participate in them. This section contains just such games - they will help diversify your outdoor recreation and allow you to have an interesting time.

In our country, not a single birthday is complete without balloons, and we always celebrate summer birthdays outdoors. Therefore, the problem always arises - where to put the balls in the end. And we found a way out.
A ball is tied to each participant’s foot at a height of approximately 15 cm from the ground (for example, on everyone’s right foot). The territory beyond which one cannot go is determined and away we go.
The point is that you need to burst everyone else's balloons, but save your own. It always turns out very fun and interesting.

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Required: Balls, threads

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Required: Tennis ball

The players are divided into pairs, each pair's legs are tied (the right leg of one to the left leg of the other). The pair on “three legs” runs to the turning flag and returns to the starting line.

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Required: People with legs))) ropes

Participants form a circle and, by drawing lots, determine who will be the defender and who will be the main one. The main one and his defender stand in the middle of the formed circle. The participants begin to throw the ball to each other and try to knock out the main one. The defender’s task is to protect the main player from getting hit by the ball. If this happens, the participant takes the place of the main one and can choose his own defense or leave the previous defender. And the game continues.

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Required: Ball

The leader forms two teams, each consisting of three participants, and everyone is given one tennis ball. The first players (starters) are also given a tray. On command, the first players place the ball on the tray and quickly walk to the flag and back. Pass the tray to the next participant. He covers the same distance, but with two balls, therefore, the third player with three. The team that completed this task faster wins.

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Two teams will be needed to participate in this game. Each must consist of at least four people. Each team is given one disposable cup and an empty bucket, which must be filled with water within a certain time. Participants have their hands tied behind their backs. At the leader’s command, the first players on the team take a glass with their teeth and run to a vessel with water, drawing from there as much as they can. They then return to their team and pour the water into their empty bucket. After this, the cup is passed to the next player.

The team that collects the most water in a certain time wins.

Number of players: any
Optional: bananas
Two teams are participating. One participant from each team moves away at a distance of 5-7 m from the team and holds peeled bananas between their knees. Team members take turns running up to the participant with the “banana” and taking a bite. And so on, one by one, until the banana runs out.
The team with the most banana pieces wins.

Defense is a sport game

Number of players: any
Additionally: mace, ball
A mace is placed in the center of a small circle drawn on the ground or floor. A defender stands near the circle, holding the ball in his hands. The remaining participants in the game, holding hands, surround the defender with a wide ring. Then they lower their hands, one of the players receives the ball from the defender. Those standing in a circle throw the ball among themselves; Having seized an opportune moment, each player can throw the ball at the mace to knock it down. The defender covers the mace with himself and hits the ball in any way, without, however, kicking it.

Long jump - sports game

Number of players: even
Additional: no
The first team member stands on the starting line and performs a standing long jump. After landing, he does not move until the landing location is recorded by the judges (using a line drawn along the toes of the jumper's shoes). The next participant places his feet directly in front of the line, without stepping beyond it, and also makes a jump. Thus, the entire team performs one collective long jump. You must jump carefully and do not fall when landing - otherwise the result of the jump will be canceled.

Balance beam exercises - sports game

Number of players: any
Additionally: log no more than 1 meter long
The participant stands on a log and, moving his legs, rolls it along with him from start to finish and back. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

Foot volleyball - floor game

Number of players: any
Extras: rope, balloon
The number of people depends on the size of the room.
Participants are divided into two teams. A rope is stretched across the room at a height of 0.5-1 m. A “field” is determined on both sides of the rope. Players sit (lie down) feet first. A balloon is used instead of a ball.
The rules of the game are the same as in regular volleyball.

Coin-2 - a game for adults

Number of players: any
Additionally: newspaper, coin, water
The game is played outdoors in summer. A tube is rolled out of a newspaper and inserted into the front of the players' pants, and a coin is placed on the forehead.
The host explains to the players:
- The game is to get a coin from your forehead into a tube. And depending on which pant leg the coin gets into, the game will develop further.
The players are given several practice attempts (at this time, one of the spectators quietly brings a pan of water).
The presenter announces:
- That's it, the game begins.

