A set of exercises for losing weight with a fitness ball. Exercises with a gymnastic ball

The fitball, or medicine ball, was created as special equipment for exercise therapy - therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics performed for various diseases: musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiovascular, digestive, etc.

Now what fitball is is known everywhere: training with fitball is a popular type of physical activity in fitness, yoga, Pilates and other areas.

The benefits of using a fitball

You can perform countless exercises with an exercise ball. Fitball can be called the most universal sports equipment: it is used by women and men of any age and weight category, is prescribed as developmental gymnastics for children, and is also used in exercise sets for pregnant women.

Including fitball in your training complex has many positive aspects:

  • improving coordination and correcting posture;
  • exercises on the ball are suitable for losing weight and toning the body: constantly maintaining tension while performing a training complex increases the number of calories burned;
  • exercises with a ball are good for the spine and joints: by removing the load from them, they promote speedy healing and relief from pain;
  • Exercises with a fitness ball bring the necessary variety to the training process, keeping the athlete motivated and interested.

At the same time, the fitness ball is completely safe: a special abs system protects it from rupture under the influence of static and dynamic loads. This allows the fitball to be used safely by overweight people, as well as older people with fragile bones.

Fitball - health ball

Before you start training, you need to choose the right fitness ball:

  • The size of the fitball should correspond to your height: For short people, small models up to 55-60 cm are suitable; tall people will need a larger ball (60 cm or more). A simple check will help determine whether the ball is suitable: we sit on top of it, if a right angle is formed between the legs and thighs, the size is ideal, but if the knees rise above the hips, the fitball is too small;
  • Fitball can have a different surface: smooth balls are a universal option; models with ears are suitable for beginner athletes and children (they are easier to maintain balance on). Balls covered with rubber spikes intensify the flow of blood to the skin, warm up and massage the body during exercise: therapeutic and restorative gymnastics are performed on such fitballs;
  • The degree of density (pumping) of the ball is independently regulated. This way you can vary the load. For effective weight loss, exercises should be carried out on the most elastic fitball: this makes it more difficult to maintain balance and perform exercises. For beginners, it is better to start with exercises on a weakly inflated fitball.

Stretching with a fitball

Before performing exercises on a gymnastic ball, you need to thoroughly warm up and warm up. Stretching can also be done with a fitball: it will act as a support.

Stretching exercises on a fitball:

  • We sit on the ball with our legs spread wide apart and make several bouncing movements, keeping our back straight;
  • We sit on the floor with our legs spread wide apart, take the fitball in our hands, turn our body towards our left leg and reach for our toes, pulling the ball in front of us. Repeat the movement for the right leg;
  • We sit on the fitball with our legs spread wide apart, without lifting our buttocks, tilt our body to the right and reach with the fingers of our left hand towards our right foot. Repeat with the right hand;
  • Starting position “feet shoulder-width apart”, perform 10 full rotations of the body clockwise (then repeat counterclockwise). We hold the fitball at outstretched arms;
  • Sitting on a fitball, we stretch our legs forward, stretching alternately to the left and right legs;
  • We stand with our legs spread as wide as possible, reaching for the fitball, training the cross splits.

Exercises with fitball for legs

A training complex on a fitball for legs must include the following exercises:

  1. Lunges on the ball– an exercise to develop the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, and is also a great way to develop coordination and balance. Execution technique: stand with your back to the fitball, put your foot on it, foot up, step forward with your free front leg 15-20 cm, bending both legs at the knee. The passive leg is relaxed, the active leg is tense: when lunging forward, you need to lower yourself onto your entire foot, while the knee should not go beyond the level of your toes. Hands rest on your hips: if maintaining balance is too difficult, you can lean them on a chair or wall;
  2. Single leg squats: the ball is on the side, we move our leg to the side and place our foot on it. It is necessary to perform 10-20 squats on the left leg, and then repeat everything on the right leg. During execution, make sure that the knees do not go beyond the level of the toes and shift the center of gravity to the heels, maintaining balance;
  3. Squats with fitball: we squat in a wide stance, holding a fitball in our hands raised above our heads. Throughout the exercise, keep your back straight, do not bring your knees past your toes;
  4. Jump Squats: starting position “feet 1.5 shoulder width apart”, perform a squat as in the previous exercise, only jump up from the bottom point, while holding the ball above your head;
  5. Wall Squats: we stand against the wall, leaning on the ball sandwiched between it and our back, squat until it is parallel to the floor, stay in this position for as long as we can, straining our buttocks.

