Gazmanov died photos from the accident. What happened to Oleg Gazmanov latest news

Oleg Gazmanov is a Soviet and Russian singer, musician and composer, who gave the world the immortal hits “Squadron”, “Esaul”, “Sailor”, “Officers” and dozens of other compositions full of genuine patriotism and heartfelt lyrics.

Oleg Gazmanov’s hits “Squadron”, “Esaul”, “Sailor”, the soulful songs “Officers”, “Wait”, “Mama” won the hearts of millions of music lovers in the post-Soviet space. The patriotism and lyrics of Gazman’s compositions touch the hidden strings in everyone’s soul. Not every performer can do this, but only those who are talented.

Why is Gazmanov criticized?

A lot of bad people, probably receiving money from the West, speak negatively about Gazmanov. But it should be noted that this does not adversely affect the singer’s health. For example, when Gazmanov sang the song “Gentlemen Officers” in front of veterans, many considered it offensive, because in the USSR everyone was comrades, and class enemies were called gentlemen. But no secret curses affected the singer’s artistic career; Oleg Gazmanov didn’t even raise an eyebrow and very soon rousedly sang “Esaul-Esaul, why did you abandon your horse.”

Oleg Gazmanov is a creative person. At one time he supported Yeltsin in the “Vote or Lose” tour, and in 2014 - Putin. But this did not negatively affect Gazmanov’s creativity and condition; on the contrary, he was even able to wean his son Rodion in England.

Therefore, undoubtedly, this wonderful artist is worthy of much greater state awards; he is like the voice of the conscience of the Russian people, awakening love for their Fatherland and ancestors. Without the past, there is no future, and without Gazmanov, there is no modern Russian culture.

Whatever happens to Gazmanov, people will always remember him as an exceptionally honest, talented and deeply sincere artist with memorable voice abilities. And when Gazmanov dies (let him live another 100 years),

Oleg Gazmanov: admitted to foul language

Oleg Gazmanov became a guest of the Central Television program. It was about his half-century anniversary on stage, his fame, his talents. Speaking about how to achieve popularity, Gazmanov made an unexpected confession. He believes that for the sake of “hype” one can swear on stage, but the singer himself considers this disrespect... for Russian swearing.

“I went to sea for three years, I know such expressions - probably Shnur’s (Sergei Shnurov, leader of the Leningrad group) ears would curl up. But I won’t do this, because I really respect and protect Russian swearing,” Gazmanov said. - “You need to swear, you can’t talk in it. Children in schools now use swear words.”

According to the performer, this neutralizes the power and strength of the word.

“It sounds impudent to men, but disgusting to children and women,” says the artist.

Oleg Gazmanov: Fans were surprised by the similarity between Gazmanov’s stepson and Sergei Mavrodi

Oleg Gazmanov wrote in his microblog on Instagram that his website now has a mobile version and posted a photo of himself with Philip - “with my youngest...”.

Oleg Gazmanov crashed in a car accident in 2019? Is it true that the singer was buried long ago, and his double is jumping around the stage to the soundtrack? It is known that singers performing patriotic songs largely earn good money thanks to government orders. The same Kobzon would hardly have been able to afford treatment in Italy if he had not received substantial fees for speaking on public holidays.

The situation is similar with Oleg Gazmanov, who, at the height of his patriotic spirit, never leaves television screens. His name is promoted; not a single military or national holiday is complete without performances by the artist. If Oleg Gazmanov suddenly died, the patriotic segment of show business would be under threat. After all, Kobzon is also many years old, and Rastorguev physically would not be able to work out all the concerts, especially on May 9.

Therefore, after rumors that Oleg Gazmanov crashed in a car accident in 2019, some could assume that his double was jumping around the stage, performing the famous songs “How could you leave a friend gay-gay-gay” or “In the gorilla of victory today as of old” to the plywood. But in reality, of course, all this is not true. The rumor was fanned by the media against the backdrop of a report in which it was reported that Gazmanov’s namesake had crashed in a car. Moreover, Oleg Mikhailovich feels great.

In general, the news of the death of many domestic singers, despite the immorality of this kind of thinking, is received with enthusiasm by many. This is probably due to television shows that feature the same faces over decades. It seems that apart from pop music of the 80s, Russian culture is not capable of showing anything. Naturally, this is not so; on YouTube you can find many talented musicians and singers who, even without government support, solely thanks to their work and talent, gain millions of views.

To summarize, it can be noted that Oleg Gazmanov not only did not crash in a car accident, but is alive, well, and actively touring. Moreover, judging by the singer’s biography, even if the power in Russia changes 180 degrees, he will not disappear from the stage. Just like Nikita Mikhalkov from the film industry.

Judging by Gazmanov’s interview, as well as the “Let’s Go” program, where the film crew went on tour with him, the singer has no bad habits, he actively engages in sports and breathing exercises. Therefore, the Russian public will listen to his highly spiritual songs for decades to come. Gazmanov is alive! And he will live.