Cymbals - a mystery game

Number of players: any
Extras: coins

The participant is blindfolded and seated on a chair. The leader sticks two coins on the thumb and index finger with wax and begins tapping to the right and left of the participant's head. The participant guesses where the sound is coming from. It’s easy, but when they knock right in front of your face, it’s very difficult to guess, even if you know the essence of the joke.

Climb under the table - game (competition) for adults

Number of players: any
Additional: no
When there is soft grass under your feet, it is a pleasure to crawl on it. All participants sit at the table, strictly put their elbows and do not look down! One reaches under the table and takes off the participants’ shoes, changes them, etc.
Meanwhile, the participants watch each other's stern faces. Whoever laughs first fulfills a wish that was previously thought up by everyone. Here you have room for imagination: approach strangers and offer them to buy kefir at a reduced price (while selflessly jabbering that today is International Kefir Day), climb onto the table and shout at the top of your lungs to the Martians to take you home, run throughout the entire base rest (naturally, in front of unfamiliar vacationers) and yelling “They’re robbing! Guard!”...

Auntie Bad Weather and the Ghost Shurshik

Needless to say, the beginning of June does not please us with warm and sunny days - it’s only 15 degrees outside, rain, wind... Therefore, I came up with this holiday idea: Auntie Bad Weather comes to visit the children and adults sitting at the table by the smoking grill and a ghost named Shurshik.

The bad weather threatens to take away the warmth forever and deprive everyone of summer (it’s so harmful). But those present have a chance: they need to complete all of Auntie’s tasks, and then she will return the warmth. I got the role of Bad Weather, and my 6-year-old son was the ghost. For participating in games and winning competitions, he handed out candy to guests.

The costumes were made from what was found at the dacha: an old sheet turned into a ghost cape, a knitted shirtfront into an intricate hat, etc.

Summer chant

At the beginning, Bad Weather wanted to see how much those present were looking forward to summer. We need to shout this out loud. And this summer chant helped us (I composed it myself from lines of various poems that I found on the Internet):

Host: The sun is shining brightly. There is warmth in the air.

Host: And wherever you look - Everything around is light!
All: This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

Presenter: The meadow is full of bright flowers and grasses.
All: This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

Presenter: Everything is beautiful, the sky is clear, Everything in the area is blooming!
All: This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

Presenter: Everything around has turned green, turned red, turned blue!
All: This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

Presenter: Summer laughs joyfully at us through the open window,
All: This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

At the beginning of the game, it is stipulated that after each phrase of the leader, the participants must shout in unison in rhyme:

- This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

It turns out noisy and fun. Such a chant allows you to immediately stir up all the guests, even the most modest ones, and include them in the action 😉 You can hold such a competition right at the table.

Music competition in nature

Our favorite autoradio has this game: The caller must guess the song, the lyrics of which are read out in a “clumsy” literal translation. And we held our own competition based on this game. But we encrypted not only foreign, but also Russian songs.

In advance, I downloaded the lyrics of 4 foreign and 6 Russian songs from the Internet, printed them out, and at the same time recorded the compositions themselves onto a flash drive. I chose these:

  1. Pan Americano - Pamericano - Yolanda Be Cool - We No Speak Americano (this is a modern version that was a hit in 2010, and the full original version is Renato Carosone - Tu Vuò Fa' L'Americano).
  2. Boney M - Sunny.
  3. PSY - Gangnam Style.
  4. Scooter - How Much Is The Fish.
  5. ESTRADARADA - Vitya Needs to Get Out.
  6. MATRANG - Medusa.
  7. Philip Kirkorov - The color of mood is blue.
  8. Olga Buzova - Not enough halves.
  9. Eljay & Feduk - Rose Wine.
  10. Mushrooms - Melting Ice.