Exercises with a fitball for the buttocks

With the help of a fitball, you can perfectly work out the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh.

The best exercise for the buttocks on a fitball is the gluteal bridge. Technique:

  • We rest the ball against the wall, lower ourselves onto it with our backs, resting our shoulder blades, the lower back and buttocks do not touch the fitball;
  • Place your legs bent at the knees so that your shins are perpendicular to the floor;
  • We lower our hips as low as possible and slowly lift them up, squeezing our buttocks and holding at the top point for a couple of seconds;
  • You can hold your hands behind your head (this will relieve tension from the neck), or place them on your hips;
  • The exercise can be performed with additional weight (a weight plate weighing from 5 to 20 kg, a heavy bottle, a kettlebell). The weights are placed on the hips.

This exercise has 2 effective modifications:

  • Elevated glute bridge: lie with your back on the floor, rest your feet on the fitball and perform the exercise according to the standard pattern. This increases the range of motion and also perfectly loads the muscles of the buttocks, back of the thigh and legs;
  • Leg raises in a bridge: we take any of the above-described initial body positions to perform a “gluteal bridge” (with your back on a fitball, or resting your feet on it), lift one leg, slightly bending it, and pointing your knee up, and perform the exercise, leaning only on one leg. This way you can work the muscles of the left and right half of the body in isolation, increasing the load on the lagging groups.

Exercises with a gymnastic ball for the abs

Using a fitball, you can effectively pump up your abs at home. The list of the best abdominal exercises with an exercise ball includes:

  • Crunches: lean your lower back on the ball, relax your upper shoulder girdle and back. We cross our arms on our chest, our legs are bent. We perform the usual twisting of the body, rounding the back and straining the rectus abdominis muscle;
  • Corner: lie on the floor, resting your shins on the ball (legs form a corner), raise your body and stretch your hands to your ankles, without lifting your lower back from the floor;
  • You can perform abdominal exercises with a fitball on the horizontal bar: put the ball under the horizontal bar, take the starting position in a hanging position, pick up the ball with your feet and perform twisting or lifting your legs to the crossbar (advanced version);
  • Exercises for oblique abdominal muscles: sit on the ball, close your legs and tense your abdominal muscles. We move the clasped legs to the left, and the arms to the right, maintaining balance with the oblique muscles, repeat for the other side.

Abdominal exercises with a fitball can be made even more effective if you add additional weights and reduce the number of repetitions to 10-12. By exercising regularly, eating well and resting, you can quickly pump up your abs.

Exercises on a gymnastic ball for the upper body

Exercises for the muscles of the chest, arms and shoulder body:

  • Push-ups with emphasis on a fitball with normal hand placement: an exercise aimed at working the pectoral muscles, while by changing the position of the hands (so that the fingers folded together look at each other) you can shift the emphasis to the deltoids;
  • Push-ups from the floor with feet resting on a fitball: The exercise targets the upper pectoral muscles and arms. During push-ups, the body must be kept tense: you cannot bend or hunch over;
  • Plank with medicine ball: can be performed with your elbows or shins resting on the ball. Due to the instability of the projectile, this exercise is much more difficult than a regular plank;
  • Reverse push-ups(for triceps).

If you have additional equipment at home, dumbbells, weights, etc., you can train with a fitball even more effectively:

  • Flying or pressing dumbbells in the “lying” position on the ball;
  • Pullovers with a dumbbell: this exercise is much more convenient to perform on a gymnastic ball, rather than on a regular bench;
  • Press dumbbells or a small barbell (for example, a body bar) while sitting on a ball;

Exercises with a fitball for the back

One of the classic exercises for the back on a medicine ball is hyperextension: it strains the back extensors, tones the latissimus and trapezius muscles.

The exercise is performed in the same way as on a Roman chair, only instead of it there is a medicine ball: resting on the ball with your stomach and hips, we lift your chest up, straining your lower back. To prevent yourself from falling, you can secure your feet by tucking them under the sofa slats or resting them against the wall.

