Модерн токинг перевод названия группы на русский. Тексты песен Modern Talking

Топик по английскому: Henry FordHenry Ford

Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863 to William and Mary Ford. He was the first of six children. He grew up in a rich farming household in Dearborn, Michigan. He enjoyed a typical childhood, spending his days in a one-room schoolhouse and doing farm chores. Ever since he was young, he showed an interest for the mechanical aspect of things, and how they worked and functioned. He used to take things apart and put them back together to get an idea of the inner workings of basic mechanical tools (Nevins, 47 - 50).

In 1879, at a young age of 16, he left his home to travel to the near by city of Detroit to work as an apprentice for a machinist. He occasionally returned home to work on the farm. He remained an apprentice for three years and then returned to Dearborn. During the next few years, Henry divided his time between operating and repairing steam engines, finding occasional work in Detroit factories, and working on his fathers broken down farm equipment, as well as lending an unwilling hand with other farm work. Henry got married to Clara Bryant in 1888 Henry supported himself and his wife by running a sawmill (Collier, 145 - 152).

In 1891, Henry became an engineer with the Edison Illumination Company. This was an important event in his life because it signified that he had made a conscious career move into industrial pursuits. He was promoted to Chief Engineer in 1893. This gave him enough time and money to devote attention to his personal experiments on internal combustion engines (Lacey 13 - 14).

The high point of this research came with the completion of his own self-propelled vehicle, the Quadricycle. This bike had four wire wheels and was steered with a tiller, like a boat. It had two forward speeds, and no reverse. Although this was not the first self-propelled vehicle, it set Henry Ford as one of the major pioneers whom helped this nation become one of motorists (Head 22 - 24).

Ford decided that he wanted to become an automobile manufacturer. After two unsuccessful tries, Ford motor company was finally incorporated in 1903 with Henry Ford as the Vice President and Chief Engineer. When the company first started it was only producing a few cars a day at the Ford factory on Mack Avenue in Detroit. A group of two or three men would work on one car from components made to order by other companies (Lewis 99 - 100)

Ford realized his dream of producing an automobile that was reasonable priced, reliable and efficient with the introduction of the Model T in 1908. This vehicle iniated a new era in personal transportation. It was easy to operate, maintain, and could handle rough roads. It was also very reasonably priced at 850 dollars. The cars sold fast and for the first time, the middle class could afford a car. By 1920, about 4 million Model T"s were sold (Lewis, 103 - 105).

The model T revolutionized America in many different ways. For example, while the Model T was in production, the assembly line was used on a large scale. The assembly line was a powered chain that brought the chassis of the car to each of its parts. The parts were then attached to the chassis of the car and moved on to the next station. It usually took fourteen hours to build one Model T, and with the assembly line it only took six. Henry built a huge factory based on the assembly line. The assembly line added more jobs and significantly lowered the cost of production (Nevins, 65 - 67).

Since the assembly line, Ford was able to produce many more cars than usual, therefore increasing profits. Since the profits were increased, Henry was able to raise the workers" salaries from $2.50 an hour to $5.00 an hour. He also cut the workday to only eight hours a day, making the workers very happy. People from all over the nation tried to get a job working at the Ford Motor Company because the wages were so good. Also since the assembly line increased profits, Henry was able to sell Model T"s for a cheaper price. In 1915, the price of the Model T"s went down to $490 (Lacey, 27 -29).

Fords assembly lines didn"t always manufacture cars. In early 1941 the Ford was granted government contracts whereby he was to manufacture parts for bombers and later, the entire airplane. He then launched the construction of a huge plant at Willow Run, Michigan. By the end of the War, the plant had manufactured more than 8000 planes (Collier, 160).

In the period of 1937 to 1941, the Ford Company became the only major manufacturers of automobiles in the Detroit area that had not recognized any labor unions as the collective bargaining representative of employees. The company was later found guilty of repeated violation of the national Labor Relations Act (Nevins, 69 -70).

Henry Ford was active in many other fields besides those of automobile and airplane manufacturing. In 1915, he had world peace on his mind. He chartered a peace ship, which carried him and a number of like-minded individuals to Europe, where they attempted without success to persuade the close-minded to end WWI (Lacey, 33).

While still working at his company, Henry was also nominated for the U. S. Senate for the state of Michigan in 1918, though he was defeated. In 1919 Ford laid out 7.5 million of his own money to erect the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit (Head, 27 - 28).

As Ford was getting older, he retired from the active direction of his gigantic enterprise in 1945. Two years later, on April 7 1947, Ford died in Dearborn, Michigan. Ford left behind a personal fortune estimated between 500 and 700 million (Lacey, 20-21).

In conclusion, Henry Ford was a very important part of our society. He was responsible for many inventions, including the Model T. His biggest contribution was revolutionizing and perfecting the assembly line.

Henry Ford (1863–1947) was an industrialist who changed the face of automobile manufacture in America, becoming the epitome of American Capitalism. He lent his name to ‘Fordism’ – efficient mass production.

Henry Ford Early Life

Henry Ford was born in 1863 on a farm in rural Michigan, near Detroit. From an early age, he expressed an interest in mechanical devices. He was given a pocket watch at the age of 15, and he developed a reputation for being an experienced watchmaker.

Shortly after his mother passed away, Henry left the family farm to seek employment in Detroit. He worked his way up to becoming an engineer at the Edison Illuminating Company. By 1893 he had become chief engineer and gained the recognition and encouragement of Thomas Edison. Henry Ford retained a deep affection for throughout his life.

It was working as chief engineer at Edison’s that he was able to work on a petrol drive quadricycle. His testing was successful, and this enabled him to develop the quadricycle into a small car; this proved the basis for the famous Model T motor car introduced in 1908. The Ford Motor Company was formed in 1903 with the backing of $28,000 from various investors.

Working Practices of Henry Ford

Henry Ford astonished the industrial world by offering a daily wage of $5 a day. Even by today’s prices that was a very good salary. This wage was far above what anywhere else offered. At a stroke, it solved the problem of labour turnover and encouraged the best workers to come and work for Ford. Through paying high wages, Ford was able to encourage the highest level of labour productivity. Although many criticised his seemingly over-generous pay, he also pointed out, that the high wage helped the workers to be able to afford the cars they were making.

However, Henry Ford was hostile to the role of trades unions. For a long time, he battled against the trades unions, refusing to have anything to do them. However, by 1941, with the workers on strike, his wife encouraged him to capitulate to the United Auto Workers (UAW).

It was Henry Ford who also revolutionised the production line processes. He helped to develop the assembly line method of production and was always seeking to cut costs. Although he did not ‘invent’ the assembly line, he did make one of the most successful commercial applications of its potential. This led to his decision to give customers any colour they choose so long as it was black.

“Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.” – My Life and Work (1922) Chapter IV, p. 71

The motive for insisting on black was because black was the quickest colour to dry and therefore the cheapest.

The impact of the assembly line was to help reduce the cost of the Model T motor car. It helped Ford become the dominant firm in the motor car industry. An estimation from 1932 suggested Ford was producing 33% of the world’s automobile production.

Henry Ford had a dislike of war. He helped to fund a peace ship to Europe in 1915 and spoke out against the ‘vague financiers who encourage war’. He never really got involved in the Second World War effort, though he allowed other officials in the Ford company to transform Ford into one of the biggest military plane builders in the war.

Henry Ford also subscribed to various anti-semitic pamphlets. Although he later apologised for some of his anti-semitic views, admired Henry Ford. Ford is the only foreigner mentioned in Mein Kampf. Hitler wanted Volkswagen to mirror the production techniques and philosophy of Ford Motor company.

Henry Ford was also noted for some of his inspirational self-improvement quotes – emphasising hard work and self-sufficiency.

“You will find men who want to be carried on the shoulders of others, who think that the world owes them a living. They don’t seem to see that we must all lift together and pull together.”

As quoted in Wisdom & Inspiration for the Spirit and Soul (2004) by Nancy Toussaint, p. 85

Towards the end of his life, he spent considerable time with his friend Thomas Edison , who moved into West Orange, New Jersey.

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Modern Talking были немецким дуэтом поп-музыки, состоящим из певца, композитора и продюсера Dieter Bohlen (Дитера Болена) и певца Thomas Anders (Томаса Андерса). Это была единственная настолько успешная поп-группа в Германии (по продажам).
Сформированные в конце 1984 года (Андерсу тогда был 21 год), они неожиданно стали очень привлекательны благодаря своему диско-хиту "You"re My Heart, You"re My Soul", который тогда сопровождался песнями "You Can Win If You Want" и "Cheri, Cheri Lady". Они выпускали по два альбома в год, с 1985-го по 1987-ой годы, также продвигая их синглы по телевидению по всей Европе. После распада их в 1987 году, дуэт воссоединился в 1998-ом. Болен и Андерс снова расходятся в 2003-ем из-за непримиримых разногласий (надо сказать, что они никогда не были друзьями). Томас Андерс немедленно начал соло-карьеру, в то время как Болен стал посвящать большую часть своего времени новым талантам.
Modern Talking были успешны в Европе, Азии, Южной Америке и некоторых африканских странах. В Соединенном Королевстве они достигли десятки лучших только однажды с песней "Brother Louie" (1986-ой год, №4 в Великобритании). Они были почти неизвестны в Северной Америке по господствующим стандартам, никогда не появлялись в чартах и из-за нехватки поддержки от компании грамзаписи и отсутствия времени не смогли продвинуть их музыку. Композитор Дитер Болен использовал очень простую лирику и интеллектуально разработанную, основанную на синтезаторе музыку, которая была вне моды в США перед появлением там коллектива Modern Talking и даже перед их формированием. Песни перед первым расколом производились в стиле, который может быть неопределенно описан как Европейская Дискотека, которая создавалась под влиянием немецкоязычной музыки "Schlager", а также романтичных англоязычных песен итальянского и французского происхождения.
После воссоединения их в 1998 году Болен спродюсировал Eurodance, а также баллады в американском стиле. Глобальные продажи группы Modern Talking достигли 120 миллионов единиц, согласно рейтингу BMG от июня 2003 года, и они стали самой крупной музыкальной группой Германии, добившейся таких массовых продаж. Дитер Болен также работал и с другими артистами, в то время как существовал Modern Talking, среди них Chris Norman (Крис Норман) из Smokie, песня которого "Midnight Lady" ("Полуночная Леди") (1986 года) остается самой популярной композицией Болена. Он также написал большое количество простых диско-треков для C.C.Catch ("House of Mystic Lights"), использовав ускоренный, менее романтичный звук. Некоторые английские песни Болена, как "You"re My Heart, You"re My Soul", были также записаны и с немецкой лирикой Mary Roos (Мэри Роос), использовавшей те же музыкальные треки. Когда Modern Talking распался в 1987 году, многие песни, написанные для последнего альбома, перешли в первый соло-альбом Дитера Болена, который появился почти в то же самое время. Среди этих песен - его восхитительный первый соло-сингл "Sorry Little Sarah". Соло-проект Болена был назван Blue System. В то время большинство слушателей не могло привыкнуть к "изменившемуся" голосу, в то время как музыка осталась той же.
Успех Blue System в Германии снизился после третьего альбома, которому выбрали неправильную песню в качестве второго сингла, а Болен позже признал, что он потерял связь с событиями на музыкальной сцене. Томас Андерс удерживал песни Modern Talking в своем репертуаре и руководил своей соло-карьерой ("Independent Girl"). Болен в свою очередь написал две автобиографических книги, одна из которых была продана тиражом в миллион копий, а ее продолжение было в большой степени раскритиковано за его несправедливость к людям, с которыми он работал. Он сочиняет музыку, но не издает ее в настоящее время из-за того, что в последние годы «сверхдозировал» собой аудиторию. У Андерса появился первый, а у Болена - его четвертый ребенок.
Другие факты из биографии группы:
Их хит ""Cheri Cheri Lady"" становился №1 в 11 странах, среди которых Израиль, Германия, Австрия и Греция.
Их хит ""Brother Louie"" оставался в чартах Великобритании 8 недель.
В 2001 году коллектив группы завоевал награду как лучшая группа Германии в Манчестере.
1985 год – выходит альбом ""The first album"", а также ""Let"s talk about love"".
В 1986-ом - ""Ready for romance"" и ""In the middle of nowhere"".
1987 год. ""Romantic Warriors"" и ""In the garden of Venus"".
1998 –ой стал годом выпуска ""Back for good"".
В 1999 году вышел ""Alone"".
2000 год. Выходит ""Year of the dragon"".
2001 год - ""America"".
В 2002-ом году появляется ""Victory"".
В 2003-ем - ""Universe"".
Хронология выпущенных альбомов группы Modern Talking:
1987 The Modern Talking Story.
1988 Best Of Modern Talking.
1988 You"re My Heart, You"re My Soul.
1988 Romantic Dreams.
1988 Greatest Hits Mix.
1989 Hey You.
1989 The Greatest Hits Of Modern Talking.
1991 The Collection.
1991 You Can Win If You Want.
1994 You Can Win If You Want (новая версия)
2000 You"re my heart, you"re my soul
2001 Selected Singles "85-"98
2001 The Very Best Of Modern Talking
2002 Best Of Modern Talking (новая версия)
2002 The Golden Years (3xCD)
2002 We Still Have Dreams – The Greatest Love Ballads of Modern Talking
2003 Romantic Dreams (новая версия)
2003 Let"s talking! a Best of Modern Talking
2002 The Final Album

Tonight. They"ll be no darkness tonight.
Hold tight, let your love light shine bright.
Listen to my heart, and lay your body next to mine.
Let me fill your soul, with all my dreams.

You"re a woman. I"m a man.
This is more than just a game.
I can make you feel so right.
Be my lady of the night.
You"re a woman. I"m a man.
You"re my fortune. I"m your fame.

These are things we can"t disguise.
Be my lady of the night.
Lay back. Back in my tenderness.
And take. Take all of my sweet caress.
You"ve got all of me. It can"t go wrong if you agree.
Soon two hearts will beat in ecstasy.


Сегодня вечером. Они не будет ни тьма сегодня.
Держись крепче, пусть светит ваша любовь свет яркий.
Слушайте моем сердце, и ложись рядом с моим.
Позволь мне почувствовать твою душу, со всеми моими мечтами.

Ты женщина. Я человек.
Это больше, чем просто игра.
Я могу сделать вас чувствовать себя так хорошо.
Будь моей леди ночи.
Ты женщина. Я человек.
Ты моя судьба. Я твоя воля.

Эти вещи мы не можем спрятать.
Будь моей леди ночи.
Лег на спину. К моей нежности.
И принять. Возьмите всю мою сладкую ласки.
У вас есть все от меня. Она не может пойти не так, если вы согласны.
Вскоре два сердца будут биться в экстазе.

Первый куплет:

Outside the gates of Heaven,
Oh, there lives a unicorn.
I close my eyes to seven.
Oh, this world is not my home.

A broken heart in danger
And a pillow filled with tears.
Oh, can you see the strangers
In the pain and in the fears?

Can you feel my heart?
Baby, don\"t give up.
Can you feel my love tonight?

In hundred years love is illegal.
In hundred years from now.
In hundred years love is illegal
In this lonely heartbreak town.

All your dreams will die.
In hundred years love is illegal,
And your hope will not survive.

Hear, my heart is beating.
L.O.V.E., love is illegal in my heart.
Hear, my heart is beating.

Второй куплет:

You\"re looking through a fire.
Computers everywhere.
Oh, you\"re a shotgun rider.
Controllers here and there.

And you read old loveletters
Drawning in the sea.
Oh, baby, it doesn\"t matter.
Oh, you\"ve lost all what you feel.

Can you feel my heart?
Baby, don\"t give up.
Can you feel my love tonight?

Подстрочный перевод И. Редикульцева:

По ту сторону райских врат
Живёт единорог.
Я закрыл глаза навеки.
Этот мир - не мой дом.

Разбитое сердце находится в опасности,
И подушка полна слёз.
Видишь ли ты чужаков
В окружении боли и страхов?

Чувствуешь ли ты моё сердце?
Дорогая, не сдавайся.

Через сто лет от сего дня.
Через сто лет любовь прекратит своё существование
В этом одиноком городке разбитых сердец.

Через сто лет любовь прекратит своё существование.
Все твои мечты умрут.
Через сто лет любовь прекратит своё существование,
И твоя надежда не выживет.

Ты слышишь, как оно бьётся?
Л.Ю.Б.О.В.ь, любовь прекратит своё существование, а моё сердце,
Ты слышишь, как оно бьётся?

Второй куплет:

Ты глядишь сквозь пламя.
Кругом компьютеры.
Ты находишься под прицелом.
Ты всегда под контролем.

Ты читаешь старые любовные письма,
Утопая в море.
Но это не значит ничего,
Если лишился всего, что прежде чувствовал.

Чувствуешь ли ты моё сердце?
Дорогая, не сдавайся.
Почувствуешь ли ты мою любовь сегодня вечером?

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