Of course, only adults can guess these songs. For children, you can additionally select several children's songs. We chose songs to our taste, from the most famous, hit and a little funny. I didn’t come up with a description of the song in advance, I just took the text and read out some phrases, key words, or just said what the song was about. When they guessed right, she played the song (not the whole thing), Shurshik gave her some candy. Whoever wanted to danced

Example: "A song about a woman who wanted to escape from the hustle and bustle. She succumbed to the influence of the night, and with the advent of darkness she felt that passion had power over her. Goosebumps ran through her body, and, holding panties (bikini) in her hands, she felt like a goddess” (Kirkorov - The color of the mood is blue).

Something like this, I made it up on the fly, it turned out cool :))) You don’t have to read the whole description. The best thing to do is to pause and let yourself think. For each song guessed, Shurshik awards a prize. By the way, our little Shurshik was a little tired by this time, so we gave this role to an adult.

Musical competition in nature: Option 2

And last year we held a competition with musical “predictions”, at the same “Hello, Summer!” party. But that time I was the Summer Fairy. The Fairy put a wreath on everyone’s head and an excerpt of a song sounded, supposedly a prediction for the coming summer.

Game in a circle “Jumping - not jumping”

It's time to get out from behind the table and do a little stretching. Everyone stands in a circle. The presenter reads out the names of animals, birds, objects that “jump or don’t jump.” When the presenter names a jumping object/animal, everyone jumps; if not, they don’t jump. The presenter starts slowly, then the listing of items speeds up. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

I managed to come up with the following list of jumping/non-jumping objects and creatures:

  • ball, watermelon, kangaroo, cucumber, bucket, hare, apple, man, pie, snowman, tit, cabbage, tennis ball, rabbit, chair, cat, mushroom, trampoline, grasshopper, log, orange, flea, log, axe, hammer , nail, thrush, lantern, pillar, beads, leopard, snake, snail, lion, slipper, boa constrictor, jaguar, hedgehog.

Whoever remains wins, Shurshik gives him a prize!

Relay game "Sponges"

4 people participate. You will need: 2 small basins and 2 saucepans, 2 foam sponges for washing dishes, 2 chairs.

Participants are united in two pairs. Empty basins are placed on chairs, and pairs of participants stand opposite them, at a distance of 5 meters. The first participant holds a saucepan of water, the second, at the leader’s command, must pick up water with a sponge and transfer (squeeze) it into an empty container as quickly as possible.

Initially, each couple should have an equal amount of water (measured in glasses). The winner must not only move all the water the fastest, but also as much of it as possible.

At the end of the relay we also used glasses to measure the amount of water transferred. It’s interesting that one team got only 1.5 glasses of water out of 4. Where did the remaining 2.5 glasses go?

Relay race for adults “Bring the snack”

2 people participate. You will need: 2 plastic glasses filled with popcorn, chips or salted peanuts, 2 glasses of vodka or 2 glasses of beer, 2 chairs.

“Snacks” (nuts, chips, etc.) are poured into glasses, and then they are placed on the toes of the participants’ shoes. Task: to bring the snack in this form to the chairs with “drinks” without helping yourself with your hands. It's not that easy to do, but it's damn fun! The one who reaches the finish line takes off the glass with the snack (or what was left of it while he was carrying it) from his shoes, drinks and has a snack.

Option for children: Carry the glasses on the toes of your shoes to the chairs, and then pour them into a plastic bottle, using only one hand.

Summer flash mob in nature

Now the song “Medusa” (MATRANG) is gaining popularity. And I came up with a flash mob with sea movements to this song. Movements on bridge and verse:

1st movement: We march on the spot (we go to the sea).

2nd movement: We put our hand to our forehead with a “visor”, rising on our tiptoes (we are looking for a jellyfish in the sea).

3rd movement: We pinch our nose with one hand, with the other hand we make a smooth movement from top to bottom and squat, as if we are going under water (diving into the sea).

4th movement: We spread our arms to the sides (swim).

5th movement: “Swim” with breaststroke.

Movements on the chorus (the words there are: “jellyfish, jellyfish, we are friends”):

6th movement: Hands to the sides and make wave-like movements with them, depicting a jellyfish.

7th movement: We turn the torso first in one direction, now we bring our hands together and also make wave-like movements, imitating the movements of a jellyfish, then in the other direction.

Auntie Bad Weather shows the movements, and the others repeat with her. All movements are repeated approximately 5-6 times. We danced the first verse and chorus with Auntie’s movements, and then composed it on the fly. Adults and children offered their own “sea” (and not only) movements. Before turning on the music, the movements can be spoken and shown, as if including the entire company in the plot. It turns out not just a flash mob, but a real marine musical game “jellyfish” for a group of adults and children.

I saw the movements on the chorus in this video, I’m giving a link, maybe it will help you 😉

Summer drawings

We have a small asphalt path next to our house, so the competition program ended with a drawing competition on asphalt:

  • Draw what the word “Summer” means to you.

Sweet prizes for creativity to everyone.

Ritual with a candle

In conclusion, Auntie Bad Weather rejoiced at how well the adults and children completed all the tasks, actively participated and had a blast. Therefore, she returns warmth to us:

Tested in practice - the competitions listed are really very fun, suitable for adults and children, and will help you have a great time outdoors in the summer, even in not the best weather. However, we have a few more interesting competition ideas for a fun company.

Other Amazing Summer Outdoor Competition Ideas

We have held these games before, and they also went off with a bang. Instead of Auntie Bad Weather, last time the Summer Fairy came to us, wearing a wreath of wildflowers and a summer dress. The party also took place outdoors, in the summer, at a table with barbecue.

  • Relay race “Planting Potatoes”(a very relevant game for the garden). Participants line up in 2 lines (2 teams). The first runs with a shovel and “digs a bed”, the second “makes holes” (puts hoops), the third “plants potatoes” (drops small balls into hoops), the fourth runs again with a shovel, the fifth runs with a watering can (watering). You can come up with your own variations and equipment. The team that “plants potatoes” the fastest wins.
  • Musical comic competition “Summer Predictions”. The presenter dresses up as a “summer fairy” who arrives all dressed up in a wreath and a summer dress. The Summer Fairy begins to “predict” what awaits those present this summer: She puts her wreath on the participant sitting at the table. And then a song with a “prediction” sounds. Song cuts must, of course, be prepared in advance. Example: the composition “Sea, sea, bottomless world” sounds - this means the guest will go to the sea; song “Rains, slanting rains” - there will be rainy weather all summer. Etc. We did this: we simply downloaded songs from the Internet and cut the desired passage using a free online song cutting program.

We share ready-made cuts with comic “predictions”: download from Yandex.Disk

  • Competition "Clothespins" for adults. In summer, multi-colored clothespins can be found at any dacha. Two couples (m+f) participate. One is blindfolded, the other is attached with clothespins in the most unexpected places. The blindfolded participant must feel his significant other and remove all clothespins. The couple that does it faster wins. An oldie, but always a fun one!

An unusual game of hide and seek “Herring in a Barrel”

More suitable for a group of school-age children. The essence of the game:

  • One player hides, and the rest remain to count to one hundred. After this, all participants begin to look for the first one. The one who finds him sits next to him in his shelter. The game continues until the hidden person and the people around him are found by the penultimate participant in the game. Well, the one who never found the “barrel of herring” loses.

Have fun in the summer outdoors! We will be glad if you share your ideas 😉

Everyone loves outdoor recreation. Fresh air, delicious food and fun entertainment will make a simple picnic a great time. If everything is clear with the first two points, then you will have to work hard with the third. How to choose and organize leisure time correctly in order to have fun and not get discouraged? This is what we will talk about now.

In order to properly organize your vacation and choose suitable entertainment, you need to decide how exactly you want to spend your time. There are many different variations of outdoor recreation.

The first option is the simplest - relaxation without entertainment. It is enough to organize a picnic and just enjoy the surrounding beauty and clean air. But only after all the goodies have been eaten and there is nothing to do - the vacation will quickly become dull and will not bring bright impressions. However, such a pastime cannot be ruled out - after all, everyone has different tastes and sometimes you just want to relax.

The second option is suitable for lovers of active recreation. It is enough to dilute your leisure time in nature with various sports games. You can play volleyball, football or badminton.

The third option is somewhat unusual, but very interesting. Various quests, paintball and airsoft will give you unforgettable emotions and vivid impressions.

The fourth option is the most popular and interesting. Diversify your leisure time with competitions. Absolutely everyone can take part. It is enough to prepare an exciting program.

It is the last option that we will talk about in more detail. Below are some interesting outdoor competitions for adults that will be a pleasant addition to your picnic.

Competition "Guess Who"

Perfect for a noisy and cheerful company. The competition goes like this. One of the guys needs to be blindfolded. Girls are hardly lined up. The guy must determine who is in front of him using any means available. Girls, in turn, are not allowed to say a word or do anything that could give them away.

All the guys are blindfolded in turn, and the girls are swapped. After all participants have voiced their answers, the number of points for each player is calculated and the winner is determined.

Then we do the opposite - we blindfold the girls.

Competition "Beer Checkers"

To carry it out, you need to draw a kind of chessboard with chalk or paint on the asphalt or grass. In each cell you need to place a small glass of beer (for the more daring, you can put cans or bottles of beer). Of course, the packaging should be different.

The players take on a real game of checkers, where the checkers themselves are beer. And when one of the players hits the checker, he must drink its contents as a reward. You cannot refuse your prize - this is perceived as a personal insult.

DIY tent game

This game is perfect for playing somewhere in the forest. All those present must be divided into two teams and given the task of building a real hut. The time should not be stretched, but it is better to limit it to 20-30 minutes. The hut must have strong walls and a roof. A prerequisite is that all team members must fit into it. You can use any materials - sticks, leaves... The team whose hut will be more stable, stronger and can accommodate all participants will win.

“Pass the bag” relay race

Good old-fashioned relay races can also be a great way to have fun.

You need to prepare a small bag of peas or sand. At the venue, draw two parallel lines at a distance of 5-7 meters from each other. Or simply designate them conditionally, where two trees can become the starting point. Next, you need to divide everyone present into 2 teams. Players from both teams line up next to each other near one of the lines. The first participant is placed on his head. Players from both teams start at the same time. The participant must walk with this small bag on his head to the second line, sit down, turn around three times around his axis, return to the team and pass the bag to the next player. If the bag falls during the task, the player returns to the team and performs all the actions again. The team whose members complete the task first will win.

It is interesting to conduct a relay race when everyone present has had a little drink and it will be more difficult to complete the task.

Game "Bring it whole"

For this fun game, you need to divide everyone present into teams of 2 people. One of them will be a cook, and the other a courier. Roles can be assigned by drawing lots. The chef's task is simple. He needs to stand with a conventional frying pan (or a real one) and wait for the courier. But for a courier the task is more difficult. He is given a spoon and a raw egg. The task is to bring the egg, lying in a spoon, which is clamped in the teeth, intact to the cook. The distance between team members must be at least 5 meters. But the more, the better. The team whose courier brings the whole egg first will win.

Game "Time to Jump"

This entertainment is analogous to jumping over a fire. But if jumping over fire is quite dangerous, then jumping over a “log” is very simple, and most importantly, safe for health. For the role of a log, you can choose a person who is fast asleep, who will definitely be found not far from strong drinks. Just remember that you definitely need to jump over the newly made “log” an even number of times, because otherwise it won’t grow J

The main thing in the game is to have time to capture each participant during the jump.

Raffle game “Let’s get into formation together”

Before the start, one leader is selected. Next, all players line up in one line with their backs to the leader. The presenter must walk along all the participants and pat each one on the back or shoulder with his palm. The number of times a person claps is the serial number of a person. After everyone has received their share of claps, the participants must line up in a row, following their serial number. At the same time, no one has the right to utter a word. The whole catch is that the presenter can give the same number of claps to some participants.