An equally effective exercise for the back and buttocks is reverse hyperextension on a fitball:

  • We lie down on the ball with our stomach, resting our relaxed fingers and toes on the floor. We take a body position in which our arms are level with our shoulders (we roll the ball a little until we achieve the desired position). We rest our palms on the floor;
  • Your thighs should touch the ball, pressing tightly against it. We close our legs and slowly lift them up, tensing our core muscles (abs and back extensors). To shift the load on the buttocks, we slightly bend our knees: if “pumping up” the back is of primary importance, the legs need to be raised straight;
  • At the top point of the lift, you need to linger for 2-3 seconds. The number of repetitions and the “pause” time at the top point depends on the athlete’s level of physical fitness.

This exercise can be performed while lying on a bench or any other support (sofa or bed). In this case, the fitball will play the role of an additional load: it must be held between the legs (at the level of the ankles and shins) when performing hyperextensions.

Almost all of the above exercises with a gymnastic ball can be used for both adults and children. If the ball is used during recovery from an injury or serious illness, as well as during pregnancy, the set of exercises should be discussed with your doctor.

Today, almost every woman is dissatisfied with her figure and physique, and tries to correct it in any way, as well as get rid of unnecessary fat deposits on the waist, sides, buttocks and other problem areas. Exercises on a gymnastic ball provide a unique opportunity not only to make your back straight, but also to develop body plasticity and flexibility. For those who want to lose weight, this is an ideal option.

The Swiss ball has just now begun to be used as a special simulator for doing fitness exercises in order to lose weight and transform your body. Several decades ago, fitball, as it is also called, was used only to treat patients with paralysis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Now it is an indispensable exercise machine, and many fitness trainers and their students are convinced of this. Exercises on a fitness ball will significantly transform your figure, making your posture great. In addition, you are guaranteed a wasp waist, a straight back and beautiful buttocks.

Effective exercises on a fitness ball

A special training method on a gymnastic fitball allows you to bring a woman’s body closer to the ideal. Effective ball exercises developed by the best fitness trainers will help you get rid of sagging sides and belly forever, and make your buttocks and thighs firm. In addition, by performing a fitness complex of physical activities, you will correct not only your figure, but also significantly improve your health: after all, exercises with fitball are used in medical practice for patients.

To immediately begin exercises on a gymnastic ball, you need to stretch your muscles, prepare them, and perform warm-up elements. Doing arm circles, jumping rope, or jogging in place for a few minutes will prepare you for effective weight loss exercises.

  1. So, lie on your back to do the ball exercise. Hold a gymnastic ball between your feet with your feet and try to raise your pelvis as high as possible, without lifting your shoulder blades off the floor, and trying not to miss the ball. Next, take the starting position. There should be at least 10 such lifts.
  2. Hyperextension on a gymnastic ball. This special exercise on a ball helps to work out all the muscles of the back and abs. Lie on your stomach on a fitball. Touch the floor a little with your feet, but raise your torso, spread your arms to the sides, and try to close your shoulder blades, bring them together. Next, exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat this 15 times.
  3. And one more exercise, without which a fitness complex with a gymnastic ball would not be complete. Lie on your back, while placing the ball under your knee and above. Gradually lifting your pelvis and aligning your body, roll the ball towards your buttocks. Stay in this state for a few seconds, then roll the fitball back. Do such rollouts with one leg 10 times, and with the other too.

Exercises on a gymnastic ball - fitball

The following set of exercises for weight loss is very effective, ignoring the exercises of which would be an unforgivable mistake for correcting your figure.

  1. With the help of a fitball, you can perform another exercise on a weight loss ball - bending to the sides. Lie on the floor, grab and hold the ball between your legs. Hands on the floor along the body. Tilt your legs with the ball to one side, without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor. Return to the starting position. Do the same in the other direction. And repeat this 10-12 times.
  2. Crunches with an exercise ball will also benefit you. Lie on the floor with the ball under your knees. You grab the fitball with your legs and lift it and your pelvis up. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Do 12 crunches - effective exercises on a weight loss ball.
  3. Using the ball, you can do very effective reverse push-ups: as a result, you will pump up the muscles of your arms. Sit on the ball, rest your hands on it behind your back. Next, you squat, bending your elbows and as if sliding off the ball. Return slowly to the starting position. You need 10 such exercises on a weight loss ball.
  4. You can do push-ups with the ball. They will be much more effective than regular ones, since many muscles of the body are involved. So, take a lying position. Place your feet on a fitball. Do push-ups, bending your elbows. Try to keep your back straight. Do 10 to 20 of these push-ups, depending on your level of physical fitness. Such exercises on a fitness ball will definitely have a positive effect on your figure.
  5. Performing crunches on a fitball is not at all difficult, but effective. Without lifting your feet from the floor, lie down on the ball with your back. Cross your arms in front of you. Raise your body from a lying position without unclenching your arms. To avoid falling, you must control your body by moving your butt back slightly on the ball. Perform 20 such twists. This exercise on a gymnastic ball trains the abdominal and lower back muscles, and also helps to correct the figure in problem areas.

By performing all the exercises in strict sequence, and then in a circle, you will certainly come to success.

Fitball at home or in the gym?

Of course, there are many other methods for losing weight, without using this big ball, but only you - those who want to lose weight - can judge their effectiveness. Exercises on a ball can be performed not only in gyms, since purchasing a fitball is not so difficult and expensive. In addition, you will not need to make a schedule when to allocate time to visit the gym: you will be able to manage your time by working out with the ball at home.

What can you do with this bulky inflatable ball that takes up so much space at home?

In fact, a fitball (that’s what this ball is called) is an excellent tool for keeping your body toned. You perform the exercises in a shaky position, which also forces you to maintain your balance. And this is an additional load on the muscles.

By the way, exercises using balls are often performed by athletes during the rehabilitation period after injuries. This is due to the fact that the ball helps reduce the stress on the muscles and spine compared to conventional exercises.

Before we get to the training, let's decide on the size of the ball that you will be comfortable working with.

Most balls come in three sizes:

  • 55 cm - for those who are 150–160 cm tall;
  • 65 cm - for those who are 160–170 cm tall;
  • 75 cm - for those who are 170–200 cm tall.

Based on this list, you can choose the appropriate one. Or there is another screening test that will help determine the ideal ball size for you. All you have to do is sit astride the ball. If your thighs and shins form a right angle, then this ball is the right size for you.

When performing the exercises that we will discuss below, determine the number of repetitions and approaches depending on your level of training. We recommend performing 3-5 sets of 10-20 repetitions of each exercise. Start with a small amount and then build up the load.

Ready? Go.

Lower body exercises

This group of exercises is designed to work the core muscles of the legs.

1. Squats with a ball over your head

This exercise is based on regular squats, the only difference is that you hold the ball above your head with outstretched arms.

2. Wall Squats

This exercise uses a ball to support your back. During the exercise, it should move from the lower back to shoulder level.

3. Squeezing the ball with your thighs

It may look funny, but the exercise works great for the muscles of the hips and lumbar region. Squeeze the ball to maintain balance. Hold this position for 30–45 seconds.

For this exercise, it is better to use a smaller ball than a regular one.

Lie on the floor, extend your arms perpendicular to your body. Place the lower part of your shin and heel on the ball. Using your abs and buttocks, lift your hips off the floor. You will find yourself in a precarious position, so use your outstretched arms to maintain balance.

Exhale and slowly bring your knees toward your hips so that your feet are on the surface of the ball. Hold this position for a second, then inhale and stretch your legs back out. Always keep your hips weighted to give maximum load to the muscles of the buttocks.

5. Squats while holding the ball in front of you

This exercise simultaneously works the muscles of the arms, abs and legs.

6. Lunges with a ball

When performing this exercise, make sure that the knee of the leg standing on the floor does not go beyond the level of the toe. To maintain balance, you can hold on to a support (for example, a chair).

7. Reverse hyperextension

Upper body exercises

This set of exercises works the muscles of the arms and shoulders.

These aren't just the push-ups you might be used to. This is a more complicated version of them because you have to keep your balance.

9. Plank

Unlike the usual plank, which is performed on the floor, this variation puts even more stress on the shoulders and arms. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds if you can.

10. Reverse ball crunches

Yes, and this effective exercise can be performed on a ball.

12. Triceps curl

13. Spire

Exercises for the torso

This set of exercises with a ball is aimed at loading the muscles of the torso.

14. Ab exercise

In the top position, hold until you count to five, and then slowly lower. The number of repetitions is 6–10 depending on your preparation. Pulling your knees towards your stomach

Starting position as for push-ups. Just instead of bending your elbows, tuck your knees under you and straighten your legs back.

18. Raising your knees while lying on the ball

While performing this exercise, you need to press your knees firmly against each other so that your legs do not move apart. To avoid pain, hold a towel between your knees.

19. Exercise for the oblique muscles of the torso

Sit directly on the ball. Hands behind your head. Bring your legs together and lower your feet to the floor. Then simultaneously move your legs to the right and turn your body to the left. Do 12–15 reps on each side.

20. Bend to the side with the ball

It is useful to finish your abdominal exercises with stretching. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the ball above your head, and keep your back straight. Bend over and bring the ball to the outside of your left leg. Keep your back straight as you bend over. Raise the ball again and lower it to the right side.

Today all fitness clubs are equipped with fitballs. What is it, how to choose the right fitball, does it help you lose weight, exercises on the fitball and answers to other questions can be found in this article! I’m telling you from personal experience, because I have a fitball at home and I often work out on it!

What is fitball?

A fitball is a special ball that is used to perform a wide range of physical exercises. It was originally developed for people with back problems. This ball helped strengthen the corresponding muscles, improve posture, and restore after operations and injuries. The championship in the development of fitball, according to sources, belongs to a Swiss physiotherapist. But soon the ball’s scope of use began to grow, moving beyond the group of rehabilitation equipment. That’s why fitballs began to appear in fitness centers and even at home.

How is fitball useful?

Regular exercise on a fitball is a great way to strengthen the muscles of the whole body, improve posture, deal with problem areas and even lose weight. The result is a toned, slender body.

What exactly do exercises on fitball provide? Replies from:

  • Correct posture: every exercise on a fitball, not to mention specially designed complexes, strengthens the back muscles without overloading it. The muscles that make up the corset for the spine are involved. Physiotherapists note improved posture after regular exercise on a fitball. Try it too!

The fact is that after active physical exercise, you can relax on the fitball itself, stretch your back and all your muscles. This, as I personally think, is the health-improving effect of a fitness ball.

  • Increased endurance and muscle strength: exercises on a fitball involve all muscle groups (tested it on myself). Increases muscle tone and strength.
  • Trained vestibular apparatus and good coordination of movements: even if you only exercise your abs on a fitball, you still need to keep your balance. For the first time, it’s even difficult to perform basic exercises, which look so beautiful and easy in pictures in fashion magazines. The fitball will continually try to roll away from you. You need to get used to being concentrated. Soon you will stop noticing that all your muscles are toned, and you can easily do the second or third repetition of the exercise on the fitball without falling off it.
  • Flexibility: Fitball exercises allow you to very effectively stretch your muscles and knead your joints.
  • In addition, exercises on a fitball, namely the shock-absorbing function of the ball, relieve the spinal column, improve metabolism and blood supply to all parts of the body, internal organs, and strengthen the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems.
  • Good mood: practicing with a big bright ball is very fun and interesting)

Fitball is the only apparatus whose exercises require simultaneous coordinated motor work. vestibular, visual and tactile apparatus.

I would like to note that exercises on a fitball are not exhausting and are quite gentle (unless, of course, you do not take into account special aerobic complexes on). They do not put “wrong” load on the legs and back. For this reason, people can exercise on a fitball different ages, gender and health status. Nowadays, ball exercises for infants and pregnant women are very common. Elderly people in European countries are not far behind them. This direction is just developing here. Exercises on a fitball can be performed by people with varicose veins.

Probably every person at the beginning of classes was afraid that the ball would burst. Do not be afraid! A properly selected fitball will support not only your weight, but also more!

Fitball exercises. Contraindications

Despite the miraculous effect of fitball on the entire body, exercises on it still have some contraindications. Doctors do not recommend exercising on a fitness ball for those who have: severe diseases of the cardiovascular system; herniated discs; pathologies of internal organs.