Reports of the death of Oleg Gazmanov appeared after a road accident in the Perm region in October 2017. However, the artist was not injured, feels well and continues to perform. He has a huge number of songs and awards in his arsenal; most likely, they will not be the last.

False information that Oleg Gazmanov had died appeared after an accident that occurred on October 17, 2017. Although the artist himself and his troupe were not injured, rumors about his death instantly spread across the Internet.

Gazmanov's speech refuting rumors

The first mention of the fact that Oleg Gazmanov passed away appeared after a nighttime accident that occurred on the highway in the Usolsky district of the Perm Territory. The artist's car fell into a pothole with reinforcement sticking out of it. The car received a nailed wheel, no one was injured.

That same evening, Oleg posted a video message on his Instagram page confirming the information, the coordinates of the ill-fated pit and a recommendation to other motorists to be careful.

Reason for death news

Oleg Tabakov, Mikhail Zadornov, Joseph Kobzon - all these people were patriots of Russia and passed away quite recently. First of all, it was against the backdrop of these tragic events that reports began to appear in the press that Oleg Gazmanov, an open supporter of the current government, was in a terrible accident and received injuries incompatible with life. A little later, information began to appear about a cancer disease, which in the near future will deprive Russians of their “esaul”.

Today Gazmanov actively participates in concert activities, leads a healthy lifestyle and strongly recommends that everyone do the same.

On his Instagram page, Oleg posted a photo where he stands with Nikolai Rastorguev, holding a cigarette in his hand. As he explained to his subscribers, he took it away from the lead singer of the Lyube group, scolding him for smoking a lot.

Biography of the singer and composer

The popular performer was born on July 22, 1951 in the town of Gusev, Kaliningrad region, in the family of a military builder and a doctor. An active life position and successful musical activities have led to multiple awards and nominations.

Childhood, study

Gazmanov spent his childhood in post-war Kaliningrad, every yard of which reminded of the past war. Several times, as a child, Oleg and his friends found war trophies that could cost him his life.

After graduating from school, he enters a higher educational institution of marine engineering, where in the evenings he sometimes picks up a guitar. Having received a diploma, he is drafted into the army, from where he returns after 3 years. He enters graduate school, writes his PhD thesis, but changes his mind about continuing scientific work.

At the end of the 70s. studies at the Kaliningrad Music College. He begins performing with a guitar in a hotel restaurant and in instrumental ensembles. The long-standing dream of moving to the capital comes true in 1983. Oleg comes to the city and brings with him many of his own poems and grandiose plans for the future.


In fact, the start of the singer’s musical career began with the founding of the “Squadron” group in 1989. The group’s songs became hits and were able to partially move foreign compositions from Soviet discos.

The release of his debut solo album “Squadron,” filled with his own songs, further strengthened the artist’s popularity. Subsequently, the author of the compositions was officially and unofficially recognized as the best in his genre.

You can see the achievements in the table below.

“What kind of Lord? Where did he get them? In the hall there are mainly WWII veterans. and officers of the Russian Armed Forces addressing each other as “Comrade”. The military were called gentlemen only under the Tsar,” such statements were heard in the Kremlin Palace, at a concert dedicated to Victory Day.

Social activity

At the peak of his youth, he actively supported B.N. Yeltsin in his election campaign. After United Russia came to power, he regularly participates in candidate debates, speaking out in favor of V.V. Putin. Subsequent activities occur in the following sequence:

  • 2012 participates in the recording of the Russian anthem.
  • 2013 engaged in preparatory work for the Sochi Winter Olympic Games.
  • 2014 signs a collective letter from cultural representatives as a sign of solidarity with the political activities of the President of the Russian Federation in Ukraine and Crimea.
  • 2018 again participates in the presidential election campaign, acting as a proxy for candidate V.V. Putin.

Awards and sanctions

The above-mentioned active life position of Oleg Mikhailovich became the reason for numerous awards received for his activities.

Table 2: All possible rewards
State Public Departmental and regional
"Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" Master of Arts in Popular Music Medal "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth"
"People's Artist of the Russian Federation" "Order of Universal Children's Love" Medal "Army General Margelov"
Knight of the Order of Honor Honorary title of Lieutenant Colonel of the St. George Cadet Corps Medal "In Memory of Heroes of the Fatherland"
Knight of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland, IV degree" Kuzbass Prize Medal "Participant of the military operation in Syria"
Knight of the Order of Friendship Medal "For the liberation of Crimea and Sevastopol" Prize of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow" Title "Honorary Citizen of Kaliningrad"
Jubilee medal “300 years of the Russian Navy” Title "Honorary Citizen of Saratov"

Such intense political activity was the reason that Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine considered Oleg dangerous for their “territorial integrity” and closed the border to him.

I consider the sanctions that I fell under to be a manifestation of a threat to the common cultural and business heritage and cooperation between neighboring states. With these words Gazmanov responded to the closure of the border.

Personal life

The artist married 2 times, the first wife, Irina, lives in Kaliningrad, and she is connected with the artist by their common son Rodion. The family broke up in 1997.