It looks very funny when all the participants, winking, stamping their feet and whistling, try to create a formation. So be sure to film it - it will be interesting for the players to watch themselves later.

Game "Pass it to someone else"

You can play it during a meal, when guests are already starting to get a little bored. All participants sit in a circle. One of the players is given a button. He places it on his index finger. Next, he must pass it to the next player without touching this button with his hands - only from finger to finger. And so on in a circle. The participant who was unable to pass the button is eliminated. The game continues until one winner is determined.

At first glance, the game is simple, but in reality it is quite difficult to pass the button. Especially in a noisy, cheerful company that whistles and shouts trying to knock down the players and distract them.

Game "Who's missing?"

It is best to play when the company is large and people in it are unfamiliar. But even when everyone knows each other well, this will not make the game any less interesting. One of the participants is blindfolded. At this time, someone present is hiding. Next, the person who was blindfolded has their eyes untied. He must guess which of the participants is missing, and when he succeeds, he must also describe what he was wearing. You can make the task more difficult. While guessing the missing guest, everyone else should not stand still, but constantly move in order to distract the guessing player.

Game "Matches"

A box of regular matches is poured onto the table. The player must take one match at a time without touching the other. As soon as a match, other than the one the player is pulling, shakes, the right to draw matches passes to another participant. And so on until there is nothing left from a handful of matches. The one who ultimately draws the most matches wins.

Competition "On the contrary"

One leader is selected. Everyone else lines up in a row. The point is to do the opposite. The leader performs a command, and the participants must repeat it exactly the opposite way. For example, if the leader lifts his left leg up, you should lower your right leg down. The participant who makes a mistake becomes the leader. But he will not be able to become a participant again. This is a knockout competition. The winner is the one who does not make a single mistake.

Game "Unusual Figure"

This game is a variation of the well-known charades. One person is selected to be the judge. All those present are divided into teams of two. One of the team members must draw a figure on the back of another participant with his finger. You can make the figure simply imaginary, or you can glue a regular piece of paper on which to draw the figure with a pen, and then simply trace its contours with your finger on the player’s back. Reporting what is depicted is strictly prohibited. Next, the participant must dance, or simply step forward, to depict this figure. All other players must guess what was depicted on the participant’s back. The team whose figure is recognized by the majority of those present wins.

Game "Can you?"

This game also does not require any additional preparation. You just need to take an orange or an apple. Participants must pass it around in a circle, but only their shoulders and chin are allowed to be used. Taking the edible “ball” with your hands is strictly prohibited. The one who loses the “ball” or breaks the rules (touches it with his hands) is eliminated from the game. This continues until there are two winners left.

Game "Spin the Bottle"

You will need a regular bottle and several small sheets of paper. It is desirable that the number of leaves be slightly greater than the total number of all participants. Each player writes 1-2 tasks on a piece of paper, rolls it up and puts it in a bottle. Tasks should be interesting and funny. For example, climb a tree stump and depict an animal drawn in a picture or depict your friend who is present here drunk, etc. Next, spin the bottle and the one to whom it will point must take out one task and complete it.

Game "Interesting dance"

It is advisable that as many people as possible take part. Everyone is divided into pairs, preferably a guy and a girl. Each couple is given a newspaper. They must stand on it so as not to go beyond the limits. The music turns on (you can use your phone) and the couples start dancing. Then the newspaper is folded in half, the music is turned on again and the couples continue to dance. The couple who speaks outside the newspaper leaves the competition. Play tracks with different rhythms.

Game "Lucky"

Suitable for a company that loves strong drinks. The participant is blindfolded. Take three stacks or plastic cups. Vodka is poured into two of them, and ordinary water into the third. The player's task is to drink the contents of one glass and wash it down with another. It’s very funny to watch these, because not everyone is able to drink water with vodka.

If you don’t have enough time to prepare, but you want to entertain your friends and family with something more than just a competition or a game, a quest will be an excellent solution.

12 ready-made various tasks will help you spend an hour and a half with fun and excitement. See more details here.