I would like to note that there are different techniques for performing exercises on a fitball. You can choose the ones that are most suitable for your case. There are calmer complexes, there are strength and cardio workouts that promote weight loss (of course, with a normal daily routine). Before you start exercising on a fitball, consult your doctor and trainer! Also choose the time when you.

As I already noted, a fitball correctly selected in size will contribute to good training results. Yes, and it’s more convenient to practice on it. On a ball that is too large, the exercises will not be performed fully; you will roll off it and not reach the floor with your feet and hands (in a lying position, sitting). A small ball will put a lot of stress on your legs and joints and will slip out. Therefore, there are two main ways to determine the size of the fitball you need.

Method one. Sit on a fitball. Place your feet together in front of you, keep your back straight. In this case, the angle at the knee joint should be exactly 90 degrees. It is worth noting that the degree of “inflation” of the fitball plays a role in this. The ball should not be hard, and on the contrary, it should not bend much under your weight. Perhaps you need to deflate or inflate the fitball a little, then the desired degree will be equal to 90 degrees.

Method two. This method is more accurate and correct, in my opinion. This way you can even buy a ball as a gift. All you need is the person's height.

Fitballs differ in diameter. There are balls from 45 to 85 centimeters in diameter. Each indicator corresponds to a certain human height.

I present to you table “How to choose a fitball”, where the first column will contain the size (diameter in centimeters) of the fitball, and the second column will contain the corresponding human height:

  • 45 cm – below 152 cm
  • 55 cm – from 152 cm to 164 cm
  • 65 cm – from 164 cm to 180 cm
  • 75 cm – from 180 cm to 200 cm
  • 85 cm – from 200 cm

Each ball indicates the maximum permissible weight of a person. You can jump, lie on your fitball - it won’t burst)

There are several types of fitballs:

    • a simple smooth ball is the most common option for fitness clubs and for home use;
    • ball with ears - for additional support and balance (most often used for children's activities and for exercises by pregnant women);
    • ball with knobs - massage fitball.

The fitball is inflated with a special pump, which is often included (manual). You can buy a fitball at any sports equipment store or online store. Prices vary depending on the manufacturer, size, configuration and purpose.

Fitball exercises. I want a slim and toned figure!

All exercises on a fitball can be collected in complexes. There are a huge number of them: to improve flexibility, to strengthen the back muscles, for the abs, for the legs, for the arms, for tightening the buttocks, for working the pectoral muscles and shoulder muscles... There are countless types of exercises: twisting, planking, walking, turns, push-ups, passing the ball, squats, bridges, lunges and others. In addition, you can combine exercises on a fitball with, for example, exercises with dumbbells.

Doing exercises on a fitball CORRECTLY is not easy. Especially at the beginning of your acquaintance with a sports instrument. Maintaining balance, straining all your muscles so as not to fall off the ball, and even performing turns, twisting or planks requires a lot of effort. Therefore, exercises on a fitball lose weight they help too. As a result, you will get not only a slim, but also a toned body with beautiful reliefs (you need to add and to REGULAR exercises).

I offer you several useful video exercises on fitball. Full body exercises:

Fitball exercises for weight loss. Very energetic workout:

Do you use fitball? What results have you achieved?

Girls and women who take care of themselves, regardless of age, pay great attention to their figure, doing everything possible to make it slim and attractive. For this purpose, they visit gyms and fitness centers, because physical exercise will allow them to correct their figure in problem areas. Particularly popular are exercises with a fitness ball, which can be performed even while at home, without special training.

This special device is often called a fitball or gymnastic ball. Regular exercise with a fitness ball has a positive effect on the body, namely:

  • muscle tone increases;
  • body flexibility develops;
  • coordination improves;
  • fat deposits are burned.

In order for exercises on the ball to be beneficial, it is important to choose the right indispensable device. For this purpose, it is better to visit sporting goods stores, where sellers must provide a table of the optimal ratio of the diameter of a gymnastic ball and the height of the athlete.

Rules for practicing on a gymnastic ball

A set of specially designed and selected exercises on a gymnastic ball for fitness will only be beneficial if you follow some important rules. First of all, you should adhere to these recommendations from experts:

  1. Classes should be held regularly, without long breaks. To achieve a positive result, it is enough for fitness training to take place 2-4 times a week.
  2. You cannot overexert your body, so you need to take a break between exercises. Depending on the level of physical fitness and endurance of the body, training can last 30-60 minutes.
  3. You can try several methods of fitness, because this sport is quite diverse, so each person will certainly find the most suitable exercises for himself.
  4. To make your workouts enjoyable every time, you need to diversify them by choosing new exercises with a fitness ball.
  5. As you know, only the correct technique for performing exercises with a gymnastic ball will benefit from the exercises, so you must first either visit a fitness center or watch a video.

Exercises for perfect abs

By performing a set of abdominal exercises, all muscles are worked out, thanks to which you can achieve your goal much faster than with other physical activities. Experts recommend performing the following abdominal exercises:

  1. Starting position: sit on a fitball, rest your feet on the floor, cross your arms over your chest. Move your feet forward so that your back is on the ball, your knees are under your ankles, and your head should be supported. Then slowly raise your upper body until you feel tension in your abdominal muscles and return to the starting position. Repeat 1-2 times at the beginning of training, eventually increasing the number of approaches to 10.
  2. Starting position: lie with your back on the floor, hold the ball with your ankles, keep your legs straight, and grab some support with your hands. Then bend your knees and smoothly pull them towards your chest, without releasing the ball. Hold for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise up to 10 times.
  3. Starting position: lie on your back, legs straight, take a fitball in your hands and lift it above your head. In this position, slowly lift your head, shoulders and back off the floor and pull your hands with the ball towards your feet. Then smoothly lower your upper body to the floor, raising your straight legs with the ball up. Grab the ball with your hands and lift it above your head again. Repeat these steps up to 10 times.

By regularly exercising on a gymnastic fitness ball, you can make your stomach flat and elastic in a short time.

Exercises for back muscles

A set of exercises aimed at strengthening the back muscles allows every girl to have a beautiful, proud posture. Proper exercise on a gymnastic ball strengthens not only the upper muscles, but also the deeper tissues.

The following set of exercises on a gymnastic ball is popular:

  1. The exercise is performed against a wall: you need to lie on the ball with your stomach, hips and chest down, with your feet resting against the wall. Your arms should be extended forward and folded in front of your chest, with your elbows turned to the sides. Raise your head; if possible, try to tilt it back as much as possible. You should stay in this position for 10 seconds and take the starting position. For beginner athletes, one approach is enough, but over time the number needs to be increased to 4. It is important that there is a break of 30-60 seconds between approaches.
  2. Lie with your stomach on the ball, rest your feet on the floor, cross your arms behind your head, keep your back straight. You need to slowly lift your body up, trying to maintain balance. Having arched your back as much as possible, hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position. The exercise should be repeated 10 times. To begin with, 1 approach is enough, but over time, when the body becomes more resilient, increase the number of approaches to 4.
  3. The exercise should be performed on a ball, holding dumbbells weighing no more than 2 kg. Lie on the ball with your stomach down, place your knees on the floor, press your pelvis to the ball. Take dumbbells in your hands and try to spread them as far apart as possible, raising your shoulders. While in this position, you must try to turn your body to the left, then to the right, and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

How to strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks?

By performing a special set of exercises with a ball for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, you can adjust the existing shapes and sizes to the desired proportions. After training, your buttocks will become firmer and rounder, and your hips will become slimmer. Using an exercise ball, you can also reduce your hip circumference by several centimeters.

The following exercises are considered effective:

  1. This exercise is the simplest, but at the same time quite effective. To perform it, you need to sit on the ball and jump on it, without lifting your buttocks from it and your legs from the floor. Jumping should be energetic, only then will all the gluteal muscles tense.
  2. Lie on your back, hold the ball with your calves and heels. Then raise the pelvis, bend your legs at the knees and roll the ball as close to the buttocks as possible, return the fitball to its previous position using socks. When performing the exercise, it is necessary to strain the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks as much as possible.
  3. Stand with your back to the wall, with the ball behind your back. In this position, do squats, going down as much as possible. Such exercises will strengthen the muscles of the back and buttocks.

Interesting and simple activities, when done correctly, will benefit the whole body. You just need to choose the right fitball and exercises aimed at training a specific muscle group.