The 2nd, Marina Muravyova, whom Oleg met in December 1997, was the wife of Vyacheslav Mavrodi, brother of Sergei (founder of MMM). In 2003, they legalized their relationship, and six months later their daughter Marianna was born. From his first marriage he has a son, Philip, adopted by Gazmanov.

Any information that Oleg Gazmanov died is erroneous. The artist feels great and continues to be actively involved in musical and political activities.


A report about an accident, which states that the artist was not injured.

Fans of Russian popular music are in a fever again. Alarming messages about the famous singer Oleg Gazmanov appeared on the Internet. What happened to Gazmanov, you can read the latest news about him and his family in our article.

What happened to Gazmanov Sr.?

On the pages of news sites there were rumors that the beloved singer had allegedly died. He was in a terrible car accident and died as a result of his injuries.

I would like to reassure fans of his talent. This is another duck, one of those that often appear on the Internet lately. To make sure of this, just go to his page on one of the social networks.

A couple of days ago, the composer and artist posted photos from his vacation. Judging by the comments, he is in the Maldives with his family. Oleg looks quite healthy and happy. He tells fans how he spends his time and shares his impressions. And I didn’t even forget to congratulate my friend Lev Leshchenko, who recently celebrated his 75th birthday, with warm birthday wishes.

So there can be no doubt Gazmanov is alive, will soon return to Moscow and continue working. His tour of Russian cities will begin in February and will last until mid-April.

Events a year ago

Such frightening news appears all the time. Many public people end up in obituaries alive. Why and who needs this? Very simple. The death of a famous person attracts a lot of attention.

Unscrupulous website owners, who do not want to spend a lot of time and money to promote their pages, throw out similar canards on them. People, having seen hot news, visit them, thus increasing traffic.

But this is not always the case. Exactly a year ago there was already deadly news about Oleg. And again a terrible accident. In this case it was a matter of a fatal coincidence. His namesake, the street racer, really crashed, and the yellow press just took advantage of the moment.

If you look at the news chronicles, it becomes clear that Oleg is buried almost every year. Well, this suggests that interest in his work does not disappear, he is popular and thereby attracts interest from the media.

Oleg Gazmanov and the accident

Indeed, the singer was in an accident once. This was in 2016. After the concert, Gazmanov did not drive himself because he was very tired. He was driven home by a personal driver. They were driving quite fast, in a hurry and did not notice that there was a traffic jam ahead.

The driver had to brake sharply to avoid a collision. But it still happened, although not strong. The artist was busy and writing something on his laptop, maybe he didn’t wear his seat belt. Not having time to react in time, I couldn’t resist, hit my head on the armrest. There were no serious injuries, just a large black eye.

But Oleg didn’t even cancel the concert, he performed it in sunglasses. This case - Truth , but few have written about it. And everything else is deception and fiction.

We wish the singer good health, creative success and good mood, which even sad news from newspapers and magazines will not spoil.

Star Son - Rodion

Oleg already has an adult son, and everyone knows him well. From an early age he performed with his father, sometimes singing along on stage. And later he entered the big stage himself.

His performance with the composition “Lucy” was shown in the then-favorite program “Morning Mail” by many viewers.

Here is the same episode, the performance of the young singer begins at 22 minutes:

This episode was hosted by Alla Pugacheva. Listeners loved the song so much that they had to release a record, which sold several million. So Rodion became a small star.

However, the young talent did not have a musical education, and there was no particular desire to become an artist. The boy did not graduate from music school, dropping out a year before receiving his documents. I studied only at home with a teacher.

Already at an older age, he entered the Financial Academy, where he received a diploma with honors. After that, he worked by profession as a financial analyst in a large retail chain.

But recently Rodion left the business in order to pursue music. He participates in the television project “The Voice” and has released a solo album.

What happened to Rodion Gazmanov?

Rodion is also a constant target for journalists. His personal life and health are under constant media control.

Recently there were reports that he was admitted to hospital. Indeed, the young performer was poisoned by low-quality products and was admitted to a hospital for treatment.

After this, the Internet was again filled with alarming messages. What happened again? It’s okay, Gazmanov Jr. lost his voice and can’t perform yet.

But, judging by the fact that his concert will take place very soon in the Kremlin Palace, everything is fine with his health. Yes, the boy grew up and became a completely independent person. He has not yet started a family, although he is already 35 years old.

Many people are interested in why this happened. In an interview, the singer said that he takes this issue extremely seriously. Looking for one for life. At the same time, the girl should not be like modern women from show business. She must be smart and educated.

The most important indicator for a suitable girl, in his opinion, is the presence of grammatical errors in speech, since this is an important indicator that speaks about her culture. But no one has yet passed the strict exam, and the young man’s heart remains free.

We hope that we have reassured fans of the star family who are asking what happened to Gazmanov. Latest news: they have Everything is fine, life goes on as usual, the creative process does not stop for a minute. We are waiting for new concerts, projects and albums.

Video about Gazmanov and his condition

In this video, Oleg Gazmanov himself in the “Evening Urgant” program will tell you that everything is fine with him, and nothing happened to him: